Reading Files

To make file access easier, the security transforms API provides read transforms that return the contents of a file in a CFData object. By chaining this transform with other transforms, you can effectively use a readable file stream as input to any other transform.

To create a read transform object
  1. If you do not already have a read stream, create or obtain a CFURLRef object for the source file.

    For example, to read the file encrypt2_key in the current working directory, you could write code like the following:

    CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation (
  2. If you do not already have a read stream, create a CFReadStreamRef object from that CFURLRef.

    For example:

        CFReadStreamRef cfrs = CFReadStreamCreateWithFile(
  3. Call SecTransformCreateReadTransformWithReadStream to create the read transform.

    For example:

        SecTransformRef readTransform = SecTransformCreateReadTransformWithReadStream(cfrs);

If your encryption key is a series of raw bytes, you can now get the contents of a file as a CFData object by calling SecTransformExecute or SecTransformExecuteAsync on the transform object as follows:

CFDataRef cfdatacryptokey = SecTransformExecute(readTransform, &error);

If your encryption key is in Base64 encoding, you may find it useful to group this transform with a Base64 decoder object. For example:

    /* Create the Base64 encoder object. */
    SecTransformRef decoder = SecDecodeTransformCreate(kSecBase64Encoding, &error);
    if (error) { CFShow(error); exit(-1); }
    /* Create the group transform object. */
    SecGroupTransformRef group = SecTransformCreateGroupTransform();
    /* Connect the output of the read transform
       to the input of the decoder using the
       group transform object. */
    SecTransformConnectTransforms(readTransform, kSecTransformOutputAttributeName,
        decoder, kSecTransformInputAttributeName, group, &error);
    /* Perform the group transform. */
    CFDataRef cfdatacryptokey = SecTransformExecute(group, &error);