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- DTD (document type definition)
File that describes the structure of an XML document.
- JAXP (Java API for XML Processing)
Specification that provides API for processing XML documents.
- NSXMLInputStream
WebObjects class that deserializes untransformed XML documents produced by NSXMLOutputStream into objects.
- NSXMLOutputFormat
WebObjects class that encapsulates format properties for an NSXMLOutputStream object.
- NSXMLOutputStream
WebObjects class that serializes objects and data into XML documents.
- Project Builder
Application used to manage the development of a WebObjects application or framework.
- schema
File that describes the structure of an XML document. This file can be a DTD file or an XML Schema file.
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
Language that allows the creation of sharable documents with a formal type and element structure.
- URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
The Web naming and addressing technology. A URI is a string of characters that identify a resource. Some typical URI schemes are HTTP and FTP.
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
Markup language used to represent structured information in a standard way.
- XML namespaces
Specification that allows qualifying element names by associating element-name prefixes to URIs.
- XML parser
Software engine that reads and writes XML documents.
- XML Schema
Specification used to describe the structure of XML documents. XML Schema is more powerful than document type definition (DTD) because it includes facilities to specify the data type of elements and it is based on XML.
- XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
Specification that allows the conversion of an XML document into another XML document or any other type of document.
- XSLT stylesheet
File written in XSLT that specifies how a source document is to be converted into another document.
- XSLT transformer
Software that converts an XML document into another document using an XSLT stylesheet.
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