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Inside Macintosh: Programmer's Guide to MacApp / Part 1 - MacApp Theory and Architecture
Chapter 4 - Launching and Terminating an Application

Initializing MacApp's Core Code

A main routine may begin the process of initializing MacApp by calling InitUMacApp, a macro provided as a convenience to invoke three separate calls:

Some applications will need to call these routines directly instead of calling InitUMacApp. For an example, see "Recipe--Launching an Application With a Startup Screen," beginning on page 294.

The three calls made by InitUMacApp perform the bulk of all MacApp initialization. Figure 4-2 shows the initialization steps performed by InitUMacApp. These routines are described in the following sections.


The InitUMacApp_Step1 routine has these responsibilities:

These operations are described in the following sections.


The UniversalStartup routine can run safely on 68K-based or Power Macintosh machines. It performs initialization that must be done before it is known which type of processor is present.

Checking the Processor

The UniversalStartup routine first calls MacApp's ValidateProcessor routine. ValidateProcessor uses the Toolbox Gestalt routine to check processor requirements. The application may require a 68020, 68030, or 68040 microprocessor. It may also require a floating-point unit. If the required processor is not available, UniversalStartup displays an alert box and terminates the application.

Initializing the Macintosh Toolbox

The UniversalStartup routine next calls MacApp's InitToolBox routine, which makes sure there is enough memory available to perform required Toolbox initialization and then calls the DoRealInitToolBox routine.

If the application is set up to run in the background only, DoRealInitToolBox terminates the program, since MacApp does not currently support

Figure 4-2 Initialization performed by the InitUMacApp macro

background-only operation. Otherwise, DoRealInitToolBox calls Toolbox initialization routines that most applications require: InitGraf, InitFonts, InitWindows, InitMenus, TEInit, InitDialogs, and InitCursor. These routines initialize Toolbox managers--sets of software routines in the Macintosh ROM that handle various parts of the computer's operation. They must be initialized in a specific order before an application can run.You can read about these routines in the Inside Macintosh volumes Imaging, Macintosh Toolbox Essentials, Overview, and Text.

Performing Preliminary Memory Initialization

The UniversalStartup routine then calls MacApp's ExpandHeap routine to perform certain preliminary memory initialization tasks. ExpandHeap examines the application's 'mem!' and 'ppc!' ('68k!' for 68K applications) resources to determine the size for the object heap, the heap increment, the temporary reserve, the low space reserve, and the stack. UniversalStartup stores these values in global variables for later use when memory initialization is completed. It then calls the MacApp routine SetStackSpace to set the stack for the application and calls the Toolbox routine MaxApplZone to expand the application heap zone to include all available heap memory.

Validating the Machine Configuration

The InitUMacApp_Step1 routine calls the ValidateConfiguration routine to ensure that the current machine matches the required configuration. ValidateConfiguration calls individual MacApp routines such as GetSystemVersion to test for various features. MacApp itself currently requires System 7.0 or later and Color QuickDraw. Your application may require System 7.5. If so, you specify that requirement when you build your application. Appendix A explains how to specify various requirements with the MacApp build system.

Installing a Top-Level Failure Handler

The InstallFailureHandler macro installs a topmost failure handler for the application. This failure handler must be set up in the main routine so that the return address the failure handler saves is always part of the call chain. To ensure this outcome, the InitUMacApp routine is implemented as a macro. (MacApp's failure-handling mechanism is described in Chapter 3, "Core Technologies.")


The InitUMacApp_Step3 routine finishes initializing MacApp after the top-level failure handler has been installed. It makes the following calls, to initialize MacApp's memory management system, to initialize MacApp's segment management system (on 68K-based machines), and to perform other MacApp initialization required by all applications.

#if qSegments
#endif // qSegments
MacApp's segment management system is needed only for segmented, 68K applications. MacApp uses the qSegments flag to control compilation of this code.

The initialization tasks performed by the InitUMemory routine are described in detail in "Initializing MacApp's Memory Management," beginning on page 70. MacApp's segment management system, described in detail in Chapter 3, "Core Technologies," is part of memory management for 68K-based machines. The initialization tasks performed by the InitUSegments routine are described in "Initializing MacApp's Segment Management," beginning on page 71.

Performing Additional Required Initialization

After calling InitUMemory, InitUMacApp_Step3 calls the DoInitUMacApp routine to initialize the core of MacApp. The DoInitUMacApp routine first calls InitUObject, which initializes MacApp's runtime type information for objects (see page 27). This information cannot be initialized until after InitUMemory has been called.

If the application is built to include MacApp's debug information, DoInitUMacApp calls InitUDebug.

DoInitUMacApp then patches the Macintosh Toolbox trap ExitToShell to call the MacApp routine CleanupMacApp. From this point on, if ExitToShell is called to terminate the application, the patch calls MacApp's cleanup routine (see also "Terminating the Application," beginning on page 95).

DoInitUMacApp then performs additional initialization required by most applications:

Finally, DoInitUMacApp calls initialization routines for various MacApp code units. These routines create and initialize objects to aid the application with drawing (InitUAdorners), menu handling (InitUMenuMgr), and Clipboard support (InitUClipboardMgr).

If the application is built to include MacApp's debugging code, DoInitUMacApp calls initialization routines for two units used in debugging, InitUDialog and InitUTEView. (If your application uses MacApp's dialog or text-editing view support, you should call these routines from your main routine, whether or not you are building a debug version.)

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
25 JUL 1996