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Inside Macintosh: Text /
Appendix B - International Resources / International Configuration Resource (Type 'itlc')

The ItlcRecord Data Type

The international configuration record (data type ItlcRecord) describes the contents of the international configuration resource.

TYPE ItlcRecord = 
      itlcSystem:       Integer;       {system script}
      itlcReserved:     Integer;       {reserved}
      itlcFontForce:    SignedByte;    {initial font force flag}
      itlcIntlForce:    SignedByte;    {initial int'l res. flag}
      itlcOldKybd:      SignedByte;    {old keyboard}
      itlcFlags:        SignedByte;    {Script Mgr. general flags}
      itlcIconOffset:   Integer;       {reserved}
      itlcIconSide:     SignedByte;    {reserved}
      itlcIconRsvd:     SignedByte;    {reserved}
      itlcRegionCode:   Integer;       {preferred region code}
      itlcSysFlags:     Integer;       {flags for system globals}
      itlcReserved4:    ARRAY [0..31] OF SignedByte;  {reserved}
Field Description
The script code defining the system script. The system script affects system default settings, such as the default font and the text that appears in dialog boxes and menu bars, and so forth. Script codes and their constants are listed in the chapter "Script Manager" in this book. At startup, this value is copied into the Script Manager variable accessed through the selector smSysScript.
The initial setting for the font force flag. A value of TRUE ($FF) forces Roman fonts to be interpreted as belonging to the system script. The font force flag is described in the chapter "Script Manager" in this book. At startup, this value is copied into the Script Manager variable accessed through the selector smFontForce.
The initial setting for the international resources selection flag. A value of TRUE ($FF) forces Text Utilities routines to use the international resources for the system script, rather than the font script. The international resources selection flag is described in the chapter "Script Manager" in this book. At startup, this value is copied into the Script Manager variable accessed through the selector smIntlForce.
The initial setting for the international keyboard flag for use by the Macintosh Plus computer. In addition to the standard Macintosh Plus keyboard (keyboard type 11), two types of smaller keyboard without numeric keypad are available: a U.S. version and an international version. Both have a keyboard type of 3, and the user uses the Keyboard control panel to indicate which is being used; the user's selection is saved in this field. When TRUE ($FF), this flag indicates that the international keyboard is being used. When FALSE, this flag indicates that the U.S. keyboard is being used.
The initial settings for the Script Manager general flags. At startup, this value is copied into the first (high-order) byte of the Script Manager variable accessed through the selector smGenFlags.
The region code for this version of system software. It specifies the region for which the system and system-script resources were localized. The constants that define region codes are also described in the chapter "Script Manager" in this book. At startup, this value is copied into the Script Manager variable accessed through the selector smRegionCode.
Flags for setting system global variables. Currently only one bit is defined; it allows the configuration resource to set the system direction (left-to-right or right-to-left) at startup. It is bit 15, defined by the following constant:
                  itlcSysDirection     = 15; 
The system global SysDirection is initialized from this value. A value of 0 for bit 15 sets a system direction of left-to-right (SysDirection = 0) at startup, whereas a value of 1 for the bit sets a system direction of right-to-left (SysDirection = $FFFF). You can access SysDirection through the Script Manager routines GetSysDirection and SetSysDirection. System direction may be initially localized to a value appropriate for the system script, but the user can reset its value at any time if a bidirectional script system is present.
The itlcSysFlags field was formerly the
itlcReserved3 field.
An array of 32 bytes that is reserved for future use.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996