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Inside Macintosh: Networking /
Chapter 3 - Name-Binding Protocol (NBP) / NBP Reference
Routines / Handling Name and Address Requests


The NBPExtract function returns one tuple (entity name and internet address) from the list of tuples placed in a buffer by the PLookupName function.

FUNCTION NBPExtract (theBuffer: Ptr; numInBuf: Integer;
                     whichOne: Integer; 
                     VAR abEntity: EntityName; 
                     VAR address: AddrBlock): OSErr;
A pointer to the buffer containing the tuples returned by the PLookupName function.
The number of tuples returned by the PLookupName function in the numGotten parameter.
The sequence number of the tuple that you want the function to return. This parameter can be any integer in the range 1 through numInBuf.
A pointer to a buffer that you provide to hold the name returned by the function. This buffer must be at least 102 bytes long.
A pointer to a buffer that you provide to hold the address returned by the function. The buffer must be at least 4 bytes long.
The NBPExtract function extracts a name and address pair from the list of tuples that the PLookupName function returns. The PLookupName function returns the names of network-visible entities in a packed format that you cannot read from Pascal. Use the NBPExtract function in a loop that varies the value of the whichOne parameter from 1 to the total number of tuples in the list to extract all the names in the list.

The NBPExtract function is implemented entirely in the MPW interface files. There is no assembly-language equivalent to this procedure.

noErr0No error
extractErr-3104Can't find tuple in buffer
To look up the name and address of an entity registered with NBP, use the PLookupName function, described on page 3-28.

For a description of the EntityName data type, see "Entity Name Record" on page 3-20.

For a description of the AddrBlock data type, see "Address Block Record" on page 3-19.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996