Appendix D - Renamed and Relocated Text Routines
This appendix lists, in Table D-1, those Macintosh system software routines that
have been renamed or relocated from one manager to another during the reorganization necessary for the creation of Inside Macintosh: Text. It also lists those calls that have been rendered obsolete by newer versions of themselves and are therefore removed
from documentation.
Most of the changes have been to text-related routines: the International Utilities Package and the Binary-Decimal Conversion Package have been replaced by a new manager called Text Utilities. The Text Utilities include most of their routines and also several text-related routines that were formerly part of the Toolbox Utilities and Operating System Utilities.
Many text-related routines that were formerly part of the Script Manager have been moved to other managers, such as QuickDraw, the Font Manager, the Text Utilities, or the Menu Manager, to be documented alongside existing routines with similar capabilities. For example, all routines that measure and draw justified text have been moved from the Script Manager to QuickDraw, to be with the existing QuickDraw text-measuring and drawing routines.
Many other routines have not been moved, but their names have been changed to
more clearly reflect their functions, to minimize ambiguous interpretations, and to expand abbreviations.
Some routines that are not related to text handling are listed here. They are former Script Manager or International Utilities routines dealing with international issues, such as IUMetric
and WriteLocation
. Those routines now belong to other managers, as noted in Table D-1.
- Note
- Although obsolete routines are no longer documented, they may remain in system software and their declarations may be maintained in the interface files for backward compatibility. Renamed routines are no longer documented under their old names, other than within the table in this appendix.
Table D-1 Renamed, relocated, and obsolete text and international routines (Continued)
Old name | New name | Old location | New location |
Char2Pixel | (obsolete; use CharToPixel ) | | QuickDraw |
CharByte | (obsolete; use CharacterByteType ) | Script Manager |
CharType | (obsolete; use CharacterType ) | | Script Manager |
Date2Secs | DateToSeconds | O.S. Utilities | (not moved) |
DrawJust | (obsolete; use DrawJustified ) | | QuickDraw |
EqualString | (unchanged) | O.S. Utilities | Text Utilities |
FindScriptRun | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
FindWord | (obsolete; use FindWordBreaks ) | | Text Utilities |
Font2Script | FontToScript | Script Manager | (not moved) |
Format2Str | FormatRecToString | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
FormatStr2X | StringToExtended | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
FormatX2Str | ExtendedToString | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
GetAppFont | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Font Manager |
GetDefFontSize | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Font Manager |
GetEnvirons | GetScriptManagerVariable | Script Manager | (not moved) |
GetFormatOrder | (unchanged) | Script Manager | QuickDraw |
GetIndString | (unchanged) | Toolbox Utilities | Text Utilities |
GetMBarHeight | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Menu Manager |
GetScript | GetScriptVariable | Script Manager | (not moved) |
GetString | (unchanged) | Toolbox Utilities | Text Utilities |
GetStylHandle | TEGetStyleHandle | TextEdit | (not moved) |
GetStylScrap | TEGetStyleScrapHandle | TextEdit | (not moved) |
GetSysFont | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Font Manager |
GetSysJust | GetSysDirection | Script Manager | (not moved) |
HiliteText | (unchanged) | Script Manager | QuickDraw |
InitDateCache | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
IUClearCache | ClearIntlResourceCache | Intl. Utilities | Script Manager |
IUCompPString | CompareString | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUCompString | (obsolete; use CompareString ) | | Text Utilities |
IUDatePString | DateString | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUDateString | (obsolete; use DateString ) | | Text Utilities |
IUEqualPString | IdenticalString | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUEqualString | (obsolete; use IdenticalString ) | | Text Utilities |
IUGetIntl | GetIntlResource | Intl. Utilities | Script Manager |
IUGetItlTable | GetIntlResourceTable | Intl. Utilities | Script Manager |
IULangOrder | LanguageOrder | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IULDateString | LongDateString | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IULTimeString | LongTimeString | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUMagIDPString | IdenticalText | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUMagIDString | (obsolete; use IdenticalText ) | | TextUtilities |
IUMagPString | CompareText | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUMagString | (obsolete; use CompareText ) | | Text Utilities |
IUMetric | IsMetric | Intl. Utilities | O.S. Utilities |
IUScriptOrder | ScriptOrder | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUSetIntl | (obsolete; for 'INTL' resources) | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUStringOrder | StringOrder | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUTextOrder | TextOrder | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUTimePString | TimeString | Intl. Utilities | Text Utilities |
IUTimeString | (obsolete; use TimeString ) | | Text Utilities |
KeyTrans | KeyTranslate | Event Manager | (not moved) |
LongDate2Secs | LongDateToSeconds | Script Manager | O.S. Utilities |
LongSecsToDate | LongSecondsToDate | Script Manager | O.S. Utilities |
LowerText | (obsolete; use LowercaseText ) | | Text Utilities |
MeasureJust | (obsolete; use MeasureJustified ) | | QuickDraw |
Munger | (unchanged) | Toolbox Utilities | Text Utilities |
NChar2Pixel | CharToPixel | Script Manager | QuickDraw |
NDrawJust | DrawJustified | Script Manager | QuickDraw |
NewString | (unchanged) | Toolbox Utilities | Text Utilities |
NFindWord | (obsolete; use FindWordBreaks ) | | Text Utilities |
NMeasureJust | MeasureJustified | Script Manager | QuickDraw |
NPixel2Char | PixelToChar | Script Manager | QuickDraw |
NPortionText | PortionLine | Script Manager | QuickDraw |
NumToString | (unchanged) | Binary-Dec. Conv. | Text Utilities |
ParseTable | (obsolete; use FillParseTable ) | | Script Manager |
Pixel2Char | (obsolete; use PixelToChar ) | | QuickDraw |
PortionText | (obsolete; use PortionLine ) | | QuickDraw |
ReadLocation | (unchanged) | Script Manager | O.S. Utilities |
RelString | (unchanged) | O.S. Utilities | Text Utilities |
ReplaceText | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
Secs2Date | SecondsToDate | O.S. Utilities | (not moved) |
SetClikLoop | TESetClickLoop | TextEdit | (not moved) |
SetEnvirons | SetScriptManagerVariable | Script Manager | (not moved) |
SetScript | SetScriptVariable | Script Manager | (not moved) |
SetString | (unchanged) | Toolbox Utilities | Text Utilities |
SetStylHandle | TESetStyleHandle | TextEdit | (not moved) |
SetStylScrap | TEUseStyleScrap | TextEdit | (not moved) |
SetSysJust | SetSysDirection | Script Manager | (not moved) |
SetWordBreak | TESetWordBreak | TextEdit | (not moved) |
Str2Format | StringToFormatRec | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
String2Date | StringToDate | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
String2Time | StringToTime | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
StringToNum | (unchanged) | Binary-Dec. Conv. | Text Utilities |
StripText | (obsolete; use StripDiacritics ) | | Text Utilities |
StripUpperText | (obsolete; use UppercaseStripDiacritics ) | Text Utilities |
StyledLineBreak | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
TEGetScrapLen | TEGetScrapLength | TextEdit | (not moved) |
TESetJust | TESetAlignment | TextEdit | (not moved) |
TESetScrapLen | TESetScrapLength | TextEdit | (not moved) |
TEStylInsert | TEStyleInsert | TextEdit | (not moved) |
TEStylNew | TEStyleNew | TextEdit | (not moved) |
TeStylPaste | TEStylePaste | TextEdit | (not moved) |
| TETextBox | TextEdit | (not moved) |
ToggleDate | (unchanged) | Script Manager | O.S. Utilities |
Transliterate | (obsolete; use TransliterateText ) | Script Manager |
TruncString | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
TruncText | (unchanged) | Script Manager | Text Utilities |
UpperText | (obsolete; use UppercaseText ) | | Text Utilities |
UprString | UpperString | O.S. Utilities | Text Utilities |
ValidDate | (unchanged) | Script Manager | O.S. Utilities |
VisibleLength | (unchanged) | Script Manager | QuickDraw |
WriteLocation | (unchanged) | Script Manager | O.S. Utilities |