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Inside Macintosh: PowerPC System Software /
Chapter 2 - Mixed Mode Manager / Mixed Mode Manager Reference

Procedure Information

The Mixed Mode Manager uses a long word of type ProcInfoType to encode a routine's procedure information, which contains essential information about the calling conventions and other features of a routine. These values specify

See "Specifying Procedure Information" beginning on page 2-14 for a description of the general structure of a routine's procedure information. The Mixed Mode Manager provides a number of constants that you can use to specify the procedure information.

The following constants are used to specify the size (in bytes) of a value encoded in a routine's procedure information.

enum {
   /*size codes*/
   kNoByteCode                   = 0,
   kOneByteCode                  = 1,
   kTwoByteCode                  = 2,
   kFourByteCode                 = 3
Constant descriptions

The value occupies no bytes.
The value occupies 1 byte.
The value occupies 2 bytes.
The value occupies 4 bytes.
The offsets to fields and the widths of the fields within a value of type ProcInfoType are defined by constants:

/*offsets to and widths of procedure information fields*/
#define kCallingConventionPhase                       0
#define kCallingConventionWidth                       4
#define kResultSizePhase                              kCallingConventionWidth
#define kResultSizeWidth                              2
#define kResultSizeMask                               0x30
#define kStackParameterPhase                          6
#define kStackParameterWidth                          2
#define kRegisterResultLocationPhase                  \
                           (kCallingConventionWidth + kResultSizeWidth)
#define kRegisterResultLocationWidth                  5
#define kRegisterParameterPhase                       \
                           (kCallingConventionWidth + kResultSizeWidth + \
#define kRegisterParameterWidth                       5
#define kRegisterParameterWhichPhase                  2
#define kRegisterParameterSizePhase                   0
#define kDispatchedSelectorSizeWidth                  2
#define kDispatchedSelectorSizePhase                  \
                           (kCallingConventionWidth + kResultSizeWidth)
#define kDispatchedParameterPhase                     \
                           (kCallingConventionWidth + kResultSizeWidth + \
Constant descriptions

The offset from the least significant bit in the procedure information to the calling convention information.
The number of bits in the procedure information that encode the calling convention information.
The offset from the least significant bit in the procedure information to the function result size information.
The number of bits in the procedure information that encode the function result size information.
A mask for the bits in the procedure information that encode the function result size information.
The offset from the least significant bit in the procedure information to the stack parameter information.
The number of bits in the procedure information that encode the size of a stack-based parameter.
The offset from the least significant bit in the procedure information to the result register information.
The number of bits in the procedure information that encode which register the result will be stored in.
The offset from the least significant bit in the procedure information to the register parameter information.
The number of bits in the procedure information that encode the information about a register-based parameter.
The offset from the beginning of a register parameter information field to the encoded register.
The offset from the beginning of a register parameter information field to the encoded size of the parameter.
The number of bits in the procedure information that encode the size of a routine-dispatching selector.
The offset from the least significant bit in the procedure information to the selector size information of a routine that is dispatched though a selector.
The offset from the least significant bit in the procedure information to the parameter information of a routine that is dispatched though a selector.
The following constants are used to specify a routine's calling conventions:

enum {
   /*calling conventions*/
   kPascalStackBased                   = (CallingConventionType)0,
   kCStackBased                        = (CallingConventionType)1,
   kRegisterBased                      = (CallingConventionType)2,
   kThinkCStackBased                   = (CallingConventionType)5,
   kD0DispatchedPascalStackBased       = (CallingConventionType)8,
   kD0DispatchedCStackBased            = (CallingConventionType)9,
   kD1DispatchedPascalStackBased       = (CallingConventionType)12,
   kStackDispatchedPascalStackBased    = (CallingConventionType)14,
   kSpecialCase                        = (CallingConventionType)15
Constant descriptions

The routine follows normal Pascal calling conventions.
The routine follows the C calling conventions employed by the MPW development environment.
The parameters are passed in registers.
The routine follows the C calling conventions employed by the THINK C software development environment. Arguments are passed on the stack from right to left, and a result is returned in register D0. All arguments occupy an even number of bytes on
the stack. An argument having the size of a char is passed in the high-order byte. You should always provide function prototypes; failure to do so may cause THINK C to generate code that is incompatible with this parameter-passing convention.
The parameters are passed on the stack according to Pascal conventions, and the routine selector is passed in register D0.
The parameters are passed on the stack according to C conventions, and the routine selector is passed in register D0.
The parameters are passed on the stack according to Pascal conventions, and the routine selector is passed in register D1.
The routine selector and the parameters are passed on the stack.
The routine is a special case. You can use the following constants to specify a special case.
enum {
   /*special cases*/
   kSpecialCaseHighHook          = 0,
   kSpecialCaseCaretHook         = kSpecialCaseHighHook,
   kSpecialCaseEOLHook           = 1,
   kSpecialCaseWidthHook         = 2,
   kSpecialCaseNWidthHook        = 3,
   kSpecialCaseTextWidthHook     = kSpecialCaseWidthHook,
   kSpecialCaseDrawHook          = 4,
   kSpecialCaseHitTestHook       = 5,
   kSpecialCaseTEFindWord        = 6,
   kSpecialCaseProtocolHandler   = 7,
   kSpecialCaseSocketListener    = 8,
   kSpecialCaseTERecalc          = 9,
   kSpecialCaseTEDoText          = 10,
   kSpecialCaseGNEFilterProc     = 11,
   kSpecialCaseMBarHook          = 12
Constant descriptions

The routine follows the calling conventions documented in Inside Macintosh: Text; a rectangle is on the stack and a pointer is in register A3; no result is returned.
The routine follows the calling conventions documented in Inside Macintosh: Text; a rectangle is on the stack and a pointer is in register A3; no result is returned.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A3, A4, and D0, and output is returned in the Z flag of the Status Register. An EOLHook routine has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A0, A3, A4, D0, and D1, and output is returned in register D1. A WIDTHHook routine has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A0, A2, A3, A4, D0, and D1, and output is returned in register D1. An nWIDTHHook routine has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A0, A3, A4, D0, and D1, and output is returned in register D1. A TextWidthHook routine has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A0, A3, A4, D0, and D1, and no result is returned. A DRAWHook routine has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A0, A3, A4, D0, D1, and D2, and output is returned in registers D0, D1, and D2. A HITTESTHook routine has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A3, A4, D0, and D2, and output is returned in registers D0 and D1. A TEFindWord hook has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, and in the low-order word of register D1; output is returned in the Z flag of the Status Register. A protocol handler has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, in the low-order byte of register D0, and in the low-order word of register D1; output is returned in the Z flag of the Status Register. A socket listener has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A3 and D7, and output is returned in registers D2, D3, and D4. A TextEdit line-start recalculation routine has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A3, D3, D4, and D7, and output is returned in registers A0 and D0. A TextEdit text-display, hit-test, and caret-positioning routine has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine in registers A1 and D0 and on the stack, and output is returned on the stack. A GetNextEvent filter procedure has these calling conventions.
Parameters are passed to the routine on the stack, and output is returned in register D0. A menu bar hook routine has these calling conventions.
For register-based routines, the registers are encoded in the routine's procedure information using these constants:

enum {
   /*680x0 registers*/
   kRegisterD0                   = 0,
   kRegisterD1                   = 1,
   kRegisterD2                   = 2,
   kRegisterD3                   = 3,
   kRegisterD4                   = 8,
   kRegisterD5                   = 9,
   kRegisterD6                   = 10,
   kRegisterD7                   = 11,
   kRegisterA0                   = 4,
   kRegisterA1                   = 5,
   kRegisterA2                   = 6,
   kRegisterA3                   = 7,
   kRegisterA4                   = 12,
   kRegisterA5                   = 13,
   kRegisterA6                   = 14,
   kCCRegisterCBit               = 16,
   kCCRegisterVBit               = 17,
   kCCRegisterZBit               = 18,
   kCCRegisterNBit               = 19,
   kCCRegisterXBit               = 20
Constant descriptions

Register D0.
Register D1.
Register D2.
Register D3.
Register D4.
Register D5.
Register D6.
Register D7.
Register A0.
Register A1.
Register A2.
Register A3.
Register A4.
Register A5.
Register A6.
The C (carry) flag of the Status Register.
The V (overflow) flag of the Status Register.
The Z (zero) flag of the Status Register.
The N (negative) flag of the Status Register.
The X (extend) flag of the Status Register.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
3 JUL 1996