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Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox /
Chapter 8 - Control Panels / About Control Panels

The Monitors Control Panel and Extensions to It

The standard Monitors control panel lets the user define the monitor's display of colors or shades of gray. If more than one monitor is connected to the system, the Monitors control panel also allows the user to define the relative position of each monitor and choose which monitor is the startup screen. If you are a manufacturer of a video card, you can create a monitors extension to give users a simple way to control the features of your device through the Monitors control panel. A monitors extension controls the features of your video card only, not systemwide features. For example, a monitors extension might allow the user to set the virtual screen size for a single monitor but not the size of the menu bar, which can appear on any monitor. If you require a more complex interface, such as your own menu items or several levels of nested dialog boxes, you should create a small application rather than an extension to the Monitors control panel.

The Monitors control panel manages any extensions to it that you create, and the user can open an extension only through the Monitors control panel. Like a control panel file, a monitors extension file has a file type of 'cdev'. A monitors extension file contains resources for the monitors extension, including a code resource of type 'mntr'. If you want to create a separate control panel to let the user control the settings of another feature of the same video card, you can include the control panel's resources and code in the same file as your monitors extension. In this case, you create the control panel just as you do any other independent control panel. If a user opens your independent control panel, the Finder displays the control panel defined in your file and ignores the monitors extension in that file, just as the Monitors control panel ignores the independent control panel defined in your file when it opens the file to display the monitors extension.

The Monitors control panel allows a user to

Figure 8-4 shows an example of the Monitors control panel.

Figure 8-4 The Monitors control panel

If more than one video card is installed in the computer, the Monitors control panel shows all of the connected monitors. When the user selects one monitor, then clicks the Options button, the Monitors control panel displays the Options dialog box for that monitor. When you provide a monitors extension for the Monitors control panel, the controls you add appear in this dialog box.

Figure 8-5 shows an example of an Options dialog box for the SurfBoard video card. The OK and Cancel buttons are standard for all Options dialog boxes. In this example, the developers of the SurfBoard video card have provided a monitors extension that adds two items to the the Options dialog box: the Magnify Enabled checkbox and static text listing the manufacturer's name.

Figure 8-5 An Options dialog box for the SurfBoard video card

A monitors extension file must contain these four resources:

Your monitors extension file can also include any of the following resources:

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996