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Inside Macintosh: Devices /
Chapter 6 - Power Manager / Power Manager Reference
Power Manager Dispatch Routines / Hard Disk Spindown Function


A hard disk spindown function can perform any operations you require to prepare for the hard disk to spin down.

pascal void MyHDSpindownProc(HDQueueElement *theElement);
A pointer to the element in the hard disk power down queue that was used to install this function.
The HardDiskQInstall function installs an element into the hard disk power down queue to provide notification to your software when the internal hard disk is about to be powered off. For example, this feature might be used by the driver for an external battery-powered hard disk. When power to the internal hard disk is turned off, the external hard disk could be turned off as well.

When power to the internal hard disk is about to be turned off, the software calls the routine pointed to by the hdProc field so that it can do any special processing. The routine will be passed a pointer to its queue element so that, for example, the routine can reference its variables.

The hard disk power down queue elements are defined in "Hard Disk Queue Structure," on page 6-27.

The HardDiskQInstall function is described on page 6-52. The HardDiskQRemove function is described on page 6-53.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
3 JUL 1996