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Inside Macintosh: Text /
Chapter 8 - Dictionary Manager / Using the Dictionary Manager

Locating Records in a Dictionary

This section tells you how to use a dictionary--that is, how to extract records from it. You can obtain records from a dictionary in two general ways: by key (search string) and by index (position in the file).

Locating Records by Key

You can use the FindRecordInDictionary function to search for dictionary records that match specified keys. Matching keys is perhaps the most standard dictionary search method: the user types in a key, and you search the dictionary for the data associated with that key.

You can provide a requested attributes table to narrow the search to only certain types of entries within the record that matches the search key. Figure 8-7 shows its format. You can request

Figure 8-7 The requested attributes table

For example, you can use the requested attributes table to select only the verbs or nouns in the dictionary that match a key. The currently defined attribute types and their constants are listed in Table 8-2 on page 8-27.

Here is an example of how to use FindRecordInDictionary. Suppose the following entries are all the entries that match the key "hunch" in a dictionary record:
Raw dataAttribute typeValueOptional attribute data

Now suppose you call FindRecordInDictionary and pass a pointer to a requested attributes table that specifies two types: kNoun (-1) and kMyType1 (127). FindRecordInDictionary returns the data shown in Table 8-1.
Sample data returned by FindRecordInDictionary (Continued)
002Number of entries found
(first entry starts here)
018Length of entry
025Length of raw data
03'guess'The raw data
081Length of first attribute
09-1Attribute type ( = kNoun)
(second entry starts here)
1018Length of entry
114Length of raw data
12'push'The raw data
1612Length of first attribute
17127Attribute type ( = kMyType1)
18'MyType1Data'Optional data for first attribute

Locating Records by Index

You can use the FindRecordByIndexInDictionary function to retrieve record data within a dictionary file by index rather than by matching key strings. In this way you can examine a specific record or sequence of records, to look for the information you need.

As with FindRecordInDictionary, you can provide a requested attributes table to narrow the search to certain types of entries. If you want to get all records with entries of a particular attribute type, you can call FindRecordByIndexInDictionary repeatedly. In Listing 8-4, the routine loops through the entire dictionary, displaying the key and the raw data of the first entry of each record in turn. (The application routine GetIndexedDataStringFromRecord converts the raw data from each record into
a string for display.)

Listing 8-4 Displaying all records in a dictionary by index

PROCEDURE ShowAllEntries (dictionaryReference: LONGINT);
   err:                       OSErr;
   dictionaryInfo:            DictionaryInformation;
   index:                     Integer;
   keyString, descriptionStr: Str255;
   entriesHandle:             Handle;
   txtDialog:                 DialogPtr;
   finalTick:                 LongInt;
   IF dictionaryReference <> 0 THEN BEGIN
      {first find out how many records there are}
      err := GetDictionaryInformation(gDictionaryReference, 
      IF err = noErr THEN BEGIN
         entriesHandle := NewHandle(0);
         IF entriesHandle <> NIL THEN BEGIN
            descriptionStr := 'Displaying names in dictionary';
            txtDialog := ShowTextDialog(@descriptionStr[1], 
            Delay(60, finalTick);
            FOR index := 1 TO dictionaryInfo.numberOfRecords
            DO BEGIN
               {return raw data for all entries of each record}
               err := FindRecordByIndexInDictionary 
                                       index - 1, NIL, 
                                       keyString, entriesHandle);
               {we only care about the first description string }
               GetIndexedDataStringFromRecord(entriesHandle, 1, 

               {format as "key: description"}
               keyString := CONCAT(keyString, ': ');
               keyString := CONCAT(keyString, descriptionStr);
               SetTextDialog(txtDialog, @keyString[1], 
               Delay(60, finalTick);
END;  {ShowAllEntries}  

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996