
This manual describes version 4.0 of the programming interface for creating QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) modules. This version of the programming interface is compatible with QuickTime Streaming Server version 5.

QTSS is an open-source, standards-based streaming server that runs on Windows NT and Windows 2000 and several UNIX implementations, including Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, and the Solaris operating system. To use the programming interface for the QuickTime Streaming Server, you should be familiar with the following Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) protocols that the server implements:

This manual describes how to use the QTSS programming interface to develop QTSS modules for the QuickTime Streaming Server. Using the programming interface described in this manual allows your application to take advantage of the server’s scalability and protocol implementation in a way that will be compatible with future versions of the QuickTime Streaming Server. Most of the core features of the QuickTime Streaming Server are implemented as modules, so support for modules has been designed into the core of the server.

You can use the programming interface to develop QTSS modules that supplement the features of the QuickTime Streaming server. For example, you could write a module that

Server Architecture

The Streaming Server consists of one parent process that forks a child process, which is the core server. The parent process waits for the child process to exit. If the child process exits with an error, the parent process forks a new child process.

The core server acts as an interface between network clients, which use RTP and RTSP to send requests and receive responses, and server modules, which process requests and send packets to the client. The core server does its work by creating four types of threads:

Figure 1-1 summarizes the relationship between clients, the core server’s threads, and server modules.

Figure 1-1  Server architecture

Because the server is largely asynchronous, there needs to be a communication mechanism for events. For instance, when a socket used for an RTSP connection gets data, something has to be notified so that data can be processed. The Task object is a generalized mechanism for performing this communication.

Each Task object has two major methods: Signal and Run. Signal is called by the server to send an event to a Task object. Run is called to give time to the Task for processing the event.

The goal of each Task object is to implement server functionality using small non-blocking time slices. Run is a pure virtual function that is called when a Task object has events to process. Inside the Run function, the Task object can call GetEvents to receive and automatically dequeue all its current and previously signaled events. The Run function is never re-entered: if a Task object calls GetEvents in its Run function, and is then signaled before the Run function completes, the Run function will be called again for the new event only after exiting the function. In fact, the Task’s Run function will be called repeatedly until the all the Task object’s events have been cleared with GetEvents.

This core concept of event-triggered tasks is integrated into almost every Streaming Server subsystem. For example, a Task object can be associated with a Socket object. If the Socket gets an event (through a select() notification or through the Mac OS X Event Queue, the corresponding Task object will be signaled. In this case, the body of the Run function will contain the code for processing whatever event was received on that Socket.

Task objects make it possible for the Streaming Server use a singlethread to run all connections, which is the Streaming Server’s default configuration on a single processor system.


The Streaming Server uses modules to respond to requests and complete tasks. There are three types of modules:

Content-Managing Modules

The content-managing modules manage RTSP requests and responses related to media sources, such as a file or a broadcast. Each module is responsible for interpreting the client’s request, reading and parsing their supported files or network source, and responding with RTSP and RTP. In some cases, such as the mp3 streaming module, the module uses HTTP.

The content-managing modules are QTSSFileModule, QTSSReflectorModule, QTSSRelayModule, and QTSSMP3StreamingModule.

Server-Support Modules

The server-support modules perform server data gathering and logging functions. The server-support modules are QTSSErrorLogModule, QTSSAccessLogModule, QTSSWebStatsModule, QTSSWebDebugModule, QTSSAdminModule, and QTSSPOSIXFileSystemModule.

Access Control Modules

The access control modules provide authentication and authorization functions as well as URL path manipulation.

The access control modules are QTSSAccessModule, QTSSHomeDirectoryModule, QTSSHttpFileModule, and QTSSSpamDefenseModule.


The Streaming Server supports the following protocols:

  • RTSP over TCP. The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a client-server multimedia presentation control protocol designed to provide efficient delivery of streamed multimedia over IP networks. RTSP provides a basis for negotiating unicast and multicast transport protocols, such as RTP, and negotiates codecs in a file format independent way. It works well for large audiences as well as single-viewer media-on-demand. RFC 2326 defines the IETF standard for RTSP.

  • RTP over UDP. The Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP) is a packet format for multimedia data streams. RTP is used by many standard protocols, such as RTSP for streaming applications and SDP for multicast applications. It provides the data delivery format for RTSP and SDP. RFC 1889 defines the IETF proposed standard for RTP.

  • RTP over Apple’s Reliable UDP. If an RTP client requests it, the server sends RTP packets using Reliable UDP. Reliable UDP is a set of quality of service enhancements, such as congestion control tuning improvements, retransmit, and thinning server algorithms, that improve the ability to present a good quality RTP stream to RTP clients even in the presence of packet loss and network congestion. For more information, see Reliable UDP.

  • RTSP/RTP in HTTP (tunneled). Firewalls often prevent users on private IP networks from receiving QuickTime presentations. On private networks, an HTTP proxy server is often configured to provide users with indirect access to the Internet. To reach such clients, QuickTime 4.1 supports the placement of RTSP and RTP data in HTTP requests and replies, allowing viewers behind firewalls to access QuickTime presentations through HTTP proxy servers. For more information, see Tunneling RTSP and RTP Over HTTP.

  • RTP over RTSP (RTP over TCP). Certain firewall designs and other circumstances may require a server to use alternative means to send data to clients. RFC 2326 allows RTSP packets destined for the same control end point to be packed into a single lower-layer protocol data unint (PDU), encapsulated into a TCP stream, or interleaved with RTP and RTCP packets. Interleaving complicates client and server operation and imposes additional overhead and should only be used if RTSP is carried over TCP. RTP packets are encapsulated by an ASCII dollar sign ($), followed by a one-byte channel identifier (defined in the transport header using the interleaved parameter), followed by the length of the encapsulated binary data as a binary, two-byte integer in network byte order. The stream data follows immediately, without a CRLF, but including the upper-layer protocol headers. Each $ block contains exactly one RTP packet. When the transport is RTP, RTCP messages are also interleaved by the server over the TCP connection. By default, RTCP packets are sent on the first available channel higher than the RTP channel. The client may request RTCP packets on another channel explicitly. This is done by specifying two channels in the interleaved parameter of the transport header. RTCP is used for synchronization when two or more streams are interleaved. Also, this provides a convenient way to tunnel RTP/RTCP packets through the TCP control connection when required by the network configuration and transfer them onto UDP when possible.

In addition, the following modules implement HTTP:

  • QTSSAdminModule

  • QTSSMP3StreamingModule

  • QTSSWebStatsModule

  • QTSSHTTPStreamingModule

  • QTSSRefMovieModule

  • QTSSWebStats

  • QTSSWebDebugModule


When a module needs access to a request’s RTSP header, it gains access to the request through a request object defined by the QTSS.h API header file. For example, the RTSPRequestInterface class implements the API dictionary elements accessible by the API. Objects whose name ends with “Interface”, such as RTSPRequestInterface, RTSPSessionInterface, and QTSServerInterface, implement the module’s API.

The following interface classes are significant:

  • QTSServerInterface — This is the internal data storage object tagged as the QTSS_ServerObject in the API. Each of the QTSS_ServerAttributes in the API is declared and implemented in this base class.

  • RTSPSessionInterace — This is the internal data storage object tagged as the qtssRTSPSessionObjectType in the API. Each of the QTSS_RTSPSessionAttributes in the API is declared and implemented in this base class.

  • RTPSessionInterface — This is the internal data storage object tagged as the QTSS_ClientSessionObject in the API. Each of the QTSS_ClientSessionAttributes in the API is declared and implemented in this base class.

  • RTSPRequestInterface — This is the internal data storage object tagged as the QTSS_RTSPRequestObject in the API. Each of the QTSS_RTSPRequestAttributes in the API is declared and implemented in this base class.


Figure 1-2 shows how the objects in the server reference each other.

Figure 1-2  Server object data model

The server object has a a dictionary of preferences. The server owns a list of modules each with a dictionary for their preferences. The server owns a list of RTP client sessions, each of which can have an RTSP session and one or more RTP media streams. It is possible to use the API to walk all of the server’s the live sessions and streams.

  • QTServer is the core server object, some of which is accessible through the API and the QTSServerInterface base class.

  • Dictionary is a data storage base class that implements key and value access to object data. This base class is inherited by all server objects defined by the API.

  • Module is a class for managing modules. Each module instance is responsible for loading, initializing, and executing a static or dynamic API module.

  • RTSP and RTP sessions. Reads and writes are managed by the sessions through a stream object. The RTSP session calls each of the modules in their registered RTSP role fromthe session’s RTSPSession::Run method. The API module roles that are called are QTSS_RTSPFilter_Role, QTSS_RTSPRoute_Role, QTSS_RTSPAuthenticate_Role, QTSS_RTSPAuthorize_Role, QTSS_RTSPPreProcessor_Role, QTSS_RTSPRequest_Role, QTSS_RTSPPostProcessor_Role, and QTSS_RTSPSessionClosingRole. The RTSP session also calls modules in their QTSS_RTSPIncomingData_Role. The RTP session handles the following role calls as well as data reads and writes: QTSS_RTPSendPackets_Role, QTSS_RTCPProcess_Role, and QTSS_ClientSessionClosing_Role. For more information about roles, see Module Roles.

Applications and Tools

The Streaming Server comes with the following applications and tools:

  • PlayListBroadcaster

  • MP3Broadcaster

  • StreamingProxy

  • QTFileTools (POSIX and Mac OS X only; not maintained)

  • WebAdmin

  • qtpasswd


PlaylistBroadcaster broadcasts QuickTime, MPEG4, and 3GPP streaming files to a streaming server, such as QuickTime Streaming Server, which then reflects the media to clients. This lets you create a virtual radio station or TV broadcast that appears to users as a live broadcast of the media.


The MP3Broadcaster application broadcasts an MP3 file as if it were a live broadcast.


POSIX and Mac OS X only.


QTFileTools are movie-inspection utilities that use the QTFile library. The utillities are:

  • QTBroadcaster. This utility requires a target IP address, a source movie having one or more hint track IDs, and an initial port. Every packet referenced by the hint track(s) is broadcast to the specified IP address.

  • QTFileInfo. This utility requires a source movie. It displays the movie’s name, creation date, and modification date. If the track is a hint track, the utility also displays the total RTP bytes and packets, the average bit rate and packet size, and the total header percentage of the stream.

  • QTFileTest. This utility requires a source movie. It parses the Movie Header Atom and displays a trace of the output.

  • QTRTPGent. This utility requires a source movie having a hint track ID. It displays the number of packets in each hint track sample and writes the RTP packets to a file named track.cache.

  • QTRTPFileTest. This utility requires a source movie having a hint track ID. It displays the RTP header (TransmitTime, Cookie, SeqNum, and TimeStamp) for each packet.

  • QTSampleLister. This utility requires a source movie and a track ID. It displays the track media sample number, media time, data offset, and sample size for each sample in the track.

  • QTSDPGen. This utility requires a list of one or more source movies. It displays the SDP information for all of the hinted tracks in each movie. Use the -f option to save the SDP information to the file moviename.sdp in the same directory as the source movie.

  • QTTrackInfo. This utility requires a source movie, a sample table atom type (stco, stsc, stsz, or stts) and a track ID. It displays the information in the sample table atom of the specified track.

The following example displays the chunk offset sample table in track 3:

./QTTrackInfo -T stco /movies/mystery/.mov 3


WebAdmin is a Perl-based web server. Connect a browser to it, and you can administer the server.


The qtpasswd application generates password files for access control.

Source Organization

The Streaming Server source code is written entirely in C++ and pervasively uses object-oriented concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism. Almost exclusively, there is one C++ class per .h / .cpp file pair, and those file names match the class name.The Streaming Server source is organized as follows:


This directory contains the core server code, which can be divided into three subsystems:

  • Server core. Classes in this subsystem are prefixed by QTSS. QTSServer handles startup and shutdown. QTSServerInterface stores server globals and compiles server statistics. QTSSPrefs is a data store for server preferences. QTSSModule, QTSSModuleInterface, and QTSSCallbacks are classes whose sole purpose is to support the QTSS module API.

  • RTSP subsystem. These classes handle the parsing and processing of RTSP requests, and implement the RTSP part of the QTSS module API. Several of the classes correspond directly to elements of the QTSS API (for instance, RTSPRequestInterface is a QTSS_RTSPRequestObject). There is one RTSP session object per RTSP TCP connection. The RTSPSession object is a Task object that processes RTSP related events.

  • RTP subsystem. These classes handle the sending of media data. The RTPSession object contains the data associated with each RTSP session ID. Each RTPSession is a Task object that can be scheduled to send RTP packets. The RTPStream object represents a single RTP stream. Any number of RTPStream objects can be associated with a single RTPSession. These two objects implement the RTP specific parts of the QTSS module API.


This directory contains a toolkit of thread management, data structure, networking, and text parsing utilities. Darwin Streaming Server and associated tools use these classes to reduce repeated code by abstracting similar or identical tasks, to simplify higher level code through encapsulation, and to separate out platform-specific code. Here is a short description of the classes in the CommonUtilitiesLib directory:

  • OS Classes. These classes provide platform-specific code abstractions for timing, condition variables, mutexes, and threads. The classes are OS, OSCond, OSMutex, OSThread, and OSFileSource. The data structures are OSQueue, OSHashTable, OSHeap, and OSRef.

  • Sockets. These classes provide platform-specific code abstractions for TCP and UDP networking. Socket classes are generally asynchronous (or non-blocking), and can send events to Task objects. The classes are EventContext, Socket, UDPSocket, UDPDemuxer, UDPSocketPool, TCPSocket, and TCPListenerSocket.

  • Parsing Utilities. These classes parse and format text. The classes are StringParser, StringFormatter, StrPtrLen, and StringTranslator.

  • Tasks: These classes implement the server’s asynchronous event mechanism.


A major feature of the Streaming Server is its ability to serve hinted QuickTime movie files over RTSP and RTP. This directory contains source code for the QTFile library, which contains all of the code for parsing hinted QuickTime files. The server’s RTPFileModule calls the QTFile library to retrieve packets and meta-data from hinted QuickTime files. The QTFile library parses the following movie file types: .mov, .mp4 (a modification of .mov), and .3gpp (a modification of .mov).


This directory contains source code for API-related classes, such as moduletils, or common module functions, such as log file management.


This directory contains a directory for each Streaming Server module.


This directory contains source code that implements the server’s RTSP client, which can be used to connect to the server using any of the supported protocols.


This directory contains source code for parsing RTCP requests.


This directory contains API definition and support files.


This directory contains source code for parsing HTTP requests.

Server Preference Naming

The file QTSS,h defines server preferences. Each server preference defined in QTSS.h has a name, such as qtssPrefsEnableMonitorStatsFile, a numeric ID, such as 57, and a string constant, such as enable_monitor_stats_file.

To get the current setting of server preferences, the server reads the file StreamingServer.xml when it starts up or when signaled to reread that file. In the StreamingServer.xml file, string constant names are used to refer to preferences.

The modules that come with the server use the built-in preference file support provided by the API to generate preferences and a unique ID if the preference is not already defined in the module’s preference object. The check and creation of preferences is usually done in QTSS_Initialize_Role but the code to generate the preference and an ID from the string name for the preference is also run in QTSS_RereadPrefs_Role. The modules that come with the server use the QTSSModuleUtils object to encapsulate API calls such as QTSS_AddInstanceAttribute and QTSS_GetAttrInfoByName.

Module developers who want to use theserver’s built-in preference storage support should use the utility method QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttribute or examine and call the QTSS API callbacks used by QTSSModuleUtils::GetAttribute. The implementation and header file for QTSSModuleUtils can be found in the APICommonCode directory.

Requirements for Modules

Every QTSS module must implement two routines:

Main Routine

Every QTSS modules must provide a main routine. The server calls the main routine as the server starts up and uses it to initialize the QTSS stub library so the server can invoke your module later.

For modules that are compiled into the server, the address of the module's main routine must be passed to the server's module initialization routine, as described in the section “Compiling a QTSS Module into the Server”.

The body of the main routine must be written like this:

QTSS_Error MyModule_Main(void* inPrivateArgs)
     return _stublibrary_main(inPrivateArgs, MyModuleDispatch);

where MyModuleDispatch is the name of the module’s dispatch routine, which is described in the following section, Dispatch Routine.

Dispatch Routine

Every QTSS module must provide a dispatch routine. The server calls the dispatch routine when it invokes a module for a specific task, passing to the dispatch routine the name of the task and a task-specific parameter block. (The programming interface uses the term “role” to describe specific tasks. For information about roles, see Module Roles.)

The dispatch routine must have the following prototype:

void MyModuleDispatch(QTSS_Role inRole, QTSS_RoleParamPtr inParams);

where MyModuleDispatch is the name specified as the name of the dispatch routine by the module’s main routine, inRole is the name of the role for which the module is being called, and inParams is a structure containing values of interest to the module.

Overview of QuickTime Streaming Server Operations

The QuickTime Streaming Server works with modules to process requests from clients by invoking modules in a particular role. Each role is designed to perform a particular task. This section describes how the server works with roles when it starts up and shuts down and how the server works with roles when it processes client requests.

Server Startup and Shutdown

Figure 2-1 shows how the server works with the Register, Initialize, and Shutdown roles when the server starts up and shuts down.

Figure 1-3  QuickTime Streaming Server startup and shutdown

When the server starts up, it first loads modules that are not compiled into the server (dynamic modules) and then loads modules that are compiled into the server (static modules). If you are writing a module that replaces existing server functionality, compile it as a dynamic module so that it is loaded first.

Then the server invokes each QTSS module in the Register role, which is a role that every module must support. In the Register role, the module calls QTSS_AddRole to specify the other roles that the module supports.

Next, the server invokes the Initialize role for each module that has registered for that role. The Initialize role performs any initialization tasks that the module requires, such as allocating memory and initializing global data structures.

At shutdown, the server invokes the Shutdown role for each module that has registered for that role. When handling the Shutdown role, the module should perform cleanup tasks and free global data structures.

RTSP Request Processing

After the server calls each module that has registered for the Initialize role, the server is ready to receive requests from the client. These requests are known as RTSP requests. A sample RTSP request is shown in Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4  Sample RTSP request

When the server receives an RTSP request, it creates an RTSP request object, which is a collection of attributes that describe the request. At this point, the qtssRTSPReqFullRequest attribute is the only attribute that has a value and that value consists of the complete contents of the RTSP request.

Next, the server calls modules in specific roles according to a predetermined sequence. That sequence is shown in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5  Summary of RTSP request processing

When processing an RTSP request, the first role that the server calls is the RTSP Filter role. The server calls each module that has registered for the RTSP Filter role and passes to it the RTSP request object. Each module’s RTSP Filter role has the option of changing the value of the qtssRTSPReqFullRequest attribute. For example, an RTSP Filter role might change /foo/ to /bar/, thereby changing the folder that will be used to satisfy this request.

When all RTSP Filter roles have been invoked, the server parses the request. Parsing the request consists of filling in the remaining attributes of the RTSP object and creating two sessions:

  • an RTSP session, which is associated with this particular request and closes when the client closes its RTSP connection to the server

  • a client session, which is associated with the client connection that originated the request and remains in place until the client’s streaming presentation is complete

After parsing the request, the server calls the RTSP Route role for each module that has registered in that role and passes the RTSP object. Each RTSP Route role has the option of using the values of certain attributes to determine whether to change the value of the qtssRTSPReqRootDir attribute, thereby changing the folder that is used to process this request. For example, if the language type is French, the module could change the qtssRTSPReqRootDir attribute to a folder that contains the French version of the requested file.

After all RTSP Route roles have been called, the server calls the RTSP Preprocessor role for each module that has registered for that role. The RTSP Preprocessor role typically uses the qtssRTSPReqAbsoluteURL attribute to determine whether the request matches the type of request that the module handles.

If the request matches, the RTSP Preprocessor role responds to the request by calling QTSS_Write or QTSS_WriteV to send data to the client. To send a standard response, the module can call QTSS_SendStandardRTSPResponse, or QTSS_AppendRTSPHeader and QTSS_SendRTSPHeaders.

If no RTSP Preprocessor role responds to the RTSP request, the server invokes the RTSP Request role of the module that successfully registered for this role. (The first module that registers for the RTSP Request role is the only module that can register for the RTSP Request role.) The RTSP Request role is responsible for responding to all RTSP Requests that are not handled by modules registered for the RTSP Preprocessor role.

After the RTSP Request role processes the request, the server calls modules that have registered for the RTSP Postprocessor role. The RTSP Postprocessor role typically performs accounting tasks, such as logging statistical information.

A module handling the RTSP Preprocessor or RTSP Request role may generate the media data for a particular client session. To generate media data, the module calls QTSS_Play, which causes that module to be invoked in the RTP Send Packets role, as shown in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6  Summary of the RTSP Preprocessor and RTSP Request roles

The RTP Send Packets role calls QTSS_Write or QTSS_WriteV to send data to the client over the RTP session. When the RTP Send Packets role has sent some packets, it returns to the server and specifies the time that is to elapse before the server calls the module’s RTP Send Packets role again. This cycle repeats until all of the packets for the media have been sent or until the client requests that the client session be paused or torn down.

Runtime Environment for QTSS Modules

QTSS modules can spawn threads, use mutexes, and are completely free to use any operating system tools.

The QuickTime Streaming Server is fully multi-threaded, so QTSS modules must be prepared to be preempted. Global data structures and critical sections in code should be protected with mutexes. Unless otherwise noted, assume that preemption can occur at any time.

The server usually runs all activity from very few threads or possibly a single thread, which requires the server to use asynchronous I/O whenever possible. (The actual behavior depends on the platform and how the administrator configures the server.)

QTSS modules should adhere to the following rules:

Server Time

The QuickTime Streaming Server handles real-time delivery of media, so many elements of QTSS module programming interface are time values.

The server’s internal clock counts the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since midnight, January 1st, 1970. The data type QTSS_TimeVal is used to store the value of the server’s internal clock. To make it easy to work with time values, every attribute, parameter, and callback routine that deals with time specifies the time units explicitly. For example, the qtssRTPStrBufferDelayInSecs attribute specifies the client’s buffer size in seconds. Unless otherwise noted, all time values are reported in milliseconds from the server’s internal clock using a QTSS_TimeVal data type.

To get the current value of the server’s clock, call QTSS_Milliseconds or get the value of the qtssSvrCurrentTimeMilliseconds attribute of the server object (QTSS_ServerObject). To convert a time obtained from the server’s clock to the current time, call QTSS_MilliSecsTo1970Secs.

Naming Conventions

The QTSS programming interface uses a naming convention for the data types that it defines. The convention is to use the size of the data type in the name. Here are the data types that the QTSS programming interface uses:

Parameters for callback functions defined by the QTSS programming interface follow these naming conventions:

Module Roles

Roles provide modules with a well-defined state for performing certain types of processing. A selector of type QTSS_Role defines each role and represents the internal processing state of the server and the number, accessibility, and validity of server data. Depending on the role, the server may pass to the module one or more QTSS objects. In general, the server uses objects to exchange information with modules. For more information about QTSS objects, see QTSS Objects.

Table 1-1 lists the roles that this version of the QuickTime Streaming Server supports.

Table 1-1  Module roles




Register role


Registers the roles the module supports.

Initialize role


Performs tasks that initialize the module.

Shutdown role


Performs cleanup tasks.

Reread Preferences role


Rereads the modules’s preferences.

Error Log role


Logs errors.

RTSP Filter role


Makes changes to the contents of RTSP requests.

RTSP Route role


Routes requests from the client to the appropriate folder.

RTSP Preprocessor role


Processes requests from the client before the server processes them.

RTSP Request role


Processes a request from the client if no other role responds to the request.

RTSP Postprocessor role


Performs tasks, such as logging statistical information, after a request has been responded to.

RTP Send Packets role


Sends packets.

Client Session Closing role


Performs tasks when a client session closes.

RTCP Process role


Processes RTCP receiver reports.

Open File Preprocess role


Processes requests to open files.

Open File role


Processes requests to open files that are not handled by the Open File Preprocess role.

Advise File role


Responds when a module (or the server) calls the QTSS_Advise callback for a file object.

Read File role


Reads a file.

Request Event File role


Handles requests for notification of when a file becomes available for reading.

Close File role


Closes a file that was previously opened.

With the exception of the Register, Shutdown, and Reread Preferences roles, when the server invokes a module for a role, the server passes to the module a structure specific to that particular role. The structure contains information that the modules uses in the execution of that role or provides a way for the module to return information to the server.

The RTSP roles have the option of responding to the client. A response is defined as any data that a module sends to a client. Modules can send data to the client in a variety of ways. They can, for example, call QTSS_Write or QTSS_WriteV.

Register Role

Modules use the Register role to call QTSS_AddRole to tell the server the roles they support.

Modules also use the Register role to call QTSS_AddService to register services and to call QTSS_AddStaticAttribute to add static attributes to QTSS object types. (QTSS objects are collections of attributes, each having a value.)

The server calls a module’s Register role once at startup. The Register role is always the first role that the server calls.

A module that returns any value other than QTSS_NoErr from its Register role is not loaded into the server.

Initialize Role

The server calls the Initialize role of those modules that have registered for this role after it calls the Register role for all modules. Modules use the Initialize role to initialize global and private data structures.

The server passes to each module’s Initialize role objects that can be used to obtain the server’s global attributes, preferences, and text error messages. The server also passes the error log stream reference, which can be used to write to the error log. All of these objects are globals, so they are valid for the duration of this run of the server and may be accessed at any time.

When called in the Initialize role, the module receives a QTSS_Initialize_Params structure which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_ServerObject   inServer;
    QTSS_PrefsObject    inPrefs;
    QTSS_ErrorLogStream inErrorLogStream;
    QTSS_ModuleObject   inModule;
} QTSS_Initialize_Params;

A QTSS_ServerObject object containing the server’s global attributes and an attribute that contains information about all of the modules in the running server. For a description of each attribute, see the section qtssServerObjectType.


A QTSS_PrefsObject object containing the server’s preferences. For a description of each attribute, see the section qtssPrefsObjectType.


A QTSS_TextMessagesObject object that a module can use for providing localized text strings. See the section “qtssTextMessageObjectType”.


A QTSS_ErrorLogStream stream reference that a module can use to write to the server’s error log. Writing to this stream causes the module to be invoked in its Error Log role.


A QTSS_ModuleObject object that a module can use to store information about itself, including its name, version number, and a description of what the module does. See the section “qttsModuleObjectType”.

A module that wants to be called in the Initialize role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_Initialize_Role as the role.

A module that returns any value other than QTSS_NoErr from its Initialize role is not loaded into the server.

Shutdown Role

The server calls the Shutdown role of those modules that have registered for this role when the server is getting ready to shut down.

The server calls a module’s Shutdown role without passing any parameters.

The module uses its Shutdown role to delete all data structures it has created and to perform any other cleanup task

A module that wants to be called in the Shutdown role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_Shutdown_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

The server guarantees that the Shutdown role is the last time that the module is called before the server shuts down.

Reread Preferences Role

The server calls the Reread Preferences role of those modules that have registered for this role and rereads its own preferences when the server receives a SIGHUP signal or when a module calls the Reread Preferences service described in the section QTSS Services.

When called in this role, the module should reread its preferences, which may be stored in a file or in a QTSS object.

A module that wants to be called in the Reread Preferences role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_RereadPrefs_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

Error Log Role

The server calls the Error Log role of those modules that have registered for this role when an error occurs. The module should process the error message by, for example, writing the message to a log file.

When called in the Error Log role, the module receives a QTSS_ErrorLog_Params structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_ErrorVerbosity inVerbosity;
    char * inBuffer;
} QTSS_ErrorLog_Params;

Specifies the verbosity level of this error message. Modules should use the inFlags parameter of QTSS_Write to specify the verbosity level. The following constants are defined:

qtssFatalVerbosity = 0, qtssWarningVerbosity = 1, qtssMessageVerbosity = 2, qtssAssertVerbosity = 3, qtssDebugVerbosity = 4,


Points to a null-terminated string containing the error message.

Writing an error message at the level qtssFatalVerbosity causes the server to shut down immediately.

Writing to the error log cannot result in an QTSS_WouldBlock error.

A module that wants to be called in the Error Log role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_ErrorLog_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

RTSP Roles

When the server receives an RTSP request, it goes through a series of steps to process the request and ensure that a response is sent to the client. The steps consist of calling certain roles in a predetermined order. This section describes each role in detail. For an overview of roles and the sequence in which they are called, see the section Overview of QuickTime Streaming Server Operations.

RTSP Filter Role

The server calls the RTSP Filter role of those modules that have registered for the RTSP Filter role immediately upon receipt of an RTSP request. Processing the Filter role gives the module an opportunity to respond to the request or to change the RTSP request.

When called in the RTSP Filter role, the module receives a QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_RTSPSessionObject      inRTSPSession;
    QTSS_RTSPRequestObject      inRTSPRequest;
    char**                      outNewRequest;
} QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params;

The QTSS_RTSPSessionObject object for this RTSP session. See the section qtssRTSPSessionObjectType for information about RTSP session object attributes.


The QTSS_RTSPRequestObject object for this RTSP request. When called in the RTSP Filter role, only the qtssRTSPReqFullRequest attribute has a value. See the section qtssRTSPRequestObjectType for information about RTSP request object attributes.


A pointer to a location in memory.

The module calls QTSS_GetValuePtr to get from the qtssRTSPReqFullRequest attribute the complete RTSP request that caused the server to call this role. The qtssRTSPReqFullRequest attribute is a read-only attribute. To change the RTSP request, the module should call QTSS_New to allocate a buffer, write the modified request into that buffer, and return a pointer to that buffer in the outNewRequest field of the QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure.

While a module is handling the RTSP Filter role, the server guarantees that the module will not be called for any other role referencing the RTSP session represented by inRTSPSession.

If module handling the RTSP Filter role responds directly to the client, the server next calls the responding module in the RTSP Postprocessor role. For information about that role, see the section RTSP Postprocessor Role.

A module that wants to be called in the RTSP Filter role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_RTSPFilter_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

RTSP Route Role

The server calls the RTSP Route role after the server has called all modules that have registered for the RTSP Filter role. It is the responsibility of a module handling this role to set the appropriate root directory for each RTSP request by changing the qtssRTSPReqRootDir attribute for the request.

When called, an RTSP Route role receives a QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_RTSPSessionObject      inRTSPSession;
    QTSS_RTSPRequestObject      inRTSPRequest;
    QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject       inRTSPHeaders;
    QTSS_ClientSessionObject    inClientSession;
} QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params;

The QTSS_RTSPSessionObject object for this RTSP session. See the section qtssRTSPSessionObjectType for information about RTSP session object attributes.


The QTSS_RTSPRequestObject object for this RTSP request. In the Route role and all subsequent RTSP roles, all of the attributes are filled in. See the section qtssRTSPRequestObjectType for information about RTSP request object attributes.


The QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject object for the RTSP headers. See the section qtssRTSPHeaderObjectType for information about RTSP header object attributes.


The QTSS_ClientSessionObject object for the client session. See the section qtssClientSessionObjectType for information about client session object attributes.

Before calling modules in the RTSP Route role, the server parses the request. Parsing the request consists of filling in all of the attributes of the QTSS_RTSPSessionObject and QTSS_RTSPRequestObject members of the QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure.

A module processing the RTSP Route role has the option of changing the qtssRTSPReqRootDir attribute of the QTSS_RTSPRequestObject member of the QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure. Changing the qtssRTSPReqRootDir attribute changes the root folder for this RTSP request.

While a module is handling the RTSP Route role, the server guarantees that the module will not be called for any other role referencing the RTSP session represented by inRTSPSession.

If a module that is processing the RTSP Route role responds directly to the client, the server immediately skips the processing of any other roles and calls the responding module’s RTSP Postprocessor role. For information about that role, see the section RTSP Postprocessor Role.

A module that wants to be called in the RTSP Route role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_RTSPRoute_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

RTSP Preprocessor Role

The server calls the RTSP Preprocessor role after the server has called all modules that have registered for the RTSP Route role. If the module handles the type of RTSP request for which the module is called, it is the responsibility of a module handling this role to send a proper RTSP response to the client.

When called, an RTSP Preprocessor role receives a QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_RTSPSessionObject  inRTSPSession;
    QTSS_RTSPRequestObject  inRTSPRequest;
    QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject   inRTSPHeaders;
} QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params;

The QTSS_RTSPSessionObject object for this RTSP session. See the section qtssRTSPSessionObjectType for information about RTSP session object attributes.


The QTSS_RTSPRequestObject object for this RTSP request with a value for each attribute. See the section qtssRTSPRequestObjectType for information about RTSP request object attributes.


The QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject object for the RTSP headers. See the section qtssRTSPHeaderObjectType for information about RTSP header object attributes.


The QTSS_ClientSessionObject object for the client session. See the section qtssClientSessionObjectType for information about client session object attributes.

The RTSP Preprocessor role typically uses the qtssRTSPReqFilePath attribute of the inRTSPRequest member of the QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure to determine whether the request matches the type of request that the module handles. For example, a module may only handle URLs that end in .mov or .sdp.

If the request matches, the module handling the RTSP Preprocessor role responds to the request by calling QTSS_SendStandardRTSPResponse, QTSS_Write, or QTSS_WriteV, or by calling QTSS_AppendRTSPHeader, and QTSS_SendRTSPHeaders. If this module is also responsible for generating RTP packets for this client session, it should call QTSS_AddRTPStream to add streams to the client session, and QTSS_Play, which causes the server to invoke the RTP Send Packets role of the module whose RTSP Preprocessor role calls QTSS_Play.

While a module is handling the RTSP Preprocessor role, the server guarantees that the module will not be called for any other role referencing the RTSP session specified by inRTSPSession or the client session specified by inClientSession.

A module that wants to be called in the RTSP Preprocessor role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_RTSPPreProcessor_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

RTSP Request Role

The server calls the RTSP Request role if no RTSP Preprocessor role responds to an RTSP request. Only one module is called in the RTSP Request role, and that is the first module to register for the RTSP Request role when the server starts up.

When called, the RTSP Request role receives a QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_RTSPSessionObject      inRTSPSession;
    QTSS_RTSPRequestObject      inRTSPRequest;
    QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject       inRTSPHeaders;
    QTSS_ClientSessionObject    inClientSession;
} QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params;

The QTSS_RTSPSessionObject object for this RTSP session. See the section qtssRTSPSessionObjectType for information about RTSP session object attributes.


The QTSS_RTSPRequestObject object for this RTSP request with a value for each attribute. See the sectionqtssRTSPRequestObjectType for information about RTSP request object attributes.


The QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject object for the RTSP headers. See the section qtssRTSPHeaderObjectType for information about RTSP header object attributes.


The QTSS_ClientSessionObject object for the client session. See the section qtssClientSessionObjectType for information about client session object attributes.

Like a module processing the RTSP Preprocessor role, a module that processes the RTSP Request Role should use an attribute, such as the qtssRTSPReqFilePath attribute of the inRTSPRequest member of the QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure, to determine whether the request matches the type of request that the module can handle.

A module handling the RTSP Request role should respond to the request by

  • Sending an RTSP response to the client by calling QTSS_AppendRTSPHeader and QTSS_SendRTSPHeaders, by calling QTSS_SendStandardRTSPResponse, or by calling QTSS_Write or QTSS_WriteV.

  • Preparing the QTSS_ClientSessionObject for streaming by using the RTP callbacks, such as QTSS_AddRTPStream and QTSS_Play. If QTSS_Play is called, the server will invoke the calling module in the RTP Send Packets role, at which time the module will be expected to generate RTP packets to send to the client.

A module that wants to be called in the RTSP Request role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_RTSPRequest_Role as the role. The first module that successfully calls QTSS_AddRole and specifies QTSS_RTSPRequest_Role as the role is the only module that is called in the RTSP Request role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

RTSP Postprocessor Role

The server calls a module’s RTSP Postprocessor role whenever the module responds to an RTSP request if that module has registered for this role.

Modules can use the RTSP Postprocessor role to log statistical information.

When called, the RTSP Postprocessor role receives a QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_RTSPSessionObject      inRTSPSession;
    QTSS_RTSPRequestObject      inRTSPRequest;
    QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject       inRTSPHeaders;
    QTSS_ClientSessionObject    inClientSession;
} QTSS_StandardRTSP_Params;

The QTSS_RTSPSessionObject object for this RTSP session. See the section qtssRTSPSessionObjectType for information about RTSP session object attributes.


The QTSS_RTSPRequestObject object for this RTSP request with a value for each attribute. See the section qtssRTSPRequestObjectType for information about RTSP request object attributes.


The QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject object for the RTSP headers. See the section qtssRTSPHeaderObjectType for information about RTSP header object attributes.


The QTSS_ClientSessionObject object for the client session. See the section qtssClientSessionObjectType for information about client session object attributes.

While a module is handling the RTSP Postprocessor role, the server guarantees that the module will not be called for any role referencing the RTSP session specified by inRTSPSession or the client session specified by inClientSession.

A module that wants to be called in the RTSP Postprocessor role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_RTSPPostProcessor_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

RTP Roles

This section describes RTP roles, which are used to send data to clients and to handle the closing of client sessions.

RTP Send Packets Role

The server calls a module’s RTP Send Packets role when the module calls QTSS_Play. It is the responsibility of the RTP Send Packets role to send media data to the client and tell the server when the module’s RTP Send Packets role should be called again.

When called, the RTP Send Packets role receives a QTSS_RTPSendPackets_Params structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_ClientSessionObject    inClientSession;
    SInt64                      inCurrentTime;
    QTSS_TimeVal                outNextPacketTime;
} QTSS_RTPSendPackets_Params;

The QTSS_ClientSessionObject object for the client session. See the section qtssClientSessionObjectType for information about client session object attributes.


The current time in server time units.


A time offset in milliseconds. Before returning from this role, a module should set outNextPacketTime to the amount of time that the server should allow to elapse before calling the RTP Send Packets role again for this session.

The RTP Send Packets role is invoked whenever a module calls QTSS_Play for that client session. The module calls QTSS_Write or QTSS_WriteV to send data to the client.

While a module is handling the RTP Send Packets role, the server guarantees that the module will not be called for any role referencing the client session specified by inClientSession.

A module that wants to be called in the RTP Send Packets role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_RTPSendPackets_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

Client Session Closing Role

The server calls a module’s Client Session Closing role to allow the module to process the closing of client sessions.

When called, the Client Session Closing role receives a QTSS_ClientSessionClosing_Params structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_ClientClosing          inReason;
    QTSS_ClientSessionObject    inClientSession;
} QTSS_ClientSessionClosing_Params;

The reason why the session is closing. The session may be closing because the client sent an RTSP teardown (qtssCliSesClosClientTeardown), because this session has timed out (qtssCliSesClosTimeout), or because the client disconnected without issuing a teardown (qtssCliSesClosClientDisconnect).


The QTSS_ClientSessionObject object for the client session that is closing.

The Client Session Closing role is called whenever the client session specified by inClientSession is about to be torn down.

While a module is handling the Client Session Closing role, the server guarantees that the module will not be called for any role referencing the client session specified by inClientSession.

A module that wants to be called in the Client Session Closing role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_ClientSessionClosing_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

RTCP Process Role

The server calls a module’s RTCP Process role whenever it receives an RTCP receiver report from a client.

RTCP receiver reports contain feedback from the client on the quality of the stream. The feedback includes the percentage of lost packets, the number of times the audio has run dry, and frames per second. Many attributes in the QTSS_RTPStreamObject correlate directly to fields in the receiver report.

When called, the RTP Process role receives a QTSS_RTCPProcess_Params structure, which is defined as follows:

typedef struct
    QTSS_RTPStreamObject        inRTPStream;
    QTSS_ClientSessionObject    inClientSession;
    void*                       inRTCPPacketData;
    UInt32                      inRTCPPacketDataLen;
} QTSS_RTCPProcess_Params;

The QTSS_RTPStreamObject object for the RTP stream that this RTCP packet belongs to. See the section qtssRTPStreamObjectType for information about RTP stream object attributes.


The QTSS_ClientSessionObject object for the client session. See the section qtssClientSessionObjectType for information about client session object attributes.


A pointer to a buffer containing the packets that are to be processed.


The length of valid data in the buffer pointed to by inRTCPPacketData.

A module handling the RTCP Process role typically monitors the status of the connection. It might, for example, track the percentage of packets lost for each connected client and update its counters.

While a module is handling the RTCP Process role, the server guarantees that the module will not be called for any role referencing the RTP stream specified by inRTPStream.

A module that wants to be called in the RTCP Process role must in its Register role call QTSS_AddRole and specify QTSS_RTCPProcess_Role as the role.

Modules should always return QTSS_NoErr when they finish handling this role.

QTSS Objects

QTSS objects provide a way for modules and the server to exchange data with each other. QTSS objects consist of attributes that are used to store data. Every attribute has a name, an attribute ID, a data type, and permissions for reading and writing the attribute’s value. Built-in attributes are attributes that the server always defines for an object type. For example, the QTSS_RTSPRequestObject object has a built-in URL attribute that other modules can read to obtain the URL associated with a particular RTSP request.

This section describes the attributes for each object type. The object types are


An object of type qtssAttrInfoObjectType consists of attributes whose values describe an attribute: the attribute’s name, attribute ID, data type, and permissions for reading and writing the attribute’s value. An attribute information object (QTSS_AttrInfoObject) is an instance of this object type. There is one QTSS_AttrInfoObject for every attribute.

Table 1-2 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssAttrInfoObjectType.

Table 1-2  Attributes of objects of type qtssAttrInfoObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

qtssAttrID The attribute’s identifier.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssAttrDataType The attribute’s data type.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssAttrName The attribute’s name.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssAttrPermissions Permissions for reading and writing the attribute’s value, and whether getting the attribute’s value is preemptive safe.

Readable, preemptive safe



An object of type qtssClientSessionObjectType consists of attributes that describe a client session, where a client session is defined as a single client streaming presentation. A client session object (QTSS_ClientSessionObject) is an instance of this object type. The attributes of a client session object are valid for all roles that receive a value of type QTSS_ClientSessionObject in the structure the server passes to them.

Table 1-3 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssClientSessionObjectType.

Table 1-3  Attributes of objects of type qtssClientSessionObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

qtssCliSesAdjustedPlayTimeInMsec The time in milliseconds at which the most recent play was issued, adjusted forward to delay sending packets until the play response is issued.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesCounterID A counter-based unique ID for the session.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesCreateTimeInMsec The time in milliseconds that the session was created.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesCurrentBitRate The movie bit rate.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesFirstPlayTimeInMsec The time in milliseconds at which QTSS_Play was first called.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesFullURL The full presentation URL for this session. Same as the qtssCliSesPresentationURL attribute but includes the rtsp://domain_name prefix.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesHostName The host name for this session. Also the domain_name portion of the qtssCliSesFullURL attribute.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesMovieAverageBitRate The average bits per second based on total RTP bits/movie duration. The value is zero unless set by a module.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesMovieDurationInSecs Duration of the movie for this session in seconds. The value is zero unless set by a module.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesMovieSizeInBytes Movie size in bytes. The value is zero unless set by a module.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesPacketLossPercent Percentage of packets lost; for example, .5 = 50%

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesPlayTimeInMsec The time in milliseconds at which QTSS_Play was most recently called.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesPresentationURL The presentation URL for this session. This URL is the “base” URL for the session. RTSP requests to the presentation URL are assumed to affect all streams of the session.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesReqQueryString The query string from the request that created this client session.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesRTPBytesSent The number of RTP bytes sent for this session.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesRTPPacketsSent The number of RTP packets sent for this session.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesState The state of this session. Possible values are qtssPausedState and qtssPlayingState.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesStreamObjects Iterated attribute containing all RTP stream references (QTSS_RTPStreamObject) belonging to this session.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliSesTimeConnectedinMsec Time in milliseconds that the client session has been connected.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliRTSPReqRealStatusCode The status from the most recent request. (Same as the qtssRTSPReqRealStatusCode session.)

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliRTSPReqRespMsg The error message sent to the client for the most recent request if the response was an error.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliRTSPSessLocalAddrStr The local IP address for this RTSP connection in dotted decimal format.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliRTSPSessLocalDNS The DNS name of the local IP address for this RTSP connection.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliRTSPSessRemoteAddrStr The IP address of the client in dotted decimal format.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliRTSPSesURLRealm The realm from the most recent request.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliRTSPSesUserName The name of the user from the most recent request.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssCliTeardownReason The teardown reason. If not requested by the client, the reason for the disconnection must be set by the module that calls QTSS_Teardown.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe



An object of type qtssConnectedUserObjectType consists of attributes associated with a connected user, irrespective of the transport. Users connecting to a QuickTime movie are already represented by objects of type qtssClientSessionObjectType, so this object is used for other connected users, such as those requesting MP3 streams.

A connected user object (QTSS_ConnectedUserObject) is an instance of this object type. A QTSS_ConnectedUserObject can be created in any module. It can be added to the qtssSvrConnectedUsers attribute of the QTSS_ServerObject (described in the section “qtssServerObjectType”).

Table 2-4 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssConnectedUserObjectType.

Table 1-4  Attributes of objects of type qtssConnectedUserObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Types

qtssConnectionBytesSent Number of RTP bytes sent so far for this session.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssConnectionCreateATimeInMsec The time in milliseconds at which the session was created.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssConnectionCurrentBitRate Combined current bit rate in bits per second of all of the streams for this session. This is not an average.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssConnectionHostName The host name of the connected client.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssConnectionMountPoint Presentation URL for this session. This URL is the “base” URL for the session. RTSP requests to this URL are assumed to affect all of the session’s streams.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssConnectionPacketLossPercent Combined current percent loss as a fraction; for example, .5 = 50%. This is not an average.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssConnectionTimeConnectedInMsec Time in milliseconds the session has been connected.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssConnectionType The user’s connection type, such as “MP3”.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssConnectionSessLocalAddrStr Local IP address for this connection in dotted-decimal format.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssConnectionSessRemoteAddrStr IP address of the client in dotted-decimal format.

Readable, preemptive safe



An object of type qtssDynamicObjectType can be used to create an object that doesn’t have any static attributes.


An object of type qtssFileObject consists of attributes that describe a file that has been opened. A file object (QTSS_FileObject) is an instance of this object type. These attributes are valid for all roles that receive a QTSS_FileObject in the structure the server passes to them.

Table 1-5 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssFileObjectType.

Table 1-5  Attributes of objects of type qtssFileObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

qtssFlObjStream The stream reference for this file object.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssFlOjFileSysModuleName The name of the file system module that handles this file object

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssFlObjLength The length of the file in bytes.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssFlObjPosition The current position in bytes of the file’s file pointer from the beginning of the file (byte zero).

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssFlObjModDate The date and time of the last time the file was modified.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe



An object of type qtssModuleObject consists of attributes that describe a particular QTSS module, including its name, version number, a description of what the module does, its preferences, and the roles the module is registered for. A module object (QTSS_ModuleObject) is an instance of this object type. These attributes are valid for all roles that receive a QTSS_ModuleObject in the structure the server passes to them.

For each module the server loads, the server creates a module object and passes it to the module in the module’s Initialize role. Modules can get information about other modules the server has loaded by accessing the qtssSvrModuleObject attribute of the QTSS_ServerObject object.

In addition to the attributes that store the module’s name, version number and description, this object type has a module preferences attribute, qtssModPrefs. The qtssModPrefs attribute itself is an object whose attributes store the module’s preferences as instance attributes. All modifications to the qtssModPrefs attribute are persistent between invocations of the server because the contents of each module’s qtssModPrefs attribute are written to the server’s configuration file, which is read when the server starts up.

Table 1-6 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssModuleObjectType.

Table 1-6  Attributes of objects of type qtssModuleObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

qtssModAttributes An object that modules can use to store any local attributes other than preferences.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssModDesc A description of what the module does.

Readable, writable not preemptive safe


qtssModName The module’s name.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssModPrefs An object whose attributes store the preferences for this module.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssModRoles A list of all the roles for which this module is registered.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssModVersion The module’s version number in the format 0xMM.m.v.bbbb, where MM = major version, m = minor version, v = very minor version, and b = build number.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe



An object of type QTSS_ModulePrefsObject consists of attributes that contain a module’s preferences. A module preferences object QTSS_ModulePrefsObject) is an instance of this object type.

Each module is reponsible for adding attributes to its module preferences object and setting their values. The values of the preferences in the module preferences object are persistent between invocations of the server because the server writes the module preferences object for each module to a configuration file that the server reads when it is started.

QTSSAccessLogModule Preferences

Table 1-7 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSAccessLogModule. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-7  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSAccessLogModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

request_logging By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


request_logfile_size By default, the value of this attribute is 10240000.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


request_logfile_interval By default, the value of this attribute is 7.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


request_logfile_in_gmt Set to true to use Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) instead of local time in access log file entries. By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


request_logfile_dir By default, the value of this attribute is /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Logs/.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


request_logfile_name By default, the value of this attribute is StreamingServer.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


QTSSAccessModule Preferences

Table 1-8 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSAccessModule. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-8  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSAccessModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

modAccess_groupsfilepath By default, the value of this attribute is /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Config/qtgroups.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


modAccess_qtaccessfilename By default, the value of this attribute is qtaccess.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


modAccess_usersfilepath By default, the value of this attribute is /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Config/qtusers.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


QTSSAdminModule Preferences

Table 1-9 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSAdminModule. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-9  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSAdminModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

AdministratorGroup By default, the value of this attribute is admin.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


Authenticate By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enable_remote_admin By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


IPAccessList Set to a list of IP addresses to allow remote admin access from the specified IPs only. By default, the value of this attribute is 127.0.0.*.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


LocalAccessOnly Set to true to allow local admin server requests only. By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


RequestTimeIntervalMilli By default, the value of this attribute is 50.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


QTSSFileModule Preferences

Table 1-10 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSFileModule. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-10  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSFileModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

add_seconds_to_client_buffer_delay Adds the specified number of seconds to the normal buffer delay. By default, the value of this attribute is 0.000000.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


admin_email By default, this attribute does not have a value.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


compatibility_adjust_sdp_media_bandwidth_percent Used to adjust the SDP media bandwidth percentage for compatibility with certain players. By default, the value of this attribute is 100.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enable_movie_file_sdp Set to true to override the movie’s built-in SDP information. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enable_player_compatibility Enables player compatibility with certain players. By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enable_private_file_buffers By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enable_shared_file_buffers By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


flow_control_probe_interval By default, the value of this attribute is 10.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


max_allowed_speed By default, the value of this attribute is 4.000000.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


max_private_buffer_units_per_buffer By default, the value of this attribute is 8.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


max_shared_buffer_units_per_buffer By default, the value of this attribute is 8.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


num_private_buffer_units_per_buffer By default, the value of this attribute is 1.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


num_shared_buffer_increase_per_session By default, the value of this attribute is 2.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


num_shared_buffer_units_per_buffer By default, the value of this attribute is 0.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


private_buffer_unit_k_size Size of private file I/O buffers. By default, the value of this attribute is 64.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


record_movie_file_sdp Set to true to cause SDP information to be provided when the movie is played. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


sdp_url By default, this attribute does not have a value.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


shared_buffer_unit_k_size Size of shared file I/O buffers. By default, the value of this attribute is 64.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


QTSSFlowControlModule Preferences

Table 1-11 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSFlowControlModule. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-11  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSFlowControlModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

flow_control_udp_thinning_module_enabled By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


loss_thick_tolerance By default, the value of this attribute is 5.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


loss_thin_tolerance By default, the value of this attribute is 30.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


num_losses_to_thick By default, the value of this attribute is 6.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


num_losses_to_thin By default, the value of this attribute is 3.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


num_worses_to_thin By default, the value of this attribute is 2.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


QTSSHomeDirectoryModule Preferences

Table 1-12 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSHomeDirectoryModule. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-12  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSHomeDirectoryModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

enabled Enable or disable this module. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


movies_directory By default, this attribute does not have a value.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


max_num_cons_per_home_directory Denies additional client connections greater than the value of this attribute. By default, the value of this attribute is 0.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


max_bandwidth_kbps_per_home_directory Denies additional client connections when the value of this attribute is exceeded. By default, the value of this attribute is 0.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


QTSSMP3StreamingModule Preferences

Table 1-13 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSMp3StreamingModule. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-13  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSMP3StreamingModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

mp3_request_logfile_name By default, the value of this attribute is mp3_access.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_request_logfile_dir By default, the value of this attribute is /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Logs.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_streaming_enabled By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_broadcast_password By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_broadcast_password By default, this attribute has no value.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_broadcast_buffer_size By default, the value of this attribute is 8192 bytes.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_max_flow_control_time Length of the server-side MP3 buffer in milliseconds. By default, the value of this attribute is 10.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_request_logging By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_request_logfile_size By default, the value of this attribute is 10240000.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_request_logfile_interval By default, the value of this attribute is 7.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


mp3_request_logtime_in_gmt By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


QTSSReflectorModule Preferences

Table 1-14 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSReflectorModule. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-14  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSReflectorModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

allow_broadcasts By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


allow_duplicate_broadcasts Set to true to allow the acceptance of setups on an existing broadcast stream. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


allow_non_sdp_urls By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


allow_announced_kill By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


authenticate_local_broadcast By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


broadcast_dir_list By default, this attribute has no value.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


compatibility_adjust_sdp_media_bandwidth_percent This attribute is provided for compatibility with 3GPP players. By default, the value of this attribute is 50.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


disable_rtp_play_info RTP play information is always enabled. Set this attribute to true to disable RTP play information. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


disable_overbuffering By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enable_broadcast_announce Set to true to enable broadcaster announce of an SDP file to the server. By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enable_broadcast_push Set to true to enable broadcaster RTSP push to the server. By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enable_play_response_range_header This attribute is provided for compatibility with 3GPP players. By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enable_player_compatibility This attribute is provided for compatibility with 3GPP players. By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


enforce_static_sdp_port_range By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


force_rtp_info_sequence_and_time This attribute is provided for compatibility with 3GPP players. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


ip_allow_list By default, the value of this attribute is 127.0.0.*.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


kill_clients_when_broadcast_stops When set to true, clients watching the stream of a broadcaster RTSP session that goes down are also torn down. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


max_broadcast_announce_duration_secs Sets the maximum duration, in seconds, of announced SDPs. By default, the value of this attribute is 0, which allows an infinite duration.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


maximum_static_sdp_port By default, the value of this attribute is 65535.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


minimum_statid_sdp_port By default, the value of this attribute is 2000.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


redirect_broadcast_keyword By default, this attribute has no value.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


redirect_broadcasts_dir By default, this attribute has no value.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


reflector_bucket_offset_delay_msc By default, the value of this attribute is 73.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


reflector_buffer_size_sec By default, the value of this attribute is 10.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


reflector_in_packet_receive_time By default, the value of this attribute is 60.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


reflector_rtp_info_offset_msec An internal value for live player compatibility. By default, the value of this attribute is 500.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


reflector_use_in_packet_receive_time By default, the value of this attribute is false.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


timeout_broadcaster_session_secs By default, the value of this attribute is 20.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


use_one_SSRC_per_stream By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


QTSSRefMovieModule Preferences

Table 1-15 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSRefMovieModule, which allows web developers to put RTSP URLs in web pages. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-15  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSRefMovieModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

refmovie_rtsp_port The port to use for RTSP request redirection. Technically, this is not a protocol redirect. It is a media or content level redirect. Works the same as if you had a text file on a Web server called that contained the RTSP URL with an rtsptext QuickTime tag. The tag and file name extension would tell the QuickTime client to RTSP stream the file. By default,the value of this attribute is 554.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


refmovie_xfer_enabled For QuickTime clients only, converts, for example, http://hostname/ to rtsp://hostname:554/ The server creates a text-based ref movie as the HTTP response, which redirects the client to the same movie on the server but as an RTSP request. This conversion is useful for placing streaming movie references on a web server. HTTP requests that do not specify a port go to port 80. However, http://hostname:554/ also works. By default, the value of this attribute is true.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


QTSSRelayModule Preferences

Table 1-16 lists the attributes for preferences of the module QTSSRelayModule. These preferences are maintained in the streamingserver.xml file.

Table 1-16  Attributes for preferences of the module QTSSRelayModule

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

relay_prefs_file By default, the value of this attribute is /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Config/relayconfig.xml.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


relay_stats_url By default, this attribute has no value.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe



An object of type qtssPrefsObjectType consists of attributes that describe the server’s internal preference storage system. A preference object (QTSS_PrefsObject) is an instance of this object type. The attribute values for objects of this type are stored in the server’s configuration file, streamingserver.xml. For each server, there is a single instance of this object type.

In previous versions of the QTSS programming interface, module preferences were stored in this object. Since version 4.0, module preferences have been stored in each module’s QTSS_ModuleObject object.

Table 1-17 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssPrefsObjectType.

Table 1-17  Attributes of objects of type qtssPrefsObjectType

Attribute Name and Description

Name in streamingserver.xml


Data Type

qtssPrefsAckLoggingEnabled Enables detailed logging of UDP acknowledgement and retransmit packets. By default, the value of this attribute is false.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsAltTransportIPAddr If you want an IP address other than the server’s IP address appended to the transport header, use this attribute to specify the alternate address. By default, this attribute does not have a value.

alt_transport_src _ipaddr

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsAlwaysThinDelayInMsec If a packet is as late in milliseconds as the value of this attribute, the server starts to thin. This attribute is part of the server’s thinning algorithm. By default, the value of this attribute is 750.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsAuthenticationScheme Set this attribute to the authentication scheme you want the server to use. The currently supported values are basic, digest, and none. By default, the value of this attribute is digest.

authentication _scheme

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsAutoDeleteSPDFiles An attribute for a preference that is no longer supported. The attribute remains for API compatibility.

auto_delete_sdp_ files

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsAutoRestart If true, the server automatically restarts itself if it crashes. By default, the value of this attribute is true.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsAutoStart Obsolete and should always be set to false.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsAvgBandwidthUpdate The interval in seconds between computations of the server’s average bandwidth. By default, the value of this 60.

average_bandwidth _update

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsBreakOnAssert If true, the server will stop and enter the debugger when an assert condition is hit. By default, the value of this attribute is false.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsCloseLogsOnWrite If set to true, the server closes log files after each write. By default, the value of this attribute is false.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsDefaultAuthorizationRealm Specifies the text to display as the login entity “realm” by the client. By default, the value of this attribute is Streaming Server. If the value of this attribute is not set, Streaming Server is displayed.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsDeleteSPDFilesInterval The interval in seconds at which to check SDP files. Changes to this attribute take effect at the end of the current interval. By default, the value of this attribute is 10. The server maintains an internal interval of 1.

sdp_file_delete _interval_seconds

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsDoReportHTTPConnectionAddress When behind a round-robin DNS, the client needs to be told the IP address of the machine that is handling its request. This attribute tells the server to report its IP address in the reply to the HTTP GET request when tunneling RTSP through HTTP. By default, the value of this attribute is false.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsDropAllPacketsDelayInMsec If a packet is as late as the value of this attribute in milliseconds, the server drops it. This attribute is part of the server’s thinning algorithm. By default, the value of this attribute is 2500.

drop_all_packets _delay

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsDropVideoAllPacketsDelayInMsec If a video packet cannot be sent within the time in milliseconds specified by this attribute, the server drops it. This atttribute is used by the server’s thinning algorithm. By default, the value of this attribute is 1750.

drop_all_video _delay

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsEnableMonitorStatsFile If set to true, the server writes server statistics to the monitor file, which is read by an external monitor application. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

enable_monitor _stats_file

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsEnablePacketHeaderPrintfs If set to true, the server prints the headers of outgoing RTP and RTCP packets on stdout. The server must have been started with the -d command line option. See the qtssPrefsPacketHeaderPrintfOptions attribute for the available print options. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

enable_packet _header_printfs

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsEnableRTSPDebugPrintfs When set to true, the server prints on stdout incoming RTSP requests and outgoing RTSP responses. The server must have been started with the -d command line option. By default, the value of this attribute is false.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsEnableRTSPErrorMessage If set to true, the server appends a content body string error message for reported RTSP errors. By default, the value of this attribute is false.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsEnableRTSPServerInfo If set to true, the server adds server information to RTSP headers. The informatin includes the server’s platform, version number, and build number. By default, the value of this attribute is true.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsLargeWindowSizeInK For Reliable UDP, the window size in K bytes used for high bitrate movies. For clients that don’t specify a window size, the server may use the value of this attribute. By default, the value of this attribute is 64.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMaxAdvanceSendTimeTimeInSec The most number of seconds the server sends a packet ahead of time to a client that supports overbuffing. By default, the value of this attribute is 25.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMaximumBandwidth The maximum amount of bandwidth the server is allowed to serve in K bits. If the server exceeds this value, it responds to new client requests for additional streams with RTSP error 453, “Not Enough Bandwidth.” A value of -1 means the amount of bandwidth the server is allowed to serve is unlimited. By default, the value of this attribute is 102400.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMaximumConnections The maximum number of concurrent RTP connections the server allows. A value of -1 means that an unlimited number of connections are allowed. By default, the value of this attribute is 1000.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMaxRetransDelayInMsec For Reliable UDP, the maximum interval in milliseconds between when a retransmit is supposed to be sent and when it is actually sent. Lower values result in smoother but slower server performance. By default, the value of this attribute is 500.

max_retransmit _delay

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMaxTCPBufferSizeInBytes The maximum size in bytes the TCP socket send buffer can be set to. By default, the value of this attribute is 200000.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMediumWindowSizeInK For Reliable UDP, the window size in K bytes used for medium bitrate movies. For clients that don’t specify a window size, the server may use the value of this attribute. By default, the value of this attribute is 48.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMinTCPBufferSizeInBytes The minimum size in bytes the TCP socket send buffer can be set to. By default, the value of this attribute is 8192.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsModuleFolder The path to the folder containing dynamic loadable server modules. For Mac OS X, this attribute is set to /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Moduless. For Darwin platforms, this attribute is set to /usr/local/sbin/StreamingServer/Modules, and for Win32 platforms, this attribute is set to c:\Program Files\DarwinStreamingServer \QTSSModules.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMovieFolder The path to the root movie folder. By default, the value of this attribute is /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Movies.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMonitorStatsFileFileName Name of the monitor file. By default, the value of this attribute is server_status.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMonitorStatsFileIntervalSec Interval at which server writes server statistics in the monitor file. By default, the value of this attribute is 10.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsOverbufferRate The server uses this attribute to calculate the rate at which to overbuffer. The value of this attribute is multiplied by the data rate. By default, the value of this attribute is 2.0.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsPacketHeaderPrintfOptions Identifies which packet headers to print when qtssPrefsEnabledPacketHeaderPrintfs is true. The options are semicolon (;) delimited strings. By default, the value of this attribute is all of the available options, rtp;rr;sr;app;ack;, which means that headers of RTP packets (rtp), RTCP receiver reports (rr), RTCP sender reports (sr), RTCP application packets (app), and Reliable UDP RTP acknowledgement packets (ack) are printed.

packet_header _printf_options

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsPIDFile Specifies the name of the file in which the server’s process ID is written. By default, the value of this attribute is /var/run/


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRealRTSPTimeout The amount of time in seconds the server actually waits before disconnecting idle RTSP clients. This timer is reset each time the server receives a new RTSP request from the client. A value of zero means that there is no timeout. By default, the value of this attribute is 180.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsReliableUDP If set to true, the server the uses Reliable UDP transport if requested by the client. By default, the value of this attribute is true.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsReliableUDPDirs This attribute specifies the directories for which Reliable UDP is to be used. The directories are interpreted as relative to the Movies folder (qtssPrefsMovieFolder) with a leading slash but no trailing slash. For example, /reliable_udp_dir. By default, this attribute does not have a value.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsReliableUDPPrintfs When set to true, the server prints on stdout Reliable UDP statistics when the client disconnects. The server must have been started with the -d command line option. The statistics include the URL, maximum congestion window, minimum congestion window, maximim, minimum, and average RTT, number of skipped frames, and the number of late packets dropped. By default, the value of this attribute is false.

reliable_udp _printfs

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsReliableUDPSlowStart Set to true to enable Reliable UDP slow start. Disabling UDP slow start may lead to an initial burst of packet loss due to mis-estimate of the client's available bandwidth. Enabling UDP slow start may lead to premature reduction of the bit rate (known as “thinning”). By default, the value of this attribute is true.

reliable_udp_slow _start

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRTCPPollIntervalInMsec A preference that is no longer used. Polling is no longer a feature of RTCP.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRTCPSockRcvBufSizeInK Size of the receive socket buffer for UDP sockets used to receive RTCP packets. The buffer needs to be big enough to absorb bursts of RTCP acknowledgements. By default, the value of this attribute is 768.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRTPTimeout The amount of time in seconds the server will wait before disconnecting idle RTP clients. This timer is reset each time the server receives an RTCP status packet from a client. A value of zero means there is no timeout. By default, the value of this attribute is 120.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRTSPIPAddr Specifies the IP address(es) in dotted-decimal format the server should accept RTSP client connections on. This attribute is useful when the machine has more than one IP address and you want to specify which addresses the server should listen on. A value of 0 means the server should accept connections on all IP addresses that are currently enabled on the system. By default, the value of this attribute is 0.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRTSPPorts Ports for accepting RTSP client connections. By default, ports 554, 7070, 8000, and 8001 are enabled. Add port 80 to this list if you are streaming across the Internet and want clients behind firewalls to be able to connect to the server.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRTSPTimeout Amount of time in seconds the server tells clients it will wait before disconnecting idle RTSP clients. By default, the value of this attribute is 0.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRunGroupName Run the server under the specified group name. By default, the value of this attribute is qtss.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRunNumThreads If value of this attribute is non-zero, the server will create the specified number of threads for handling RTSP and RTP streams. Otherwise, the server creates one thread per processor for handling RTSP and RTP streams. By default, the value of this attribute is 0.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsRunUserName Run the server under the specified user name. By default, the value of this attribute is qtss.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsSafePlayDuration If the server finds it is serving more than its allowed maximum bandwidth (using the average bandwidth computation), it will attempt to disconnect the most recently connected clients until the average bandwidth drops to acceptable levels. However, it will not disconnect clients if they’ve been connected for longer than the time in seconds specified by this attribute. If this value is set to zero, the server does not disconnect clients. By default, the value of this attribute is 600.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsSendInterval The minimum time in milliseconds the server will wait between sending packet data to the client. By default, the value of this attribute is 50.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsSmallWindowSizeInK For Reliable UDP, the window size in K bytes used for low bitrate movies. For clients that don’t specify a window size, the server may use the value of this attribute. By default, the value of this attribute is 24.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsSrcAddrInTransport If set to true, the server adds its source address to its transport headers. This is necessary on certain networks where the source address is not necessarily known. By default, the value of this attribute is false.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsStartQualityCheckIntervalInMsec The interval in milliseconds at which server checks thinning and adjusts it if necessary. This attribute is part of the server’s thinning algorithm. By default, the value of this attribute is 1000.

quality_check _interval

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsStartThickingDelayInMsec If a packet is this late in milliseconds, starting thicking. This attribute is part of the server’s thinning algorithm. By default, the value of this attribute is 250.

start_thicking _delay

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsStartThinningDelayInMsec If a packet is as late as the value of this attribute, start thinning. By default, the value of this attribute is 0.

start_thinning _delay

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsTCPSecondsToBuffer When streaming over TCP, the size of the send buffer is scaled based on the movie’s bitrate. Using the bitrate of the movie as a guide, the server will set the TCP send buffer to fit this number of seconds of data. By default, the value of this attribute is .5.

tcp_seconds_to _buffer

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsThickAllTheWayDelayInMsec If a packet is this late (negative means it is ahead of time), restore full quality. This attribute is part of the server’s thinning algorithm. By default, the value of this attribute is -2000.

thick_all_the_way _delay

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsThinAllTheWayDelayInMsec If a packet is as late in milliseconds as the value of this attribute, the server thins the stream as much as possible. This attribute is part of the server’s thinning algorithm. By default, the value of this attribute is 1500.

thin_all_the_way _delay

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsTotalBytesUpdate The interval in seconds between updates of the server’s total bytes and current bandwidth statistics. By default, the value of this attribute is 1.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsWindowSizeMaxThreshold The window size in bytes used to measure reliable UDP bandwidth. If the bit rate is greater than qtssPrefsWindowSizeMaxThreshold, the window size is set to qtssPrefsLargeWindowSizeInK. If the bit rate is greater than qtssPrefsWindowSizeThreshold and and less than or equal to qtssPrefsWindowSizeMaxThreshold, the window is set to qtssPrefsMediumWindowSizeInK. If the bit rate is less than or equal to qtssPrefsWindSizeThreshold, the window size is set to qtssPrefsSmallWindowSizeInK. By default, the value of this attribute is 1000.

window_size_max _threshold

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsWindowSizeThreshold For Reliable UDP, if the client doesn’t specify its window size, the server uses the value of qtssPrefsSmallWindowSizeInK as the window size if the bitrate is below the value of this attribute measured in K bits/second. By default, the value of this attribute is 200.

window_size _threshold

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


This attribute is used for performance testing. When set to true, this attribute forces the server to maintain full bandwidth connections. By default, the value of this attribute is false.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


This attribute is used for compatibility with certain players. It contains a list of players that, for compatibility, require RTP header informatin. By default, the list consists of Nokia and Real.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


This attribute is used for compatibility with certain players.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


The built-in error log module that loads before all other modules uses the following seven attributes:

qtssPrefsErrorLogDir Sets the path to the directory containing the error log file. By default, the value of this attribute is /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Logs.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsErrorLogEnabled Set to true to enable error logging. By default, the value of this attribute is true.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsErrorLogName Sets the name of the error log file. By default, the value of this attribute is Error.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsErrorLogVerbosity Sets the verbosity level of messages the error logger logs. The following values are meaningful: 0 = log fatal errors 1 = log fatal errors and warnings 2 = log fatal errors, warnings, and asserts 3 = log fatal errors, warnings, asserts, and debug messages By default, the value of this attribute is 2.

error_logfile _verbosity

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsErrorRollInterval The interval in days between rolling the error log file. By default, the value of this attribute is 0, which means that the error log file is not rolled.

error_logfile _interval

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsMaxErrorLogSize The maximum size in bytes of the error log. A value of zero means that the server does not impose a limit. By default, the value of this attribute is 256000.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssPrefsScreenLogging If this attribute is set to true , every line in the error log is written to the terminal window. Note that to see the error log, the server must be launched from the command line in foreground mode by using the -d flag. By default, the value of this attribute is true.


Readable, writable, not preemptive safe



An object of type qtssRTPStreamObjectType consists of attributes that describe a particular RTP stream whether it’s an audio, video, or text stream. An RTP stream object (QTSS_RTPStreamObject) is an instance of this object type and is created by calling QTSS_AddRTPStream. An RTP stream object must be associated with a single client session object (QTSS_ClientSessionObject). A client session object may be associated with any number of RTP stream objects. These attributes are valid for all roles that receive a QTSS_RTPStreamObject in the structure the server passes to them.

Table 1-18 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssRTPStreamObjectType.

Table 1-18  Attributes of objects of type qtssRTPStreamObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

qtssRTPStrBufferDelayInSecs Size of the client’s buffer. The server sets this attribute to three seconds, but the module is responsible for determining the buffer size and setting this attribute accordingly.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrFirstSeqNumber Sequence number of the first packet after the last PLAY request was issued. If known, this attribute must be set by a module before calling QTSS_Play. The server uses this attribute to generate a proper RTSP PLAY response.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrFirstTimestamp RTP timestamp of the first RTP packet generated for this stream after the last PLAY request was issued. If known, this attribute must be set by a module before calling QTSS_Play. The server uses this attribute to generate a proper RTSP PLAY response.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrNetworkMode Network mode for the RTP stream. Possible values are qtssRTPNetworkModeDefault, qtssRTPNetworkModeMulticast, and qtssNetworkModeUnicast.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrPayloadName Name of the media for this stream. This attribute is empty unless a module explicitly sets it.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrPayloadType Payload type of the media for this stream. The value of this attribute is qtssUnknownPayloadType unless a module sets it to qtssVideoPayloadType or qtssAudioPayloadType.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrTrackID Unique ID that identifies each RTP stream.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrTimescale Timescale for the track. If known, this must be set before calling QTSS_Play.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrSSRC Synchronization source (SSRC) generated by the server. The SSRC is guaranteed to be unique among all streams in the session. The server includes the SSRC in all RTCP Sender Reports that the server generates.

Readable, preemptive safe


The values of the following attributes come from the most recent RTCP packet received on a stream. If a field in the most recent RTCP packet is blank, the server sets the value of the corresponding attribute to zero.

qtssRTPStrAudioDryCount Number of times the audio has run dry.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrAvgBugDelayInMsec Average buffer delay in milliseconds.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrAvgLateMilliseconds Average in milliseconds of packets that the client received late.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrClientBufFill How full the client buffer is in tenths of a second.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrExpFrameRate The expected frame rate in frames per second.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrFractionLostPackets The fraction of packets that have been lost for this stream.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrFrameRate The current frame rate in frames per second.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrGettingBetter A non-zero value if the client reports that the stream is getting better.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrGettingWorse A non-zero value if the client reports that the stream is getting worse.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrIsTCP If this RTP stream is being sent over TCP, this attribute is true. If this RTP stream is being sent over UDP, this attribute is false.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrJitter Cumulative jitter for this stream.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrNumEyes Number of clients connected to this stream.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrNumEyesActive Number of clients playing this stream.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrNumEyesPaused Number of clients connected but currently paused.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrPercentPacketsLost Fixed percentage of lost packets for this stream.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrRecvBitRate Average bit rate received by the client in bits per second.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrStreamRef A QTSS_StreamRef used for sending RTP or RTCP packets to the client. Use QTSS_WriteFlags to specify whether each packet is an RTP or RTCP packet.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrTotalLostPackets The total number of packets that have been lost for this stream.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrTotPacketsRecv Total packets received by the client.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrTotPacketsDropped Total packets dropped by the client.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrTotPacketsLost Total packets lost.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPStrTransportType The transport type.

Readable, preemptive safe



An object of type qtssRTSPHeaderObjectType consists of attributes containing all of the RTSP request headers associated with an individual RTSP request. An RTSP header object (QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject) is an instance of this object type.

The names of the attributes are the names of the RTSP headers associated with that RTSP request. For example, the following RTSP request has a Session header and a User-agent header:

Session: 20fj02ijf
User-agent: QTS/4.0.3

In this case, the value of the Session attribute is “20fj02ijf” and the value of the User-agent attribute is “QTS/4.0.3”. Modules can get the value of a given header by calling QTSS_GetValue, QTSS_GetValueAsString, or QTSS_GetValuePtr.


An object of type qtssRTSPRequestObjectType consists of attributes that describe a particular RTSP request. An RTSP request object (QTSS_RTSPRequestObject) is an instance of this object type and exists from the time the server receives a complete RTSP request from a client until the response is sent and the server moves on to the next request. An RTSP request object must be associated with a single RTSP session object (QTSS_RTSPSessionObject) for a given request made over a given connection.

With the exception of the RTSP Filter role, the value of each attribute is available in all roles that receive an object of type QTSS_RTSPRequestObject. When the RTSP Filter role receives an object of type QTSS_RTSPRequestObject, the only attribute that has a value is the qtssRTSPReqFullRequest attribute.

Each text name is identical to its enumerated type name.

Table 1-19 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssRTSPRequestObjectType.

Table 1-19  Attributes of type qtssRTSPRequestObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

qtssRTSPReqAbsoluteURL The full URL starting with “rtsp://”.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqContentLen Content length of incoming RTSP request body.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqFileDigit If the URI ends with one or more digits, this attribute points to those digits.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqFileName All characters after the last path separator in the file system path.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqFilePath URI for this request, converted to a local file system path.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqFilePathTrunc Same as qtssRTSPReqFilePath, but without the last element of the path.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqFullRequest The complete RTSP request as sent by the client. This attribute is available in every role that receives an object of type QTSS_RTSPRequestObject.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqIfModSinceDate If the RTSP request contains an If-Modified-Since header, this attribute is the if-modified date converted to a value of type QTSS_TimeVal.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqLateTolerance Value of the late-tolerance field in the x-RTP-Options header, or -1 if not present.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqMethod The RTSP method as a value of type QTSS_RTSPMethod.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqMethodStr The RTSP method of this request.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqNetworkMode Network mode for the request. Possible values are qtssRTPNetworkModeDefault, qtssRTPNetworkModeMulticast, and qtssRTPNetworkModeUnicast.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqRealStatusCode Same as the qtssRTSPReqStatusCode attribute but translated from a QTSS_RTSPStatusCode to an actual RTSP status code.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqRespKeepAlive Set this attribute to true if you want the server to keep the connection open after completion of the request. Otherwise, set this attribute to false if you want the server to terminate the connection upon completion of the request.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqRespMsg The error message that is sent back to the client if the response was an error. A module sending an RTSP error to the client should set this attribute to be a text message that describes why the error occurred. It is also useful to write this message to a log file. Once the RTSP response has been sent, this attribute contains the response message.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqRootDir The root directory for this request. The default value for this attribute is the server's media folder path. Modules can set this attribute from the RTSP Route role.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqSkipAuthorization Set by a module that wants this request to be allowed by all authorization modules.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqSpeed Value of the speed header.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqStartTime The start time specified in the Range header of the PLAY request.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqStatusCode The current status code for the request as QTSS_RTSPStatusCode. By default, the value is qtssSuccessOK. If a module sets this attribute and calls QTSS_SendRTSPHeaders, the status code in the header that the server generates contains the value of this attribute.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqStopTime The stop time specified in the Range header of the PLAY request.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqStreamRef A value of type QTSS_StreamRef for sending data to the RTSP client. This stream reference, unlike the one provided as an attribute in the QTSS_RTSPSessionObject, never returns QTSS_WouldBlock in response to a QTSS_Write or a QTSS_WriteV call.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqTruncAbsoluteURL The URL without last element of the path.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqURI URI for this request.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqURLRealm The authorization entity for the client to display in the following string: “Please enter password for realm at server-name. The default value of this attribute is “Streaming Server.”

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPReqUserName The decoded user name, if provided by the RTSP request.

Readable, preemptive safe



An object of type qtssRTSPSessionObjectType consists of attributes associated with an RTSP client-server connection. An RTSP session object (QTSS_RTSPSessionObject) is an instance of this object type and exists as long as the RTSP client is connected to the server. These attributes are valid for all roles that receive a QTSS_RTSPSessionObject in the structure the server passes to them.

Table 1-20 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssRTSPSessionObjectType.

Table 1-20  Attributes of objects of type qtssRTSPSessionObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

qtssRTSPSesEventCntxt An event context for the RTCP connection to the client. This attribute should primarily be used to wait for flow-controlled EV_WR event when responding to a client.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesID An ID that uniquely identifies each RTSP session since the server started up.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesLocalAddr Local IP address for this RTSP session.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesLocalAddrStr Local IP address for the RTSP session in dotted-decimal format.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesLocalDNS DNS name that corresponds to the local IP address for this RTSP session.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesLocalPort Local port for the connection.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesRemoteAddr IP address of the client.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesRemoteAddrStr IP address of the client in dotted-decimal format.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesRemotePort Remote (client) port for the connection.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesStreamRef A QTSS_StreamRef used for sending data to the RTSP client.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssRTSPSesType The RTSP session type. Possible values are qtssRTSPSession, qtssRTSPHTTPSession (an HTTP tunneled RTSP session), and qtssRTSPHTTPInputSession. Sessions of type qtssRTSPHTTPInputSession are usually very short lived.

Readable, preemptive safe



An object of type qtssServerObjectType consists of attributes that contain global server information, such as server statistics. A server object (QTSS_ServerObject is an instance of this object type.There is a single instance of this object type for each server. These attributes are valid for all roles that receive a QTSS_ServerObject in the structure the server passes to them.

Table 1-21 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssServerObjectType.

Table 1-21  Attributes of objects of type qtssServerObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

qtssMP3SvrAvgBandwidth Average MP3 bandwidth in bits per second that the server is currently sending.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssMP3SvrCurBandwidth MP3 bandwidth in bits per second that the server is currently sending.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssMP3SvrCurConn Number of currently connected MP3 client sessions.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssMP3SvrTotalBytes Total number of MP3 bytes sent since the server started up.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssMP3TotalConn Total number of MP3 client sessions since the server started up.

Readable, writable, preemptive safe


qtssRTPSvrAvgBandwidth Average bandwidth output by the server in bits per second.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssRTPSvrCurBandwidth Current bandwidth being output by the server in bits per second.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssRTPSvrCurConn The number of clients currently connected to the server.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssRTPSvrCurPackets Current packets per second being output by the server.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssRTPSvrNumUDPSockets Number of UDP sockets currently being used by the server.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssRTPSvrTotalBytes Total number of bytes output since the server started up.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssRTPSvrTotalConn Total number of clients that have connected to the server since the server started up.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssRTPSvrTotalPackets Total number of bytes output since the server started up.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssRTSPCurrentSessionCount The number of clients that are currently connected over standard RTSP.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssRTSPHTTPCurrentSessionCount The number of clients that are currently connected over RTSP/HTTP.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssServerAPIVersion The API version supported by this server. The format of this value is 0xMMMMmmmm, where M is the major version number and m is the minor version number.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrDefaultIPAddrStr The default IP address of the server as a string.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrClientSessions An object containing all client sessions stored as indexed QTSS_ClientSessionObject objects.



qtssSvrConnectedUsers The number of connected clients. The QTSSMP3StreamingModule is the only module that adds QTSS_ConnectedUserObject objects to this attribute, but other modules can add QTSS_ConnectedUserObject objects filled in with their own data.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssSvrCPULoadPercent The percentage of CPU time the server is currently using.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssSvrCurrentTimeMilliseconds The server’s current time in milliseconds. Getting the value of this attribute is equivalent to calling QTSS_Milliseconds.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssSvrDefaultDNSName The “default” DNS name of the server.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrDefaultIPAddr The “default” IP address of the server.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrGMTOffsetInHrs The time zone in which the server is running (offset from GMT in hours).

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrHandledMethods The methods that the server supports. Modules should append the methods they support to this attribute in their QTSS_Initialize_Role.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe


qtssSvrIsOutOfDescriptors If the server has run out of file descriptors, this attribute is true; otherwise, this attribute is false.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssSvrMessages An object containing the server's error messages.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrModuleObjects A module object representing each module.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrPreferences An object representing each of the server's preferences.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrRTSPPorts An indexed attribute containing all the ports the server is listening on.

Readable, not preemptive safe


qtssSvrRTSPServerHeader The header that the server uses when responding to RTSP clients.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrServerBuildDate Date that the server was built.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrServerName The name of the server.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrServerVersion The version of the server.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrStartupTime The time at which the server started up.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssSvrState The current state of the server. Possible values are qtssStartingUpState, qtssRunningState, qtssRefusingConnectionsState, qtssFatalErrorState, and qtssShuttingDownState, qtssIdleState. Modules can set the server state. If a module sets the server state, the server responds accordingly. Setting the server state to qtssRefusingConnectionsState causes the server to refuse new connections.Setting the server state to qtssFatalErrorState or to qtssShuttingDownState causes the server to quit. The qtssFatalErrorState state indicates that a fatal error has occurred but the server is not shutting down yet.

Readable, writable, not preemptive safe



An object of type qtssTextMessageObjectType consists of attributes whose values are intended for display to the user or that are returned to the client. A text message object (QTSS_TextMessageObject) is an instance of this object type. To make localization easier, the attribute values are text strings.

Table 1-22 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssTextMessageObjectType.

Table 1-22  Attributes of objects of type qtssTextMessageObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type


Read only, preemptive safe



Read only, preemptive safe



Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgAltDestNotAllowed Request specifies an alternative destination and the server is not configured to support alternative destinations.

Read only, preemptive safe



Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgBadFormat The server could not parse the request.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgBadModule The server tried to run an invalid module.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgBadRTSMethod Request specified an invalid RTS method.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgCannotCreatePIDFile The server could not create the process ID file. See the qtssPrefsPIDFile attribute of the qtssPrefsObjectType described in Table 1-17.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgCannotSetRunUser The server could not run under the user name specified by the qtssPrefsRunUser attribute of the qtssPrefsObjectType described in Table 1-17.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgCannotSetRunGroup The server could not run under the group name specified by the qtssPrefsRunGroup attribute of the qtssPrefsObjectType described in Table 1-17.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgCantSetupMulticast Server is not configured for multicast.

Read only, preemptive safe



Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgColonAfterHeader Request’s header is not followed by a colon (:) character .

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgCouldntListen This text message is not used.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgDefaultRTSPAddrUnavail The IP address specified by the qtssPrefsRTSPIPAddr attribute could not be found or failed in some way.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgFileNameTooLong Request contains a file name that is too long.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgInitFailed The server could not initialize itself.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoClientPortInTransport Request contains a transport header that does not specify the client’s port number.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoEOLAfterHeader Request’s header is not terminated by an end of line character.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoMessage No message.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoModuleFolder The server could not find the module folder.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoModuleForRequest Request specifies a module the server does not have.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoRTSPInURL Request specifed a URL that does not support RTSP.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoRTSPVersion Request did not specify an RTSP version.

Read only, preemptive safe



Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoSesIDOnDescribe The Describe section of the request’s header does not contain a session ID.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoSessionID Request does not contain a session ID.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNotConfiguredForIP The server is not configured for IP.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgNoURLInRequest Request did not contain a URL.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgOutOfPorts The server could not accept the request because it is out of ports.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgRefusingConnections The server is refusing connections.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgRegFailed A module failed to register.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgRequestTooLong Request is too long.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgRTCPPortMustBeOneBigger Request contains an RTCP port number that is not bigger than the RTP port number by 1.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgRTPPortMustBeEven Request contains an RTP port number that is odd instead of even.

Read only, preemptive safe



Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgTooManyClients The server has too many connections to accept this connection.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgTooMuchThroughput The server is consuming too much bandwidth to accept this request.

Read only, preemptive safe



Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgURLInBadFormat Request specifed a URL that is properly formatted.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssMsgURLTooLong Request contains a URL that is longer than 256 bytes.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssServerPrefMissing A required server preference is missing from the server’s configuration.

Read only, preemptive safe


qtssServerPrefWrongType A required server preference is of the wrong type.

Read only, preemptive safe



An object of type qtssUserProfileObjectType consists of attributes whose values describe a user’s profile.

Table 1-23 lists the attributes for objects of type qtssUserProfileObjectType.

Table 1-23  Attributes of objects of type qtssUserProfileObjectType

Attribute Name and Description


Data Type

qtssUserPassword The user’s password.

Readable, writable preemptive safe


qtssUserGroups Groups of which the user is a member. This is a multi-valued attribute. Each group name is a C strings padded with enough nulls to make all of the group names the same length.

Readable, writable preemptive safe


qtssUserName The user’s name.

Readable, preemptive safe


qtssUserRealm Authentication realm for this user.

Readable, writable preemptive safe


QTSS Streams

The QTSS programming interface provides QTSS stream references as a generalized stream abstraction. Streams can be used for reading and writing data to many types of I/O sources, including, but not limited to files, the error log, and sockets and for communicating with the client via RTSP or RTP. In all RTSP roles, for example, modules receive an object of type QTSS_RTSPRequestObject that has a qtssRTSPReqStreamRef attribute. The value of this attribute is of type QTSS_StreamRef, and it can be used for sending RTSP response data to the client.

Unless otherwise noted, all streams are asynchronous. When using the asynchronous QTSS file system callbacks, modules should be prepared to receive the QTSS_WouldBlock result code, subject to the restrictions and rules of each stream type described in this section. The QTSS_WouldBlock error is returned from a stream callback when completing the requested operation would require the current thread to block. For instance, QTSS_Write on a socket will return QTSS_WouldBlock if the socket is currently subject to flow control. For information on threading and asynchronous I/O, see the section Runtime Environment for QTSS Modules.

When a module receives the QTSS_WouldBlock result code, modules should call the QTSS_RequestEvent callback routine to request a notification from the server when the specified stream becomes available for I/O. After calling QTSS_RequestEvent, the module should return control immediately to the server. The module will be re-invoked in the same role in the exact same state when the specified stream is available for I/O.

All stream references are of type QTSS_StreamRef. The QTSS programming interface uses following stream types:


Used for writing binary data to the server’s error log. There is a single instance of this stream type, which is passed to each module in the Initialize role. When data is written to this stream, modules that have registered for the Error Log role are invoked. For information about this role, see the section Error Log Role. All operations on this stream type are synchronous.


Represents a file and is obtained by making the QTSS_OpenFileStream callback. If the file stream is opened with the qtssFileStreamAsync flag, callers should expect to receive a result code of QTSS_WouldBlock when they call QTSS_Read, QTSS_Write, and QTSS_WriteV.


Used for reading data (QTSS_Read) from an RTSP client and writing data (QTSS_Write or QTSS_WriteV) to an RTSP client. The server may encounter flow control conditions, so modules should be prepared to handle QTSS_WouldBlock result codes when reading from or writing to this stream type. Calling QTSS_Read means that you are reading the request body sent by the client to the server. This stream reference is an attribute of the object QTSS_RTSPSessionObject.


Used for reading data (QTSS_Read) from an RTSP client and writing data (QTSS_Write or QTSS_WriteV) to an RTSP client. This stream is identical to the QTSS_RTSPSessionStream stream except that data written to streams of this type is buffered in memory until a full RTSP response is constructed. Because the data is buffered internally, modules do not receive QTSS_WouldBlock errors when writing to streams of this type. Calling QTSS_Read on this type of stream means that you are reading the request body sent by the client to the server. Modules that call QTSS_Read to read this type of stream should be prepared to handle a result code of QTSS_WouldBlock. This stream reference is an attribute of the object QTSS_RTSPRequestObject.


Used for writing data to an RTP client. When writing to a stream of this type, a single write call corresponds to a single, complete RTP packet, including headers. Currently, it is not possible to use the QTSS_RequestEvent callback to receive events for this stream, so if QTSS_Write or QTSS_WriteV returns QTSS_WouldBlock, modules must poll periodically for the blocking condition to be lifted. This stream reference is an attribute of the object QTSS_RTPStreamObject.


Represents a socket. This stream type allows modules to use the QTSS stream event mechanism (QTSS_RequestEvent) for raw socket I/O. (In fact, the QTSS_RequestEvent callback is the only stream callback available for this type of stream.) Modules should read sockets asynchronously and should use the operating system’s socket function to read from and write to sockets. When those routines reach a blocking condition, the module can call QTSS_RequestEvent to be notified when the blocking condition has cleared.

Table 1-24 uses an “X” to summarize the I/O-related callback routines that are appropriate for each type of stream.

Table 1-24  Streams and appropriate callback routines

Stream Type









File Stream






Error Log


Socket Stream


RTSP Session Stream






RTSP Request Stream






RTP Stream





QTSS Services

QTSS services are services the modules can access. The service may be a built-in service provided by the server or an added service provided by another module. An example of a service would be a logging module that allows other modules to write messages to the error log.

Modules use the callback routines described in the section Service Callback Routines to register and invoke services. Modules add and find services in a way that is similar to the way in which they add and find attributes of an object.

Every service has a name. To invoke a service, the calling module must know the name of the service and resolve that name into an ID.

Each service has its own specific parameter block format. Modules that export services should carefully document the services they export. Modules that call services should fail gracefully if the service isn’t available or returns an error.

A module that implements a service calls QTSS_AddService in its Register role to add the service to the server’s internal database of services, as shown in the following code:

void MyAddService()
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_AddService("MyService", &MyServiceFunction);

The MyServiceFunction corresponds to the name of a function that must be implemented in the same module. Here is a stub implementation of the MyServiceFunction:

QTSS_Error MyServiceFunction(MyServiceArgs* inArgs)
    // Each service function must take a single void* argument
    // Implement the service here.
    // Return a QTSS_Error.

To use a service, a module must get the service’s ID by calling QTSS_IDForService and providing the name of the service as a parameter. With the service’s ID, the module calls QTSS_DoService to cause the service to run, as shown in Listing 1-1.

Listing 1-1  Starting a service

void MyInvokeService()
    // Service functions take a single void* parameter that corresponds
    // to a parameter block specific to the service.
    MyServiceParamBlock theParamBlock;
    // Initialize service-specific parameters in the parameter block.
    theParamBlock.myArgument = xxx;
    QTSS_ServiceID theServiceID = qtssIllegalServiceID;
    // Get the service ID by providing the name of the service.
    QTSS_Error theErr = QTSS_IDForService(‘MyService’, &theServiceID);
    if (theErr != QTSS_NoErr)
        return; // The service isn’t available.
    // Run the service.
    theErr = QTSS_DoService(theServiceID, &theParamBlock);

Built-in Services

The QuickTime Streaming Server provides built-in services that modules may invoke using the service routines. In this version of the QTSS programming interface, there is one built-in service:

#define QTSS_REREAD_PREFS_SERVICE "RereadPreferences"

Invoking the Reread Preferences service causes the server to reread its preferences and invoke each module in the Reread Preferences role, if they have registered for that role.

To invoke a built-in service, retrieve the service ID of the service by calling QTSS_IDForService. Then call QTSS_DoService to run the service.

Automatic Broadcasting

The Streaming Server can accept RTSP ANNOUNCE requests from QuickTime broadcasters. Support for ANNOUNCE requests and the ability of the server to act as an RTSP client allow the server to initiate new relay sessions. This section describes the two ways in which an automatic broadcast can be initiated, how ANNOUNCE requests work with SDP, and how the qtaccess and qtusers files control automatic broadcasting.

Automatic Broadcasting Scenarios

QTSS supports two automatic broadcasting scenarios:

  • Pull then push. To initiate automatic broadcast, an RTSP client sends standard RTSP requests to request a stream and the server then relays the stream to one or more other streaming servers. This scenario is described in the section “Pull Then Push”.

  • Listen then push. In this scenario, an automatic broadcast is initiated when the streaming server receives an ANNOUNCE request. This scenario is described in the section “Listen Then Push”.

Pull Then Push

The user can request a stream from a remote source by making standard DESCRIBE/SETUP/PLAY requests and then relay it to one or more destinations. This functionality can be useful when an organization only wants one copy of an outside stream to consume bandwidth on its Internet connection. The relay would sit just inside the corporate network and push the stream to a reflector (possibly itself). Figure 2-7 provides an example of the pull-then-push scenario.

Figure 1-7  Pull-then-push automatic broadcasting

Using Figure 2-7 as a reference, the steps for the pull-then-push scenario are as follows:

  1. Streaming Server A (the relay client) sends standard RTSP client DESCRIBE/SETUP/PLAY requests to a remote server, Streaming Server B.

  2. The relay “client” (Streaming Server A) that requested the stream will begin receiving it and then send an ANNOUNCE to all of the destinations listed in the relay configuration for that particular incoming stream.

Listen Then Push

The streaming server can be configured to send incoming streams created by an ANNOUNCE request to one or more destination machines automatically. This can be useful for setting up an automated broadcast network. Figure 2-8 provides an example of the pull-then-push scenario.

Figure 1-8  Listen-then-push automatic broadcasting

Using Figure 2-8 as a reference, the steps for the listen -then-push scenario are as follows:

  • A remote machine (a broadcaster or a relay) sends an ANNOUNCE request to Streaming Server A. The streaming server may accept or deny the request. If it accepts the request, the streaming server checks its relay configuration to determined whether the stream should be relayed.

  • If the stream should be relayed, the streaming server will send standard RTSP client DESCRIBE/SETUP/PLAY request to itself.

  • The relay “client” (Streaming Server A) that requested the stream will begin receiving it and then send an ANNOUCE to all of the destinations listed in its relay configuration for that particular incoming stream.

By default, authentication is required for automatic broadcasts. ANNOUNCE requests from broadcasters are filtered through the authentication mechanism active in the server. To support broadcast authentication, a new WRITE directive has been added to qtaccess file. The new directive allows SDP files to be written to the movies folder.

ANNOUNCE Requests and SDP

The ANNOUNCE request contains the Session Description Protocol (SDP) information for the broadcast. The ANNOUNCE request’s URI value may contain path delimiters in order to provide name space functionality.

When a broadcast is initiated by an ANNOUNCE request, the SDP information is stored in an in-memory broadcast list. To terminate a broadcast, the broadcaster sends to the server a TEARDOWN request, which causes the server to close the broadcast session and discard the SDP information. Similarly, dropped RTSP connections and broadcasters that do no send RTCP sender reports to the server within a 90-second window cause the server to close the broadcast session and discard the SDP information.

To support multiple SDP references to the same broadcast for announced UDP and TCP broadcasts, the port setting is zero in the ANNOUNCE header. Here is an example:

m=audio 0 RTP/AVP

The a=x-urlmap tag is required to support sharing streams between broadcasts (where one stream comes from one broadcaster and another stream comes from another broadcaster). The a=x-urlmap tag should appear in the SDP that references the source SDP. Here is an example:

a=x-urlmap: someotherbroadcastURL/TrackID=1

Access Control of Announced Broadcasts

To control automatic broadcasting, two new user tags have been defined in the qtaccess file. Table 2-25 lists the new tags.

Table 1-25  Access control user tags




Specifies that the user can have access to the requested movie if the client provides a name and password that match an entry in the qtusers file. The tag is written as require valid-user.


Specifies that any user can have access to the requested movie, with no requirement that the user be defined in the qtusers file or that the client provide a name and password that is checked. The tag is written as require any-user.

By default, the qtaccess file allows read access for all directives in the file. To allow announced broadcasts, the qtaccess file must contain a Limit directive that allows writing.

The purpose of the Limit directive is to restrict the effect of access controls to RTSP readers or writers. The following example limits the require access control so that only users defined in the qtusers file can RTSP PLAY a broadcast to the server. All other normal client PLAY requests are available to any user:

<Limit WRITE>
require valid-user

The following example allows movie viewing by any user in the qtusers file that is in the movie_watchers group and the user john. Broadcasters must be in the movie_broadcasters group to broadcast to this directory or its protected branches.

<Limit READ>
require group movie_watchers
require user john
<Limit WRITE>
require group movie_broadcasters

The following example has the same effect as the previous example. It works because the default behavior is to limit access to reading when no limit field is specified.

require group movie_watchers
<Limit WRITE>
require group movie_broadcasters
require user john

The following example allows movie viewing and broadcasting by any user in the qtusers file that is in the movie_watchers_and_broadcasters group:

require group movie_watchers_and_broadcasters

Broadcaster-to-Server Example

This section shows a typical exchange between a client and a server in order to initiate an announced broadcast. The following example shows a UDP multicast. Announced broadcasts can also set up requests with using unicast RTP/AVP/UDP streams as well as RTP/AVP/TCP interleaved streams. For more information, see RFC 2326.

Client to server:

    ANNOUNCE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 90
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: 121
    o=camera1 3080117314 3080118787 IN IP4
    s=IETF Meeting, Munich - 1
    i=The thirty-ninth IETF meeting will be held in Munich, Germany
    e=IETF Channel 1 <>
    p=IETF Channel 1 +49-172-2312 451
    c=IN IP4
    t=3080271600 3080703600
    a=tool:sdr v2.4a6
    m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 5
    c=IN IP4
    m=video 0 RTP/AVP 31
    c=IN IP4

Server to client:

    RTSP/1.0 200 OK
    CSeq: 90

Client to server:

    SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 91
    Transport: RTP/AVP;multicast;destination=;

Server to client:

    RTSP/1.0 200 OK
    CSeq: 91
    Session: 50887676
    Transport: RTP/AVP;multicast;destination=;

Client to server:

    SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 92
    Session: 50887676
    Transport: RTP/AVP;multicast;destination=;
    client_port =61010-61011;mode=record;ttl=127

Server to client:

    RTSP/1.0 200 OK
    CSeq: 92
    Transport: RTP/AVP;multicast;destination=;
    client_port =61010-61011;serverport=6002-6003;mode=record;ttl=127

Client to server:

    RECORD rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
    CSeq: 93
    Session: 50887676

Server to client:

    RTSP/1.0 200 OK
    CSeq: 93

Additional Trace Examples

This section provides three traces. The first trace is from the QuickTime Broadcaster, and it is sending MPEG 4 streams using TCP. The second trace is also from the QuickTime Broadcaster, but it is using UDP. The third trace is from RFC 2326 (RTSP) showing the ANNOUNCE and RECORD RTSP methods using UDP transport.

The broadcaster requests to notice are

  • RTSP ANNOUNCE to send the SDP file to the server

  • RTSP SETUP to send a Transport header setting mode=record; the direction of the stream is implicitly from the perspective of the server

  • RTSP RECORD to start the broadcast

The requests mirror the streaming client requests:

  • RTSP DESCRIBE to receive the SDP file from the server

  • RTSP SETUP to set up each stream

  • RTSP PLAY to start the streams

Trace of QuickTime Broadcaster Using TCP

Here is a trace of a QuickTime Broadcaster sending MPEG 4 streams using TCP. A TCP connection uses the same set of RTSP requests with the standard specified transport of RTP/AVP/TCP and the port identifier of interleaved= for each stream.

For this example, authentication and authorization has been disabled by a qtaccess file to allow any user to annouce a broadcast. The broadcast file is relative to the movies directory. If an SDP file already exists for the URL, it is replaced. Clients that are already connected to the URL are not updated with the new SDP as doing so would require a new DESCRIBE from the client, and there currently is no way to notify clients of the SDP change.

Client to server:

ANNOUNCE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 1\r\n
Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n
Content-Length: 790\r\n
c=IN IP4\ra=x-qt-text-nam:test\ra=x-qt-text-cpy:apple\
compliance:1,1.0,1\rm=audio 0 RTP/AVP 96\ra=rtpmap:96
X-QT/8000/1\ra=control:trackid=1\rm=video 0 RTP/AVP 97\ra=rtpmap:97
profile-level-id=1;config=000001B0F3000001B50EE040C0CF0000010000000120008440FA2850 20F0

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 1\r\n

Client to server:

// The broadcaster is trying to determine if RECORD is supported. QTSS 4.0 used an  Apple
// method of RECEIVE instead of the RECORD.
OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 2\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 2\r\n

Client to server:

// Here is the first setup with the transport defined from the client to the
// server. The URL is the same as when a client performs a setup requesting
// a stream. QTSS does not allow a SETUP on a stream that is already set up
// and will return an error. This can happen in two ways.
// 1) A broadcast software error that does not change the URL.
// 2) A broadcast dies without performing a teardown. In this case, the
// broadcast session has to timeout and die before another setup can occur.
// The server uses a short timeout of 20 seconds for broadcast sessions. The
// timeout is refreshed by any packet received from the broadcaster.
SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 3\r\n
Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode=record;interleaved=0-1\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n
Accept-Language: en-US\r\n

Server to client:

// The server responds with the interleaved values. If the values conflict,
// the client will change them so each stream has a unique set of
// interleaved IDs.
RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 3\r\n
Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n
Session: 6664885458621367225\r\n
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:34:27 GMT\r\n
Expires: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:34:27 GMT\r\n
Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode=record;interleaved=0-1\r\n

Client to server:

SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 4\r\n
Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode=record;interleaved=2-3\r\n
Session: 6664885458621367225\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n
Accept-Language: en-US\r\n

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 4\r\n
Session: 6664885458621367225\r\n
Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:34:27 GMT\r\n
Expires: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:34:27 GMT\r\n
Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode=record;interleaved=2-3\r\n

Client to server:

// This is the equivalent to a client PLAY request. The broadcaster is now
// starting the streams.
RECORD rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 5\r\n
Session: 6664885458621367225\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n

Server to client:

// RTCPs will be sent back on the channels to show the number of watching
// clients.
RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 5\r\n
Session: 6664885458621367225\r\n
RTP-Info: url=trackid=1,url=trackid=2\r\n

Client to server:

PAUSE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 6\r\n
Session: 6664885458621367225\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 6\r\n
Session: 6664885458621367225\r\n

Client to server:

// A TEARDOWN stops the broadcast streams. It does not stop the clients or
// their streams. By default, QTSS allows a restarted or different broadcaster
// to send to the same URL and the clients will receive the new streams. This
// can be both good and bad since the broadcaster can change the stream media
// type on the clients. The streamingserver.xml file provides an attribute
// that allows the server to force clients to disconnect if the broadcaster
// disconnects. The broadcast receiver is recommended to have a way for an
// administrator or the broadcaster to tear down sessions that have failed.
// The server adds a 30 second timeout between SSRC values to prevent someone
// from pirating a stream.  As long as a stream is playing with the initial
// SSRC, another stream arriving on the same ports will not be reflected to
// clients. Attempts to pirate a steam usually occur by accident when users
// manually set their SDP ports.
TEARDOWN rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 7\r\n
Session: 6664885458621367225\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n

Server to client:

// The server removes the SDP file from the movies directory on teardown or
// broadcaster timeout.
RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 7\r\n
Session: 6664885458621367225\r\n
Connection: Close\r\n

Trace of UDP Broadcast with Negotiated Server Ports

The only significant addition to RFC 2326 is that when receiving a broadcast over UDP, the QuickTime server uses SETUP with mode=RECORD to generate and send back to the client a UDP port to use when the SDP contains a port value of 0 for a given stream. Otherwise, the server uses the SDP-defined port to receive the streams. The server's receive port is declared in the SETUP response transport header. The format looks exactly as if a client were performing a SETUP request for a stream from the server and then receiving the port the server is sending from.

Client to server:

ANNOUNCE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 1\r\n
Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n
Content-Length: 790\r\n
c=IN IP4\ra=x-qt-text-nam:test\ra=x-qt-text-cpy:apple\
compliance:1,1.0,1\rm=audio 0 RTP/AVP 96\ra=rtpmap:96
X-QT/8000/1\ra=control:trackid=1\rm=video 0 RTP/AVP 97\ra=rtpmap:97
profile-level-id=1;config=000001B0F3000001B50EE040C0CF0000010000000120008440FA2850 20F0

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 1\r\n

Client to server:

OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 2\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 2\r\n

Client to server:

SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 3\r\n
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=6974-6975;mode=record\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n
Accept-Language: en-US\r\n

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 3\r\n
Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n
Session: 1549167172936112945\r\n
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:59:22 GMT\r\n
Expires: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:59:22 GMT\r\n

Client to server:

SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 4\r\n
Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=6972-6973;mode=record\r\n
Session: 1549167172936112945\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n
Accept-Language: en-US\r\n

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 4\r\n
Session: 1549167172936112945\r\n
Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:59:22 GMT\r\n
Expires: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 21:59:22 GMT\r\n

Client to server:

RECORD rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
CSeq: 5\r\n
Session: 1549167172936112945\r\n
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=6.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac 10.2.3)\r\n

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n
Server: QTSS/4.1.3.x (Build/425; Platform/MacOSX; Release/Development;)\r\n
Cseq: 5\r\n
Session: 1549167172936112945\r\n
RTP-Info: url=trackid=1,url=trackid=2\r\n

Trace of ANNOUNCE and RECORD Using UDP Transport

The following trace example of ANNOUNCE and RECORD RTSP methods using UDP transport is from RFC 2326. The conference participant client asks the media server to record the audio and video portions of a meeting. The client uses the ANNOUNCE method to provide meta-information about the recorded session to the server.

Client to server:

ANNOUNCE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 90
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 121
o=camera1 3080117314 3080118787 IN IP4
s=IETF Meeting, Munich - 1
i=The thirty-ninth IETF meeting will be held in Munich, Germany
e=IETF Channel 1 <>
p=IETF Channel 1 +49-172-2312 451
c=IN IP4
t=3080271600 3080703600
a=tool:sdr v2.4a6
m=audio 21010 RTP/AVP 5
c=IN IP4
m=video 61010 RTP/AVP 31
c=IN IP4

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 90

Client to server:

SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 91
Transport: RTP

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 91
Session: 50887676
Transport: RTP

Client to server:

SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 92
Session: 50887676
Transport: RTP/

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 92
Transport: RTP

Client to server:

RECORD rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 93
Session: 50887676
Range: clock=19961110T1925-19961110T2015

Server to client:

RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 93

Stream Caching

This version of QTSS includes RTSP and RTP features that make it as easy for a caching proxy server to capture and manage a pristine copy of a media stream. Some of these features are elements of RTSP that were not supported in previous versions of QTSS, and other features are additions to RTSP and RTP. The features are

The following sections describe each of these features.

Speed RTSP Header

Clients can send to the server the optional Speed RTSP header to request that the server send data to the client at a particular speed. The server must respond by echoing the Speed RTSP header to the client. If the server does not echo the Speed RTSP header, the client must assume that the server cannot accommodate the request at this time. The server may modify the value of the Speed RTSP header argument. If the server modifies the value of the argument, the client must accept the modified value.

The value of the Speed RTSP header argument is expressed as a decimal ratio. The following example asks the server to send data twice as fast as normal:

Speed: 2.0

If the request also contains a Range argument, the new speed value will take effect at the specified time.

This header is intended for use when preview of the presentation at a higher or lower rate is necessary. Bandwidth for the session may have been negotiated earlier (by means other than RTSP), and therefore re-negotiation may be necessary.

When data is delivered over UDP, it is highly recommended that means such as RTCP be used to track packet loss rates.

x-Transport-Options Header

The optional x-Transport-Options RTSP header should be sent from a client (typically a caching proxy server) to the server in an RTSP SETUP request and must echoed by the server. If the server does not echo the x-Transport-Options header, the client must assume that the server does not support this header. The server may modify the value of the x-Transport-Options header argument. If the server modifies the value of the argument, the client must accept the modified value.

The body of this header contains one or more arguments delimited by the semicolon character. For this version of QTSS, there is only one argument, the late-tolerance argument.

The value of the late-tolerance argument is a positive integer that represents the number of seconds late that the server can send a media packet and still have it be useful to the client. The server should use the value of the late-tolerance argument as a guide for making a best-effort attempt to deliver all media data so that the delivered data is no older than the late-tolerance value.

Here is an example:

x-Transport-Options: late-tolerance=30

If this example were for a video stream, the server would send all video frames that are less than 30 seconds old. The server would drop frames that are more than 30 seconds old because they are stale.

Caching proxy servers can use the x-Transport-Options header to prevent the media server from dropping frames or lowering the stream bit rate in the event it falls behind in sending media data. If the caching proxy server knows the duration of the media, it can prevent the server from dropping any frames by setting the late-tolerance argument to the duration of the media, allowing the cache to receive a complete copy of the media data.

For a live broadcast, a caching proxy server may want to do extra buffering to improve quality for its clients. It could use the x-Transport-Options header to advertise the length of its buffer to the server.

RTP Payload Meta-Information

Certain RTP clients, such as caching proxy servers, require per-packet meta information that goes beyond the sequence number and timestamp already provided in the RTP header. For instance, a caching proxy server may want to provide stream thinning to its clients in case those clients are bandwidth constrained. If that stream thinning is based on the type of video frame being sent by the originating server, there is no payload-independent way for the caching proxy server to determine the frame type.

The RTP payload meta-information solves this deficiency by including information that RTP clients can use to provide the same quality of service to clients as the originating server. The following section, “RTP Data”, describes the RTP data that the server delivers in the RTP payload meta-information type.

RTP Data

The server uses the RTP payload meta-information type to provide the following information to the RTP client:

Transmission Time

The server sends the transmission time as a single four-octet unsigned integer representing the recommended transmission time of the RTP packet in milliseconds.

The transmission time is always offset from the start of the media presentation. For example, if the SDP response for a URL includes a range of 0-729.45 and the client makes a PLAY request with a range of 100-729.45, the first RTP packet from the server should provide a transmission time value of approximately 100,000. (It may not be exactly 100,000 because the server is free to find a frame nearby the requested time.) If the SDP for a URL does not contain a range, the client can at least use these values as relative offsets.

Frame Type

The server sends the frame type as a single 16-bit unsigned integer value for which several well-known values representing different frame types are defined. The well-known values are as follows:

  • 0 represents an unknown frame type

  • 1 represents a key frame

  • 2 represents a b-frame

  • 3 represents a p-frame

Packet Number

The server sends the packet number as a single 64-bit unsigned integer value. The value is the packet number offset from the absolute start of the stream. For example, if the SDP response for a URL includes a range of 0-729.45 and the client makes a PLAY request with a range of 0-729.45, the packet number value of the first packet will be 0 and will increment by 1 for each subsequent packet. If there are 1000 packets between in the first 60 seconds of a stream and a client makes a PLAY request of 60-729.45, the packet number of the first packet will be 1001 and will increment by 1 for each subsequent packet.

Packet Position

The server sends the packet position as a single 64-bit unsigned integer value. The value is the byte offset of this packet from the absolute start of the stream. For example, if the SDP response for a URL includes a range of 0-729.45 and the client makes a PLAY request with a range of 100-729.45, the packet position value of the first video RTP packet will be the total number of bytes of the video RTP packets between 0 and 100. Only the RTP packet payload bytes are used to compute each packet position value.

The server cannot provide the packet position for live or dynamic media. In general, if the media SDP has a range attribute, the server can provide the packet position.

Media Data

The server sends media data for the underlying RTP protocol.

Sequence Number

The server sends the RTP sequence number as a two-octet value. The sequence number is useful for mapping RTP meta-information to the underlying payload data that they refer to, if that data is being sent out-of-band.

Standard Format

The RTP payload meta-information returned by the server consists of a series of fields. Each field consists of a header and data. When returned in standard format, the first bit of the header is zero to indicate that the field is in standard format (that is, not compressed).

The first bit is followed by the 15-bit Name subfield. The Name subfield contains two ASCII alphanumeric characters that represent one of the RTP data types listed in the section “RTP Data”. The first character is seven bits long, so the value of the Name subfield must consist of seven-bit ASCII characters.

Table 2-26 lists the Name subfield values for each of the RTP data types.

Table 1-26  Defined Name subfield values

RTP data type

Name subfield value

Transmission time


Frame type


Packet number


Packet position




Sequence number


The Name subfield is followed by a two-octet Length subfield that contains the full length of the Data subfield.

Figure 2-9 shows the format of the Name subfield in standard format.

Figure 1-9  Standard RTP payload meta-information format

Figure 2-10 shows the format of the RTP data in standard format.

Figure 1-10  RTP data in standard format

Compressed Format

When the server provides a field of RTP meta-information in compressed format, the field consists of a header and data. The first bit of the header is set to one to indicate that the rest of the header is in compressed format.

The first bit is followed by a seven-bit ID subfield that identifies the type of data in the Data subfield. The meaning of the ID subfield is assigned by the server, as described in the section “x-RTP-Meta-Info RTSP Header Negotiation”.

The ID subfield is followed by the one-octet Length subfield that contains the full length of the Data subfield that follows the Length subfield.

Figure 2-11 shows the format of the ID subfield in compressed format.

Figure 1-11  Compressed RTP payload meta-information format

Figure 2-12 shows an RTP payload meta-information packet when some fields are in compressed format and some fields are in standard format.

Figure 1-12  Mixed RTP payload meta-information format

Negotiation for Use of Compressed Format

Use of the compressed format requires out-of-band negotiation between client and server. During the negotiation process, the server assigns a seven-bit ID for each RTP data type. Instead sending the name of the RTP data type (for example, ft) in the RTP payload, only the ID is sent.

Negotiation for using the compressed format can occur in two ways:

x-RTP-Meta-Info RTSP Header Negotiation

The client can negotiate compression with the server for any payload by sending an x-RTP-Meta-Info RTSP header to the server in a SETUP request. If the server does not echo the header in its SETUP response, the client must assume that the server does not support this header.

The client’s SETUP request specifies the RTP data types the client wants to receive in the specified RTP stream. Here is an example of a client request:

x-RTP-Meta-Info: to;bi;bo

The server’s response lists the names of the RTP data that the server will provide for that RTP stream. If the server supports the compressed format, the response may also contain ID mappings for some or all of the names. The server may return a subset of the names if it doesn’t support all of the requested names, or if some requested names don’t apply to the RTP stream specified by the SETUP request. Here are two examples of a server response:

x-RTP-Meta-Info: to=0;bi;bo=1
x-RTP-Meta-Info: to;bi

In the first response, the server indicates that it will provide bi data in standard format. The server will send to data in compressed format and use an ID of 0 to indicate fields that contain to data. The server will send bo data in compressed format and use an ID of 1 to indicate fields that contain bo data. Because IDs are represented by seven bits, an ID must be between 0 and 127.

In the second response, the server indicates that it will provide to and bi data in standard format.

Describing RTP-Meta-Info Payload in SDP

The originator of RTP-Meta-Info payload packets should describe the contents of the payload as part of the SDP description of the media. RTP-Meta-Info descriptions consist of two additional a= headers.

The a=x-embedded-rtpmap header tells the client the payload type of the underlying RTP payload.

The a=x-RTP-Meta-Info header tells the client the RTP data types the server will provide. Here is an example of an SDP description of the RTP-Meta-Info payload:

m=other 5084 RTP/AVP 96
a=rtpmap:96 x-RTP-Meta-Info
a=x-embedded-rtpmap:96 x-QT}
a=x-RTP-Meta-Info: standard;to;bi;bo

x-Packet-Range RTSP Header

The x-Packet-Range RTSP header allows the client (typically a caching proxy server) to specify a range of packets that the server should retransmit, thereby allowing the client to fill in holes in its cached copy of the stream. The client should send the x-Packet-Range RTSP header in a PLAY request in place of the Range header. If the server does not support this header, it sends the client a “501 Header Not Implemented” response.

The body of this header contains a start and stop packet number for this PLAY request. The specified packet numbers must be based on the packet number RTP-Meta-Info field. For information on how to request packet numbers as part of the RTP stream, see the RTP-Meta-Info payload format IETF Draft.

The header format consists of two arguments delimited by the semicolon character. The first argument must be the packet number range, with the start and stop packet numbers separated by a hyphen (-). The second argument must be the stream URL to which the specified packets belong.

The following example requests packet numbers 4551 through 4689 for trackID3:

x-Packet-Range: pn=4551-4689;url=trackID3

The stop packet number must be equal to or greater than the start packet number. Otherwise, the server may return an error or may not send any media data after the PLAY response.

Reliable UDP

Reliable UDP is a set of quality of service enhancements, such as congestion control tuning improvements, retransmit, and thinning server algorithms, that improve the ability to present a good quality RTP stream to RTP clients even in the presence of packet loss and network congestion. Reliable UDP’s congestion control mechanisms allow streams to behave in a TCP-friendly fashion without disturbing the real-time nature of the protocol.

To work well with TCP traffic on the Internet, Reliable UDP uses retransmission and congestion control algorithms similar to the algorithms used by TCP. Additionally, these algorithms are time-tested to utilize available bandwidth optimally.

Relibable UDP features include

Whether a client uses Reliable UDP is determined by the content of the client’s RTSP SETUP request.

Acknowledgment Packets

When using Reliable UDP, the server expects to receive an acknowledgment for each RTP packet it sends. If the server does not receive an acknowledgment for a packet, it may retransmit the packet. The client does not need to send an acknowledgment packet for each RTP packet it receives. Instead, the client can coalesce acknowledgments for several packets and send them to the server in a single packet.

The Reliable UDP acknowledgment packet format is a type of RTCP APP packet. After the standard RTCP APP packet headers, the payload for an acknowledgment packet consists of an RTP sequence number followed by a variable length bit mask. The sequence number identifies the first RTP packet that the client is acknowledging. Each additional RTP packet being acknowledged is represented by a bit set in the bitmask. The bit mask is an offset from the specified sequence number, where the high order bit of the first byte in the mask is one greater than the sequence number, the second bit is two greater, and so on. Bit masks must be sent in multiples of four octets. Setting a bit to 0 in the mask simply means that the client does not wish to acknowledge this sequence number right now and does not imply a negative acknowledgment.

Figure 2-13 shows the format of the Reliable UDP acknowledgment packet.

Figure 1-13  Reliable UDP acknowledgment packet format

RTSP Negotiation

Whether to use Reliable UDP is negotiated out of band in RTSP. If a client wants to use Reliable UDP, it should include an x-Retransmit header in its RTSP SETUP request. The body of the header contains the retransmit protocol name (our-retransmit) followed by a list of arguments delimited by the semicolon character.

Currently, one argument can be passed from the client to the server: the window argument. If included, the window argument tells the Reliable UDP server the size of the client’s window in KBytes.

Here is an example:

x-Retransmit: our-retransmit;window=128

The server must echo the header and all parameters. If the x-Retransmit header is not in the SETUP response, the client must assume that Reliable UDP will not be used for this stream. If the server changes the parameter values, the client must use the new values.

Tunneling RTSP and RTP Over HTTP

Using standard RTSP/RTP, a single TCP connection can be used to stream a QuickTime presentation to a user. Such a connection is not sufficient to reach users on private IP networks behind firewalls where HTTP proxy servers provide clients with indirect access to the Internet. To reach such clients, QuickTime 4.1 supports the placement of RTSP and RTP data in HTTP requests and replies. As a result, viewers behind firewalls can access QuickTime presentations through HTTP proxy servers.

The QuickTime HTTP transport is built from two separate HTTP GET and POST method requests initiated by the client. The server then binds the connections to form a virtual full-duplex connection. The protocol that forms this type of connection is must meet the following requirements:

The QuickTime HTTP transport exploits the capability of HTTP’s GET and POST methods to carry an indefinite amount of data in their reply and message body respectively. In the most simple case, the client makes an HTTP GET request to the server to open the server-to-client connection. Then the client makes a HTTP POST request to the server to open the client-to-server connection. The resulting virtual full-duplex connection (shown in Figure 2-14) makes it possible to send unmodified RTSP and RTP data over the connection.

Figure 1-14  Required connections for tunneling

HTTP Client Request Requirements

To work with the QuickTime HTTP transport, client HTTP requests must

  • Be made using HTTP version 1.0

  • Include in the header an x-sessioncookie directive whose value is a globally unique identifier (GUID). The GUID makes it possible for the server to unambiguously bind the two connections by passing it as an opaque token to the C library strcmp function

  • In POST requests, the application/x-rtsp-tunneled MIME type for both the Content-Type and Accept directives must be specified; this MIME type reflects the data type that is expected and delivered by the client and server

  • Direct POST requests to the specified IP address if a server’s reply to an initial GET request includes the x-server-ip-address directive and an IP address

In addition to these requirements, client HTTP POST request headers may include other directives in order to help HTTP proxy servers handle RTSP streams optimally.

Sample Client GET Request

Here is an example of a client GET request:

GET / HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=4.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac8.6)
x-sessioncookie: tD9hKgAAfB8ABCftAAAAAw

Sample Client POST Request

Here is an example of a client POST request:

User-Agent: QTS (qtver=4.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac8.6)
Content-Type: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 32767
Expires: Sun, 9 Jan 1972 00:00:00 GMT

The sample client POST request includes three optional header directives that are present to control the behavior of HTTP proxy servers so that they handle RTSP streams optimally:

  • The Pragma: no-cache directive tells many HTTP 1.0 proxy servers not to cache the transaction.

  • The Cache-Control: no-cache directive tells many HTTP 1.1 proxy servers not to cache the transaction.

  • The Expires directive specifies an arbitrary time in the past. This directive is intended to prevent proxy servers from caching the transaction.

HTTP requires that all POST requests have a content-length header. In the sample client POST request, the content length of 32767 is an arbitrary value. In practice, the actual value seems to be ignored by proxy servers, so it is possible to send more than this amount of data in the form of RTSP requests. The QuickTime Server ignores the content-length header.

HTTP Server Reply Requirements

When the server receives an HTTP GET request from a client, it must respond with a reply whose header specifies the application/x-rtsp-tunneled MIME type for both the Content-Type and Accept directives.

Server reply headers may optionally include the Cache-Control: no-store and Pragma: no-cache directives to prevent HTTP proxy servers from caching the transaction. It is recommended that implementations honor these headers if they are present.

Server clusters are often allocated connections by a round-robin DNS or other load-balancing algorithm. To insure that client requests are directed to the same server among potentially several servers in a server farm, the server may optionally include the x-server-ip-address directive followed by an IP address in dotted decimal format in the header of its reply to a client’s initial GET request. When this directive is present, the client must direct its POST request to the specified IP address regardless of the IP address returned by a DNS lookup.

In the absence of an HTTP error, the server reply header contains “200 OK”. An HTTP error in a server reply reflects the inability of the server to form the virtual full-duplex connection; an HTTP error does not imply an RTSP error. When an HTTP error occurs, the server simply closes the connection.

Sample Server Reply to a GET Request

Here is an example of a server reply to a GET request:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: QTSS/2.0 [v101] MacOSX
Connection: close
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1982 18:30:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled

Including the following header directives in a reply is not required but is recommended because the directives they tell proxy servers to behave in a way that allows them to handle RTSP streams optimally:

  • The Date directive specifies an arbitrary time in the past. This keeps proxy servers from caching the transaction.

  • The Cache-Control: no-cache directive tells many HTTP 1.1 proxy servers not to cache the transaction.

  • The Pragma: no-cache directive tells many HTTP 1.0 proxy servers not to cache the transaction.

RTSP Request Encoding

RTSP requests made by the client on the POST connection must be encoded using the base64 method. (See RFC 2045 “Internet Message Bodies”, section 6.8, Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding, and RFC 1421 “Privacy Enhancements for Electronic Mail,” section, Printable Encoding.) The base64 encoding prevents HTTP proxy server from determining that an embodied RTSP request is a malformed HTTP requests.

Here is a sample RTSP request before it is encoded:

DESCRIBE rtsp://
CSeq: 1
Accept: application/sdp
Bandwidth: 1500000
Accept-Language: en-US
User-Agent: QTS (qtver=4.1;cpu=PPC;os=Mac8.6)

Here is the same request after encoding:


Connection Maintenance

The client may close the POST connection at any time. Doing so frees socket and memory resources at the server that might otherwise be unused for a long time. In QuickTime HTTP streaming, the best time to close the POST connection usually occurs after the PLAY request.

Support For Other HTTP Features

Support for HTTP features that are not documented here is not required in order to implement the tunneling of QuickTime RTSP and RTP over HTTP. The tunnel should mimic a normal TCP connection as closely as possible without adding unnecessary features.