Summary of the Date, Time, and Measurement Utilities
Pascal Summary
{date equates for ToggleDate control bits}
validDateFields = -1; {date fields are valid}
genCdevRangeBit = 27; {restrict date/time to range used by }
{ General Controls control panel}
togDelta12HourBit = 28; {if toggling hour up/down, restrict to }
{ 12-hour range}
togCharZCycleBit = 29; {modifier for togChar12HourBit to }
{ accept hours 0..11 only}
togChar12HourBit = 30; {if toggling hour by char, accept }
{ hours 1..12 only}
smallDateBit = 31; {restrict valid date/time to range }
{ of Time global}
{long date-time record field masks}
eraMask = $0001; {era}
yearMask = $0002; {year}
monthMask = $0004; {month}
dayMask = $0008; {day}
hourMask = $0010; {hour}
minuteMask = $0020; {minute}
secondMask = $0040; {second}
dayOfWeekMask = $0080; {day of the week}
dayOfYearMask = $0100; {day of the year}
weekOfYearMask = $0200; {week of the year}
pmMask = $0400; {evening (P.M.)}
{default value for togFlags field in the toggle parameter block }
{ and default value for the flags parameter passed to the Verify function}
dateStdMask = $007F; {default value for checking era }
{ through second fields}
Data Types
DateTimeRec = {date-time record}
year: Integer; {year}
month: Integer; {month}
day: Integer; {day of the month}
hour: Integer; {hour}
minute: Integer; {minute}
second: Integer; {second}
dayOfWeek: Integer; {day of the week}
LongDateField = {long date field enumeration}
(eraField, yearField, monthField, dayField,
hourField, minuteField, secondField,dayOfWeekField,
dayOfYearField,weekOfYearField, pmField, res1Field,
res2Field, res3Field);
LongDateTime = comp; {date and time in 64-bit SANE comp format}
LongDateCvt = {long date-time conversion record}
CASE Integer OF
(c: comp); {copy field into a variable of type }
{ LongDateTime}
(lHigh: LongInt; {high-order 32 bits}
lLow: LongInt);{low-order 32 bits}
LongDateRec = {long date-time record}
CASE Integer OF
(era: Integer; {era}
year: Integer; {year}
month: Integer; {month}
day: Integer; {day of the month}
hour: Integer; {hour}
minute: Integer; {minute}
second: Integer; {second}
dayOfWeek: Integer; {day of the week}
dayOfYear: Integer; {day of the year}
weekOfYear: Integer; {week of the year}
pm: Integer; {half of day--0 for morning, }
{ 1 for evening}
res1: Integer; {reserved}
res2: Integer; {reserved}
res3: Integer); {reserved}
1: {index by LongDateField}
(list: ARRAY[0..13] OF Integer);
(eraAlt: Integer; {era}
oldDate: DateTimeRec); {date-time record}
TogglePB = {toggle parameter block}
togFlags: LongInt; {flags}
amChars: ResType; {from 'itl0' resource, but made uppercase}
pmChars: ResType; {from 'itl0' resource, but made uppercase}
reserved: ARRAY[0..3] OF LongInt;
ToggleResults = Integer; {ToggleDate function return type}
DateDelta = SignedByte; {ToggleDate function delta field type}
MachineLocation = {geographic location record}
latitude: Fract; {latitude}
longitude: Fract; {longitude}
CASE Integer OF
(dlsDelta: SignedByte);{daylight savings time}
(gmtDelta: LongInt); {Greenwich mean time}
UnsignedWide = {Microseconds procedure return type}
hi: longInt; {high-order 32 bits}
lo: longInt; {low-order 32 bits}
Getting the Current Date and Time
FUNCTION ReadDateTime (VAR time: LongInt) : OSErr;
PROCEDURE GetDateTime (VAR secs: LongInt);
PROCEDURE GetTime (VAR d: DateTimeRec);
Setting the Current Date and Time
FUNCTION SetDateTime (time: LongInt) : OSErr;
PROCEDURE SetTime (d: DateTimeRec);
Converting Between Date-Time Formats
{each procedure has two spellings, see Table 4-4 for the alternate spelling}
PROCEDURE SecondsToDate (secs: LongInt; VAR d: DateTimeRec);
PROCEDURE DateToSeconds (d: DateTimeRec; VAR secs: LongInt);
Converting Between Long Date-Time Formats
{each procedure has two spellings, see Table 4-4 for the alternate spelling}
PROCEDURE LongSecondsToDate (VAR lSecs: LongDateTime;
VAR lDate: LongDateRec);
PROCEDURE LongDateToSeconds (lDate: LongDateRec; VAR lSecs: LongDateTime);
Modifying and Verifying Long Date-Time Records
FUNCTION ToggleDate (VAR lSecs: LongDateTime; field: LongDateField;
delta: DateDelta; ch: Integer;
params: TogglePB): ToggleResults;
FUNCTION ValidDate (vDate: LongDateRec; flags: LongInt;
VAR newSecs: LongDateTime): Integer;
Reading and Writing Location Data
PROCEDURE ReadLocation (VAR loc: MachineLocation);
PROCEDURE WriteLocation (VAR loc: MachineLocation);
Determining the Measurement System
{this function has two spellings, see Table 4-4 for the alternate spelling}
FUNCTION IsMetric:Boolean;
Measuring Time
PROCEDURE Microseconds (VAR microTickCount UnsignedWide);
C Summary
/*date equates for ToggleDate control bits*/
validDateFields = -1, /*date fields are valid*/
genCdevRangeBit = 27, /*restrict date/time to range used by */
/* General Controls control panel*/
togDelta12HourBit = 28, /*if toggling hour up/down, restrict */
/* to 12-hour range*/
togCharZCycleBit = 29, /*modifier for TogChar12HourBit to */
/* accept hours 0..11 only*/
togChar12HourBit = 30, /*if toggling hour by char, accept */
/* hours 1..12 only*/
smallDateBit = 31, /*restrict valid date/time to range */
/* of Time global*/
/*long date-time record field masks*/
eraMask = 0x0001, /*era*/
yearMask = 0x0002, /*year*/
monthMask = 0x0004, /*day*/
dayMask = 0x0008, /*month*/
hourMask = 0x0010, /*hour*/
minuteMask = 0x0020, /*minute*/
secondMask = 0x0040, /*second*/
dayOfWeekMask = 0x0080, /*day of the week*/
dayOfYearMask = 0x0100, /*day of the year*/
weekOfYearMask = 0x0200, /*week of the year*/
pmMask = 0x0400 /*evening (P.M.)*/
/*default value for togFlags field in the toggle parameter block and */
/* default value for the flags parameter passed to the Verify function*/
dateStdMask = 0x007F, /*default value for checking era */
/* through second fields*/
Data Types
struct DateTimeRec /*date-time record*/
short year; /*year*/
short month; /*month*/
short day; /*day of the month*/
short hour; /*hour*/
short minute; /*minute*/
short second; /*second*/
short dayOfWeek; /*day of the week*/
typedef struct DateTimeRec DateTimeRec;
enum /*long date field enumeration*/
eraField, yearField, monthField, dayField, hourField, minuteField,
secondField,dayOfWeekField, dayOfYearField, weekOfYearField, pmField,
res1Field, res2Field, res3Field
typedef unsigned char LongDateField;
typedef comp LongDateTime; /*date and time in 64-bit SANE comp format*/
union LongDateCvt /*long date-time conversion record*/
comp c; /*copy field into a LongDateTime variable*/
long lHigh; /*high-order 32 bits*/
long lLow; /*low-order 32 bits*/
} hl;
typedef union LongDateCvt LongDateCvt;
union LongDateRec /*long date-time record*/
short era; /*era*/
short year; /*year*/
short month; /*month*/
short day; /*day of the month*/
short hour; /*hour*/
short minute; /*minute*/
short second; /*second*/
short dayOfWeek; /*day of the week*/
short dayOfYear; /*day of the year*/
short weekOfYear; /*week of the year*/
short pm; /*half of day--0 for morning, 1 for evening*/
short res1; /*reserved*/
short res2; /*reserved*/
short res3; /*reserved*/
} ld;
short list[14]; /*index by LongDateField*/
short eraAlt; /*era*/
DateTimeRec oldDate; /*date-time record*/
} od;
typedef union LongDateRec LongDateRec;
struct TogglePB /*toggle parameter block*/
long togFlags; /*flags*/
ResType amChars; /*from 'itl0' resource, but made uppercase*/
ResType pmChars; /*from 'itl0' resource, but made uppercase*/
long reserved[4]; /*reserved*/
typedef struct TogglePB TogglePB;
typedef short ToggleResults; /*ToggleDate function return type*/
typedef char DateDelta; /*ToggleDate function delta field type*/
struct MachineLocation /*geographic location record*/
Fract latitude; /*latitude*/
Fract longitude; /*longitude*/
char dlsDelta; /*daylight saving time*/
long gmtDelta; /*Greenwich mean time*/
} gmtFlags;
typedef struct MachineLocation MachineLocation;
struct UnsignedWide /*Microseconds procedure return type*/
unsigned long hi; /*high-order 32 bits*/
unsigned long lo; /*high-order 32 bits*/
typedef struct UnsignedWide UnsignedWide;
Getting the Current Date and Time
pascal OSErr ReadDateTime (unsigned long *time);
pascal void GetDateTime (unsigned long *secs);
pascal void GetTime (DateTimeRec *d);
Setting the Current Date and Time
pascal OSErr SetDateTime (unsigned long time);
pascal void SetTime (const DateTimeRec *d);
Converting Between Date-Time Formats
{each procedure has two spellings, see Table 4-4 for the alternate spelling}
pascal void SecondsToDate (unsigned long secs, DateTimeRec *d);
pascal void DateToSeconds (const DateTimeRec *d, unsigned long *secs);
Converting Between Long Date-Time Formats
{each procedure has two spellings, see Table 4-4 for the alternate spelling}
pascal void LongSecondsToDate
(LongDateTime *lSecs, LongDateRec *lDate);
pascal void LongDateToSeconds
(const LongDateRec *lDate, LongDateTime *lSecs);
Modifying and Verifying Long Date-Time Records
pascal ToggleResults ToggleDate
(LongDateTime *lSecs, LongDateField field,
DateDelta delta, short ch,
const TogglePB *params);
pascal short ValidDate (const LongDateRec vDate, long flags,
LongDateTime *newSecs);
Reading and Writing Location Data
pascal void ReadLocation (MachineLocation *loc);
pascal void WriteLocation (MachineLocation *loc);
Determining the Measurement System
{this functiosn has two spellings, see Table 4-4 for the alternate spelling}
pascal Boolean IsMetric (void);
Measuring Time
pascal void Microseconds (UnsignedWide *microTickCount);
Assembly-Language Summary
Data Structures
Date-Time Record
0 | dtYear | word | year |
2 | dtMonth | word | month |
4 | dtDay | word | day of the month |
6 | dtHour | word | hour |
8 | dtMinute | word | minute |
10 | dtSecond | word | second |
12 | dtDayOfWeek | word | day of the week |
Long Date Field Enumeration
0 | eraField | byte | era |
1 | yearField | byte | year |
2 | monthField | byte | month |
3 | dayField | byte | day of the month |
4 | hourField | byte | hour |
5 | minuteField | byte | minute |
6 | secondField | byte | second |
7 | dayOfWeekField | byte | day of the week |
8 | dayOfYearField | byte | day of the year |
9 | weekOfYearField | byte | week of the year |
10 | pmField | byte | pm |
11 | res1Field | byte | reserved |
12 | res2Field | byte | reserved |
13 | res3Field | byte | reserved |
Long Date-Time Value
0 | highLong | long | high-order 32 bits |
4 | lowLong | long | low-order 32 bits |
Long Date-Time Record
0 | era | word | era |
2 | year | word | year |
4 | month | word | month |
6 | day | word | day of the month |
8 | hour | word | hour |
10 | minute | word | minute |
12 | second | word | second |
14 | dayOfWeek | word | day of the week |
16 | dayOfYear | word | day of the year |
18 | weekOfYear | word | week of the year |
20 | pm | word | half of day, morning or evening |
22 | ldReserved | 6 bytes | reserved |
0 | latitude | long | latitude |
4 | longitude | long | longitude |
8 | dlsDelta | byte | daylight savings time |
9 | gmtDelta | 3 bytes | Greenwich mean time |
Geographic Location Record
Toggle Parameter Block
0 | togFlags | long | flags |
2 | amChars | word | ResType from 'itl0' made uppercase |
4 | pmChars | word | ResType from 'itl0' made uppercase |
6 | reserved | word | reserved |
Unsigned Wide Record
0 | hi | long | high-order 32 bits |
4 | lo | long | low-order 32 bits |
Global Variables
Time | The number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904 |
Result Codes
toggleErr5 | 9 | Reserved |
toggleErr4 | 8 | Reserved |
toggleErr3 | 7 | Reserved |
toggleOutOfRange | 7 | Out of range (synonym for toggleErr3 ) |
toggleBadNum | 6 | Tried to use character as number |
toggleUnknown | 5 | Unknown error |
toggleBadChar | 4 | Invalid character |
toggleBadDelta | 3 | Invalid delta value |
toggleBadField | 2 | Invalid field number |
toggleOK | 1 | No error |
toggleUndefined | 0 | Undefined error |
noErr | 0 | No error |
clkRdErr | -85 | Unable to read clock |
clkWrErr | -86 | Time written did not verify |