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Inside Macintosh: Processes
Chapter 3 - Time Manager / Time Manager Reference
Application-Defined Routine / Time Manager Tasks


A Time Manager task has the following syntax:

The tmAddr field of a Time Manager task record contains the address of a task procedure that is executed after the delay time passed to PrimeTime.

Because the task procedure is executed at interrupt time, it should not allocate, move, or purge memory (either directly or indirectly) and should not depend on the validity of handles to unlocked blocks.

In the revised and extended Time Managers, when the task procedure is called, register A1 contains a pointer to the Time Manager task record associated with that procedure.

A task procedure must preserve all registers other than A0-A3 and D0-D3.

See the section "Using Application Global Variables in Tasks" on page 3-11 for instructions on how to access your application's global variables from within a task procedure. See "Performing Periodic Tasks" on page 3-13 for instructions on how to define a periodic task procedure.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
17 JUN 1996