
The Network Services Location Manager provides high-level and low-level functions for searching for network services:

This chapter describes the high-level Network Services Location Manager functions as well as the low-level Network Services Location Manager functions.

Registering and Deregistering Services

If your application only needs to register a network service, it can call the following Network Services Location Manager functions NSLHexEncodeText and without NSLStandardRegisterURL without having to call any other Network Services Location Manager functions.

The NSLHexEncodeText utility function encodes any characters that are not allowed in URLs that may occur in a URL that will be passed as a parameter to NSLStandardRegisterURL. For example, the space character in http://myserver.com/User Path is not allowed in URLs, and it needs to be encoded as %20. The parameters for calling NSLHexEncodeText are

OSStatus NSLHexEncodeText (
    char* rawText,
    UInt16 rawTextLen,
    char* newTextBuffer,
    UInt16* newTextBufferLen,
    Boolean* textChanged);

The rawText parameter points to the string containing the portion of a URL that is to be encoded. For example, when passed a string consisting of User Path, NSLHexEncodeText will return a string consisting of User%20Path. The rawTextLen parameter contains the length of the string pointed to by rawText.

When NSLHexEncode returns, the newTextBuffer parameter points to the encoded string, and the newTextBufferLen parameter contains the length of that string. The textChanged parameter indicates whether any encoding was done and is TRUE if the string pointed to by newTextBuffer contains encoded characters.

The NSLStandardRegisterURL function registers network services. The parameters for calling NSLStandardRegisterURL are

OSStatus NSLStandardRegisterURL (
    NSLPath urlToRegister;
    NSLNeighborhood neighborhoodToRegisterIn);

The urlToRegister parameter is a null-terminated character string containing the URL to register.

The neighborhoodToRegisterIn parameter specifies the neighborhood in which the service is to be registered. If the neighborhoodToRegisterIn parameter is NULL, the Network Services Location Manager determines the neighborhoods in which to register the service. For this version of the Network Services Location Manager, applications almost always pass NULL as the value of this parameter, thereby allowing the Network Services Location Manager to determine the appropriate local neighborhood in which to register the service.

The NSLStandardDeregisterURL function deregisters services that have been registered and is typically called when the system is shutting down. The parameters for calling NSLStandardDeregisterURL are

OSStatus NSLStandardDeregisterURL (
    NSLPath urlToDeregister;
    NSLNeighborhood neighborhoodToDeregisterIn);

The urlToDeregister parameter is a null-terminated string containing the URL to deregister.

Using the NSLStandardGetURL Dialog Box

The NSLStandardGetURL function searches for neighborhoods and services, and displays a movable modal dialog box that lists the services and URLs that were found. The user can select a URL, and that URL is returned to the calling application.

Figure 2-1 shows the dialog box that NSLStandardGetURL displays.

Figure 2-1  Expanded dialog box displayed by NSLStandardGetURL

Clicking the up and down arrows of the At pop-up menu displays a list of favorite servers, recent servers, and neighborhoods from which users can make a selection.

The left column lists the available neighborhoods and the right column lists the servers in the selected neighborhood. The selected item in each column reflects the current selection in the At pop-up menu.

The current selection of the Show pop-up menu determines the type of service that is displayed in the At pop-up menu and the two columns. Users can use the Show pop-up menu to choose other service types (HTTP, AFP, WebDav, or FTP servers). If only one service is specified, the Show pop-up menu does not appear.

Clicking the “Add to Favorites” button adds the URL for the server that is selected in the right column to the user’s Favorites folder in the Finder and causes the server to appear in the At pop-up menu. To remove a Favorite, the user selects the “Remove from Favorites” item in the At pop-up menu, which causes a dialog box to appear. The dialog box lists all of the favorites and allows the user to select a favorite and remove it by clicking the Remove button.

The user can also type a URL in the Address text field. If the Address field is not empty when the user clicks the Connect button, the content of the Address field overrides the selection in the At pop-up menu.

To connect to the selected server or to connect to the URL specified in the Address text field, the user clicks the Connect button, which causes the dialog box to be dismissed and the selected URL to be returned to the calling application.

If the user clicks the Cancel button, the dialog box is dismissed and no URL is returned to the calling application.

Applications that call NSLStandardGetURL can control the following features of the dialog box that NSLStandardGetURL displays:

The parameters for calling NSLStandardGetURL are

OSStatus NSLStandardGetURL (
    NSLDialogOptions* dialogOptions,
    NSLEventUPP eventProc,
    void* eventProcContextPtr,
    NSLURLFilterUPP filterProc,
    char* serviceTypeList,
    char** userSelectedURL);

The dialogOptions parameter is pointer to an NSLDialogOptions structure whose fields specify the appearance of the dialog box, including the title of the dialog box, button names, whether instructional text is displayed, and whether the Address field is displayed. Call the NSLGetDefaultDialogOptions utility function to set your NSLDialogOptions structure to the default values; then modify your NSLDialogOptions structure as desired.

The eventProc parameter points to an application-defined system event callback function that the Network Services Location Manager calls so that your application can handle events that may occur while the NSLStandardGetURL dialog box is displayed. If eventProc is NULL, your application will not receive update events.

The eventProcContextPtr parameter points to a value that the Network Services Location Manager passes to your system event callback function so that your application can associate any particular call of NSLStandardGetURL with any particular call of its system event callback function.

The filterProc parameter is a value of type NSLURLFilterUPP that points to an application-defined callback function that your application can use to filter the results that the NSLStandardGetURL dialog box displays.

The serviceTypeList is a null-terminated string of tuples that specifies the services that are to be searched for. You can use the serviceTypeList parameter to specify custom icons that are displayed for each service that is found. If you do not specify custom icons, default icons are displayed.

The userSelectedURL parameter points to a address in memory. When NSLStandardGetURL returns, userSelectedURL points to the URL of the service that was selected when the user clicked the button that by default is labeled “Connect” or points to the URL specified in the Address field. If the user clicks the button that by default is labeled “Cancel,” the value of the userSelectedURL parameter is a null pointer when NSLStandardGetURL returns. Be sure to deallocate the memory allocated for the URL by calling NSLFreeURL when you no longer need the URL.

If a error occurs, the Network Services Location Manager calls NSLErrorToString to get a description of the error and a solution string and then displays a dialog box containing the error description and solution string.

Using a Network Services Location Manager Session

Call NSLOpenNavigationAPI to open a session with the Network Services Location Manager. The NSLOpenNavigationAPI function returns a client reference that you use to prepare a search request.

Preparing for a Search

Call NSLMakeNewServicesList to prepare a comma-delimited list of services that you want to search for, such as http,ftp. If you prepare a services list and later want to add another service to it, call NSLAddServiceToServicesList.

Call NSLPrepareRequest to create a search request. The following must be provided as parameters to NSLPrepareRequest:

  • the client reference you received when you opened the Network Services Location Manager session

  • a pointer to your application’s notification routine, which will be called when search results have been collected

  • a pointer to an NSLClientAsyncInfo structure, which has fields you can use to change the conduct of searches that use the resulting search request

On output, NSLPrepareRequest provides a pointer to an NSLClientAsyncInfo structure. You can use the following fields in the NSLClientAsyncInfo structure to control the way in which searches are conducted:

  • maxSearchTime, the maximum time in ticks that is to be spent on the search; zero means that the search time is not limited

  • alertInterval, the time in ticks at which your application’s notification routine is to be called even if the search is still in progress; zero means that there is no interval

  • alertThreshold, the number of items placed in the result buffer at which your application’s notification routine is to be called even if the search is still in progress; most applications set alertThreshold to 1

Starting a Search

To search for neighborhoods, call NSLStartNeighborhoodLookup. The parameters for calling NSLStartNeighborhoodLookup are:

  • the request reference created by calling NSLPrepareRequest

  • NULL to get default neighborhoods or a neighborhood value created by calling NSLMakeNewNeighborhood to get the names of neighborhoods related to the name specified in the neighborhood value

  • a pointer to the NSLClientAsyncInfo structure that was provided as a parameter to NSLPrepareRequest

To search for services, call NSLStartServicesLookup. The parameters for calling NSLStartServicesLookup are:

  • the request reference created by calling NSLPrepareRequest

  • NULL to search for top-level services or a neighborhood value created by calling NSLMakeNewNeighborhood to search for services in the neighborhood specified by the neighborhood value

  • a request parameter block created by calling NSLMakeServicesRequestPB; before calling NSLMakeNewServicesPB, you must call NSLMakeNewServicesList to make a services list, which specifies the services, such as http or ftp, that you want to search for

  • a pointer to the NSLClientAsyncInfo structure that was provided as a parameter to NSLPrepareRequest

Processing Search Results

If you set the maxSearchTime, alertInterval, and alertThreshold fields of your NSLClientAsyncInfo structure to 0, 0, and 1, respectively, your application’s notification routine is called whenever a search result is placed in the resultBuffer field of the NSLClientAsyncInfo structure.

Certain fields in the NSLClientAsyncInfo structure are used when a search is in progress. The fields are:

  • resultBuffer, which points to the buffer in which the Network Services Location Manager places search results

  • bufferLen, which reflects the number of bytes of valid data currently stored in resultBuffer

  • maxBufferSize, which contains the maximum length in bytes of resultBuffer

  • totalItems, which contains the number of individual search results currently stored in resultBuffer

  • searchState, which describes the state of the search. The state can be that the result buffer is full, the search is ongoing, the search is complete, or the search is stalled

  • searchResult, which consists of an NSLError structure whose theErr field may contain a result code that, depending on the state of the search, can help you decide whether to continue the search

  • searchDataType, whose value is kNSLNeighborhoodLookupDataEvent if your notification routine was called as a result of a neighborhood search or kNSLServicesLookupDataEvent if your notification routine was called as a result of a neighborhood search

Your notification routine can use the searchDataType field to determine whether it should call NSLGetNextNeighbor or NSLGetNextUrl to process the result buffer.

If there are more search results to get, the search is continued when your notification routine returns. Depending on the contents of the result buffer, the value of the searchState and searchResult fields, you may decide to cancel the search by calling NSLCancelRequest. Note that you should not cancel the request from your notification routine.

When you no longer need a request reference, free the memory associated with it by calling NSLDeleteRequest, which also deallocates the NSLClientAsyncInfo structure associated with the deleted request reference. You’ll also want to deallocate memory for any neighborhood values, services lists, and parameter blocks. The utility functions for deallocating memory are described in the next section, “Using the Network Services Location Manager Utility Functions.”

Using the Network Services Location Manager Utility Functions

In addition to NSLMakeNewNeighborhood, there are several Network Services Location Manager utility functions for working with neighborhood values. The utility functions that work with neighborhood values are

  • NSLCopyNeighborhood, which makes a copy of a neighborhood value

  • NSLGetNextNeighborhood, which obtains a pointer to the next neighborhood in a result buffer and the length of that neighborhood

  • NSLGetNameFromNeighborhood gets the name from a neighborhood value

  • NSLGetNeighborhoodLength gets the length of a neighborhood value

In addition to NSLMakeServicesRequestPB and NSLMakeNewServicesList, there are several utility functions for working with request parameter blocks and services lists. The utility functions that work with request parameter blocks are

  • NSLServiceIsInServiceList, which determines whether a service is in a service list

  • NSLAddServiceToServicesList, which adds a service to a services list

There are several Network Services Location Manager utility functions for working with URLs. The utility functions that work with URLs are

  • NSLGetServiceFromURL, which gets the service portion of a URL

  • NSLGetNextUrl, which obtains a pointer to the next neighborhood in a result buffer and the length of that neighborhood

Closing a Network Services Location Manager Session

Before closing a Network Services Location Manager session, you should free memory allocated for neighborhood values, services lists, request parameter blocks, and request references. The functions and utility functions for deallocating memory are

  • NSLFreeNeighborhood, which disposes a neighborhood value

  • NSLDisposeServicesList, which deallocates the memory associated with a services list

  • NSLFreeTypedDataPtr, which deallocates the memory associated with a request parameter block

  • NSLDeleteRequest, which deallocates the memory associated with a request reference, as well as the NSLClientAsyncInfo structure associated with the request reference

To close a Network Services Location Manager session, call NSLCloseNavigationAPI.