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Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities /
Chapter 8 - Trap Manager / Trap Manager Reference
Routines / Installing Patch Addresses Into the Trap Dispatch Tables


You can use the SetToolboxTrapAddress procedure to install a Toolbox patch address into the Toolbox trap dispatch table. The SetToolboxTrapAddress procedure is also available as the SetToolTrapAddress procedure.

PROCEDURE SetToolboxTrapAddress (trapAddr: LongInt;
                                  trapNum: Integer);
The Toolbox patch address.
Toolbox A-line instruction or a trap number. If you specify a Toolbox A-line instruction, the function extracts the trap number (located in bits 0-9) for you.
The SetToolboxTrapAddress procedure places the Toolbox patch address specified by the trapAddr parameter into the Toolbox trap dispatch table. The trapNum parameter specifies the location of the Toolbox patch address in the Toolbox trap dispatch table. The SetToolboxTrapAddress(trapAddr, trapNum) procedure performs the same operation as a NSetTrapAddress(trapAddr, trapNum, ToolTrap) procedure call.

If the system software routine that is being patched has any come-from patches, the SetToolboxTrapAddress procedure installs the address of the patch into the exit JMP instruction of the last come-from patch in the chain rather than into the trap dispatch table.
For information about the Unimplemented procedure, see page 8-29. The NSetTrapAddress function is described next.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996