wotaskd Properties

This chapter describes the properties you can configure when launching wotaskd.

The wotaskd properties are described in Table 1. Note that the WODeploymentConfigurationDirectory property is also used by the JavaMonitor tool. The other properties listed in Table 1 are unique to wotaskd.

Usually you set these properties on the command line using Java-style command-line arguments with the following format:

<appName> -D<optionName>=<value> -D<optionName>=<value> ...

Read WebObjects Deployment Guide Using JavaMonitor for examples on when to use these properties.

Table 1  wotaskd Properties






Location of the site configuration file.

Each wotaskd process writes its configuration to a file called SiteConfig.xml in the directory specified by this property. (The HTTP adaptor configuration file is also located in this directory.) This property, in conjunction the WOLifebeatDestinationPort property, allows you to run multiple wotaskd processes on a single computer.

The default value is /Library/WebObjects/Configuration.



A multiplier used to calculate the number of seconds that the wotaskd process waits without receiving a status message from an instance before considering it dead.

This property is multiplied by the WOLifebeatInterval property to calculate the total number of seconds wotaskd waits. For example, if WOLifebeatInterval is 30, a wotaskd process waits 120 seconds from the last status message before concluding that an instance is dead.

The default value is 4.



The IP address that the wotaskd process listens to for multicast requests from the HTTP adaptor.

The default value is



A Boolean value of true or false that determines whether the wotaskd process responds to multicast queries from the HTTP adaptor.

The default value is false.



A Boolean value of true or false that determines whether the wotaskd process generates an HTTP adaptor configuration file.

The default value is false.