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Inside Macintosh: Interapplication Communication /
Chapter 5 - Creating and Sending Apple Events / Reference to Creating and Sending Apple Events
Routines for Creating and Sending Apple Events / Creating Apple Events


You can use the AECreateAppleEvent function to create an Apple event with several important attributes but no parameters. You add parameters to the Apple event after you create it.

FUNCTION AECreateAppleEvent (theAEEventClass: AEEventClass; 
                             theAEEventID: AEEventID; 
                             target: AEAddressDesc; 
                             returnID: Integer; 
                             transactionID: LongInt; 
                             VAR result: AppleEvent): OSErr;

The event class of the Apple event to be created.

The event ID of the Apple event to be created.
The address of the server application.
The return ID for the Apple event; if you specify kAutoGenerateReturnID, the Apple Event Manager assigns a return ID that is unique to the current session.
The transaction ID for this Apple event. A transaction is a sequence of Apple events that are sent back and forth between the client and server applications, beginning with the client's initial request for a service. All Apple events that are part of a transaction must have the same transaction ID.
The AECreateAppleEvent function returns, in this parameter, the Apple event that it creates.
The AECreateAppleEvent function creates an Apple event.Your application is responsible for using the AEDisposeDesc function to dispose of the Apple event when you no longer need it.

If AECreateAppleEvent returns a nonzero result code, it returns a null descriptor record unless the Apple Event Manager is not available because of limited memory.

noErr0No error
memFullErr-108Not enough room in heap zone
See "Creating an Apple Event," which begins on page 5-3, for more information on how to create an Apple event.

See "Specifying a Target Address" on page 5-10 for information on how to address an Apple event.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996