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Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities /
Chapter 10 - Package Manager

Summary of the Package Manager

Pascal Summary


   listMgr     = 0;     {List Manager}
   dskInit     = 2;     {Disk Initialization Manager}
   stdFile     = 3;     {Standard File Package}
   flPoint     = 4;     {Floating-Point Arithmetic Package}
   trFunc      = 5;     {Transcendental Functions Package}
   textUtil1   = 6;     {Text Utilities}
   textUtil2   = 7;     {Text Utilities}
   aevtMgr     = 8;     {Apple Event Manager}
   ppcBrowser  = 9;     {PPC Browser}
   editionMgr  = 11;    {Edition Manager}
   colorPicker = 12;    {Color Picker}
   dataAccess  = 13;    {Data Access Manager}
   helpMgr     = 14;    {Help Manager}
   pictUtil    = 15;    {Picture Utilities}
   intUtil     = 6;     {Text Utilities}
   bdConv      = 7;     {Text Utilities}


Initializing Packages

PROCEDURE InitPack 		(packID: Integer);

C Summary


enum {
   listMgr     = 0,     /*List Manager*/
   dskInit     = 2,     /*Disk Initialization Manager*/
   stdFile     = 3,     /*Standard File Package*/
   flPoint     = 4,     /*Floating-Point Arithmetic Package*/
   trFunc      = 5,     /*Transcendental Functions Package*/
   textUtil1   = 6,     /*Text Utilities*/
   textUtil2   = 7,     /*Text Utilities*/
   aevtMgr     = 8,     /*Apple Event Manager*/
   ppcBrowser  = 9,     /*PPC Browser*/
   editionMgr  = 11,    /*Edition Manager*/
   colorPicker = 12,    /*Color Picker*/
   dataAccess  = 13,    /*Data Access Manager*/
   helpMgr     = 14,    /*Help Manager*/
   pictUtil    = 15,    /*Picture Utilities*/
   intUtil     = 6,     /*Text Utilities*/
   bdConv      = 7      /*Text Utilities*/


Initializing Packages

pascal void InitPack 		(short packID);
pascal void InitAllPacks	(void);

Assembly-Language Summary

Trap Macros

Trap Macros Requiring Routine Selectors

_Pack0																																									      ;List Manager
_Pack2      ;Disk Initialization Manager
_Pack3      ;Standard File Package
_Pack6      ;Text Utilities
_Pack7      ;Text Utilities
_Pack8      ;Apple Event Manager
_Pack9      ;PPC Browser
_Pack11     ;Edition Manager
_Pack12     ;Color Picker
_Pack13     ;Data Access Manager
_Pack14     ;Help Manager
_Pack15     ;Picture Utilities

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996