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Inside Macintosh: Processes
Chapter 2 - Process Manager

Summary of the Process Manager

Pascal Summary


      {Gestalt selector and response bits}
      gestaltOSAttr              = 'os  ';   {O/S attributes selector}
      gestaltLaunchCanReturn     = 1;        {can return from launch}
      gestaltLaunchFullFileSpec  = 2;        {LaunchApplication is available}
      gestaltLaunchControl       = 3;        {Process Manager is available}

      {process identification constants}
      kNoProcess                 = 0;        {process doesn't exist}
      kSystemProcess             = 1;        {process belongs to OS}
      kCurrentProcess            = 2;        {the current process}

      {launch control flags}
      launchContinue             = $4000;    {continue after launch}
      launchNoFileFlags          = $0800;    {ignore launchFileFlags}
      launchUseMinimum           = $0400;    {use minimum or greater size}
      launchDontSwitch           = $0200;    {launch app. in background}
      launchAllow24Bit           = $0100;    {reserved}
      launchInhibitDaemon        = $0080;    {don't launch background app.}
      {launch parameter block length and ID}
      extendedBlockLen           = sizeof(LaunchParamBlockRec) - 12;
      extendedBlock              = $4C43;    {extended block}
      {flags in processMode field}
      modeDeskAccessory          = $00020000;   {process is desk acc}
      modeMultiLaunch            = $00010000;   {from app file's flags}
      modeNeedSuspendResume      = $00004000;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      modeCanBackground          = $00001000;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch = $00000800;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      modeOnlyBackground         = $00000400;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      modeGetFrontClicks         = $00000200;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      modeGetAppDiedMsg          = $00000100;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      mode32BitCompatible        = $00000080;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      modeHighLevelEventAware    = $00000040;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      modeLocalAndRemoteHLEvents = $00000020;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      modeStationeryAware        = $00000010;   {from 'SIZE' resource}
      modeUseTextEditServices    = $00000008;   {from 'SIZE' resource}

Data Types

Process Serial Number

   ProcessSerialNumber     = 
      highLongOfPSN:       LongInt;             {high-order 32 bits of psn}
      lowLongOfPSN:        LongInt;             {low-order 32 bits of psn}

   ProcessSerialNumberPtr  = ^ProcessSerialNumber;

Process Information Record

   ProcessInfoRec          =
      processInfoLength:   LongInt;             {length of record}
      processName:         StringPtr;           {name of process}
      processNumber:       ProcessSerialNumber; {psn of the process}
      processType:         LongInt;             {file type of app file}
      processSignature:    OSType;              {signature of app file}
      processMode:         LongInt;             {'SIZE' resource flags}
      processLocation:     Ptr;                 {address of partition}
      processSize:         LongInt;             {partition size}
      processFreeMem:      LongInt;             {free bytes in heap}
      processLauncher:     ProcessSerialNumber; {proc that launched this one}
      processLaunchDate:   LongInt;             {time when launched}
      processActiveTime:   LongInt;             {accumulated CPU time}
      processAppSpec:      FSSpecPtr;           {location of the file}

   ProcessInfoRecPtr       = ^ProcessInfoRec;

Application Parameters Record

   AppParameters           =
      theMsgEvent:         EventRecord;         {event (high-level)}
      eventRefCon:         LongInt;             {reference constant}
      messageLength:       LongInt;             {length of buffer}
      messageBuffer:       ARRAY [0..0] OF SignedByte;

   AppParametersPtr        =   ^AppParameters;

Launch Parameter Block

   LaunchFlags             =   Integer;
   LaunchParamBlockRec     = 
      reserved1:           LongInt;             {reserved}
      reserved2:           Integer;             {reserved}
      launchBlockID:       Integer;             {extended block}
      launchEPBLength:     LongInt;             {length of block}
      launchFileFlags:     Integer;             {app's Finder flags}
      launchControlFlags:  LaunchFlags;         {launch options}
      launchAppSpec:       FSSpecPtr;           {location of app's file}
      launchProcessSN:     ProcessSerialNumber; {returned psn}
      launchPreferredSize: LongInt;             {returned pref size}
      launchMinimumSize:   LongInt;             {returned min size}
      launchAvailableSize: LongInt;             {returned avail size}
      launchAppParameters: AppParametersPtr;    {high-level event}

   LaunchPBPtr             =  ^LaunchParamBlockRec;


Getting Process Information

FUNCTION GetCurrentProcess	(VAR PSN: ProcessSerialNumber): OSErr;
FUNCTION GetNextProcess		(VAR PSN: ProcessSerialNumber): OSErr;
FUNCTION GetProcessInformation
				(PSN: ProcessSerialNumber;
				VAR info: ProcessInfoRec): OSErr;
FUNCTION SameProcess		(PSN1: ProcessSerialNumber; 
				PSN2: ProcessSerialNumber; 
				VAR result: Boolean): OSErr;
FUNCTION GetFrontProcess	(VAR PSN: ProcessSerialNumber): OSErr;
FUNCTION SetFrontProcess	(PSN: ProcessSerialNumber): OSErr;
FUNCTION WakeUpProcess		(PSN: ProcessSerialNumber): OSErr;

Launching Applications and Desk Accessories

FUNCTION LaunchApplication	(LaunchParams: LaunchPBPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION LaunchDeskAccessory	(pFileSpec: FSSpecPtr; pDAName: StringPtr): 

Terminating a Process


C Summary


/*Gestalt selector and response bits*/
#define gestaltOSAttr               'os  '   /*O/S attributes selector*/
#define gestaltLaunchCanReturn      1        /*can return from launch*/
#define gestaltLaunchFullFileSpec   2        /*LaunchApplication available*/
#define gestaltLaunchControl        3        /*Process Manager is available*/

/*process identification constants*/
enum {
      kNoProcess                    0,       /*process doesn't exist*/
      kSystemProcess                1,       /*process belongs to OS*/
      kCurrentProcess               2        /*the current process*/
/*launch control flags*/
enum {
      launchContinue             = 0x4000,   /*continue after launch*/
      launchNoFileFlags          = 0x0800,   /*ignore launchFileFlags*/
      launchUseMinimum           = 0x0400,   /*use minimum or greater size*/
      launchDontSwitch           = 0x0200,   /*launch app. in background*/
      launchAllow24Bit           = 0x0100,   /*reserved*/
      launchInhibitDaemon        = 0x0080    /*don't launch background app.*/
/*launch parameter block length and ID*/
#define extendedBlockLen            (sizeof(LaunchParamBlockRec) - 12)
#define extendedBlock               ((unsigned short)'LC')
/*flags in processMode field*/
enum {
      modeDeskAccessory          = 0x00020000,  /*process is desk acc*/
      modeMultiLaunch            = 0x00010000,  /*from app file's flags*/
      modeNeedSuspendResume      = 0x00004000,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      modeCanBackground          = 0x00001000,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch = 0x00000800,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      modeOnlyBackground         = 0x00000400,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      modeGetFrontClicks         = 0x00000200,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      modeGetAppDiedMsg          = 0x00000100,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      mode32BitCompatible        = 0x00000080,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      modeHighLevelEventAware    = 0x00000040,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      modeLocalAndRemoteHLEvents = 0x00000020,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      modeStationeryAware        = 0x00000010,  /*from 'SIZE' resource*/
      modeUseTextEditServices    = 0x00000008   /*from 'SIZE' resource*/

Data Types

Process Serial Number

struct ProcessSerialNumber {
      unsigned long        highLongOfPSN;       /*high-order 32 bits of psn*/
      unsigned long        lowLongOfPSN;        /*low-order 32 bits of psn*/

typedef struct ProcessSerialNumber ProcessSerialNumber;
typedef ProcessSerialNumber *ProcessSerialNumberPtr;

Process Information Record

struct ProcessInfoRec {
      unsigned long        processInfoLength;   /*length of record*/
      StringPtr            processName;         /*name of process*/
      ProcessSerialNumber  processNumber;       /*psn of the process*/
      unsigned long        processType;         /*file type of app file*/
      OSType               processSignature;    /*signature of app file*/
      unsigned long        processMode;         /*'SIZE' resource flags*/
      Ptr                  processLocation;     /*address of partition*/
      unsigned long        processSize;         /*partition size*/
      unsigned long        processFreeMem;      /*free bytes in heap*/
      ProcessSerialNumber  processLauncher;     /*proc that launched this */
                                                /* one*/
      unsigned long        processLaunchDate;   /*time when launched*/
      unsigned long        processActiveTime;   /*accumulated CPU time*/
      FSSpecPtr            processAppSpec;      /*location of the file*/

typedef struct ProcessInfoRec ProcessInfoRec;
typedef ProcessInfoRec *ProcessInfoRecPtr;

Application Parameters Record

struct AppParameters {
      EventRecord          theMsgEvent;         /*event (high-level)*/
      unsigned long        eventRefCon;         /*reference constant*/
      unsigned long        messageLength;       /*length of buffer*/

typedef struct AppParameters AppParameters;
typedef AppParameters *AppParametersPtr;

Launch Parameter Block

typedef unsigned short LaunchFlags;
struct LaunchParamBlockRec {
      unsigned long        reserved1;           /*reserved*/
      unsigned short       reserved2;           /*reserved*/
      unsigned short       launchBlockID;       /*extended block*/
      unsigned long        launchEPBLength;     /*length of block*/
      unsigned short       launchFileFlags;     /*app's Finder flags*/
      LaunchFlags          launchControlFlags;  /*launch options*/
      FSSpecPtr            launchAppSpec;       /*location of app's file*/
      ProcessSerialNumber  launchProcessSN;     /*returned psn*/
      unsigned long        launchPreferredSize; /*returned pref size*/
      unsigned long        launchMinimumSize;   /*returned min size*/
      unsigned long        launchAvailableSize; /*returned avail size*/
      AppParametersPtr     launchAppParameters; /*high-level event*/

typedef struct LaunchParamBlockRec LaunchParamBlockRec;
typedef LaunchParamBlockRec *LaunchPBPtr;


Getting Process Information

pascal	OSErr	GetCurrentProcess		(ProcessSerialNumber *PSN);
pascal	OSErr	GetNextProcess			(ProcessSerialNumber *PSN);
pascal	OSErr	GetProcessInformation		(const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN,
						ProcessInfoRecPtr info);
pascal	OSErr	SameProcess			(const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN1, 
						const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN2, 
						Boolean *result);
pascal	OSErr	GetFrontProcess			(ProcessSerialNumber *PSN);
pascal	OSErr	SetFrontProcess			(const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN);
pascal	OSErr	WakeUpProcess			(const ProcessSerialNumber *PSN);

Launching Applications and Desk Accessories

pascal	OSErr	LaunchApplication		(const LaunchParamBlockRec *LaunchParams);
pascal	OSErr	LaunchDeskAccessory		(const FSSpec *pFileSpec,
						ConstStr255Param pDAName);

Terminating a Process

pascal	void	ExitToShell				(void);

Assembly-Language Summary

Data Structures

Process Serial Number
0highLongOfPSNlonghigh-order 32-bits of process serial number
4lowLongOfPSNlonglow-order 32-bits of process serial number

Process Information Record
0processInfoLengthlonglength of this record
4processNamelongname of process
8processNumber2 longsprocess serial number of the process
16processTypelongtype of application file
20processSignaturelongsignature of application file
24processModelongflags from 'SIZE' resource
28processLocationlongaddress of process partition
32processSizelongpartition size (in bytes)
36processFreeMemlongamount of free memory in application heap
40processLauncher2 longsprocess that launched this one
48processLaunchDatelongvalue of Ticks at time of launch
52processActiveTimelongtotal time spent using the CPU
56processAppSpeclonglocation of the file

Application Parameters Record
0theMsgEvent16 bytesthe high-level event record
16eventRefConlongreference constant
20messageLengthlonglength of buffer
24messageBufferbytefirst byte of the message buffer

Launch Parameter Block
6launchBlockIDwordspecifies whether block is extended
8launchEPBLengthlonglength (in bytes) of rest of parameter block
12launchFileFlagswordthe Finder flags for the application file
14launchControlFlagswordflags that specify launch options
16launchAppSpeclongaddress of FSSpec that specifies the application file
to launch
20launchProcessSN2 longsprocess serial number
28launchPreferredSizelongapplication's preferred partition size
32launchMinimumSizelongapplication's minimum partition size
36launchAvailableSizelongmaximum partition size available
40launchAppParameterslonghigh-level event for launched application

Trap Macros

Trap Macro Names
Pascal nameTrap macro name

Trap Macros Requiring Routine Selectors


Result Codes
noErr0No error
paramErr-50Process serial number is invalid
memFullErr-108Not enough memory to allocate the partition size specified in the 'SIZE' resource
resNotFound-192Resource not found
procNotFound-600No eligible process with specified process serial number
memFragErr-601Not enough room to launch application with special requirements
appModeErr-602Addressing mode is 32-bit, but application is not 32-bit clean
appMemFullErr -605Partition size specified in 'SIZE' resource is not big enough for launch
appIsDaemon -606Application is background-only

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
17 JUN 1996