Important: The information in this document is obsolete and should not be used for new development.
Summary of the Window Manager
Pascal Summary
CONST {window types} documentProc = 0; {movable, sizable window, no zoom box} dBoxProc = 1; {alert box or modal dialog box} plainDBox = 2; {plain box} altDBoxProc = 3; {plain box with shadow} noGrowDocProc = 4; {movable window, no size box or } { zoom box} movableDBoxProc = 5; {movable modal dialog box} zoomDocProc = 8; {standard document window} zoomNoGrow = 12; {zoomable, nonresizable window} rDocProc = 16; {rounded-corner window} {window kinds} dialogKind = 2; {dialog or alert box window} userKind = 8; {window created by the application} {part codes returned by FindWindow} inDesk = 0; {none of the following} inMenuBar = 1; {in menu bar} inSysWindow = 2; {in desk accessory window} inContent = 3; {anywhere in content region except size } { box if window is active, } { anywhere including size box if window } { is inactive} inDrag = 4; {in drag (title bar) region} inGrow = 5; {in size box (active window only)} inGoAway = 6; {in close box} inZoomIn = 7; {in zoom box (window in standard state)} inZoomOut = 8; {in zoom box (window in user state)} {axis constraints on DragGrayRgn} noConstraint = 0; {no constraints} hAxisOnly = 1; {move on horizontal axis only} vAxisOnly = 2; {move on vertical axis only} {window definition function task codes} wDraw = 0; {draw window frame} wHit = 1; {report where mouse-down occurred} wCalcRgns = 2; {calculate strucRgn and contRgn} wNew = 3; {perform additional initialization} wDispose = 4; {perform additional disposal tasks} wGrow = 5; {draw grow image during resizing} wDrawGIcon = 6; {draw size box and scroll bar outline} {window definition function wHit return codes} wNoHit = 0; {none of the following} wInContent = 1; {anywhere in content region except size } { box if window is active, } { anywhere including size box if window } { is inactive} wInDrag = 2; {in drag (title bar) region} wInGrow = 3; {in size box (active window only)} wInGoAway = 4; {in close box} wInZoomIn = 5; {in zoom box (window in standard state)} wInZoomOut = 6; {in zoom box (window in user state)} {window color information table part codes} wContentColor = 0; {content region background} wFrameColor = 1; {window outline} wTextColor = 2; {window title and button text} wHiliteColor = 3; {reserved} wTitleBarColor = 4; {reserved} wHiliteColorLight = 5; {lightest stripes in title bar } { and lightest dimmed text} wHiliteColorDark = 6; {darkest stripes in title bar } { and darkest dimmed text} wTitleBarLight = 7; {lightest parts of title bar background} wTitleBarDark = 8; {darkest parts of title bar background} wDialogLight = 9; {lightest element of dialog box frame} wDialogDark = 10; {darkest element of dialog box frame} wTingeLight = 11; {lightest window tinging} wTingeDark = 12; {darkest window tinging} {resource ID of desktop pattern} deskPatID = 16;Data Types
TYPE CWindowPtr = CGrafPtr; CWindowPeek = ^CWindowRecord; CWindowRecord = RECORD port: CGrafPort; {window's graphics port} windowKind: Integer; {class of window} visible: Boolean; {visibility} hilited: Boolean; {highlighting} goAwayFlag: Boolean; {presence of close box} spareFlag: Boolean; {presence of zoom box} strucRgn: RgnHandle; {handle to structure region} contRgn: RgnHandle; {handle to content region} updateRgn: RgnHandle; {handle to update region} windowDefProc: Handle; {handle to window definition function} dataHandle: Handle; {handle to window state data record} titleHandle: StringHandle; {handle to window title} titleWidth: Integer; {title width in pixels} controlList: ControlHandle; {handle to control list} nextWindow: CWindowPeek; {pointer to next window record in } { window list} windowPic: PicHandle; {handle to optional picture} refCon: LongInt; {storage available to your application} END; WindowPtr = GrafPtr; WindowPeek = ^WindowRecord; WindowRecord = RECORD {all fields have same use as } { in color window record} port: GrafPort; {window's graphics port} windowKind: Integer; {class of window} visible: Boolean; {visibility} hilited: Boolean; {highlighting} goAwayFlag: Boolean; {presence of close box} spareFlag: Boolean; {presence of zoom box} strucRgn: RgnHandle; {handle to structure region} contRgn: RgnHandle; {handle to content region} updateRgn: RgnHandle; {handle to update region} windowDefProc: Handle; {handle to window definition function} dataHandle: Handle; {handle to window state data record} titleHandle: StringHandle; {handle to window title} titleWidth: Integer; {title width in pixels} controlList: ControlHandle; {handle to control list} nextWindow: WindowPeek; {pointer to next window record in } { window list} windowPic: PicHandle; {handle to optional picture} refCon: LongInt; {storage available to your application} END; WStateDataPtr = ^WStateData; WStateDataHandle = ^WStateDataPtr; WStateData = {zoom state data record} RECORD userState: Rect; {size and location established by user} stdState: Rect; {size and location established by application} END; WCTabPtr = ^WinCTab; WCTabHandle = ^WCTabPtr; WinCTab = {window color information table} RECORD wCSeed: LongInt; {reserved} wCReserved: Integer; {reserved} ctSize: Integer; {number of entries in table -1} ctTable: ARRAY [0..4] OF ColorSpec; {array of color specification records} END; ColorSpec = RECORD value: Integer; {part identifier} rgb: RGBColor; {RGB value} END; AuxWinHandle= ^AuxWinPtr; AuxWinPtr = ^AuxWinRec; AuxWinRec = {auxiliary window record} RECORD awNext: AuxWinHandle; {handle to next record} awOwner: WindowPtr; {pointer to window} awCTable: CTabHandle; {handle to color table} dialogCItem: Handle; {storage used by Dialog Manager} awFlags: LongInt; {reserved} awReserved: CTabHandle; {reserved} awRefCon: LongInt; {reference constant, for } { use by application} END;Window Manager Routines
Initializing the Window Manager
PROCEDURE InitWindows;Creating Windows
FUNCTION GetNewCWindow(windowID: Integer; wStorage: Ptr; behind: WindowPtr): WindowPtr; FUNCTION GetNewWindow(windowID: Integer; wStorage: Ptr; behind: WindowPtr): WindowPtr; FUNCTION NewCWindow(wStorage: Ptr; boundsRect: Rect; title: Str255; visible: Boolean; procID: Integer; behind: WindowPtr; goAwayFlag: Boolean; refCon: LongInt): WindowPtr; FUNCTION NewWindow(wStorage: Ptr; boundsRect: Rect; title: Str255; visible: Boolean; theProc: Integer; behind: WindowPtr; goAwayFlag: Boolean; refCon: LongInt): WindowPtr;Naming Windows
PROCEDURE SetWTitle(theWindow: WindowPtr; title: Str255); PROCEDURE GetWTitle(theWindow: WindowPtr; VAR title: Str255);Displaying Windows
PROCEDURE DrawGrowIcon(theWindow: WindowPtr); PROCEDURE SelectWindow(theWindow: WindowPtr); PROCEDURE ShowWindow(theWindow: WindowPtr); PROCEDURE HideWindow (theWindow: WindowPtr); PROCEDURE ShowHide (theWindow: WindowPtr; showFlag: Boolean); PROCEDURE HiliteWindow (theWindow: WindowPtr; fHilite: Boolean); PROCEDURE BringToFront (theWindow: WindowPtr); PROCEDURE SendBehind (theWindow, behindWindow: WindowPtr);Retrieving Window Information
FUNCTION FindWindow (thePoint: Point; VAR theWindow: WindowPtr): Integer; FUNCTION FrontWindow: WindowPtr;Moving Windows
PROCEDURE DragWindow (theWindow: WindowPtr; startPt: Point; boundsRect: Rect); PROCEDURE MoveWindow (theWindow: WindowPtr; hGlobal, vGlobal: Integer; front: Boolean); FUNCTION DragGrayRgn (theRgn: RgnHandle; startPt: Point; limitRect, slopRect: Rect; axis: Integer; actionProc: ProcPtr): LongInt; FUNCTION PinRect (theRect: Rect; thePt: Point): LongInt;Resizing Windows
FUNCTION GrowWindow (theWindow: WindowPtr; startPt: Point; sizeRect: Rect): LongInt; PROCEDURE SizeWindow (theWindow: WindowPtr; w, h: Integer; fUpdate: Boolean);Zooming Windows
FUNCTION TrackBox (theWindow: WindowPtr; thePt: Point; partCode: Integer): Boolean; PROCEDURE ZoomWindow (theWindow: WindowPtr; partCode: Integer; front: Boolean);Closing and Deallocating Windows
FUNCTION TrackGoAway (theWindow: WindowPtr; thePt: Point): Boolean; PROCEDURE CloseWindow (theWindow: WindowPtr); PROCEDURE DisposeWindow (theWindow: WindowPtr);Maintaining the Update Region
PROCEDURE BeginUpdate (theWindow: WindowPtr); PROCEDURE EndUpdate (theWindow: WindowPtr); PROCEDURE InvalRect (badRect: Rect); PROCEDURE InvalRgn (badRgn: RgnHandle); PROCEDURE ValidRect (goodRect: Rect); PROCEDURE ValidRgn (goodRgn: RgnHandle);Setting and Retrieving Other Window Characteristics
PROCEDURE SetWindowPic (theWindow: WindowPtr; Pic: PicHandle); FUNCTION GetWindowPic (theWindow: WindowPtr): PicHandle; PROCEDURE SetWRefCon (theWindow: WindowPtr; data: LongInt); FUNCTION GetWRefCon (theWindow: WindowPtr): LongInt; FUNCTION GetWVariant (theWindow: WindowPtr): Integer;Manipulating the Desktop
PROCEDURE SetDeskCPat (deskPixPat: PixPatHandle); FUNCTION GetGrayRgn : RgnHandle; PROCEDURE GetCWMgrPort (VAR wMgrCPort: CGrafPtr); PROCEDURE GetWMgrPort (VAR wPort: GrafPtr);Manipulating Window Color Information
PROCEDURE SetWinColor (theWindow: WindowPtr; newColorTable: WCTabHandle); FUNCTION GetAuxWin (theWindow: WindowPtr; VAR awHndl: AuxWinHandle): Boolean;Low-Level Routines
FUNCTION CheckUpdate (VAR theEvent: EventRecord): Boolean; PROCEDURE ClipAbove (window: WindowPeek); PROCEDURE SaveOld (window: WindowPeek); PROCEDURE DrawNew (window: WindowPeek; update: Boolean); PROCEDURE PaintOne (window: WindowPeek; clobberedRgn: RgnHandle); PROCEDURE PaintBehind (startWindow: WindowPeek; clobberedRgn: RgnHandle); PROCEDURE CalcVis (window: WindowPeek); PROCEDURE CalcVisBehind (startWindow: WindowPeek; clobberedRgn: RgnHandle);Application-Defined Routine
The Window Definition Function
FUNCTION MyWindow(varCode: Integer; theWindow: WindowPtr; message: Integer; param: LongInt): LongInt;C Summary
enum { /*window types*/ documentProc = 0, /*movable, sizable window, no zoom box*/ dBoxProc = 1, /*alert box or modal dialog box*/ plainDBox = 2, /*plain box*/ altDBoxProc = 3, /*plain box with shadow*/ noGrowDocProc = 4, /*movable window, no size box or zoom box*/ movableDBoxProc = 5, /*movable modal dialog box*/ zoomDocProc = 8, /*standard document window*/ zoomNoGrow = 9, /*zoomable, nonresizable window*/ rDocProc = 16, /*rounded-corner window*/ /*window kinds*/ dialogKind = 2, /*dialog or alert box window*/ userKind = 8, /*window created by the application*/ /*part codes returned by FindWindow*/ inDesk = 0, /*none of the following*/ inMenuBar = 1, /*in menu bar*/ inSysWindow = 2, /*in desk accessory window*/ inContent = 3, /*anywhere in content region except size box if*/ /* window is active, anywhere including */ /* size box if window is inactive*/ inDrag = 4, /*in drag (title bar) region*/ inGrow = 5, /*in size box (active window only)*/ inGoAway = 6, /*in close box*/ inZoomIn = 7, /*in zoom box (window in standard state)*/ inZoomOut = 8 /*in zoom box (window in user state)*/ }; enum { /*axis constraints on DragGrayRgn*/ noConstraint = 0, /*no constraints*/ hAxisOnly = 1, /*move on horizontal axis only*/ vAxisOnly = 2 /*move on vertical axis only*/ }; enum { /*window definition function task codes*/ wDraw = 0, /*draw window frame*/ wHit = 1, /*report where mouse-down occurred*/ wCalcRgns = 2, /*calculate strucRgn and contRgn*/ wNew = 3, /*perform additional initialization*/ wDispose = 4, /*perform additional disposal tasks*/ wGrow = 5, /*draw grow image during resizing*/ wDrawGIcon = 6, /*draw size box and scroll bar outline*/ /*window definition function wHit return codes*/ wNoHit = 0, /*none of the following*/ wInContent = 1, /*in content region (except grow, if active)*/ wInDrag = 2, /*in drag region*/ wInGrow = 3, /*in grow region (active window only)*/ wInGoAway = 4, /*in go-away region (active window only)*/ wInZoomIn = 5, /*in zoom box for zooming in (active window */ /* only)*/ wInZoomOut = 6, /*in zoom box for zooming out (active window */ /* only)*/ deskPatID = 16, /*resource ID of desktop pattern*/ /*window color information table part codes*/ wContentColor = 0, /*the background of the window's */ /* content region*/ wFrameColor = 1, /*the window outline*/ wTextColor = 2, /*window title and text in buttons*/ wHiliteColor = 3, /*reserved*/ wTitleBarColor = 4, /*reserved*/ wHiliteColorLight = 5, /*lightest stripes in title bar */ /* and lightest dimmed text*/ wHiliteColorDark = 6, /*darkest stripes in title bar */ /* and darkest dimmed text*/ wTitleBarLight = 7, /*lightest parts of title bar background*/ wTitleBarDark = 8, /*darkest parts of title bar background*/ wDialogLight = 9, /*lightest element of dialog box frame*/ wDialogDark = 10, /*darkest element of dialog box frame*/ wTingeLight = 11, /*lightest window tinging*/ wTingeDark = 12 /*darkest window tinging*/ };Data Types
struct CWindowRecord { CGrafPort port; /*window's graphics port*/ short windowKind; /*class of the window*/ Boolean visible; /*visibility*/ Boolean hilited; /*highlighting*/ Boolean goAwayFlag; /*presence of close box*/ Boolean spareFlag; /*presence of zoom box*/ RgnHandle strucRgn; /*handle to structure region*/ RgnHandle contRgn; /*handle to content region*/ RgnHandle updateRgn; /*handle to update region*/ Handle windowDefProc; /*handle to window definition */ /* function*/ Handle dataHandle; /*handle to window state data record*/ StringHandle titleHandle; /*handle to window title*/ short titleWidth; /*title width in pixels*/ ControlHandle controlList; /*handle to control list*/ struct CWindowRecord *nextWindow; /*next window in window list*/ PicHandle windowPic; /*handle to optional picture*/ long refCon; /*storage available to your */ /* application*/ }; typedef struct CWindowRecord CWindowRecord; typedef CWindowRecord *CWindowPeek; struct WindowRecord { GrafPort port; /*window's graphics port*/ short windowKind; /*class of the window*/ Boolean visible; /*visibility*/ Boolean hilited; /*highlighting*/ Boolean goAwayFlag; /*presence of close box*/ Boolean spareFlag; /*presence of zoom box*/ RgnHandle strucRgn; /*handle to structure region*/ RgnHandle contRgn; /*handle to content region*/ RgnHandle updateRgn; /*handle to update region*/ Handle windowDefProc; /*handle to window definition */ /* function*/ Handle dataHandle; /*handle to window state data record*/ StringHandle titleHandle; /*handle to window title*/ short titleWidth; /*title width in pixels*/ ControlHandle controlList; /*handle to window's control list*/ struct WindowRecord *nextWindow; /*next window in window list*/ PicHandle windowPic; /*handle to optional picture*/ long refCon; /*reference constant*/ }; typedef struct WindowRecord WindowRecord; typedef WindowRecord *WindowPeek; struct WStateData { Rect userState; /*user state*/ Rect stdState; /*standard state*/ }; typedef struct WStateData WStateData; typedef WStateData *WStateDataPtr, **WStateDataHandle; struct AuxWinRec { struct AuxWinRec **awNext; /*handle to next record*/ WindowPtr awOwner; /*pointer to window */ CTabHandle awCTable; /*handle to color table*/ Handle dialogCItem; /*storage used by Dialog Manager*/ long awFlags; /*reserved*/ CTabHandle awReserved; /*reserved*/ long awRefCon; /*reference constant, for use by */ /* application*/ }; typedef struct AuxWinRec AuxWinRec; typedef AuxWinRec *AuxWinPtr, **AuxWinHandle; struct WinCTab { long wCSeed; /*reserved*/ short wCReserved; /*reserved*/ short ctSize; /*number of entries in table --1*/ ColorSpec ctTable[5]; /*array of color specification records*/ }; typedef struct WinCTab WinCTab; typedef WinCTab *WCTabPtr, **WCTabHandle;Window Manager Routines
Initializing the Window Manager
pascal void InitWindows(void);Creating Windows
pascal WindowPtr GetNewCWindow (short windowID, void *wStorage, WindowPtr behind); pascal WindowPtr GetNewWindow (short windowID, void *wStorage, WindowPtr behind); pascal WindowPtr NewCWindow(void *wStorage, const Rect *boundsRect, ConstStr255Param title, Boolean visible, short procID, WindowPtr behind, Boolean goAwayFlag, long refCon); pascal WindowPtr NewWindow(void *wStorage, const Rect *boundsRect, ConstStr255Param title, Boolean visible, short theProc, WindowPtr behind, Boolean goAwayFlag, long refCon);Naming Windows
pascal void SetWTitle(WindowPtr theWindow, ConstStr255Param title); pascal void GetWTitle(WindowPtr theWindow, Str255 title);Displaying Windows
pascal void DrawGrowIcon(WindowPtr theWindow); pascal void SelectWindow(WindowPtr theWindow); pascal void ShowWindow(WindowPtr theWindow); pascal void HideWindow(WindowPtr theWindow); pascal void ShowHide(WindowPtr theWindow, Boolean showFlag); pascal void HiliteWindow(WindowPtr theWindow, Boolean fHilite); pascal void BringToFront(WindowPtr theWindow); pascal void SendBehind(WindowPtr theWindow, WindowPtr behindWindow);Retrieving Mouse Information
pascal short FindWindow(Point thePoint, WindowPtr *theWindow); pascal WindowPtr FrontWindow(void);Moving Windows
pascal void DragWindow(WindowPtr theWindow, Point startPt, const Rect *boundsRect); pascal void MoveWindow(WindowPtr theWindow, short hGlobal, short vGlobal, Boolean front); pascal long DragGrayRgn(RgnHandle theRgn, Point startPt, const Rect *boundsRect, const Rect *slopRect, short axis, DragGrayRgnProcPtr actionProc); pascal long PinRect(const Rect *theRect, Point *thePt);Resizing Windows
pascal long GrowWindow(WindowPtr theWindow, Point startPt, const Rect *bBox); pascal void SizeWindow(WindowPtr theWindow, short w, short h, Boolean fUpdate);Zooming Windows
pascal Boolean TrackBox(WindowPtr theWindow, Point thePt, short partCode); pascal void ZoomWindow(WindowPtr theWindow, short partCode, Boolean front);Closing and Deallocating Windows
pascal Boolean TrackGoAway(WindowPtr theWindow, Point thePt); pascal void CloseWindow(WindowPtr theWindow); pascal void DisposeWindow(WindowPtr theWindow);Maintaining the Update Region
pascal void BeginUpdate(WindowPtr theWindow); pascal void EndUpdate(WindowPtr theWindow); pascal void InvalRect(const Rect *badRect); pascal void InvalRgn(RgnHandle badRgn); pascal void ValidRect(const Rect *goodRect); pascal void ValidRgn(RgnHandle goodRgn);Setting and Retrieving Other Window Characteristics
pascal void SetWindowPic(WindowPtr theWindow, PicHandle pic); pascal PicHandle GetWindowPic (WindowPtr theWindow); pascal void SetWRefCon(WindowPtr theWindow, long data); pascal long GetWRefCon(WindowPtr theWindow); pascal short GetWVariant(WindowPtr theWindow);Manipulating the Desktop
pascal void SetDeskCPat(PixPatHandle deskPixPat); #define GetGrayRgn()(* (RgnHandle* 0X09EE)) pascal void GetCWMgrPort(CGrafPtr *wMgrCPort); pascal void GetWMgrPort(GrafPtr *wPort);Manipulating Window Color Information
pascal void SetWinColor(WindowPtr theWindow, WCTabHandle newColorTable); pascal Boolean GetAuxWin(WindowPtr theWindow, AuxWinHandle *awHndl);Low-Level Routines
pascal Boolean CheckUpdate(EventRecord *theEvent); pascal void ClipAbove(WindowPeek window;) pascal void SaveOld(WindowPeek window); pascal void DrawNew(WindowPeek window, Boolean update); pascal void PaintOne(WindowPeek window, RgnHandle clobberedRgn); pascal void PaintBehind(WindowPeek startWindow, RgnHandle clobberedRgn); pascal void CalcVis(WindowPeek window); pascal void CalcVisBehind(WindowPeek startWindow, RgnHandle clobberedRgn);Application-Defined Routine
The Window Definition Function
pascal long MyWindow(short varCode, WindowPtr theWindow, short message, long param);Assembly-Language Summary
Data Types
Window Record and Color Window Record Data Structure
0 windowPort
108 bytes window's graphics port 108 windowKind
word how window was created 110 wVisible
byte visibility status 111 wHilited
byte highlighted status 112 wGoAway
byte presence of close box 113 wZoom
byte presence of zoom box 114 structRgn
long handle to structure region 118 contRgn
long handle to content region 122 updateRgn
long handle to update region 126 windowDef
long handle to window definition function 130 wDataHandle
long handle to window state data record 134 wTitleHandle
long handle to window's title 138 wTitleWidth
word title width in pixels 140 wControlList
long handle to window's control list 144 nextWindow
long pointer to next window in window list 148 windowPic
long handle to picture for updates 152 wRefCon
long reference constant field Window State Data Structure
0 userState
8 bytes user state rectangle 8 stdState
8 bytes standard state rectangle Window Color Information Table Data Structure
0 ctSeed
long ID number for table 4 ctFlags
word flags word 6 ctSize
word number of entries minus 1 8 ctTable
variable a series of color specification records (8 bytes each) Auxiliary Window Record Data Structure
0 awNext
long handle to next window in chain 4 awOwner
long pointer to associated window record 8 awCTable
long handle to window color information table 12 dialogCItem
long handle to dialog color structures 16 awFlags
long handle for QuickDraw 20 awResrv
long reserved 24 awRefCon
long user constant Global Variables
AuxWinHead Handle to beginning of auxiliary window list. CurActivate Pointer to window to receive activate event. CurDeactive Pointer to window to receive deactivate event. DeskHook Address of procedure for painting desktop. DeskPattern Pattern in which desktop is painted (8 bytes). DragHook Address of optional procedure to execute during TrackGoAway
, andDragGrayRgn
.DragPattern Pattern of dragged region's outline (8 bytes). GrayRgn Handle to desktop region. OldContent Handle to saved content region. OldStructure Handle to saved structure region. PaintWhite Flag indicating whether to paint window white before update event (2 bytes). SaveUpdate Flag indicating whether to generate update events (2 bytes). SaveVisRgn Handle to saved visible region. WindowList Pointer to first window in window list. WMgrPort Pointer to Window Manager port.