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Inside Macintosh: Text /
Chapter 4 - Font Manager / Font Manager Reference
The Outline Font ('sfnt') Resource

The Font Header Table

The font header table, with a tag name of 'head', is shown in Figure 4-19. This table contains global information about the font: the font version number; creation and modification dates; revision number; basic typographic data that applies to the font as a whole, such as the direction in which the font's glyphs are most likely to be written; and other information about the placement of glyphs in the em square.

Figure 4-19 The font header table

For a complete description of the individual fields in this table, see the TrueType Font Format Specification. Application developers may be interested in the following fields:

You can use the value of the checksum adjustment element to verify the integrity of the data in the font, to confirm that no data has been changed, or to compare two similar fonts. This value is the designer's checksum value for the font. The checksum value is an unsigned long word that you compute as follows:

  1. Set the value of the checksum word to 0 (so that it does not factor into the value that you are computing).
  2. Calculate the checksum for each table in the outline font resource and store the table's checksum in the table directory.
  3. Now sum the entire font as an unsigned, 32-bit value.
  4. Subtract the sum from $B1B0AFBA, which is a magic number for this checksum computation. Store the result.

Listing 4-2 provides an example of a function to compute the checksum of a font. This example includes type declarations for the outline font header information and uses the MyCalcTableChecksum function (from Listing 4-2 on page 4-72) to compute the checksum for each table.

Listing 4-3 Calculating the checksum of a font


DirectoryEntry =
   tag: OSType;
   checksum: LongInt;
   offset: LongInt;
   lngth: LongInt;

OffsetTable =
   version: LongInt;
   numTables: Integer;
   searchRange: Integer;
   entrySelector: Integer;
   rangeShift: Integer;
   tableDir: ARRAY[1..1] OF DirectoryEntry;
                         { actually 1..numTables }

SfntPtr = ^OffsetTable;
SfntHandle = ^SfntPtr;
HeaderTable =
   version: LongInt;
   fontRevision: LongInt;
   checkSumAdjustment: LongInt;
   magicNumber: LongInt;
   flags: Integer;
   unitsPerEm: Integer;
   created: LongDateTime; { defined in Script.p }
   modified: LongDateTime;
   xMin: Integer;
   yMin: Integer;
   xMax: Integer;
   yMax: Integer;
   macStyle: Integer;
   lowestRecPPEM: Integer;
   fontDirectionHint: Integer;
   indexToLocFormat: Integer;
   glyphDataFormat: Integer;

HeaderTablePtr = ^HeaderTable;

FUNCTION CalcSfntChecksum (sp: SfntPtr): LongInt;
   checkSumMagic = $B1B0AFBA;
   i: Integer;
   cs, sum, size: LongInt;
   htp: HeaderTableptr;
   sum := 0;
   FOR i := 1 TO sp^.numTables DO BEGIN
      IF sp^.tableDir[i].tag = 'head' THEN
            htp := HeaderTablePtr(ord(sp) + 
            htp^.checkSumAdjustment := 0;
            cs := CalcTableChecksum(LongPtr(htp), 
         cs := MyCalcTableChecksum(
                     LongPtr(ord(sp) + sp^.tableDir[i].offset), 

      sp^.tableDir[i].checksum := cs;
      sum := sum + cs;
   size := SizeOf(OffsetTable) + 
            (sp^.numTables - 1) * SizeOf(DirectoryEntry);
   sum := sum + CalcTableChecksum(LongPtr(sp), size);
   CalcSfntChecksum := checkSumMagic - sum;
   { to be written into htp^.checkSumAdjustment }

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6 JUL 1996