Using the QuickTime Music Architecture

The QuickTime Music Architecture provides functions that allow applications to control all aspects of playing music tracks and generating musical sounds in QuickTime movies.

This chapter discusses a few of the more common operations your application can perform with the QTMA.

Converting MIDI Data to a QuickTime Music Track

QuickTime Pro allows you to open a standard MIDI file and convert it into a QuickTime music track. After the file is converted, the application prompts you to save the converted file as a QuickTime movie. Once saved, a movie controller is displayed and you can play the music.

Importing a Standard MIDI File As a Movie

Most music content exists in Standard MIDI Files (SMF), which have a standard format. All sequencing and composition programs let you save or export files in this format. QuickTime provides facilities for reading an SMF and converting it into a QuickTime movie. During any kind of conversion, the SMF is assumed to be scored for a General MIDI device, and MIDI channel 10 is assumed to be a drum track.

The conversion to a QuickTime movie can happen in one of several ways. Because it is implemented in a QuickTime 'eat ' component, the conversion happens automatically in most cases. Any application that uses the StandardGetFile routine to open a movie can also open 'Midi' files transparently, and can transparently paste Clipboard contents of type 'Midi' into a movie shown with the standard movie controller.

To explicitly convert a file or handle into a movie, your application can use the Movie Toolbox routines ConvertFileToMovieFile and PasteHandleIntoMovie, respectively.

When authoring MIDI files to be converted to QuickTime music movies, two MIDI system-exclusive messages can be used for more precise control of the MIDI import process. Note that QuickTime data is divided into media samples. Within video tracks, each video frame is considered one sample; in music tracks, each sample can contain several seconds worth of musical information.

Applications can define their own system-exclusive messages of the form F0 11 7F ww xx yy zz ... application-defined data ... F7, where ww xx yy zz is the application’s unique signature with the high bits cleared. This is guaranteed not to interfere with Apple’s or any other manufacturer’s use of system-exclusive codes.

Playing Notes With the Note Allocator

Playing a few notes with the note allocator component is simple and straightforward. To play notes that have a piano sound, for example, you need to open up the note allocator component, allocate a note channel with a request for piano, and play. When you’ve finished playing notes, you dispose of the note channel and close the note allocator component. The code to accomplish this is shown in Listing 2-2. Before working through the code, you need to look at some important related data structures.

Note-Related Data Structures

A note channel is analogous to a sound channel in that you allocate it, issue commands to it to produce sound, and close it when you’re done. To specify details about the note channel, you use a data structure called a NoteRequest (see Listing 2-1).

Listing 2-1  Note-related data structures

struct NoteRequest {
    NoteRequestInfo  info;
    ToneDescription  tone;
struct NoteRequestInfo {
    UInt8    flags;
    UInt8    reserved;
    short    polyphony;
    Fixed    typicalPolyphony;
struct ToneDescription {
    OSType     synthesizerType;
    Str31    synthesizerName;
    Str31    instrumentName;
    long     instrumentNumber;
    long     gmNumber;

The next two fields specify the probable polyphony that the note channel will be used for. Polyphony means, literally, many sounds. A polyphony of 5 means that five notes can be playing simultaneously. The polyphony field enables QTMA to make sure that the allocated note channel can play all the notes you need. The typical polyphony field is a fixed-point number that should be set to the average number of voices the note channel will play; it may be whole or fractional. Some music components use this field to adjust the mixing level for a good volume. If in doubt, set the typical polyphony field to 0X00010000.

The ToneDescription structure is used throughout QTMA to specify a musical instrument sound in a device-independent fashion. This structure’s synthesizerType and synthesizerName fields can request a particular synthesizer to play notes on. Usually, they’re set to 0, meaning “choose the best General MIDI synthesizer.” The gmNumber field indicates the General MIDI (GM) instrument or drum kit sound, which may be any of 135 such sounds supported by many synthesizer manufacturers. (All these sounds are available on a General MIDI Sound Module.) The GM instruments are numbered 1 through 128, and the seven drum kits are numbered 16385 and higher. For synthesizers that accept sounds outside the GM library, you can use the instrumentName and instrumentNumber fields to specify some other sound.

Playing Piano Sounds With the Note Allocator

The routine in Listing 2-2 plays notes in a piano sound with the note allocator component.

Listing 2-2  Playing notes with the note allocator component

void PlaySomeNotes(void)
    NoteAllocator   na;
    NoteChannel     nc;
    NoteRequest     nr;
    ComponentResult  thisError;
    long        t, i;
    na = 0;
    nc = 0;
    // Open up the note allocator.
    na = OpenDefaultComponent(kNoteAllocatorType, 0);
    if (!na)
        goto goHome;
    // Fill out a NoteRequest using NAStuffToneDescription to help, and
    // allocate a NoteChannel. = 0; = 0; = 2;   // simultaneous tones = 0x00010000; // usually just one note
    thisError = NAStuffToneDescription(na, 1, &nr.tone); // 1 is piano
    thisError = NANewNoteChannel(na, &nr, &nc);
    if (thisError || !nc)
        goto goHome;
    // If we've gotten this far, OK to play some musical notes.
    NAPlayNote(na, nc, 60, 80);     // middle C at velocity 80
    Delay(40, &t);         // delay 2/3 of a second
    NAPlayNote(na, nc, 60, 0);   // middle C at velocity 0: end note
    Delay(40, &t);         // delay 2/3 of a second
    // Obligatory do-loop of rising tones
    for (i = 60; i <= 84; i++) {
        NAPlayNote(na, nc, i, 80);    // pitch i at velocity 80
        NAPlayNote(na, nc, i+7, 80);    // pitch i+7 (musical fifth) at
                                         // velocity 80 
        Delay(10, &t);                   // delay 1/6 of a second
        NAPlayNote(na, nc, i, 0); // pitch i at velocity 0: end note
        NAPlayNote(na, nc, i+7, 0);  // pitch i+7 at velocity 0:
                                        // end note 
    if (nc)
        NADisposeNoteChannel(na, nc);
    if (na)

You start by calling OpenDefaultComponent to open a connection to the note allocator. If this routine returns 0, the component wasn’t opened, most likely because QTMA wasn’t present. Next, you fill in the NoteRequestInfo and ToneDescription structures, calling the note allocator’s NAStuffToneDescription routine and passing it the GM instrument number for piano. This routine fills in the gmNumber field and also fills in the other ToneDescription fields with sensible values, such as the instrument’s name in text form in the instrumentName field. (The routine can be useful for converting a GM instrument number to its text equivalent.)

After allocating the note channel with NANewNoteChannel, you call NAPlayNote to play each note. Notice the last two parameters to NAPlayNote:

ComponentResult NAPlayNote(NoteAllocator na, NoteChannel nc,
    long pitch, long velocity);

The value of the pitch parameter is an integer from 1 to 127, where 60 is middle C, 61 is C sharp, and 59 is C flat, or B. Similarly, 69 is concert A and is played at a nominal audio frequency of 440 Hz.

The velocity parameter’s value is also an integer from 1 to 127, or 0. A velocity of 1 corresponds to just barely touching the musical keyboard, and 127 indicates that the key was struck as hard as possible. Different velocities produce tones of different volumes from the synthesizer. A velocity of 0 means the key was released; the note stops or fades out, as appropriate to the kind of sound being played.

You stop the notes at this point after delaying an appropriate amount of time with a call to the Delay routine. Finally, you dispose of the note channel and close the note allocator component.

Music Component Functions: Synthesizer

The functions in this section obtain specific information about a synthesizer and obtain a best instrument fit for a requested tone from the available instruments within the synthesizer; play a note with a specified pitch, volume, and duration; get and set a particular synthesizer knob; obtain synthesizer knob information; and get and set external MIDI procedure name entry points.

Knob Flags

Knob flags specify characteristics of a knob. They are used in the flags field of a knob description structure. Some flags describe the type of values a knob takes and others describe the user interface. Knob flags are mutually exclusive, so only one should be set (all knob flag constants begin with kKnobType).

enum {
    kKnobReadOnly               = 16,
    kKnobInterruptUnsafe        = 32,
    kKnobKeyrangeOverride       = 64,
    kKnobGroupStart             = 128,
    kKnobFixedPoint8            = 1024,
    kKnobFixedPoint16           = 2048,
    kKnobTypeNumber             = 0 << 12,
    kKnobTypeGroupName          = 1 << 12,
    kKnobTypeBoolean            = 2 << 12,
    kKnobTypeNote               = 3 << 12,
    kKnobTypePan                = 4 << 12,
    kKnobTypeInstrument         = 5 << 12,
    kKnobTypeSetting            = 6 << 12,
    kKnobTypeMilliseconds       = 7 << 12,
    kKnobTypePercentage         = 8 << 12,
    kKnobTypeHertz              = 9 << 12,
    kKnobTypeButton             = 10 << 12




The knob value cannot be changed by the user or with a set knob call.


Alter this knob only from foreground task time.


The knob can be overridden within a single key range (software synthesizer only).


The knob is first in some logical group of knobs.


Interpret knob numbers as fixed-point 8-bit.


Interpret knob numbers as fixed-point 16-bit.


The knob value is a numerical value.


The name of the knob is really a group name for display purposes.


The knob is an on/off knob. If the range of the knob (as specified by the low value and high value in the knob description structure) is greater than one, the knob is a multi-checkbox field.


The knob value range is equivalent to MIDI keys.


The knob value is the pan setting and is within a range (as specified by the low value and high value in the knob description structure) that goes from left to right.


The knob value is a reference to another instrument number.


The knob value is one of n different discrete settings; for example, items on a pop-up menu.


The knob value is in milliseconds.


The knob value is a percentage of the range.


The knob value represents frequency.


The knob is a momentary trigger push button.

Knob Value Constants

These constants specify unknown or default knob values and are used in various get knob and set knob calls.

enum {
    kUnknownKnobValue       = 0x7FFFFFFF,
    kDefaultKnobValue       = 0x7FFFFFFE




Couldn't find the specified knob value.


Set this knob to its default value.

Music Packet Status

These constants are used in the reserved field of the MIDI packet structure.

enum {
    kMusicPacketPortLost        = 1,
    kMusicPacketPortFound       = 2,
    kMusicPacketTimeGap         = 3




The application has lost the default input port.


The application has retrieved the input port from the previous owner.


The last byte of the packet specifies how long (in milliseconds) to keep the MIDI line silent after sending the packet.

MIDI Packet

The MIDI packet structure describes the data passed by note allocation calls. It is defined by the MusicMIDIPacket data type.

struct MusicMIDIPacket {
    unsigned short          length;
    unsigned long           reserved;           
    UInt8                   data[249];
typedef struct MusicMIDIPacket MusicMIDIPacket;




The length of the data in the packet.


This field contains zero or one of the music packet status constants.

data[249 ]

The MIDI data.

This is the count of data bytes only, unlike MIDI Manager or OMS packets. For information about the music packet status, see Music Packet Status.

Atomic Instrument Information Flags

These constants specify what pieces of information about an atomic instrument the caller is interested in and are passed to the MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument function.

enum {
    kGetAtomicInstNoExpandedSamples = 1 << 0,
    kGetAtomicInstNoOriginalSamples = 1 << 1,
    kGetAtomicInstNoSamples         = kGetAtomicInstNoExpandedSamples |
    kGetAtomicInstNoKnobList        = 1 << 2,
    kGetAtomicInstNoInstrumentInfo  = 1 << 3,
    kGetAtomicInstOriginalKnobList  = 1 << 4,
    kGetAtomicInstAllKnobs          = 1 << 5




Eliminate the expanded samples.


Eliminate the original samples.


Eliminate both the original and expanded samples.


Eliminate the knob list.


Eliminate the About box information.


Include the original knob list.


Include the current knob list.

Flags for Setting Atomic Instruments

These flags specify details of initializing a part with an atomic instrument and are passed to the MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument function.

enum {
    kSetAtomicInstKeepOriginalInstrument    = 1 << 0,
    kSetAtomicInstShareAcrossParts          = 1 << 1,
    kSetAtomicInstCallerTosses              = 1 << 2,
    kSetAtomicInstDontPreprocess            = 1 << 7




Keep original sample after expansion.


Remove the instrument when the application quits.


The caller isn't keeping a copy of the atomic instrument for later calls to NASetAtomicInstrument.


Don't expand the sample. You would only set this bit if you know the instrument is digitally clean or you got it from a MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument call.

Music Component Functions: Instruments and Parts

The functions described in this section initialize a part with an instrument, store instruments, list available instruments, manipulate parts, and get information about parts.

Instrument Info Flags

Use these flags in the MusicGetInstrumentInfo function to indicate which instruments and instrument names you are interested in.

enum {
    kGetInstrumentInfoNoBuiltIn         = 1 << 0,
    kGetInstrumentInfoMidiUserInst      = 1 << 1,
    kGetInstrumentInfoNoIText           = 1 << 2




Don't return built-in instruments.


Do return user instruments for a MIDI device.


Don't return international text strings.

Instrument Component Functions

This section describes functions that are implemented by instrument components.

Synthesizer Connection Type Flags

These flags provide information about a MIDI device’s connection and are used in the synthesizer connections structure.

enum {
    kSynthesizerConnectionMono      = 1,
    kSynthesizerConnectionMMgr      = 2,
    kSynthesizerConnectionOMS       = 4,
    kSynthesizerConnectionQT        = 8,
    kSynthesizerConnectionFMS       = 16




If set, and the synthesizer can be both monophonic and polyphonic, the synthesizer is instructed to take up its channels sequentially from the system channel in monophonic mode.


This connection is imported from the MIDI Manager.


This connection is imported from the Open Music System (OMS).


This connection is a QuickTime-only port.


This connection is imported from the FreeMIDI system.

Synthesizer Connections for MIDI Devices

The synthesizer connection structure describes how a MIDI device is connected to the computer. It is defined by the SynthesizerConnections data type.

struct SynthesizerConnections {
    OSType                      clientID;
    OSType                      inputPortID;
    OSType                      outputPortID;
    long                        midiChannel;
    long                        flags;
    long                        unique;
    long                        reserved1;
    long                        reserved2;
typedef struct SynthesizerConnections SynthesizerConnections;




The client ID provided by the MIDI Manager or 'OMS ' for an OMS port.


The ID provided by the MIDI Manager or OMS for the port used to send to the MIDI synthesizer.


The ID provided by the MIDI Manager or OMS for the port that receives from a keyboard or other control device.


The system MIDI channel or, for a hardware device, the slot number.


Information about the type of connection.


A unique ID you can use instead of an index to identify the synthesizer to the note allocator.


Reserved. Set to 0.


Reserved. Set to 0.

For flags values, see Synthesizer Connection Type Flags.

Instrument Match Flags

These flags are returned in the instMatch field of the General MIDI instrument information structure to specify how QuickTime music architecture matched an instrument request to an instrument.

enum {
    kInstrumentExactMatch               = 0x00020000,
    kInstrumentRecommendedSubstitute    = 0x00010000,
    kInstrumentQualityField             = 0xFF000000,
    kRoland8BitQuality          = 0x05000000
typedef InstrumentAboutInfo *InstrumentAboutInfoPtr;
typedef InstrumentAboutInfoPtr *InstrumentAboutInfoHandle;




The instrument exactly matches the request.


The instrument is the approved substitute.


The high-order 8 bits of this field specify the quality of the selected instrument. Higher values specify higher quality.


For built-in instruments, the value of the high-order 8 bits is always kInstrumentRoland8BitQuality, which corresponds to the quality of an 8-bit Roland instrument.

General MIDI Instrument Information Structure

The General MIDI instrument information structure provides information about a General MIDI instrument within an instrument component. It is defined by the GMInstrumentInfo data type.

struct GMInstrumentInfo {
    long                        cmpInstID;
    long                        gmInstNum;
    long                        instMatch;
typedef struct GMInstrumentInfo GMInstrumentInfo;
typedef GMInstrumentInfo *GMInstrumentInfoPtr;
typedef GMInstrumentInfoPtr *GMInstrumentInfoHandle;




The number of the instrument within the instrument component.


The General MIDI, or standard, instrument number.


A flag indicating how the instrument matches the requested instrument.

For instMatch values, see Instrument Match Flags.

Note Request Constants

These flags specify what to do if the exact instrument requested is not found. They are used in the flags field of the note request information structure.

enum {
    kNoteRequestNoGM            = 1,
    kNoteRequestNoSynthType     = 2




Don't use a General MIDI synthesizer.


Don't use another synthesizer of the same type but with a different name.

Note Request Information Structure

The note request information structure contains information for allocating a note channel that’s in addition to that included in a tone description structure. It is defined by the NoteRequestInfo data type.

struct NoteRequestInfo {
    UInt8                       flags;
    UInt8                       reserved;
    short                       polyphony;
    Fixed                       typicalPolyphony;
typedef struct NoteRequestInfo NoteRequestInfo;




Specifies what to do if the exact instrument requested in a tone description structure is not found.


Reserved. Set to 0.


Maximum number of voices.


Hint for level mixing.

For flags values, see Note Request Constants.

Pick Instrument Flags

The pick instrument flags provide information to the NAPickInstrument and NAPickEditInstrument functions on which instruments to present for the user to choose from.

enum {
    kPickDontMix                = 1,
    kPickSameSynth              = 2,
    kPickUserInsts              = 4,
    kPickEditAllowPick          = 16




Show either all drum kits or all instruments depending on the current instrument. For example, if it's a drum kit, show only drum kits.


Show only instruments from the current synthesizer.


Show modifiable instruments in addition to ROM instruments.


Present the instrument picker dialog box. Used only with the NAPickEditInstrument function.

Note Allocator Functions: Miscellaneous Interface Tools

The functions in this section provide a user interface for instrument selection and presenting copyright information.

Note Allocator Type

Use these constants to specify the QuickTime note allocator component.

enum {
    kNoteAllocatorType              = 'nota'
    kNoteAllocatorComponentType     = 'not2'




The QTMA note allocator type.


The QTMA note allocator component type.

Tune Queue Depth

This constant represents the maximum number of segments that can be queued with the TuneQueue function.

enum {
    kTuneQueueDepth     = 8




Deepest you can queue tune segments.

Tune Player Functions

This section describes the functions the tune player provides for setting, queueing, and manipulating music sequences. It also describes tune player utility functions.

Tune Player Type

Use this constant to specify the QuickTime tune player component.

enum {
    kTunePlayerType         = 'tune'




The QuickTime music architecture tune player component type.

Tune Queue Flags

Use these flags in the TuneQueue function to give details about how to handle the queued tune.

enum {
    kTuneStartNow               = 1,
    kTuneDontClipNotes          = 2,
    kTuneExcludeEdgeNotes       = 4,
    kTuneQuickStart             = 8,
    kTuneLoopUntil              = 16,
    kTuneStartNewMaster         = 16384




Play even if another tune is playing.


Allow notes to finish their durations outside sample.


Don't play notes that start at end of tune.


Leave all the controllers where they are and ignore start time.


Loop a queued tune if there is nothing else in the queue.


Start a new master reference timer.

MIDI Component Constants

Use these constants to specify MIDI components.

enum {
    kQTMIDIComponentType= FOUR_CHAR_CODE('midi'),
    kOMSComponentSubType= FOUR_CHAR_CODE('OMS '),
    kFMSComponentSubType= FOUR_CHAR_CODE('FMS '),
    kMIDIManagerComponentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mmgr')




The component type for MIDI components.


The component subtype for a Open Music System MIDI component.


The component subtype for a FreeMIDI component.


The component subtype for a MIDI Manager component.

MIDI System Exclusive Constants

System exclusive constants can be used to control where sample breaks occur when importing a MIDI file. For more information, see the section Importing a Standard MIDI File As a Movie.

enum {
    kAppleSysexID   = 0x11,
    kAppleSysexCmdSampleSize= 0x0001,
    kAppleSysexCmdSampleBreak= 0x0002,
    kAppleSysexCmdAtomicInstrument = 0x0010,
    kAppleSysexCmdDeveloper= 0x7F00 

MIDI File Import Flags

These flags control the importation of MIDI files.

enum {
    kMIDIImportSilenceBefore = 1 << 0,
    kMIDIImportSilenceAfter = 1 << 1,
    kMIDIImport20Playable = 1 << 2,
    kMIDIImportWantLyrics = 1 << 3




Specifies to add one second of silence before the first note.


Specifies to add one second of silence after the last note.


Specifies to import only MIDI data that can be used with QuickTime. The imported data does not include program changes and has at most 32 parts.


Specifies to import karaoke lyrics as a text track.

Part Mixing Flags

Part mixing flags control how a part is mixed with other parts.

enum {
    kTuneMixMute= 1,
    kTuneMixSolo= 2




Disables the part so that it is not heard.


Specifies to include only soloed parts in the mix if any parts are soloed.

Atom Types for Atomic Instruments

These constants specify the types of atoms used to build atomic instruments. Atomic instruments are described in Instrument Components and Atomic Instruments.

enum {
    kaiToneDescType                 = 'tone',
    kaiNoteRequestInfoType          = 'ntrq',
    kaiKnobListType                 = 'knbl',
    kaiKeyRangeInfoType             = 'sinf',
    kaiSampleDescType               = 'sdsc',
    kaiSampleDataType               = 'sdat',
    kaiInstRefType                  = 'iref',
    kaiInstInfoType                 = 'iinf',
    kaiPictType                     = 'pict',
    kaiWriterType                   =

Instrument Knob Flags

These flags are used in the knobFlags field of an instrument knob list structure to indicate what to do if a requested knob is not in the list.

enum {
    kInstKnobMissingUnknown         = 0,
    kInstKnobMissingDefault         = 1 << 0




If the requested knob is not in the list, do not set its value.


If the requested knob is not in the list, use its default value.

Loop Type Constants

You can use these constants in the loopType field of an atomic instrument sample description structure to indicate the type of loop you want.

enum {
    kMusicLoopTypeNormal            = 0,
    kMusicLoopTypePalindrome        = 1




Use a regular loop.


Use a back-and-forth loop.

Music Component Type

Use this constant to specify a QuickTime music component.

enum {
    kMusicComponentType     = 'musi'




The type of any QTML music component.

Synthesizer Type Constants

You can use these constants in a tone description structure to specify the type of synthesizer you want to produce the tone.

enum {
    kSoftSynthComponentSubType    = 'ss ',
    kGMSynthComponentSubType      = 'gm '




Use the QuickTime music synthesizer. This is the built-in synthesizer.


Use the General MIDI synthesizer.

Synthesizer Description Flags

These flags describe various characteristics of a synthesizer. They are used in the flags field of the synthesizer description structure.

enum {
    kSynthesizerDynamicVoice        = 1,
    kSynthesizerUsesMIDIPort        = 2,
    kSynthesizerMicrotone           = 4,
    kSynthesizerHasSamples          = 8,
    kSynthesizerMixedDrums          = 6,
    kSynthesizerSoftware            = 32,
    kSynthesizerHardware            = 64,
    kSynthesizerDynamicChannel      = 128,
    kSynthesizerHogsSystemChannel   = 256,
    kSynthesizerSlowSetPart         = 1024,
    kSynthesizerOffline             = 4096,
    kSynthesizerGM                  = 16384




Voices can be assigned to parts on the fly with this synthesizer (otherwise, polyphony is very important).


This synthesizer must be patched through a MIDI system, such as the MIDI Manager or OMS.


This synthesizer can play microtonal scales.


This synthesizer has some use for sampled audio data.


Any part of this synthesizer can play drum parts.


This synthesizer is implemented in main CPU software and uses CPU cycles.


This synthesizer is a hardware device, not a software synthesizer or MIDI device.


This synthesizer can move any part to any channel or disable each part. For devices only.


Even if the kSynthesizerDynamicChannel bit is set, this synthesizer always responds on its system channel. For MIDI devices only.


This synthesizer does not respond rapidly to the various set part and set part instrument calls.


This synthesizer can enter an offline synthesis mode.


This synthesizer is a General MIDI device.

Synthesizer Knob ID Constants

These constants specify knob IDs for the QuickTime music synthesizer. These constants are all of the form kQTMSKnob ID. For example, kQTMSKnobVolumeLFODelayID is the ID constant for the VolumeLFODelay knob.

enum {
    kQTMSKnobEnv1AttackTimeID           = 0x02000027,
    kQTMSKnobEnv1DecayTimeID            = 0x02000028,
    kQTMSKnobEnv1ExpOptionsID           = 0x0200002D,
    kQTMSKnobEnv1ReleaseTimeID          = 0x0200002C,
    kQTMSKnobEnv1SustainInfiniteID      = 0x0200002B,
    kQTMSKnobEnv1SustainLevelID         = 0x02000029,
    kQTMSKnobEnv1SustainTimeID          = 0x0200002A,
    kQTMSKnobEnv2AttackTimeID           = 0x0200002E,
    kQTMSKnobEnv2DecayTimeID            = 0x0200002F,
    kQTMSKnobEnv2ExpOptionsID           = 0x02000034,
    kQTMSKnobEnv2ReleaseTimeID          = 0x02000033,
    kQTMSKnobEnv2SustainInfiniteID      = 0x02000032,
    kQTMSKnobEnv2SustainLevelID         = 0x02000030,
    kQTMSKnobEnv2SustainTimeID          = 0x02000031,
    kQTMSKnobExclusionGroupID           = 0x0200001C,
                                        = 0x0200003B, 
    kQTMSKnobFilterFrequencyEnvelopeID  = 0x0200003A,
    kQTMSKnobFilterKeyFollowID          = 0x02000037,
    kQTMSKnobFilterQEnvelopeDepthID     = 0x0200003D,
                                        /* reverb threshhold */ 
    kQTMSKnobFilterQEnvelopeID          = 0x0200003C,
    kQTMSKnobFilterQID                  = 0x02000039,
    kQTMSKnobFilterTransposeID          = 0x02000038,
    kQTMSKnobLastIDPlus1                = 0x0200003F
    kQTMSKnobPitchEnvelopeDepthID       = 0x02000036, /* filter */
    kQTMSKnobPitchEnvelopeID            = 0x02000035,
    kQTMSKnobPitchLFODelayID            = 0x02000013,
    kQTMSKnobPitchLFODepthFromWheelID   = 0x02000025,
                                        /* volume nnv again */ 
    kQTMSKnobPitchLFODepthID            = 0x02000017,
    kQTMSKnobPitchLFOOffsetID           = 0x0200001B,
    kQTMSKnobPitchLFOPeriodID           = 0x02000015,
    kQTMSKnobPitchLFOQuantizeID         = 0x02000018,
                                        /* stereo related knobs */ 
    kQTMSKnobPitchLFORampTimeID         = 0x02000014,
    kQTMSKnobPitchLFOShapeID            = 0x02000016,
    kQTMSKnobPitchSensitivityID         = 0x02000023,
    kQTMSKnobPitchTransposeID           = 0x02000012,
                                        /* sample can override */ 
    kQTMSKnobReverbThresholdID          = 0x0200003E,
    kQTMSKnobStartID                    = 0x02000000,
    kQTMSKnobStereoDefaultPanID         = 0x02000019,
    kQTMSKnobStereoPositionKeyScalingID = 0x0200001A,
    kQTMSKnobSustainInfiniteID          = 0x0200001E,
    kQTMSKnobSustainTimeID              = 0x0200001D,
    kQTMSKnobVelocityHighID             = 0x02000021,
    kQTMSKnobVelocityLowID              = 0x02000020,
    kQTMSKnobVelocitySensitivityID      = 0x02000022,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeAttackTimeID         = 0x02000001,
                                        /* sample can override */ 
    kQTMSKnobVolumeDecayTimeID          = 0x02000002,
                                        /* sample can override */ 
    kQTMSKnobVolumeExpOptionsID         = 0x02000026, /* env1 */
    kQTMSKnobVolumeLFODelayID           = 0x02000007,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeLFODepthFromWheelID  = 0x02000024,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeLFODepthID           = 0x0200000B,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeLFOPeriodID          = 0x02000009,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeLFORampTimeID        = 0x02000008,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeLFOShapeID           = 0x0200000A,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeLFOStereoID          = 0x0200001F,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeOverallID            = 0x0200000C,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeReleaseKeyScalingID  = 0x02000005,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeReleaseTimeID        = 0x02000006,
                                        /* sample can override */ 
    kQTMSKnobVolumeSustainLevelID       = 0x02000003,
                                        /* sample can override */ 
    kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity127ID        = 0x0200000D,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity16ID         = 0x02000011,
                                        /* pitch related knobs */ 
    kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity32ID         = 0x02000010,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity64ID         = 0x0200000F,
    kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity96ID         = 0x0200000E




Specifies the attack time of the first general-purpose envelope. This is the number of milliseconds between the start of a note and the maximum value of the attack.


Specifies the decay time of the first general-purpose envelope. This is the number of milliseconds between the time the attack is completed and the time the envelope level is reduced to the sustain level.


Specifies whether segments of the envelope are treated as exponential curves. Bits 0, 1, 2, and 3 of the knob value specify the interpretation of the attack, decay, sustain, and release segments of the envelope, respectively. If any of these bits is 0, the level of the corresponding segment changes linearly from its initial to final value during the time interval specified by the corresponding envelope time knob. If any of these bits is nonzero, the level of the corresponding segment changes exponentially during the time interval specified by the corresponding envelope time knob. During an exponential decrease, the level changes from maximum amplitude (no attenuation) to approximately 1/65536th of maximum amplitude (96 dB of attenuation) during the time interval specified by the corresponding envelope time knob, and afterward the level immediately becomes 0.


Specifies the release time of the first general-purpose envelope.


Specifies infinite sustain for the first general-purpose envelope. If the value of this knob is true, the knob overrides the kQTMSKnobEnv1SustainTimeID knob and causes the sustain to last, at undiminished level. Instruments like an organ have infinite sustain.


Specifies the sustain level of the first general-purpose envelope. This is the percentage of full volume that the sample is initially played at after the decay time has elapsed.


Specifies the sustain time of the first general-purpose envelope. This is the number of milliseconds it takes for the sample to soften to 90% of its sustain level. This softening occurs in an exponential fashion, so it never actually reaches complete silence. This is used for instruments like a piano, which gradually soften over time even while the key is held down.


Specifies the attack time of the second general-purpose envelope. This is the number of milliseconds between the start of a note and the maximum value of the attack. Percussive sounds usually have zero attack time; gentler sounds may have short attack times. Long attack times are usually used for special effects.


Specifies the decay time of the second general-purpose envelope. This is the number of milliseconds between the time the attack is completed and the time the sample is reduced in volume to the sustain level.


Specifies whether segments of the envelope are treated as exponential curves. Bits 0, 1, 2, and 3 of the knob value specify the interpretation of the attack, decay, sustain, and release segments of the envelope, respectively. If any of these bits is 0, the level of the corresponding segment changes linearly from its initial to final value during the time interval specified by the corresponding envelope time knob. If any of these bits is nonzero, the level of the corresponding segment changes exponentially during the time interval specified by the corresponding envelope time knob. During an exponential decrease the level changes from maximum amplitude (no attenuation) to approximately 1/65536th of maximum amplitude (96 dB of attenuation) during the time interval specified by the corresponding envelope time knob, and afterward the level immediately becomes 0.


Specifies the release time of the second general-purpose envelope. This is the number of milliseconds it takes for the sound to soften down to silence after the key is released.


Specifies infinite sustain for the second general-purpose envelope. If the value of this knob is true, the knob overrides the kQTMSKnobEnv2SustainTimeID knob and causes the sustain to last, at undiminished volume, until the end of the sample. Instruments like an organ have infinite sustain.


Specifies the sustain level of the first general-purpose envelope. This is the percentage of full volume that the sample is initially played at after the decay time has elapsed.


Specifies the sustain time of the second general-purpose envelope. This is the number of milliseconds it takes for the sample to soften to 90% of its sustain level. This softening occurs in an exponential fashion, so it never actually reaches complete silence. This is used for instruments like a piano, which gradually soften over time even while the key is held down.


Specifies an exclusion group. Within an instrument, no two notes with the same exclusion group number, excepting exclusion group, will ever sound simultaneously.This knob is generally used only as an override knob within a key range. (Note that the key range is not an entire instrument.) It is useful for simulating certain mechanical instruments in which the same mechanism produces different sounds. For example, in a drum kit, the open high hat and the closed high hat are played on the same piece of metal. If you assign both sounds to the same exclusion group, playing a closed high hat sound immediately silences any currently playing open high hat sounds.


Controls the depth of the envelope for the filter frequency. This is an 8.8 signed fixed-point value that specifies the number of semitones the frequency is altered when its envelope (specified by the kQTMSKnobFilterFrequencyEnvelopeID knob) is at maximum amplitude. If the value of the kQTMSKnobFilterFrequencyEnvelopeID knob is 0, which specifies not to use an envelope to affect filter frequency, the kQTMSKnobFilterFrequencyEnvelopeDepthID knob is ignored.


Specifies which of the two general-purpose envelopes to use to affect the filter frequency, or not to use an envelope to affect filter frequency. If the value of this knob is 0, no envelope is used. If the value of this knob is 1 or 2, the corresponding general-purpose envelope is used.


Specifies how closely the frequency of the filter follows the note being played. The emphasis note is determined by the following formula, expressed in MIDI notes: EmphasisNote = (PlayedNote - 60) * (kQTMSKnobFilterKeyFollowID / 100) - 60 - kQTMSKnobFilterTransposeID.


Controls the depth of the envelope for the emphasis ("Q") of the filter. This is an 8.8 signed fixed-point value that specifies the emphasis is altered when its envelope (specified by the kQTMSKnobFilterQEnvelopeID knob) is at maximum amplitude. If the value of the kQTMSKnobFilterQEnvelopeID knob is 0, which specifies not to use an envelope to affect filter frequency, the kQTMSKnobFilterQEnvelopeDepthID knob is ignored.


Specifies which of the two general-purpose envelopes to use to affect the emphasis ("Q") of the filter, or not to use an envelope to affect the emphasis. If the value of this knob is 0, no envelope is used. If the value of this knob is 1 or 2, the corresponding general-purpose envelope is used.


Specifies the emphasis ("Q") of the filter. The value must be in the range 0 to 65536, inclusive, where 0 specifies no emphasis and disables the filter, and 65536 specifies relatively steep emphasis, but not so steep that it approaches feedback.


Specifies a transposition, in semitones, of the frequency of the filter. The emphasis note is determined by the following formula: EmphasisNote = (PlayedNote - 60) * (kQTMSKnobFilterKeyFollowID / 100) - 60 - kQTMSKnobFilterTransposeID.


Specifies the depth of the pitch envelope. This is an 8.8 signed fixed-point value that specifies the number of semitones the pitch is altered when the envelope for the pitch (specified by the kQTMSKnobPitchEnvelopeID knob) is at maximum amplitude. If the value of the kQTMSKnobPitchEnvelopeID knob is 0, which specifies not to use an envelope to affect pitch, the kQTMSKnobPitchEnvelopeDepthID knob is ignored.


Specifies which of the two general-purpose envelopes to use to affect pitch, or not to use an envelope to affect pitch. If the value of this knob is 0, no envelope is used. If the value of this knob is 1 or 2, the corresponding general-purpose envelope is used to affect pitch.


Specifies the delay for the pitch LFO. This is the number of milliseconds before the LFO takes effect.


Specifies the extent to which a synthesizer's modulation wheel (or the MIDI messages it generates) controls the depth of the pitch LFO. The value of this knob is multiplied by the modulation wheel value (a value between 0 to 1), and the result is added to the volume LFO depth specified by the kQTMSKnobPitchLFODepthID knob. Modulation wheel controllers and the MIDI messages they generate are most often used to create vibrato and tremolo effects.


Specifies the depth of the pitch LFO. This is the number of semitones by which the pitch is altered by the LFO. A value of 0 does not change the pitch. A value of 12 changes the pitch from an octave lower to an octave higher, with one exception: if the square up waveform is used for the LFO, the normal pitch is the minimum pitch.


Specifies the LFO offset. This is a constant value; the units are 8.8 semitones. It is added to the pitch, and is affected by the LFO delay and LFO ramp-up times. It is similar to transposition but subject to the LFO delay and LFO ramp-up times.


Specifies the period for the pitch LFO. This is the wavelength of the LFO in milliseconds. (The LFO rate in Hz is 1000 / kQTMSKnobPitchLFOPeriodID).


Specifies the LFO ramp-up time. This is the number of milliseconds after the LFO delay that it takes for the LFO to reach full effect.


Specifies the waveform used for the LFO. The available waveforms are sine, triangle, sawtooth up, sawtooth down, square up, square up-and-down, and random. The sine and triangle shapes both produce a smooth rise and fall of the pitch. The sawtooth up produces a gradual increase in pitch followed by a sudden fall. The sawtooth down shape produces a sudden increase in pitch, followed by a gradual reduction. The square up and square up-and-down shapes apply a sudden pulsing to the pitch; the square up only makes the pitch higher, while the up-and-down variant makes the sound higher and lower. The random shape applies random changes to the pitch, once per LFO period


Specifies the pitch key scaling. This determines how much the pitch of the struck note affects the pitch of the played note. Typically, this is 100%, meaning that a change in 1 semitone of the struck note produces a change in 1 semitone of the played note. Setting this knob to zero causes every note to play at the same pitch. Setting it to 50% allows for all notes within the quarter-tone scale (24 notes per octave) to be played.


Specifies a transposition for pitches. The value is the number of semitones to transpose; a positive value raises the pitch anda negative value lowers it. The value can be a real number; the fractional part of the value alters the pitch by an additional fraction of a semitone. For example, to raise the pitch of every note played on the instrument by an octave, set the transpose knob to 12.0.


Specifies the default pan position for stereo sound. If no pan controller is applied, this determines where in the stereo field notes for this instrument are played


Specifies the key scaling for stereo sound. Amount to modify the stereo placement of notes based upon pitch. At the highest setting, high pitched notes are placed completely in the right speaker, while low pitched notes are placed entirely in the left speaker.


Specifies infinite sustain for the volume envelope. If the value of this knob is true, the knob overrides the kQTMSKnobSustainTimeID knob and causes the sustain to last, at undiminished volume, until the end of the sample. Instruments like an organ have infinite sustain.


Specifies the sustain time of the volume envelope. This is the number of milliseconds it takes for the note to soften to 90% of its sustain level. This softening occurs in an exponential fashion, so it never actually reaches complete silence. This is used for instruments like a piano, which gradually soften over time even while the key is held down.


Specifies the maximum velocity value that produces sound for a particular note. If the velocity value is greater, the note does not sound. This can be used to assign different samples to be played for selected velocity ranges.


Specifies the minimum velocity value that produces sound for a particular note. If the velocity value is less, the note does not sound. This can be used to assign different samples to be played for selected velocity ranges.


Specifies velocity sensitivity, which determines how much the key velocity affects the volume of the note. This value is a percentage. At 100%, a velocity of 1 is nearly silent, and a velocity of 127 is full volume. At 50%, the volume range is from one fourth to three fourths. At 0%, any velocity of key strike produces a half volume note. If the value of this knob is negative, then the note plays more softly as the key is struck harder.


Specifies the attack time for the volume envelope. This is the number of milliseconds between the start of a note and maximum volume. Percussive sounds usually have zero attack time; gentler sounds may have short attack times. Long attack times are usually used for special effects.


Specifies the decay time for the volume envelope. This is the number of milliseconds between the time the attack is completed and the time the volume is reduced to the sustain level.


Specifies whether segments of the volume envelope are treated as exponential curves. Bits 0, 1, 2, and 3 of the knob value specify the interpretation of the attack, decay, sustain, and release segments of the volume envelope, respectively. If any of these bits is 0, the volume level of the corresponding segment changes linearly from its initial to final value during the time interval specified by the corresponding envelope time knob. If any of these bits is nonzero, the volume level of the corresponding segment changes exponentially during the time interval specified by the corresponding envelope time knob. During an exponential decrease the volume level changes from full volume (no attenuation) to approximately 1/65536th of full volume (96 dB of attenuation) during the time interval specified the corresponding envelope time knob, and afterward the volume level immediately becomes 0.


Specifies the delay for the volume LFO. This is the number of milliseconds before the LFO takes effect.


Specifies the extent to which a synthesizer's modulation wheel (or the MIDI messages it generates) controls the depth of the volume LFO. The value of this knob is multiplied by the modulation wheel value (a value between 0 to 1), and the result is added to the volume LFO depth specified by the kQTMSKnobVolumeLFODepthID knob. Modulation wheel controllers and the MIDI messages they generate are most often used to create vibrato and tremolo effects.


Specifies the depth of the volume LFO. This is the amount, expressed as a percentage, by which the volume is altered by the LFO. A value of 0 does not change the volume. A value of 100 changes the volume from complete silence to twice the volume specified by the envelope, with one exception: if the square up waveform is used for the LFO, the normal envelope volume is the minimum volume.


Specifies the period for the volume LFO. This is the wavelength of the LFO in milliseconds. (The LFO rate in Hz is 1000 / kQTMSKnobPitchLFOPeriodID).


Specifies the ramp-up time for the volume LFO. This is the number of milliseconds after the LFO delay has elapsed that it takes for the LFO to reach full effect.


Specifies the waveform used for the LFO. The available waveforms are sine, triangle, sawtooth up, sawtooth down, square up, square up-and-down, and random. The sine and triangle shapes both produce a smooth rise and fall of the volume. The sawtooth up produces a gradual increase in volume followed by a sudden fall. The sawtooth down shape produces a sudden increase in volume, followed by a gradual reduction (often heard as a "ting" sound). The square up and square up-and-down shapes apply a sudden pulsing to the volume; the square up only makes the sound louder, while the up-and-down variant makes the sound louder and softer. The random shape applies random changes to the volume, once per LFO period.


If the synthesizer is producing stereo output and the value of this knob is 1, the LFO is applied in phase to one of the stereo channels and 180 degrees out of phase to the other. This often causes a "vibration" effect within the stereo field.


Specifies the overall volume of the instrument, in decibels. Increasing the value by 6 doubles the maximum amplitude of the signal, increasing the value by 12 quadruples it, and so on.


Specifies the release-time key scaling. Modifies the release time based on the key pitch.


Specifies the release time of the volume envelope. This is the number of milliseconds it takes for the sound to soften down to silence after the key is released.


Specifies the sustain level of the volume envelope. This is the percentage of full volume that a note is initially played at after the decay time has elapsed.

Controller Numbers

The controller numbers used by QuickTime are mostly identical to the standard MIDI controller numbers. These are signed 8.8 values. The full range, therefore, is -128.00 to 127+127/128 (or 0x8000 to 0x7FFF).

All controls default to zero except for volume and pan.

Pitch bend is specified in fractional semitones, which eliminates the restrictions of a pitch bend range. You can bend as far as you want, any time you want.

The last 16 controllers (113-128) are global controllers. Global controllers respond when the part number is given as 0, indicating the entire synthesizer.

enum {
    kControllerModulationWheel          = 1,
    kControllerBreath                   = 2,
    kControllerFoot                     = 4,
    kControllerPortamentoTime           = 5,
    kControllerVolume                   = 7,
    kControllerBalance                  = 8,
    kControllerPan                      = 10,
    kControllerExpression               = 11,
    kControllerLever1                   = 16,
    kControllerLever2                   = 17,
    kControllerLever3                   = 18,
    kControllerLever4                   = 19,
    kControllerLever5                   = 80,
    kControllerLever6                   = 81,
    kControllerLever7                   = 82,
    kControllerLever8                   = 83,
    kControllerPitchBend                = 32,
    kControllerAfterTouch               = 33,
    kControllerSustain                  = 64,
    kControllerSostenuto                = 66,
    kControllerSoftPedal                = 67,
    kControllerReverb                   = 91,
    kControllerTremolo                  = 92,
    kControllerChorus                   = 93,
    kControllerCeleste                  = 94,
    kControllerPhaser                   = 95,
    kControllerEditPart                 = 113,
    kControllerMasterTune               = 114




This controller controls the modulation wheel. A modulation wheel adds a periodic change to the volume or pitch of a sounding tone, depending on the modulation depth knobs.


This controller controls breath.


This controller controls the foot pedal.


This controller adjusts the slur between notes. Set the time to 0 to turn off portamento; there is no separate control to turn portamento on and off.


This controller controls volume.


This controller controls balance between channels.


This controller controls balance on the QuickTime music synthesizer and some others. Values are 256-512, corresponding to left to right.


This controller provides a second volume control.

kControllerLever1 through kControllerLever8

These are all general-purpose controllers.


This controller bends the pitch. Pitch bend is specified in positive and negative semitones, with 7 bits per fraction.


This controller controls channel pressure.


This controller controls the sustain effect. The value is a Boolean: positive for on, 0 or negative for off.


This controller controls sostenuto.


This controller controls the soft pedal.


This controller controls reverb.


This controller controls tremolo.


This controller controls the amount of signal to feed to the chorus special effect unit.


This controller controls the amount of signal to feed to the celeste special effect unit.


This controller controls the amount of signal to feed to the phaser special effect unit.


This controller sets the part number for which editing is occurring. For synthesizers that can edit only one part.


This controller offsets the entire synthesizer in pitch.

Controller Range

These constants specify the maximum and minimum values for controllers.

enum {
    kControllerMaximum      = 0x7FFF,
    kControllerMinimum      = 0x8000




The maximum value a controller can be set to.


The minimum value a controller can be set to.

Drum Kit Numbers

These constants specify the first and last drum kit numbers available to General MIDI drum kits.

enum {
    kFirstDrumkit   = 16384,                
    kLastDrumkit    = (kFirstDrumkit + 128)




The first number in the range of drum kit numbers, which corresponds to "no drum kit." The standard drum kit is kFirstDrumKit+1=16385.


The last number in the range of drum kit numbers.

Tone Fit Flags

These flags are returned by the MusicFindTone function to indicate how well an instrument matches the tone description.

enum {
    kInstrumentMatchSynthesizerType     = 1,
    kInstrumentMatchSynthesizerName     = 2,
    kInstrumentMatchName                = 4,
    kInstrumentMatchNumber              = 8,
    kInstrumentMatchGMNumber            = 16




The requested synthesizer type was found.


The particular instance of the synthesizer requested was found.


The instrument name in the tone description matched an appropriate instrument on the synthesizer.


The instrument number in the tone description matched an appropriate instrument on the synthesizer.


The General MIDI equivalent was used to find an appropriate instrument on the synthesizer.

Data Structures

This section describes the data structures provided by QuickTime music architecture.

Instrument Knob Structure

An instrument knob structure contains information about an instrument knob. It is defined by the InstKnobRec data type.

struct InstKnobRec {
    long                        number;
    long                        value;
typedef struct InstKnobRec InstKnobRec;




A knob ID or index. A nonzero value in the high byte indicates that it is an ID. The knob index ranges from 1 to the number of knobs; the ID is an arbitrary number.


The value the knob is set to.

Knob Description Structure

A knob description structure contains sound parameter values for a single knob. It is defined by the KnobDescription data type.

struct KnobDescription {
    Str63                       name;
    long                        lowValue;
    long                        highValue;
    long                        defaultValue;
    long                        flags;
    long                        knobID;
typedef struct KnobDescription KnobDescription;




The name of the knob.


The lowest number you can set the knob to.


The highest number you can set the knob to.


A value to use for the default.


Various information about the knob.


A knob ID or index. A nonzero value in the high byte indicates that it is an ID. The knob index ranges from 1 to the number of knobs; the ID is an arbitrary number. Use the knob ID to refer to the knob in preference to the knob index, which may change.

For flags values, see Knob Flags.

Instrument About Information

The instrument About information structure contains the information that appears in the instrument’s About box and is returned by the MusicGetInstrumentAboutInfo function. It is defined by the InstrumentAboutInfo data type.

struct InstrumentAboutInfo {
    PicHandle                   p;
    Str255                      author;
    Str255                      copyright;
    Str255                      other;
typedef struct InstrumentAboutInfo InstrumentAboutInfo;




A handle to a graphic for the About box.


The author's name.


The copyright information.


Any other textual information.

Instrument Information Structure

The instrument information structure provides identifiers for instruments and is part of the instrument information list. It is defined by the InstrumentInfoRecord data type.

struct InstrumentInfoRecord {
    long                        instrumentNumber;
    long                        flags;
    long                        toneNameIndex;
    long                        itxtNameAtomID;
typedef struct InstrumentInfoRecord InstrumentInfoRecord;




The instrument number. If the number is 0, the name is an instrument category. See Figure 2-1 for the ranges of instrument numbers. If the value of the instrument number is greater than 65536, its value is transient, and the instrument should be identified by name rather than by number except when the value is immediately passed to the MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber function.


Unused. Must be 0


The instrument's position in the toneNames index stored in the instrument information list this structure is a part of. The index is a one-based index.


The instrument's position in the itxtNames index stored in the instrument information list this structure is a part of.

Instrument Information List

An instrument information list contains the list of instruments available on a synthesizer. It is defined by the InstrumentInfoList data type.

struct InstrumentInfoList {
    long                        recordCount;
    Handle                      toneNames;
    QTAtomContainer             itxtNames;
    InstrumentInfoRecord        info[1];
typedef struct InstrumentInfoList InstrumentInfoList;
typedef InstrumentInfoList *InstrumentInfoListPtr;
typedef InstrumentInfoListPtr *InstrumentInfoListHandle;




The number of structures in the list.


A string list of the instrument names as specified in their tone descriptions.


A list of international text names, taken from the name atoms.


An array of instrument information structures.

Non-General MIDI Instrument Information Structure

The non-General MIDI information structure provides information about non-General MIDI instruments within an instrument component. It is defined by the nonGMInstrumentInfoRecord data type.

struct nonGMInstrumentInfoRecord {
    long                        cmpInstID;
    long                        flags;
    long                        toneNameIndex;
    long                        itxtNameAtomID;
typedef struct nonGMInstrumentInfoRecord nonGMInstrumentInfoRecord;




The number of the instrument within the instrument component. If the ID is 0, the name is a category name.


Not used.


The instrument's position in the toneNames index stored in the instrument information list this structure is a part of. The index is a one-based index.


The instrument's position in the itxtNames index stored in the instrument information list this structure is a part of.

Non-General MIDI Instrument Information List

A non-General MIDI instrument information list contains the list of non-General MIDI instruments supported by an instrument component. It is defined by the nonGMInstrumentInfo data type.

struct nonGMInstrumentInfo {
    long                        recordCount;
    Handle                      toneNames;
    QTAtomContainer             itxtNames;
    nonGMInstrumentInfoRecord   instInfo[1];
typedef struct nonGMInstrumentInfo nonGMInstrumentInfo;
typedef nonGMInstrumentInfo *nonGMInstrumentInfoPtr;
typedef nonGMInstrumentInfoPtr *nonGMInstrumentInfoHandle;




Number of structures in the list.


A short string list of the instrument names as specified in their tone descriptions.


A list of international text names, taken from the name atoms.


An array of non-General MIDI instrument information structures.

Complete Instrument Information List

The complete instrument information list contains a list of all atomic instruments supported by an instrument component. It is defined by the InstCompInfo data type.

struct InstCompInfo {
    long                        infoSize;
    long                        GMinstrumentCount;
    GMInstrumentInfoHandle      GMinstrumentInfo;
    long                        GMdrumCount;
    GMInstrumentInfoHandle      GMdrumInfo;
    long                        nonGMinstrumentCount;
    nonGMInstrumentInfoHandle   nonGMinstrumentInfo;
    long                        nonGMdrumCount;
    nonGMInstrumentInfoHandle   nonGMdrumInfo;
typedef struct InstCompInfo InstCompInfo;
typedef InstCompInfo *InstCompInfoPtr;
typedef InstCompInfoPtr *InstCompInfoHandle;




The size of this structure in bytes.


The number of General MIDI instruments.


A handle to a list of General MIDI instrument information structures.


The number of General MIDI drum kits.


A handle to a list of General MIDI instrument information structures.


The number of non-General MIDI instruments.


A handle to the list of non-General MIDI instruments.


The number of non-General MIDI drum kits.


A handle to the list of non-General MIDI drum kits.

QuickTime MIDI Port

This structure provides information about a MIDI port.

struct QTMIDIPort {
    SynthesizerConnections      portConnections;
    Str63                       portName;
typedef struct QTMIDIPort QTMIDIPort;




A synthesizer connections structure.


The name of the output port.

QuickTime MIDI Port List

This structure contains a list of QuickTime MIDI port structures.

struct QTMIDIPortList {
    short               portCount;
    QTMIDIPort          port[1];
typedef struct QTMIDIPortList QTMIDIPortList;




The number of MIDI ports in the list.


An array of QuickTime MIDI port structures.

Note Request Structure

A note request structure combines a tone description structure and a note request information structure to provide all the information available for allocating a note channel. It is defined by the NoteRequest data type.

struct NoteRequest {
    NoteRequestInfo             info;
    ToneDescription             tone;
typedef struct NoteRequest NoteRequest;




A note request information structure.


A tone description structure.

Tune Status

The tune status structure provides information on the currently playing tune.

struct TuneStatus {
    unsigned long           tune;
    unsigned long           tunePtr;
    TimeValue               time;
    short                   queueCount;
    short                   queueSpots;
    TimeValue               queueTime;
    long                    reserved[3];
typedef struct TuneStatus TuneStatus;




The currently playing tune.


Current position within the playing tune.


Current tune time.


Number of tunes queued up.


Number of tunes that can be added to the queue.


Total amount of playing time represented by tunes in the queue. This value can be very inaccurate.


Reserved. Set to 0.

Instrument Knob List

An instrument knob list contains a list of sound parameters. It is defined by the InstKnobList data type.

struct InstKnobList {
    long                        knobCount;
    long                        knobFlags;
    InstKnobRec                 knob[1];
typedef struct InstKnobList InstKnobList;




The number of instrument knob structures in the list.


Instructions on what to do if a requested knob is not in the list.


An array of instrument knob structures.

For knobFlags values, see Instrument Knob Flags.

Atomic Instrument Sample Description Structure

A sample description structure contains a description of an audio sample, including sample rate, loop points, and lowest and highest key to play on. It is defined by the InstSampleDescRec data type.

struct InstSampleDescRec {
    OSType                      dataFormat;
    short                       numChannels;
    short                       sampleSize;
    UnsignedFixed               sampleRate;
    short                       sampleDataID;
    long                        offset;
    long                        numSamples;
    long                        loopType;
    long                        loopStart;
    long                        loopEnd;
    long                        pitchNormal;
    long                        pitchLow;
    long                        pitchHigh;
typedef struct InstSampleDescRec InstSampleDescRec;




The data format type. This is either 'twos' for signed data or 'raw ' for unsigned data.


The number of channels of data present in the sample.


The size of the sample: 8-bit or 16-bit.


The rate at which to play the sample in unsigned fixed-point 16.16.


The ID number of a sample data atom that contains the sample audio data.


Set to 0.


The number of data samples in the sound.


The type of loop.


Indicates the beginning of the portion of the sample that is looped if the sound is sustained. The position is given in the number of data samples from the start of the sound.


Indicates the end of the portion of the sample that is looped if the sound is sustained. The position is given in the number of data samples from the start of the sound.


The number of the MIDI note produced if the sample is played at the rate specified in sampleRate.


The lowest pitch at which to play the sample. Use for instruments, such as pianos, that have different samples to use for different pitch ranges.


The highest pitch at which to play the sample. Use for instruments, such as pianos, that have different samples to use for different pitch ranges.

For loopType values, see Loop Type Constants.

Synthesizer Description Structure

A synthesizer description structure contains information about a synthesizer. It is defined by the SynthesizerDescription data type.

struct SynthesizerDescription {
    OSType                      synthesizerType;
    Str31                       name;
    unsigned long               flags;
    unsigned long               voiceCount;
    unsigned long               partCount;
    unsigned long               instrumentCount;
    unsigned long               modifiableInstrumentCount;
    unsigned long               channelMask;
    unsigned long               drumPartCount;  
    unsigned long               drumCount;          
    unsigned long               modifiableDrumCount;
    unsigned long               drumChannelMask;
    unsigned long               outputCount;    
    unsigned long               latency;
    unsigned long               controllers[4];
    unsigned long               gmInstruments[4];
    unsigned long               gmDrums[4];
typedef struct SynthesizerDescription SynthesizerDescription;




The synthesizer type. This is the same as the music component subtype.


Text name of the synthesizer type.


Various information about how the synthesizer works.


Maximum polyphony.


Maximum multi-timbrality (and MIDI channels).


The number of built-in ROM instruments. This does not include General MIDI instruments.


The number of slots available for saving user-modified instruments.


Which channels a MIDI device always uses for instruments. Set to FFFF for all channels.


The maximum multi-timbrality of drum parts. For synthesizers where drum kits are separated from instruments.


The number of built-in ROM drum kits. This does not include General MIDI drum kits. For synthesizers where drum kits are separated from instruments


The number of slots available for saving user-modified drum kits. For MIDI synthesizers where drum kits are separated from instruments


Which channels a MIDI device always uses for drum kits. Set to FFFF for all channels


The number of audio outputs. This is usually two.


Response time in microseconds.


An array of 128 bits identifying the available controllers. Bits are numbered from 1 to 128, starting with the most significant bit of the long word, and continuing to the least significant of the last bit.


An array of 128 bits giving the available General MIDI instruments.


An array of 128 bits giving the available General MIDI drum kits.

For flags values, see Synthesizer Description Flags. For controller numbers, see Controller Numbers.

Tone Description Structure

A tone description structure provides the information needed to produce a specific musical sound. The tune header has a tone description for each instrument used. Tone descriptions are also used in the tone description atoms of atomic instruments. The tone description structure is defined by the ToneDescription data type.

struct ToneDescription {
    BigEndianOSType             synthesizerType;
    Str31                       synthesizerName;
    Str31                       instrumentName;
    BigEndianLong               instrumentNumber;
    BigEndianLong               gmNumber;
typedef struct ToneDescription ToneDescription;




The synthesizer type. A value of 0 specifies that any type of synthesizer is acceptable.


The name of the synthesizer component instance. A value of 0 specifies that the name can be ignored.


The name of the instrument to use.


The instrument number of the instrument to use. This value, which must be in the range 1-262143, can specify General MIDI and GS instruments as well as other instruments (see Figure 2-1). The instrument specified by this field is used if it is available; if not, the instrument specified by the gmNumber field is used. If neither of the instruments specified by the instrumentNumber or gmNumber fields is available, the instrument specified by the instrumentName field is used. Finally, if none of these fields specifies an instrument that is available, no tone is played.


The instrument number of a General MIDI or GS instrument to use if the instrument specified by the instrumentNumber field is not available. This value, which must be in the range 1-16383, can specify only General MIDI and GS instruments (see Table 1-11). The instrument specified by the instrumentNumber field is used if it is available; if not, the instrument specified by the gmNumber field is used. If neither of the instruments specified by the instrumentNumber or gmNumber fields is available, the instrument specified by the instrumentName field is used. Finally, if none of these fields specifies an instrument that is available, no tone is played.

For synthesizerType values, see Synthesizer Type Constants.

GS instruments conform to extensions defined by Roland Corporation to the General MIDI specifications.

Figure 2-1  Instrument number ranges



GM instrument

An instrument number in this range specifies a standard General MIDI instrument that should sound the same on all synthesizers that support General MIDI.

GM drum kit

An instrument number in this range specifies a standard General MIDI drum kit instrument that should sound the same on all synthesizers that support General MIDI.

GS instrument

An instrument number in this range specifies a standard GS instrument that should sound the same on all synthesizers that support the Roland GS extensions to General MIDI.

ROM instrument

An instrument number in this range specifies an instrument of a synthesizer that not a standard General MIDI or GS instrument.

User instrument

Instruments number in this range are transient and are assigned when necessary for additional instruments, such as instruments in a newly installed GS library or custom instruments for a game. Applications should refer to these additional instruments by name rather by number.

Internal index

An instrument index value returned by the MusicFindTone function that can be passed immediately in a call to MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber. Values in this range are not persistent and should never be stored or used in any other way.

Result Codes

This section lists all the result codes returned by QuickTime music architecture functions.






Call to a routine that is not supported by a particular music component.



Attempt to use a synthesizer before it has been initialized, given a MIDI port to use, or told which slot card to use. For example, the MusicSetMIDIProc function has not been called.



Attempt to allocate more voices than a synthesizer supports.



Usually indicates use of a part number parameter outside the range 1...partcount.



Attempt to use a MIDI channel outside the range 1...16.



Attempt to use a knob index or knob ID that is not valid.



Attempt to set a knob outside its allowable range, as specified in its knob description structure.



Attempt to use an instrument or sound that is not available or there is some other problem with the instrument, such as a bad instrument number.



Attempt to get or set a controller that is outside the allowable controller number range or is not recognized by this particular music component.



Attempt to use MIDI Manager for a synthesizer when the MIDI Manager is not installed.



Various hardware problems with a synthesizer.



Software problem with a synthesizer.



Attempt to use a note channel that is not initialized or is otherwise errant.



It was not possible to allocate a note channel.



Attempt to queue up more tune segments (with TuneQueue) than allowed.



TuneSetHeader or TuneQueue encountered illegal tune sequence data.