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Inside Macintosh: Text /
Chapter 6 - Script Manager / Script Manager Reference
Routines / Determining Script Codes From Font Information


The FontToScript function translates a font family ID number into its corresponding script code, if that script system is currently enabled.

FUNCTION FontToScript (fontNumber: Integer): Integer;
A font family ID number.
The FontToScript function returns a script code. All recognized script codes and their defined constants are listed on page 6-52. FontToScript returns only explicit script codes (\xD1 0).

If fontNumber is in the Roman range and the font force flag is TRUE, the script code returned is that of the system script and the script-forced result flag is set to TRUE.

If fontNumber is in the non-Roman range, the state of the font force flag is ignored.

If the script system corresponding to fontNumber is not enabled, the script code returned is that of the system script and the script-defaulted result flag is set to TRUE.

FontToScript may move memory; your application should not call this function at interrupt time.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996