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Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials /
Chapter 5 - Control Manager / Using the Control Manager

Moving and Resizing Scroll Bars

As described earlier in "Creating Scroll Bars" beginning on page 5-19, your application initially defines the location of a scroll bar within a window--and the size of the scroll bar--by specifying a rectangle in a control resource or in a parameter to NewControl. However, your application must be able to size and move the scroll bar dynamically in response to the user's resizing of your windows.

The chapter "Window Manager" in this book describes how to size windows when
your application opens them and how to resize them--for example, in response to
the user dragging the size box or clicking the zoom box. This section describes how to move and resize your scroll bars so that they fit properly on the right and bottom edges of your windows.

When resizing your windows, your application should perform the following steps to adjust each scroll bar.

  1. Resize the window.
  2. Use the HideControl procedure to make each scroll bar invisible.
  3. Use the MoveControl procedure to move the vertical scroll bar to the right edge of the window, and use the MoveControl procedure to move the horizontal scroll bar to the bottom edge of the window.
  4. Use the SizeControl procedure to lengthen or shorten each scroll bar, so that each extends to the size box in the lower-right corner of the window.
  5. Recalculate the maximum settings for the scroll bars and use SetControlMaximum to update the settings and to redraw the scroll boxes appropriately. (Remember, you derive a scroll bar's maximum setting by subtracting the length or width of its window from the length or width of the document.)
  6. Use the ShowControl procedure to make each scroll bar visible in its new location.

Figure 5-21 illustrates how to move and resize scroll bars in a resized window; if your application neglected to use the HideControl procedure, the user would see each of these steps as it took place.

Figure 5-21 Moving and resizing scroll bars

Listing 5-14 on page 5-36 shows an application-defined routine, MyAdjustScrollBars, that is called when the user opens a new window, opens an existing document in a window, or resizes a window.

When it creates a window, MyAdjustScrollBars stores handles to each scroll bar
in a document record. By dereferencing the proper fields of the document record, MyAdjustScrollBars passes handles for the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to
the HideControl procedure, which makes the scroll bars invisible. By making the scroll bars invisible until it has finished manipulating them, MyAdjustScrollBars ensures that the user won't see the scroll bars blinking in different locations onscreen.

When MyAdjustScrollBars needs to adjust the size or location of either of the scroll bars, it calls another application-defined routine, MyAdjustScrollSizes, which is shown in Listing 5-24.

Listing 5-24 Changing the size and location of a window's scroll bars

   kScrollbarWidth = 16;                     {conventional width}
   kScrollbarAdjust = kScrollbarWidth - 1;   {to align with window frame}
   kScrollTweek = 2;                   {to align scroll bars with size box}

PROCEDURE MyAdjustScrollSizes (window: WindowPtr);
   teRect:                          Rect;
   myData:                          MyDocRecHnd;
   teTop, teRight, teBottom,teLeft: Integer;
   MyGetTERect(window, teRect);  {calculate the teRect based on the }
                                 { portRect, adjusted for the scroll bars}
   myData := MyDocRecHnd(GetWRefCon(window));
   WITH window^.portRect DO
      teTop := top;
      teRight := right;
      teBottom := bottom;
      teLeft := left;
   WITH myData^^ DO
      editRec^^.viewRect := teRect;    {set the viewRect}
      MyAdjustViewRect(editRec);       {snap to nearest line}
      {move the controls to match the new window size}
      MoveControl(vScrollBar, teRight - kScrollbarAdjust, -1);
      SizeControl(vScrollBar, kScrollbarWidth, (teBottom - teTop) -
                  (kScrollbarAdjust - kScrollTweek));
      MoveControl(hScrollBar, -1, teBottom - kScrollbarAdjust);
      SizeControl(hScrollBar, (teRight - teLeft) - 
            (kScrollbarAdjust - kScrollTweek), kScrollbarWidth);
END; {of MyAdjustScrollSizes}
The MyAdjustScrollSizes routine uses the boundary rectangle of the window's content region--which is stored in the portRect field of the window record--to determine the size of the window. To move the scroll bars to the edges of the window, MyAdjustScrollSizes uses the MoveControl procedure.

The MoveControl procedure takes three parameters: a handle to the control being moved, the horizontal coordinate (local to the control's window) for the new location of the upper-left corner of the control's rectangle, and the vertical coordinate for that new location. The MoveControl procedure moves the control to this new location and changes the rectangle specified in the controlRect field of the control's control record.

In Listing 5-24, MyAdjustScrollSizes passes to MoveControl the handles to the scroll bars. (The SurfWriter sample application stores the handle in its document record for the window.)

Figure 5-22 illustrates the location of a vertical scroll bar before it is moved to a new location within its resized window.

To determine a new horizontal (that is, left) coordinate of the upper-left corner of the vertical scroll bar, MyAdjustScrollSizes subtracts 15 from the right coordinate of
the window. As shown in Figure 5-23, this puts the right edge of the 16-pixel-wide scroll bar directly over the 1-pixel-wide window frame on the right side of the window.

In Listing 5-24 on page 5-61, MyAdjustScrollSizes specifies -1 as the vertical (that is, top) coordinate of the upper-left corner of the vertical scroll bar. As shown in Figure 5-23, this places the top edge of the scroll bar directly over the 1-pixel-wide line at the bottom of the title bar. (The bottom line of the title bar has a vertical value of -1 in the window's local coordinate system.)

The MyAdjustScrollSizes routine specifies -1 as the horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the horizontal scroll bar; this puts the left edge of the horizontal scroll bar directly over the 1-pixel-wide window frame. (The left edge of the window frame has a horizontal value of -1 in the window's local coordinate system.)

To fit your scroll bars inside the window frame properly, you should set the top coordinate of a vertical scroll bar at -1 and the left coordinate of a horizontal scroll bar
at -1, unless your application uses part of the window's scroll regions opposite the size box for displaying information or additional controls. For example, you may choose to display the current page number of the document in the lower-left corner of a window. In this case, specify a left coordinate so that the horizontal scroll bar doesn't obscure
this area.

Figure 5-22 A vertical scroll bar before the application moves it within a resized window

Figure 5-23 A vertical scroll bar after the application moves its upper-left point

See Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines for a discussion of appropriate uses of a window's scroll areas for items other than scroll bars.

To determine a new vertical coordinate for the upper-left corner of the horizontal scroll bar, MyAdjustScrollSizes subtracts 15 from the bottom coordinate of the window; this puts the bottom edge of the scroll bar directly over the window frame at the bottom of the window.

The MoveControl procedure moves the upper-left corner of a scroll bar so that it's in the proper location within its window frame. To make the vertical scroll bar fit the height of the window, and to make the horizontal scroll bar fit the width of the window, MyAdjustScrollSizes then uses the SizeControl procedure.

The SizeControl procedure takes three parameters: a handle to the control being sized, a width in pixels for the control, and a height in pixels for the control. When resizing a vertical scroll bar, you adjust its height; when resizing a horizontal scroll bar, you adjust its width.

When using SizeControl to adjust the vertical scroll bar, MyAdjustScrollSizes passes a constant representing 16 pixels for the vertical scroll bar's width, which is the conventional size.

To determine the proper height for this scroll bar, MyAdjustScrollSizes first derives the height of the window by subtracting the top coordinate of the window's rectangle from its bottom coordinate. Then MyAdjustScrollSizes subtracts 13 pixels from this window height and passes the result to SizeControl as the height of the vertical scroll bar. The MyAdjustScrollSizes routine subtracts 13 pixels from the window height to leave room for the 16-pixel-high size box (at the bottom of the window) minus three 1-pixel overlaps: one at the top of the window frame, one at the top of the size box, and one at the bottom of the size box.

When using SizeControl to adjust the horizontal scroll bar, MyAdjustScrollSizes passes a constant representing 16 pixels--the conventional height of the horizontal scroll bar. To determine the proper width of this scroll bar, MyAdjustScrollSizes first derives the width of the window by subtracting the left coordinate of the window's rectangle from its right coordinate. From this window width, MyAdjustScrollSizes then subtracts 13 pixels to allow for the size box (just as it does when determining the height of the vertical scroll bar).

When MyAdjustScrollSizes completes, it returns to MyAdjustScrollBars,
which then uses another of its own routines, MyAdjustScrollValues. In
turn, MyAdjustScrollValues calls MyAdjustHV (shown in Listing 5-16 on page 5-38), which recalculates the maximum settings for the scroll bars and uses SetControlMaximum to update the maximum settings and redraw the scroll
boxes appropriately.

When MyAdjustHV completes, it eventually returns to the SurfWriter application's MyAdjustScrollBars procedure, which then uses the ShowControl procedure
to make the newly adjusted scroll bars visible again.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
11 JUL 1996