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Inside Macintosh: Files /
Chapter 3 - Standard File Package / Standard File Package Reference
Standard File Package Routines / Opening Files


Use the SFGetFile procedure to display the default Open dialog box when the user is opening a file.

PROCEDURE SFGetFile (where: Point; prompt: Str255;
                     fileFilter: FileFilterProcPtr;
                     numTypes: Integer; typeList: SFTypeList;
                     dlgHook: DlgHookProcPtr; VAR reply: SFReply);
The upper-left corner of the dialog box, in global coordinates.
A pointer to an optional file filter function, provided by your application, through which SFGetFile passes files of the specified types.
The number of file types to be displayed. If you specify a numTypes value of -1, the first filtering passes files of all types.
A list of file types to be displayed.
A pointer to your dialog hook function, which handles item selections received from the Dialog Manager. Specify a value of NIL if you want the standard items handled in the standard ways.
The reply record, which SFGetFile fills in before returning.
The SFGetFile procedure displays a dialog box listing the names of a specific
group of files from which the user can select one to be opened (as during an Open
menu command). During the dialog, SFGetFile gets and handles events (possibly
with the assistance of application-defined callback routines) until the user completes
the interaction, either by selecting a file to open or by canceling the open operation. SFGetFile returns the user's input in a record of type SFReply.

The trap macro and routine selector for SFGetFile are
Trap macroSelector

Because SFGetFile may move memory, you should not call it at interrupt time.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996