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Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials /
Chapter 4 - Window Manager / Using the Window Manager

Resizing a Window

The size box, in the lower-right corner of a window's content region, allows the user to change a window's size.

When the user positions the cursor in the size box and presses the mouse button, your application can call the Window Manager's GrowWindow function. This function displays a grow image--a gray outline of the window's frame and scroll bar areas, which expands or contracts as the user drags the size box. The grow image indicates where the window edges would be if the user released the mouse button at any
given moment.

To avoid unmanageably large or small windows, you supply lower and upper size limits when you call GrowWindow. The sizeRect parameter to GrowWindow specifies both the lower and upper size limits in a single structure of type Rect. The values in the sizeRect structure represent window dimensions, not screen coordinates:

Most applications specify a minimum size big enough to include all parts of the structure area and the scroll bars. Because the user cannot move the cursor beyond the edges of the screen, you can safely set the maximum size to the largest possible rectangle.

When the user releases the mouse button, GrowWindow returns a long integer that describes the window's new height (in the high-order word) and width (in the low-order word). A value of 0 means that the window's size did not change. When GrowWindow returns any value other than 0, you call SizeWindow to resize the window.

Use the utility functions HiWord and LoWord to retrieve the high-order and low-order words, respectively.
When you change a window's size, you must erase and redraw the window's scroll bars.

Listing 4-13 illustrates the application-defined procedure DoGrowWindow for tracking mouse activity in the size box and resizing the window.

Listing 4-13 Resizing a window

PROCEDURE DoGrowWindow (thisWindow: windowPtr;
                         event: EventRecord);
   growSize:         LongInt;
   limitRect:        Rect;
   oldViewRect:      Rect;
   locUpdateRgn:     RgnHandle;
   theResult:        Boolean;
   myData:           MyDocRecHnd;
   {set up the limiting rectangle: kMinDocSize = 64 }
                                 { kMaxDocSize = 65535}
   SetRect(limitRect, kMinDocSize, kMinDocSize, kMaxDocSize,
   {call Window Manager to let user drag size box}
   growSize := GrowWindow(thisWindow, event.where, limitRect);
   IF growSize <> 0 THEN         {if user changed size, }
   BEGIN                         { then resize window}
      myData := MyDocRecHnd(GetWRefCon(thisWindow));
      oldViewRect := myData^^.editRec^^.viewRect;
      locUpdateRgn := NewRgn;
      {save update region in local coordinates}
      MyGetLocalUpdateRgn(thisWindow, locUpdateRgn);
      {resize the window}
      SizeWindow(thisWindow, LoWord(growSize), HiWord(growSize),
      {find intersection of old viewRect and new viewRect}
      theResult := SectRect(oldViewRect, 
      {validate the intersection (don't update)}
      {invalidate any prior update region}
When the user presses the mouse button while the cursor is in the size box, the procedure that handles mouse-down events (DoMouseDown, shown on page 4-39) calls the application-defined DoGrowWindow procedure. The DoGrowWindow procedure
calls the Window Manager function GrowWindow, which tracks mouse movement as long as the button is held down. If the user drags the size box before releasing the mouse button, GrowWindow returns a nonzero value, and DoGrowWindow prepares to resize the window. First DoGrowWindow saves the current view rectangle in the variable oldViewRect. It will use this information later, when redrawing the content region of the window in its new size. The GrowWindow procedure also saves the current update region, in local coordinates, in the region LocUpdateRgn, so that it can restore the update region after doing its own update-region maintenance. (This step is necessary only if an application allows user input to accumulate into the update region, drawing in response to update events instead of drawing into the window immediately.)

After saving the current view rectangle and the current update region, DoGrowWindow calls the Window Manager procedure SizeWindow to draw the window in its new
size. The DoGrowWindow procedure then calls the application-defined procedure MyResizeWindow, which adjusts the window scroll bars and window contents to the new size. Listing 4-14 illustrates the application-defined MyResizeWindow procedure.

After calling SizeWindow, DoGrowWindow calculates the intersection of the old view rectangle and the new view rectangle. It uses this area to revalidate unchanged portions of the window (that is, to remove them from the update region), because the MyResizeWindow procedure invalidates the entire window (that is, places the entire window in the update region). This way, only the changed parts of the content area are redrawn when the application receives its next update event.

Listing 4-14 Adjusting scroll bars and content region when resizing a window

PROCEDURE MyResizeWindow (window: WindowPtr);
   WITH window^ DO 
      {adjust scroll bars and contents-- }
      { see the chapter "Control Manager" for implementation}
      MyAdjustScrollbars(window, TRUE);
      {invalidate content region, forcing an update}
END; {MyResizeWindow}
Listing 4-15 illustrates the application-defined procedure MyGetLocalUpdateRgn, which supplies a window's update region in local coordinates. The MyGetLocalUpdateRgn procedure uses the QuickDraw routines CopyRgn and OffsetRgn, documented in Inside Macintosh: Imaging.

Listing 4-15 Converting a window region to local coordinates

PROCEDURE MyGetLocalUpdateRgn (window: WindowPtr; 
                              localRgn: RgnHandle);
   {save old update region}
   CopyRgn(WindowPeek(window)^.updateRgn, localRgn);
   WITH window^.portBits.bounds DO
      OffsetRgn(localRgn, left, top);  {convert to local coords}
END; {MyGetLocalUpdateRgn}

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
11 JUL 1996