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Inside Macintosh: More Macintosh Toolbox /
Chapter 8 - Control Panels / Creating an Extension for the Monitors Control Panel

Including Another Control Panel Definition in a Monitors Extension File

A control panel file that contains an extension to the Monitors control panel can also contain a definition for another, separate control panel. You might want to include both an extension to the Monitors control panel and a new control panel definition in the same file, for example, if each controls some features of the same video card. Any control panel definition must include a resource of type 'cdev' and the other resources described in "Creating a Control Panel's Resources" beginning on page 8-14.

Because the control panel resources and the monitors extension resources in the file have different resource ID numbers, the Finder handles them separately. If the user opens a control panel file containing both a control panel definition and an extension to the Monitors control panel, the control panel defined in that file appears on the screen, and the Finder ignores the monitors extension in that file. If the user opens the Monitors control panel file, then the Monitors control panel searches the other control panel files in the same folder for extensions and ignores any control resources of type 'cdev' it finds in those files. The user cannot open a control panel file that contains only an extension to the Monitors control panel; only the Monitors control panel can open such a file.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996