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Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox /
Chapter 4 - List Manager

Summary of the List Manager

Pascal Summary


   {masks for listFlags field of list record}
   lDoVAutoScroll = 2;        {allow vertical autoscrolling}
   lDoHAutoScroll = 1;        {allow horizontal autoscrolling}

   {masks for selFlags field of list record}
   lOnlyOne       = -128;     {allow only one item to be selected at once}
   lExtendDrag    = 64;       {enable multiple item selection without Shift}
   lNoDisjoint    = 32;       {prevent discontiguous selections}
   lNoExtend      = 16;       {reset list before responding to Shift-click}
   lNoRect        = 8;        {Shift-drag selects items passed by cursor}
   lUseSense      = 4;        {allow use of Shift key to deselect items}
   lNoNilHilite   = 2;        {disable highlighting of empty cells}

   {messages to list definition procedure}
   lInitMsg       = 0;        {do any special list initialization}
   lDrawMsg       = 1;        {draw the cell}
   lHiliteMsg     = 2;        {invert cell's highlight state}
   lCloseMsg      = 3;        {take any special disposal action}

Data Types

   Cell = Point;                    {cell.v contains row number}
                                    {cell.h contains column number}
   DataArray   = PACKED ARRAY[0..32000] OF Char;
   DataPtr     = ^DataArray;
   DataHandle  = ^DataPtr;
   ListRec =
      rView:      Rect;             {list's display rectangle}
      port:       GrafPtr;          {list's graphics port}
      indent:     Point;            {indent distance for drawing}
      cellSize:   Point;            {size in pixels of a cell}
      visible:    Rect;             {boundary of visible cells}
      vScroll:    ControlHandle;    {vertical scroll bar}
      hScroll:    ControlHandle;    {horizontal scroll bar}
      selFlags:   SignedByte;       {selection flags}
      lActive:    Boolean;          {TRUE if list is active}
      lReserved:  SignedByte;       {reserved}
      listFlags:  SignedByte;       {automatic scrolling flags}
      clikTime:   LongInt;          {TickCount at time of last click}
      clikLoc:    Point;            {position of last click}
      mouseLoc:   Point;            {current mouse location}
      lClikLoop:  Ptr;              {routine called by LClick}
      lastClick:  Cell;             {last cell clicked}
      refCon:     LongInt;          {for application use}
      listDefProc:                  {list definition procedure}
      userHandle: Handle;           {for application use}
      dataBounds: Rect;             {boundary of cells allocated}
      cells:      DataHandle;       {cell data}
      maxIndex:   Integer;          {used internally}
      cellArray:                    {offsets to data}
                  ARRAY[1..1] OF Integer;

   ListPtr     = ^ListRec;          {pointer to a list record}
   ListHandle  = ^ListPtr;          {handle to a list record}

List Manager Routines

Creating and Disposing of Lists

FUNCTION LNew      (rView: Rect; dataBounds: Rect; cSize: Point; 
                    theProc: Integer; theWindow: WindowPtr;
                    drawIt, hasGrow, scrollHoriz, 
                    scrollVert: Boolean): ListHandle;
PROCEDURE LDispose (lHandle: ListHandle);

Adding and Deleting Columns and Rows To and From a List

FUNCTION LAddColumn     (count: Integer; colNum: Integer; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle): Integer;
FUNCTION LAddRow        (count: Integer; rowNum: Integer; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle): Integer;
PROCEDURE LDelColumn    (count: Integer; colNum: Integer; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE LDelRow       (count: Integer; rowNum: Integer; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle);

Determining or Changing the Selection

FUNCTION LGetSelect     (next: Boolean; VAR theCell: Cell; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE LSetSelect    (setIt: Boolean; theCell: Cell; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle);

Accessing and Manipulating Cell Data

PROCEDURE LSetCell      (dataPtr: Ptr; dataLen: Integer; theCell: Cell;
                         lHandle: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE LAddToCell    (dataPtr: Ptr; dataLen: Integer; theCell: Cell;
                         lHandle: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE LClrCell      (theCell: Cell; lHandle: ListHandle);
{the LGetCellDataLocation procedure is also available as the LFind procedure}
PROCEDURE LGetCellDataLocation
                        (VAR offset, len: Integer; theCell: Cell;
                         lHandle: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE LGetCell      (dataPtr: Ptr; VAR dataLen: Integer; 
                         theCell: Cell; lHandle: ListHandle);

Responding to Events Affecting Lists

FUNCTION LClick         (pt: Point; modifiers: Integer; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE LActivate     (act: Boolean; lHandle: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE LUpdate       (theRgn: RgnHandle; lHandle: ListHandle);

Modifying a List's Appearance

{the LSetDrawingMode procedure is also available as the LDoDraw procedure}
PROCEDURE LSetDrawingMode(drawIt: Boolean; lHandle: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE LDraw         (theCell: Cell; lHandle: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE LAutoScroll   (lHandle: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE LScroll       (dCols: Integer; dRows: Integer; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle);

Searching a List for a Particular Item

FUNCTION LSearch        (dataPtr: Ptr; dataLen: Integer; 
                         searchProc: Ptr; VAR theCell: Cell;
                         lHandle: ListHandle): Boolean;

Changing the Size of Cells and Lists

PROCEDURE LSize         (listWidth: Integer; listHeight: Integer; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle);
PROCEDURE LCellSize     (cSize: Point; lHandle: ListHandle);

Getting Information About Cells

FUNCTION LNextCell      (hNext: Boolean; vNext: Boolean; 
                         VAR theCell: Cell;
                         lHandle: ListHandle): Boolean;
PROCEDURE LRect         (VAR cellRect: Rect; theCell: Cell; 
                         lHandle: ListHandle);
FUNCTION LLastClick     (lHandle: ListHandle): Cell;

Application-Defined Routines

PROCEDURE MyLDEF          (message: Integer; selected: Boolean;
                           VAR cellRect: Rect; theCell: Cell; 
                           dataOffset: Integer; dataLen: Integer;
                           theList: ListHandle);
FUNCTION MyMatchFunction  (cellDataPtr, searchDataPtr: Ptr;
                           cellDataLen, searchDataLen: Integer): Integer;

C Summary


/*masks for listFlags field of list record*/
enum {
   lDoVAutoScroll = 2,     /*allow vertical autoscrolling*/
   lDoHAutoScroll = 1,     /*allow horizontal autoscrolling*/

/*masks for selFlags field of list record*/
   lOnlyOne = -128,        /*allow only one item to be selected at once*/
   lExtendDrag = 64,       /*enable multiple item selection without Shift*/
   lNoDisjoint = 32,       /*prevent discontiguous selections*/
   lNoExtend = 16,         /*reset list before responding to Shift-click*/
   lNoRect = 8,            /*Shift-drag selects items passed by cursor*/
   lUseSense = 4,          /*allow use of Shift key to deselect items*/
   lNoNilHilite = 2,       /*disable highlighting of empty cells*/
/*messages to list definition procedure*/
   lInitMsg = 0,           /*do any special list initialization*/
   lDrawMsg = 1,           /*draw the cell*/
   lHiliteMsg = 2,         /*invert cell's highlight state*/
   lCloseMsg = 3           /*take any special disposal action*/

Data Types

typdef Point Cell;         /*cell.v contains row number*/
                           /*cell.h contains column number*/
typedef char DataArray[32001], *DataPtr, **DataHandle;
struct ListRec {
   Rect           rView;            /*list's display rectangle*/
   GrafPtr        ptr;              /*list's graphics port*/
   Point          indent;           /*indent distance for drawing*/
   Point          cellSize;         /*size in pixels of a cell*/
   Rect           visible;          /*boundary of visible cells*/
   ControlHandle  vScroll;          /*vertical scroll bar*/
   ControlHandle  hScroll;          /*horizontal scroll bar*/
   char           selFlags;         /*selection flags*/
   Boolean        lActive;          /*TRUE if list is active*/
   char           lReserved;        /*reserved*/
   char           listFlags;        /*automatic scrolling flags*/
   long           clikTime;         /*TickCount at time of last click*/
   Point          clikLoc;          /*position of last click*/
   Point          mouseLoc;         /*current mouse location*/
   ProcPtr        lClikLoop;        /*routine called by LClick*/
   Cell           lastClick;        /*last cell clicked*/
   long           refCon;           /*for application use*/
   Handle         listDefProc;      /*list definition procedure*/
   Handle         userHandle;       /*for application use*/
   Rect           dataBounds;       /*boundary of cells allocated*/
   DataHandle     cells;            /*cell data*/
   short          maxIndex;         /*used internally*/
   short          cellArray[1];     /*offsets to data*/

typedef struct ListRect ListRect;
typedef ListRect *ListPtr, **ListHandle;

List Manager Routines

Creating and Disposing of Lists

pascal ListHandle LNew        (const Rect *rView, Rect *dataBounds, 
                               Point *cSize, short theProc, 
                               WindowPtr theWindow, Boolean drawIt, 
                               Boolean hasGrow, Boolean scrollHoriz, 
                               Boolean scrollVert);
pascal void LDispose          (ListHandle lHandle);

Adding and Deleting Columns and Rows To and From a List

pascal short LAddColumn       (short count, short colNum, ListHandle lHandle);
pascal short LAddRow          (short count, short rowNum, ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LDelColumn        (short count, short colNum, ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LDelRow           (short count, short rowNum, ListHandle lHandle);

Determining or Changing the Selection

pascal Boolean LGetSelect     (Boolean next, Cell *theCell, 
                               ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LSetSelect        (Boolean setIt, Cell theCell, 
                               ListHandle lHandle);

Accessing and Manipulating Cell Data

pascal void LSetCell          (const void *dataPtr, short dataLen, 
                               Cell theCell, ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LAddToCell        (const void *dataPtr, short dataLen, 
                               Cell theCell, ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LClrCell          (Cell theCell, ListHandle lHandle);
/*the LGetCellDataLocation procedure is also available as */
/* the LFind procedure*/
pascal void LGetCellDataLocation
                              (short *offset, short *len, Cell theCell,  ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LGetCell          (void *dataPtr, short *dataLen, Cell theCell, 
                               ListHandle lHandle);

Responding to Events Affecting Lists

pascal Boolean LClick         (Point pt, short modifiers, ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LActivate         (Boolean act, ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LUpdate           (RgnHandle theRgn, ListHandle lHandle);

Modifying a List's Appearance

/*the LSetDrawingMode procedure is also available as the LDoDraw procedure*/
pascal void LSetDrawingMode
                              (Boolean drawIt, ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LDraw             (Cell theCell, ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LAutoScroll       (ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LScroll           (short dCols, short dRows, ListHandle lHandle);

Searching for a List Containing a Particular Item

pascal Boolean LSearch        (const void *dataPtr, short dataLen, 
                               SearchProcPtr searchProc, Cell *theCell, 
                               ListHandle lHandle);

Changing the Size of Cells and Lists

pascal void LSize             (short listWidth, short listHeight, 
                               ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LCellSize         (Point cSize, ListHandle lHandle);

Getting Information About Cells

pascal Boolean LNextCell      (Boolean hNext, Boolean vNext, Cell *theCell,
                               ListHandle lHandle);
pascal void LRect             (Rect *cellRect, Cell theCell, 
                               ListHandle lHandle);
pascal Cell LLastClick        (ListHandle lHandle);

Application-Defined Routines

pascal void MyLDEF            (short message, Boolean selected, 
                               Rect *cellRect, Cell theCell, 
                               short dataOffset, short dataLen,
                               ListHandle theList);
pascal short MyMatchFunction
                              (Ptr cellDataPtr, Ptr searchDataPtr,
                               short cellDataLen, short searchDataLen);
pascal void MyClickLoop       (void);

Assembly-Language Summary

Data Structures

ListRect Data Structure
0rView8 byteslist's display rectangle
8portlonglist's graphics port
12indent4 bytesindent distance for drawing
16cellSize4 bytessize in pixels of a cell
20visible8 bytesboundary of visible cells
28vScrolllongvertical scroll bar
32hScrolllonghorizontal scroll bar
36selFlagsbyteselection flags
37lActivebytenonzero if list is active
39listFlagsbyteautomatic scrolling flags
40clikTimelongticks at time of last click
44clikLoc4 bytesposition of last click
48mouseLoc4 bytescurrent mouse location
52lClikLooplongpointer to routine called by LClick
56lastClick4 byteslast cell clicked
60refConlongfor application use
64listDefProclonghandle to code for list definition procedure
68userHandlelongfor application use
72dataBounds8 bytesboundary of cells allocated
80cellslonghandle to cell data
84maxIndexwordused internally
86cellArrayvariableoffsets to data

Trap Macros

Trap Macros Requiring Routine Selectors


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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996