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Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities /
Chapter 5 - Control Panel Extensions / Control Panel Extensions Reference
Control Panel Extension-Defined Routines / Managing Panel Settings


A control panel extension must respond to the kPanelValidateInputSelect request code. A control panel sends this request code to your extension whenever the user clicks a control panel's close box. A control panel extension typically responds to the kPanelValidateInputSelect request code by calling an extension-defined subroutine (for example, MyPanelValidateInput) to handle the request.

FUNCTION MyPanelValidateInput (globals: Handle; VAR ok: Boolean) 
                              : ComponentResult;
A handle to the control panel extension's global data.
On return, a Boolean value that indicates whether the panel's current values are valid (TRUE) or invalid (FALSE).
Your MyPanelValidateInput function should perform any processing necessary to validate the current settings in the panel. For example, if your panel contains any editable text items, you might need to ensure that the text they contain makes sense. The control panel calls this function when the user clicks the control panel's close box.

If the current settings of the panel items are acceptable, set the ok parameter to TRUE before returning from MyPanelValidateInput. If the current settings are not valid, set ok to FALSE. When you set ok to FALSE, the control panel ignores any of the user's subsequent clicks in the panel's OK button.

Your MyPanelValidateInput function should return noErr if successful, or an appropriate result code otherwise.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996