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Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials /
Chapter 5 - Control Manager / Control Manager Reference
Control Manager Routines

Determining Control Values

Your application sets a control's various values--such as current setting, minimum and maximum settings, title, reference value, and action procedure--when it creates the control. When the user clicks a control, however, your application often needs to determine the current setting and other possible values of that control. When the user clicks a checkbox, for example, your application must determine whether the box is checked before deciding whether to draw a checkmark inside the checkbox or remove the checkmark.

You can use the GetControlValue, GetControlTitle, GetControlMinimum, GetControlMaximum, GetControlAction, and GetControlReference routines to determine, respectively, a control's current setting, title, minimum setting, maximum setting, action procedure, and reference value. To get a handle to a control's auxiliary control record, you can use the GetAuxiliaryControlRecord function; your application can use the acRefCon field of an auxiliary control record for any purpose. To determine the variation code that is specified in the control definition function for a particular control, you can use the GetControlVariant function. This section also includes a description of the SetControlReference procedure, which allows your application to change its reference value for a control.


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© Apple Computer, Inc.
11 JUL 1996