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Inside Macintosh: Files /
Chapter 2 - File Manager / File Manager Reference
Low-Level Volume Access Routines / Obtaining Volume Information


You can use the PBHGetVInfo function to get detailed information about a volume.

FUNCTION PBHGetVInfo (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr; async: Boolean): 
A pointer to a basic HFS parameter block.
A Boolean value that specifies asynchronous (TRUE) or synchronous (FALSE) execution.
-->ioCompletionProcPtrA pointer to a completion routine.
<--ioResultOSErrThe result code of the function.
<->ioNamePtrStringPtrA pointer to the volume's name.
<->ioVRefNumIntegerOn input, a volume specification.
On output, the volume reference number.
-->ioVolIndexIntegerAn index used for indexing through all mounted volumes.
<--ioVCrDateLongIntThe date and time of initialization.
<--ioVLsModLongIntThe date and time of last modification.
<--ioVAtrbIntegerThe volume attributes.
<--ioVNmFlsIntegerThe number of files in the root directory.
<--ioVBitMapIntegerThe first block of the volume bitmap.
<--ioVAllocPtrIntegerThe block at which the next new
file starts.
<--ioVNmAlBlksIntegerThe number of allocation blocks.
<--ioVAlBlkSizLongIntThe size of allocation blocks.
<--ioVClpSizLongIntThe default clump size.
<--ioAlBlStIntegerThe first block in the volume
block map.
<--ioVNxtCNIDLongIntThe next unused catalog node ID.
<--ioVFrBlkIntegerThe number of unused
allocation blocks.
<--ioVSigWordIntegerThe volume signature.
<--ioVDrvInfoIntegerThe drive number.
<--ioVDRefNumIntegerThe driver reference number.
<--ioVFSIDIntegerThe file system handling
this volume.
<--ioVBkUpLongIntThe date and time of the last backup.
<--ioVSeqNumIntegerUsed internally.
<--ioVWrCntLongIntThe volume write count.
<--ioVFilCntLongIntThe number of files on the volume.
<--ioVDirCntLongIntThe number of directories on
the volume.
<--ioVFndrInfoARRAY[1..8] OF LongInt
   Information used by the Finder.

The PBHGetVInfo function returns information about the specified volume. If the value of ioVolIndex is positive, the File Manager attempts to use it to find the volume; for instance, if the value of ioVolIndex is 2, the File Manager attempts to access the second mounted volume in the VCB queue. If the value of ioVolIndex is negative, the File Manager uses ioNamePtr and ioVRefNum in the standard way to determine the volume. If the value of ioVolIndex is 0, the File Manager attempts to access the volume by using ioVRefNum only. The volume reference number is returned in ioVRefNum, and the volume name is returned in the buffer whose address you passed in ioNamePtr. You should pass a pointer to a Str31 value if you want that name returned. If you pass NIL in the ioNamePtr field, no volume name is returned.

If you pass a working directory reference number in ioVRefNum (or if the default directory is a subdirectory), the number of files and directories in the specified directory (the directory's valence) is returned in ioVNmFls.

You can read the ioVDrvInfo and ioVDRefNum fields to determine whether the specified volume is online, offline, or ejected. For online volumes, ioVDrvInfo contains the drive number of the drive containing the specified volume and hence is always greater than 0. If the value returned in ioVDrvInfo is 0, the volume is either offline or ejected. You can determine whether the volume is offline or ejected by inspecting the value of the ioVDRefNum field. For online volumes, ioVDRefNum contains a driver reference number; these numbers are always less than 0. If the volume is not online, the value of ioVDRefNum is either the negative of the drive number (if the volume is offline) or the drive number itself (if the volume is ejected).

You can get information about all the online volumes by making repeated calls to PBHGetVInfo, starting with the value of ioVolIndex set to 1 and incrementing that value until PBHGetVInfo returns nsvErr.

The values returned in the ioVNmAlBlks and ioVFrBlk fields are unsigned integers. You need to exercise special care when reading those values from Pascal. See "Determining the Amount of Free Space on a Volume" on page 2-46 for one technique you can use to read those values.

The trap macro for PBHGetVInfo is _HGetVolInfo.

noErr0No error
nsvErr-35No such volume
paramErr-50No default volume

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996