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Inside Macintosh: Files /
Chapter 2 - File Manager / Data Organization in Memory

The File I/O Queue

The file I/O queue is a standard Operating System queue (described in the chapter "Queue Utilities" in Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities) that contains parameter blocks for all asynchronous routines awaiting execution.

Each entry in the file I/O queue consists of a parameter block for the routine that was called. The File Manager uses the first four fields of each parameter block in processing the I/O requests in the queue.

TYPE ParamBlockRec =
   qLink:         QElemPtr;      {next queue entry}
   qType:         Integer;       {queue type}
   ioTrap:        Integer;       {routine trap}
   ioCmdAddr:     Ptr;           {routine address}
                                 {rest of block}
Field Description
A pointer to the next entry in the file I/O queue.
The queue type. This field must always contain ORD(ioQType).
The trap word of the routine that was called.
The address of the routine that was called.
You can get a pointer to the header of the file I/O queue by calling the File Manager utility function GetFSQHdr.

Assembly-Language Note
The global variable FSQHdr contains the header of the file I/O queue.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996