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Inside Macintosh: Files /
Chapter 2 - File Manager / File Manager Reference
Foreign File System Routines /


You can use the PBGetForeignPrivs function to determine the native access-control information for a file or directory stored on a volume managed by a foreign file system.

FUNCTION PBGetForeignPrivs (paramBlock: HParmBlkPtr; 
                              async: Boolean): OSErr;
A pointer to a foreignPrivParam variant of the HFS parameter block.
A Boolean value that specifies asynchronous (TRUE) or synchronous (FALSE) execution.
-->ioCompletionProcPtrA pointer to a completion routine.
<--ioResultOSErrThe result code of the function.
-->ioNamePtrStringPtrA pointer to a file or
directory name.
<--ioVRefNumIntegerA volume specification.
<--ioForeignPrivBufferPtrA pointer to the privilege information buffer.
-->ioForeignPrivReqCountLongIntThe size allocated for the buffer.
<--ioForeignPrivActCountLongIntThe amount used in buffer.
-->ioForeignPrivDirIDIntegerThe parent directory ID.
<--ioForeignPrivInfo1LongIntInformation specific to
privilege model.
<--ioForeignPrivInfo2LongIntInformation specific to
privilege model.
<--ioForeignPrivInfo3LongIntInformation specific to
privilege model.
<--ioForeignPrivInfo4LongIntInformation specific to
privilege model.

The PBGetForeignPrivs function retrieves access information for a file or directory on a volume managed by a file system that uses a privilege model different from the AFP model. See "Privilege Information in Foreign File Systems" on page 2-20 for a more complete explanation of access-control privileges.

The trap macro and routine selector for PBGetForeignPrivs are
Trap macroSelector

noErr0No error
nsvErr-35Volume not found
paramErr-50Volume is HFS or MFS (that is, it has no foreign privilege model), or foreign volume does not
support these calls

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996