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Inside Macintosh: Networking /
Chapter 9 - AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP) / AFP Reference


The programming interface to AFP is different in form from the programming interfaces to the other AppleTalk protocols described in this book. For AFP, the programming interface consists of a single function, the AFPCommand function, which allows you to call AFP and pass it the command code for a particular AFP command. There are four categories or types of commands that you can send to a server: general, login, write, and read. To use the commands that form these categories, in addition to this chapter, you must also refer to the books Inside AppleTalk, second edition, and AppleShare 3.0 Developer's Kit version 3.0.

The AFPCommand function requires as a parameter a pointer to an XPP parameter block. This function uses a different parameter block format for each category. You do not specify the command code as a parameter block field value, as you might expect. Instead, as the value of a parameter block field you specify a pointer to a command buffer. You use the command buffer to specify the command code of the AFP command to be sent to
the server.

Although the AFPCommand function syntax is the same for all four formats, the fields of the XPP parameter block that are used for each format differ. The AFPCommand function is defined as follows:

FUNCTION AFPCommand (thePBptr: XPPParmBlkPtr; 
                     async: Boolean): OSErr;
A pointer to the XPP parameter block format for a particular group of AFP commands.
A Boolean that specifies whether the function is to execute synchronously or asynchronously. Set the async parameter to TRUE to execute the function asynchronously.
This section describes the XPP parameter block format for each category of commands. An arrow preceding a parameter block field indicates whether the field's value is an input parameter, an output parameter, or both:

Within the parameter block, you specify a pointer to a command block, the first byte of which contains the command code of the command to be sent to the server. The range
of command codes is 0 through 255, inclusive, although AppleTalk does not currently implement all command codes and some command codes are invalid. Table 9-1 shows the AFP command codes that are implemented in AppleTalk. This table shows the AFP command code constant, the numeric value, and a description of the command.

The following six constants may not be defined in the header files: afpGetSrvrMsg, afpCreateID, afpDeleteID, afpResolveID, afpExchangeFiles, and afpCatSearch. If you use the commands that these constants identify, you must either specify the numeric values for the commands or declare the constants in your application.
AFP command codes
command constant
afpByteRangeLock 1Locks or unlocks a specified range of bytes within an open fork.
afpVolClose 2Informs the server that the workstation no longer needs the volume.
afpDirClose 3Closes a directory and invalidates its directory identifier.
afpForkClose 4Closes a fork that was opened
by afpOpenFork.
afpCopyFile 5Copies a file from one location to
another on the same file server.
afpDirCreate 6Creates a new directory.
afpFileCreate 7Creates a new file.
afpDelete 8Deletes a file or directory.
afpEnumerate 9Lists the contents of a directory.
afpFlush10Writes to a disk any volume data that has been modified.
afpForkFlush11Writes to a disk any data buffered from previous afpWrite calls.
afpGetForkParms14Retrieves parameters for a file associated with a particular open fork.
afpGetSInfo15Obtains a block of descriptive information from the server, without requiring an
open session.

Use the ASPGetStatus function instead
of this command code. See the chapter "AppleTalk Session Protocol (ASP)" in this book for information on ASPGetStatus. Making an afpGetSInfo call using the AFPCommand results in an error.

afpGetSParms16Retrieves server parameters.
afpGetVolParms17Retrieves parameters for a particular volume.
afpLogin18Establishes an AFP session with a server.
afpContLogin19Continues the login and user authentication process started by the afpLogin command.
afpLogout20Terminates a session with a server.
afpMapID21Maps a user ID to a user name, or a
group ID to a group name.
afpMapName22Maps a user name to a user ID, or a group name to a group ID.
afpMove23Moves a directory or file to another location on the same volume.
afpOpenVol24Makes a volume available to the workstation.
afpOpenDir25Opens a directory on a variable directory ID volume and returns its directory ID.
afpOpenFork26Opens the data or resource fork of an existing file to read from it or write to it.
afpRead27Reads a block of data from an open fork.
afpRename28Renames a directory or file.
afpSetDirParms29Sets parameters for a specified directory.
afpSetFileParms30Sets parameters for a specified file.
afpSetForkParms31Sets the fork length for a specified open fork.
afpSetVolParms32Sets the backup date for a specified volume.
afpWrite33Writes a block of data to an open fork.
afpGetFlDrParms34Retrieves parameters for either a
file or a directory.
afpSetFlDrParms35Sets parameters for a file or directory.
afpGetSrvrMsg[1]38Gets a string message from the server, such
as shutdown, user, and login messages.
afpCreateID*39Creates a unique file ID for a specified file.
afpDeleteID*40Invalidates all instances of a specified file ID.
afpResolveID*41Returns parameters for the file referred to
by the specified file ID.
afpExchangeFiles*42Preserves an existing file ID when an application performs a "Save" or
"Save As" operation.
afpCatSearch*43Allows an application to efficiently search
an entire volume for files that match
specified criteria.
afpDTOpen48Opens the Desktop database on a
particular volume.
afpDTClose49Informs the server that the workstation no longer needs the volume's Desktop database.
afpGetIcon51Retrieves an icon from the volume's
Desktop database.
afpGtIcnInfo52Retrieves icon information from the volume's Desktop database.
afpAddAPPL53Adds an APPL mapping to the
Desktop database.
afpRmvAPPL54Removes an APPL mapping from the volume's Desktop database.
afpGetAPPL 55Retrieves an APPL mapping from the volume's Desktop database.
afpAddCmt 56Adds a comment for a file or directory
to the volume's Desktop database.
afpRmvCmt 57Removes a comment from the volume's Desktop database.
afpGetCmt 58Retrieves a comment associated with a specified file or directory from the volume's Desktop database.
afpAddIcon192Adds an icon bitmap to the volume's
Desktop database.
The command block buffer that you provide for each AFPCommand function contains the command code and the command parameters. The format for the command block differs for each command.

For a description of the commands and their required command block formats and parameters, see Inside AppleTalk, second edition, and the AppleShare 3.0 Developer's Kit version 3.0 as follows:

The .XPP driver implements most AFP commands by mapping the AFP command to an ASP function, without interpreting or verifying the data. The .XPP driver maps AFP commands to ASP functions according to the following conventions:

AFP commands are mapped to ASP functions, which use the services of ATP to transport data. The following two AFP command codes can send or receive more data than a single eight-packet ATP transaction will support.

Table 9-2 summarizes the mapping of AFP commands to ASP functions.
Table 9-2 Mapping of AFP commands to ASP functions
command code
ASP function mapping
0Invalid AFP command.
1-14, 16, 17, 21-32, 34-190Mapped to ASPUserCommand.
15Mapped to ASPGetStatus.

Use ASPGetStatus instead of this command code. Making an afpGetSInfo call using the AFPCommand function results in
an error.

18Mapped to appropriate login dialog including ASPOpenSession.
19Mapped to appropriate login dialog.
20Mapped to ASPCloseSession.
33Mapped to ASPUserWrite.
191Mapped to ASPUserCommand. Reserved for developers;
Apple Computer, Inc., will not use this command code.
192-253Mapped to ASPUserWrite.
254Mapped to ASPUserWrite. Reserved for developers;
Apple Computer, Inc., will not use this command code.
255Invalid AFP command.

Before you can call the AFPCommand function, you must open the .XPP driver. You can use the Device Manager's OpenDriver function to open the .XPP driver. You should not close the .XPP driver because other applications and processes may be using it. For more information on opening the .XPP driver, see the chapter "AppleTalk Utilities" in this book. The .MPP and .ATP drivers must be open before you open the .XPP driver.

The chapter "AppleTalk Utilities" also describes how to close the .XPP driver. However, in most circumstances, you should not close the .XPP driver because other applications and processes could be using the protocols implemented by the .XPP driver.

You must pass the .XPP driver reference number as a parameter to the AFPCommand function; the MPW interface does not fill in this value. The OpenXPP function that you use to open the .XPP driver returns the driver reference number in the refnum field. You can call this function to obtain the .XPP driver's reference number even if the .XPP driver is already open.

For all AFPCommand formats, the XPP parameter block includes a CCBStart field.
The .XPP driver uses the memory at the end of the XPP parameter block defined as
a CCBStart array as an internal command control block (CCB). To ensure that the function executes successfully, you can specify the maximum size for this array as indicated for the particular function that uses it.

[1] An asterisk (*) marks the constants that may not be defined in the header files. If you use them, you must first declare the constants in your application.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996