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Inside Macintosh: Operating System Utilities /
Chapter 3 - Mathematical and Logical Utilities / Mathematical and Logical Utilities Reference
Routines / Converting Between Fixed-Point and Integral Values


You can use the FixRound function to round a fixed-point number to the nearest integer.

FUNCTION FixRound (x: Fixed): Integer;
The Fixed number to be rounded.
The FixRound function returns the Integer number nearest the Fixed number you supply in the x parameter. If the value is halfway between two integers (0.5), it is rounded up. Thus, 4.5 is rounded to 5, and -3.5 is rounded to -3.

To round a negative Fixed number so that values halfway between two integers are rounded to the number with the higher absolute value, negate the number, round it, and then negate it again.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996