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Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox /
Chapter 1 - Resource Manager / Resource Manager Reference
Data Structure, Resource Types, and Resource IDs

The Resource Type

The Resource Manager uses the resource type along with the resource ID to identify a resource uniquely. A resource type is defined by the ResType data type.

TYPE ResType = PACKED ARRAY[1..4] OF Char;
A resource type can be any sequence of four alphanumeric characters, including the space character. You can define your own resource types, but they must consist of all uppercase letters and must not conflict with any of the standard resource types.

When identifying resource types, the Resource Manager distinguishes between uppercase letters and their lowercase counterparts. In addition, Apple reserves for its own use all resource types that consist of all lowercase letters, all spaces, or all international characters (characters greater than $7F).
Table 1-2 lists the standard resource types.
Table 1-2 Standard resource types (Continued)
'ADBS'Apple Desktop Bus service routine
'ALRT'Alert box
'CDEF'Control definition function
'CDEV'Control device function for a control panel
'CODE'Application code segment
'DITL'Item list in a dialog or alert box
'DLOG'Dialog box
'DRVR'Desk accessory or other device driver
'FKEY'Command-Shift-number combination
'FOND'Font family record
'FONT' Bitmapped font
'FREF'File reference
'ICN#'Large (32-by-32 pixel) black-and-white icon, with mask
'ICON'Large (32-by-32 pixel) black-and-white icon, without mask
'INIT'System extension
'KCAP'Physical keyboard description (used by Key Caps desk accessory)
'KCHR'Keyboard layout (software); maps virtual key codes to character codes
'LDEF'List definition procedure
'MBAR'Menu bar
'MDEF'Menu definition procedure
'NFNT'Bitmapped font
'PAT 'Pattern
'PAT#'Pattern list
'PICT'QuickDraw picture
'POST'PostScript\xC6 resource
'PREC'Print record
'SICN'Small (16-by-16 pixel) icon (mask optional)
'SIZE'Size of application's partition and other information
'STR 'String
'STR#'String list
'WDEF'Window definition function
'actb'Alert color table
'alis'Alias record
'card'Video card name
'cctb'Control color table
'cicn'Color icon
'clut'Color look-up table
'crsr'Color cursor
'dctb'Dialog color table
'ddev'Database extension
'eadr'Ethernet hardware address
'fctb'Font color table
'hdlg'Help for dialog box or alert box items
'hfdr'Help for application icons
'hmnu'Help for application menus
'hovr'Help that overrides Finder help
'hrct'Help for areas in windows
'hwin'Association of 'hrct' and 'hdlg' resources to specific windows
'icl4'Large (32-by-32 pixel) color icon with 4 bits of color data per pixel
'icl8'Large (32-by-32 pixel) color icon with 8 bits of color data per pixel
'ics#'Small (16-by-16 pixel) black-and-white icon, with mask
'ics4'Small (16-by-16 pixel) color icon with 4 bits of color data per pixel
'ics8'Small (16-by-16 pixel) color icon with 8 bits of color data per pixel
'ictb'Item color table
'itl0'Date and time formats
'itl1'Names of days and months
'itl2'Text Utilities sort hooks
'itl4'Localizable tables and code
'itlk'Remappings of certain key combinations before the KeyTrans function is called for the corresponding 'KCHR' resource
'kcs#'List of small black-and-white icons, with mask, for a corresponding 'KCHR' resource
'kcs4'Small (16-by-16 pixel) color icon with 4 bits of color data per pixel for a corresponding 'KCHR' resource
'kcs8'Small (16-by-16 pixel) color icon with 8 bits of color data per pixel for a corresponding 'KCHR' resource
'mctb'Menu color information table
'mntr'Monitors extension code resource
'movv'QuickTime movie
'pltt'Color palette
'ppat'Pixel pattern
'qdef'Query definition function
'qrsc'Query resource
'sect'Section record
'sfnt'Outline font
'snd 'Sound
'styl'TextEdit style record
'sysz'System heap space required by a system extension
'vers'Version number
'wctb'Window color table
'wstr'String (uses word for length byte)

Table 1-3 lists resource types that are reserved for use by system software. These resource types consist entirely of uppercase letters or combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters and the number sign (#). Other resource types specific to system software that consist entirely of lowercase letters or other characters are not included in Table 1-3. This list is provided for your information; you should not use these resource types in your application.
Table 1-3 Resource types reserved for use by system software
'CACH'RAM cache code
'DSAT'System startup alert table
'FCMT'"Get Info" comments
'FMTR'3.5-inch disk formatting code
'FOBJ'Folder information for an MFS volume
'FRSV'IDs of system fonts
'INTL'International resource (obsolete)
'KMAP'Keyboard mapping (hardware); maps raw key codes to virtual key codes
'KSWP'Defines special key combinations for Script Manager operations
'MBDF'Default menu definition function
'MMAP'Mouse-tracking code
'NBPC'AppleTalk bundle
'PDEF'Printing code
'PTCH'ROM patch code
'ROv#'List of ROM resources to override
'ROvr'Code for overriding ROM resources
'SERD'RAM Serial Driver

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996