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Inside Macintosh: Text /
Chapter 2 - TextEdit / TextEdit Reference
Data Structures

The Style Table

The style table contains one entry for each distinct set of character attributes used in the text of an edit record. Each entry is defined in a style element record. The size of the table is given by the nStyles field of the style record. There is no duplication; each set of character attributes appears exactly once in the table. A reference count tells how many times each set of attributes is used in the table. The TEStyleTable data type defines the style table. The STElement data type defines the style element record.

TYPE  STElement = 
         stCount:    Integer;    {number of runs in this style}
         stHeight:   Integer;    {line height}
         stAscent:   Integer;    {font ascent}
         stFont:     Integer;    {font family ID}
         stFace:     Style;      {character style}
         stSize:     Integer;    {size in points}
         stColor:    RGBColor;   {absolute RGB color}

STHandle = ^STPtr;
STPtr    = ^TEStyleTable;

TEStyleTable = ARRAY [0..1776] OF STElement;
Field Description
A reference count of character runs using this set of character attributes.
The line height for this run, in points.
The font ascent for this run, in points.
The font family ID.
The character style (bold, italic, and so forth). This field consists of two bytes. The low-order byte contains the character style. TextEdit uses the high bit (bit 15) of the high-order byte to store the style run direction: it uses 0 for left-to-right text, and 1 for right-to-left text.
The text size, in points.
The RGB (red, green, blue) color.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
6 JUL 1996