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Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox /
Chapter 4 - List Manager / List Manager Reference
List Manager Routines / Responding to Events Affecting Lists


When your application receives an activate event for a window containing a list, it should activate or deactivate the list as appropriate. You can use the LActivate procedure to perform highlighting of the cells and to show or hide any scroll bars.

PROCEDURE LActivate (act: Boolean; lHandle: ListHandle);
A Boolean value that indicates whether the list should be activated. Specify TRUE to activate the list. Specify FALSE to deactivate the list.
The list to be activated or deactivated.
The LActivate procedure activates the list specified by the lHandle parameter if act is TRUE and deactivates it otherwise.

If a list is being deactivated, LActivate removes highlighting from selected cells and hides the scroll bars. If a list is being activated, LActivate highlights selected cells and shows the scroll bars.

The LActivate procedure has no effect on a list's size box, if one exists.

You should not call the LActivate procedure from within an interrupt, such as in a completion routine or VBL task.

The trap macro and routine selector for the LActivate procedure are
Trap macroSelector

For information on responding to activate events in lists, see "Responding to Events Affecting a List" beginning on page 4-23. For general information on events, see the chapter "Event Manager" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996