Hotspot Helper Command Handling Details

This chapter describes how the various commands should be handled by the Hotspot Helper. The terms helper and application are used interchangeably to refer to the application that is working as a Hotspot Helper.


The kNEHotspotHelperCommandTypeFilterScanList command is issued to all helpers when the Wi-Fi network list is presented to the user.

The helper uses the networkList property of the command wNEHotspotHelperCommand to retrieve the list of nearby Wi-Fi networks. Each Wi-Fi network is represented by a NEHotspotNetwork object. For any network that the helper can handle, it annotates the NEHotspotNetwork and adds it to a new list. When the list is complete, it creates an NEHotspotHelperResponse and annotates it using the setNetworkList: method. If the Hotspot Helper is unable to handle any of the nearby networks, it provides a response without invoking the setNetworkList: method.


The kNEHotspotHelperCommandTypeEvaluate command is issued as part of the authentication state machine. The application is expected to evaluate the current network and give an indication of its ability to handle the network. Properties of the current network are accessed via the network property of the NEHotspotHelperCommand object. The type of the network property is an NEHotspotNetwork. The NEHotspotNetwork provides access to various Wi-Fi properties, including SSID and BSSID.

The evaluation performed by the helper could be a simple table lookup, or it could involve sending network traffic to further examine the network. It is critical that the helper respond accurately and not claim networks that it does not recognize.

The helper has at most 45 seconds to perform the evaluation. As soon as one helper provides a response indicating that it handles the network with high confidence, the responses from all other helpers are ignored. The helpers that have not responded yet go back into the background. This is to ensure that there are no unnecessary delays getting onto the network.


The kNEHotspotHelperCommandTypeAuthenticate command is issued to the chosen helper that was deemed best in the Evaluating state.

The helper is expected to perform whatever network operations are required to take the network out of captivity. The helper has 45 seconds to perform the authentication. If authentication is successful, the helper provides an NEHotspotHelperResponse that indicates kNEHotspotHelperResultSuccess and the state machine transitions to the Authenticated state.

If the helper determines that the network is not one it can actually handle, it returns a result of kNEHotspotHelperResultUnsupportedNetwork. In this case, the state machine adds the helper to the exclude list and transitions back to the Evaluating state.

If the helper encounters a fatal failure, it returns kNEHotspotHelperResultFailure. The Wi-Fi network is disassociated, and auto-join on that network is disabled. If the helper encountered a temporary failure, it returns kNEHotspotHelperResultTemporaryFailure. The Wi-Fi network is disassociated, but auto-join on the network is not disabled.

If the helper requires user input to continue, it creates a UILocalNotification to draw the user’s attention and returns kNEHotspotHelperResultUIRequired.

This table summarizes how the various result codes are interpreted:

Authenticate result


Next state


Authentication successful; interface no longer captive; ready for general internet traffic.



Not actually a network handled by the helper.



A temporary error occurred; auto-join not changed.



User interaction is required.


kNEHotspotHelperResultFailure (or any other result)

A fatal error occurred; auto-join disabled.



The kNEHotspotHelperCommandTypePresentUI command is issued after the chosen helper returns kNEHotspotHelperResultUIRequired in the Authenticating state. The application has unlimited time to respond to this command. This command does not cause the application to run in the background.

After user interaction and authentication is complete, the helper provides a result of kNEHotspotHelperResultSuccess and the state machine transitions to the Authenticated state.

If the helper determines that the network is not one it can actually handle, it returns a result of kNEHotspotHelperResultUnsupportedNetwork. This result causes the authentication state machine to add the helper to the exclude list and transition back to the Evaluating state.

If the helper is not successful, it returns kNEHotspotHelperResultFailure.

The following table summarizes how the result values are interpreted:

PresentUI result


Next state


Authentication successful; interface no longer captive; ready for general internet traffic.



Not actually a network handled by the helper.



A temporary error occurred; auto-join not changed.


kNEHotspotHelperResultFailure (or any other result)

A fatal error occurred; auto-join disabled.



The kNEHotspotHelperCommandTypeMaintain command is issued to the chosen helper in two instances:

The helper has 45 seconds to send a response.

If the helper returns kNEHotspotHelperResultSuccess, the state machine transitions back to the Authenticated state.

If the helper returns kNEHotspotHelperResultAuthenticationRequired, the state machine transitions back to the Authenticating state to have the plug-in perform the authentication.

If the helper returns kNEHotspotHelperResultFailure, the state machine transitions back to the Evaluating state.

The following table summarizes how the result values are interpreted:

Maintain Result


Next State


Operation successful.



Network requires authentication.


kNEHotspotHelperResultFailure (or any other result)

An error occurred.



The kNEHotspotHelperCommandTypeLogoff command is issued to the chosen helper to initiate its logoff processing. Currently this command is provided to the helper after it invokes the NEHotspotHelper logoff: class method:

 (BOOL)logoff:(NEHotspotNetwork *)network;

The network object must correspond to the currently authenticated Wi-Fi network. The helper must also be the one that performed the authentication. If those conditions are not met, this function returns FALSE.

After the helper successfully invokes the logoff: method, the authentication state machine enters the LoggingOff state and a command of type kNEHotspotHelperCommandTypeLogoff is passed to the helper’s handler block.

The helper has 45 seconds to respond to the command. Once the helper responds to the command, or 45 seconds have elapsed, the Wi-Fi network is disassociated and the authentication state machine enters the Inactive state.