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Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox /
Chapter 2 - Scrap Manager / Using the Scrap Manager

Converting Data Between a Private Scrap and the Scrap

If you use a private scrap, you need to copy the data from your private scrap to the scrap upon receiving a suspend event. Upon receiving a resume event, you need to determine whether the contents of the scrap have changed since the previous suspend event. If so, your application must be sure to use the new data in the scrap for the user's next Paste command (unless the user chooses Cut or Copy before choosing Paste). In addition, your application needs to update the contents of its Clipboard window, if necessary.

Listing 2-7 shows the application-defined procedure MyConvertScrap. This procedure is called either indirectly as a result of a resume event (indicated by the kClipboardToPrivate, constant) or directly as a result of a suspend event (indicated by the kPrivateToClipboard constant). If the whichWay parameter contains kClipboardToPrivate, then the contents of the scrap have changed. In this
case, MyConvertScrap uses GetScrap to read the contents of the scrap. The MyConvertScrap procedure checks the scrap for 'PICT' data first, and then for 'TEXT' data if the scrap doesn't contain any data in 'PICT' format. MyConvertScrap then copies this data to its private scrap.

If the MyConvertScrap procedure is called as a result of a suspend event, the procedure copies the data from its private scrap to the scrap. It writes the data to the scrap in its own private format, in 'PICT' format, and, if appropriate, in 'TEXT' format.

Listing 2-7 Converting data between the scrap and a private scrap

PROCEDURE MyConvertScrap (whichWay: Integer);
   sizeOfTextData:   LongInt;
   sizeOfPictData:   LongInt;
   offset:           LongInt;
   hDest:            Handle;
   ptrToScrapData:   Ptr;
   length:           LongInt;
   myLongErr:        LongInt;
   IF whichWay = kClipboardToPrivate THEN
   BEGIN {copy scrap to private scrap}
      sizeOfPictData := GetScrap(NIL, 'PICT', offset);
      IF sizeOfPictData > 0 THEN
         {get handle to hold data from scrap, GetScrap }
         hDest := NewHandle(0);  { automatically resizes it}
         {put data into memory referenced by hDest handle}
         sizeOfPictData := GetScrap(hDest, 'PICT', offset);
      ELSE  {if no 'PICT' data on scrap, check for 'TEXT'}
         sizeOfTextData := GetScrap(NIL, 'TEXT', offset);
         IF sizeOfTextData > 0 THEN
            {allocate handle to hold scrap data--GetScrap }
            hDest := NewHandle(0);  { automatically resizes it}
            {put data into memory referenced by hDest handle}
            sizeOfTextData := GetScrap(hDest, 'TEXT', offset);
            {copy data to private scrap}
   BEGIN {copy private scrap into scrap}
      IF MyGetPrivateScrapSize > 0 THEN   {if private scrap }
         myLongErr := ZeroScrap; { not empty, clear the scrap}
      ptrToScrapData := NewPtr(kDefaultSize);
      {retrieve data from private scrap in private format}
      IF (MyGetScrap('SURF', ptrToScrapData, length) > 0) THEN
      BEGIN    {copy data to the scrap}
         myLongErr := PutScrap(length, 'SURF', ptrToScrapData);
         IF myLongErr <> noErr THEN DoError(myLongErr);
      {retrieve data from private scrap in 'PICT' format}
      IF (MyGetScrap('PICT', ptrToScrapData, length) > 0) THEN
      BEGIN    {copy data to the scrap}
         myLongErr := PutScrap(length, 'PICT', ptrToScrapData);
         IF myLongErr <> noErr THEN DoError(myLongErr);
      {retrieve data from private scrap in 'TEXT' format}
      IF (MyGetScrap('TEXT', ptrToScrapData, length) > 0) THEN
      BEGIN    {copy data to the scrap}
         myLongErr := PutScrap(length, 'TEXT', ptrToScrapData);
         IF myLongErr <> noErr THEN DoError(myLongErr);

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996