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Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities /
Chapter 3 - Mathematical and Logical Utilities / Mathematical and Logical Utilities Reference
Routines / Performing Logical Operations


You can use the BitAnd function to perform the AND logical operation on two long words.

FUNCTION BitAnd (value1, value2: LongInt): LongInt;
A long word.
A long word.
The BitAnd function returns a long word that is the result of performing the AND operation on the long words specified by the value1 and value2 parameters. Each bit in the returned value is set if and only if the corresponding bit is set in both value1 and value2.

For an illustration of the result of performing an operation using the BitAnd function, see Figure 3-9 on page 3-16.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996