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Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities /
Chapter 5 - Control Panel Extensions / Control Panel Extensions Reference
Control Panel Extension-Defined Routines / Managing Panel Components


A control panel extension should respond to the kPanelGetTitleSelect request code but is not required to do so. A control panel sends this request code to your extension to get the name of your panel extension. A control panel extension typically responds to the kPanelGetTitleSelect request code by calling an extension-defined subroutine (for example, MyPanelGetTitle) to handle the request.

FUNCTION MyPanelGetTitle (self: ComponentInstance; title: Str255) 
                         : ComponentResult;
A component instance identifying the specific instance of your control panel extension.
On exit, the name of your control panel extension as you want it to appear in the panel-selection pop-up menu of the control panel.
Your MyPanelGetTitle function should return, through the title parameter, a string that is the desired title of your control panel extension. This name appears as a menu item in the pop-up menu that lets the user select which panel to view.

Currently, all control panels use the component name as the title of the control panel extension. The MyPanelGetTitle function is intended to allow your extension to assign a title different from the component name. Future control panels are likely to call your MyPanelGetTitle function.

Your MyPanelGetTitle function should return noErr if successful, or an appropriate result code otherwise.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996