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Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials /
Chapter 6 - Dialog Manager / Using the Dialog Manager

Handling Events in Alert and Dialog Boxes

The next two sections explain how the Dialog Manager uses the Control Manager to handle events in controls automatically and how it uses TextEdit to handle events in editable text items automatically. The information in these two sections, "Responding to Events in Controls" and "Responding to Events in Editable Text Items," applies to all alert boxes and all types of dialog boxes: modal, modeless, and movable modal.

To display and handle events in alert boxes, you can use the Dialog Manager functions Alert, NoteAlert, CautionAlert, and StopAlert. The Dialog Manager handles all of the events generated by the user until the user clicks a button (typically the OK or Cancel button). When the user clicks a button, the alert box functions invert the button that was clicked, close the alert box, and report the user's selection to your application. Your application is responsible for performing the appropriate action associated with that button. This is described in detail in "Responding to Events in Alert Boxes" beginning on page 6-74.

For modal dialog boxes, you use the ModalDialog procedure. The Dialog Manager handles most of the user interaction until the user selects an item. The ModalDialog procedure then reports that the user selected an enabled item, and your application is responsible for performing the action associated with that item. Your application typically calls ModalDialog repeatedly, responding to clicks on enabled items as reported by ModalDialog, until the user clicks OK or Cancel. This is described in detail in "Responding to Events in Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-75.

For alert boxes and modal dialog boxes, you should also supply an event filter function as one of the parameters to the alert box functions or the ModalDialog procedure. As the user interacts with the alert or modal dialog box, these routines pass events to your event filter function before handling each event. Your event filter function can handle any events not handled by the Dialog Manager or, if necessary, can choose to handle events normally handled by the Dialog Manager. This is described in detail in "Writing an Event Filter Function for Alert and Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-79.

To handle events in modeless or movable modal dialog boxes, you can use the IsDialogEvent function to determine whether the event occurred while a dialog box was the frontmost window. For every type of event that occurs when the dialog box is active (including null events), IsDialogEvent returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE. When IsDialogEvent returns TRUE, you can use the DialogSelect function to handle key-down events in editable text items automatically, to handle update and activate events automatically, and to report the enabled items that the user clicks. You then respond appropriately to clicks in your active items.

Alternatively, you can handle events in modeless and movable modal dialog boxes much as you handle events in other windows. That is, when you receive an event you can first determine the type of event that occurred and then take the appropriate action according to which window is in front. If a modeless or movable modal dialog box is in front, you can provide code that takes any actions specific to that dialog box and call the DialogSelect function to handle any events that your code doesn't handle. The sections "Responding to Mouse Events in Modeless and Movable Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-82, "Responding to Keyboard Events in Modeless and Movable Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-87, and "Responding to Activate and Update Events in Modeless and Movable Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-90 all take this alternate approach.

Responding to Events in Controls

The Dialog Manager greatly simplifies the work necessary for you to implement buttons, checkboxes, pop-up menus, and radio buttons. For alert boxes and all types of dialog boxes--modal, modeless, and movable modal--the Dialog Manager uses Control Manager routines to display controls automatically, highlight controls appropriately, and report to your application when mouse-down events occur within controls. For example, when the user moves the cursor to an enabled button and holds down the mouse button, the Dialog Manager uses the Control Manager function TrackControl to invert the button. When the user releases the mouse button with the enabled button still inverted, the Dialog Manager uses TrackControl to report which item was clicked. Your application then responds appropriately--for example, by performing the operation associated with the OK button, by deselecting any other radio button when a radio button is clicked, or by canceling the current operation when the Cancel button is clicked.

For clicks in checkboxes, pop-up menus, and radio buttons, your application usually uses the Control Manager routines GetControlValue and SetControlValue
to get and appropriately set the items' values. The chapter "Control Manager" in this book explains these routines in detail, but this chapter also offers examples of how
to use these routines in your alert and dialog boxes. Because the Control Manager does not know how radio buttons are grouped, it doesn't automatically turn one off when
the user clicks another one. Instead, it's up to your application to handle this by using the GetControlValue and SetControlValue routines.

When the user clicks the OK button, your application performs whatever action is necessary according to the values returned by GetControlValue for each of the various checkboxes and radio buttons displayed in your alert or dialog box.

When ModalDialog and DialogSelect call TrackControl, they do not allow you to specify any special action procedures necessary for anything more complex than a button, radio button, or checkbox. If you need a more complex control that, for example, measures how long the user holds down the mouse button or how far the user has moved an indicator, you can create your own control (or picture or application-defined item that draws a control-like object) in your dialog box. If you use the ModalDialog procedure, you must then provide an event filter function that appropriately handles events within that item, and if you use the DialogSelect function, you must test for and respond to those events yourself. Alternatively, you can use Window Manager routines to display an appropriate window and then use the Control Manager to create and manage such complex controls yourself. See the chapters "Window Manager" and "Control Manager" in this book for more information.

Responding to Events in Editable Text Items

When the user enters or edits text in an editable text item in your dialog boxes, the Dialog Manager calls TextEdit to handle the events automatically. (You generally shouldn't include editable text items in alert boxes.) You typically disable editable text items because you generally don't need to be informed every time the user types a character or clicks one of them. Instead you need to determine the text only when the OK button is clicked. As illustrated in Listing 6-12 on page 6-49, use GetDialogItemText to determine the final value of the editable text item after the user clicks the OK button.

When you use the ModalDialog procedure to handle events in modal dialog boxes and when you use the DialogSelect function for modeless or movable modal dialog boxes, the Dialog Manager calls TextEdit to handle keystrokes and mouse actions within editable text items, so that

If your modeless or movable modal dialog box contains any editable text items, call DialogSelect even when WaitNextEvent returns FALSE. This is necessary because the DialogSelect function calls the TEIdle procedure to make the text cursor blink within your editable text items during null events; otherwise, the text cursor will not blink. Listing 6-25 illustrates an application-defined routine, DoIdle, that calls DialogSelect whenever the application receives null events while its modeless
dialog box is the frontmost window.

Listing 6-25 Using DialogSelect during null events

PROCEDURE DoIdle (event: EventRecord);
   window:     WindowPtr;
   windowType: Integer;
   itemHit:    Integer;
   result:     Boolean;
   window := FrontWindow;
   {determine which type of window--document, }
   { modeless dialog box, etc.--is in front}
   windowType := MyGetWindowType(window);
   CASE windowType OF
   kMyDocWindow:  {document window is frontmost}
      ;  {see examples in "Event Manager" chapter}
   kMyGlobalChangesModelessDialog:  {modeless dialog is frontmost}
      result := DialogSelect(event, window, itemHit);
   END; {of CASE}
Generally, your application should handle menu bar access when you display dialog boxes containing editable text items. Leave your Edit menu enabled, and use the DialogCut, DialogCopy, DialogPaste, and DialogDelete procedures to support the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear commands and their keyboard equivalents. You should also provide your own code to support the Undo command. "Adjusting Menus for Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-61 and "Adjusting Menus for Movable Modal and Modeless Dialog Boxes" on page 6-66 describe how to allow users to access your Edit menu when you display dialog boxes.

If you don't supply your own event filter function and the user presses the Return or Enter key while a modal dialog box is onscreen, the Dialog Manager treats the event as a click on the default button (that is, the first item in the list) regardless of whether the dialog box contains an editable text item. If your event filter function responds to the user pressing Return and Enter by moving the cursor in editable text items, don't display a bold outline around any buttons. If your event filter function responds to the user pressing Return and Enter as if the user clicks the default button, then you should display a bold outline around the default button. See "Writing an Event Filter Function for Alert and Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-79 for an example of how to map the Return and Enter keys to the default button in your dialog boxes.

Initially, an editable text item may contain default text or no text. You can provide default text either by specifying a text string as the last element for that item in the item list resource or by using the SetDialogItemText procedure, which is described on page 6-131.

When a dialog box that contains editable text items is first displayed, the insertion
point usually appears in the first editable text item in the item list resource. You may instead want to use the SelectDialogItemText procedure so that the dialog box appears with text selected, or so that an insertion point or a text selection reappears if
the user makes an error while entering text. For example, the user who accidentally types nonnumeric input when a number is required can be given the opportunity to type the entry again. The SelectDialogItemText procedure is described in detail on
page 6-131.

By default, the Dialog Manager displays editable text items in the system font. To maintain visual consistency across applications for your users and to make it easier to localize your application, you should not change the font or font size.

Responding to Events in Alert Boxes

After displaying an alert box or playing an alert sound, the Alert, StopAlert, CautionAlert, and NoteAlert functions call the ModalDialog procedure to handle events automatically for you.

The ModalDialog procedure, in turn, gets each event by calling the Event Manager function GetNextEvent. If the event is a mouse-down event outside the content region of the alert box, ModalDialog emits the system alert sound and gets the next event.

The Alert, StopAlert, CautionAlert, and NoteAlert functions continue calling ModalDialog until the user selects an enabled control (typically a button). At this time these functions remove the alert box from the screen and return the item number of the selected control. Your application then responds as appropriate for a click on this item.

For example, the code that supports the alert box displayed in Figure 6-39 must respond to three different events--one for each button that the user may click.

Figure 6-39 Three buttons for which CautionAlert reports events

Listing 6-9 on page 6-47 shows an application-defined routine, named MyCloseDocument, for the Close command. If the document has been modified
since the last save, MyCloseDocument displays the alert box illustrated in Figure 6-39 before closing the window. After MyCloseDocument displays the caution alert, it
tests for the item number that CautionAlert returns after it removes the alert box.
If the user clicks the Save button, CautionAlert returns its item number, and MyCloseDocument calls other application-defined routines to save the file, close the file, and close the window. If the user clicks the Don't Save button, MyCloseDocument closes the window without saving the file. The only other possible response is for the user to click the Cancel button, in which case MyCloseDocument does nothing--the Dialog Manager removes the alert box, and MyCloseDocument simply leaves the document window as it is.

The standard event filter function allows users to press the Return or Enter key in lieu of clicking the default button. When one of these keys is pressed, the standard event filter function returns TRUE to ModalDialog, which in turn causes Alert, StopAlert, CautionAlert, and NoteAlert to return the item number of the default button. When you write your own event filter function, it should emulate the standard filter function by responding in this way to keyboard events involving the Return and Enter keys.

For events inside the alert box, ModalDialog passes the event to an event filter function before handling the event. The event filter function provides a secondary event-handling loop for handling events that ModalDialog doesn't handle and for overriding events that ModalDialog would otherwise handle. You should provide a simple event filter function for every alert box and modal dialog box in your application.

You specify a pointer to your event filter function in the second parameter to the Alert, StopAlert, CautionAlert, and NoteAlert functions. In the MyCloseDocument routine shown on page 6-47, a pointer to the MyEventFilter function is specified. In most cases, you can use the same event filter function in every one of your alert and modal dialog boxes. An example of a simple event filter function that allows background applications to receive update events and performs the other necessary event handling is provided in "Writing an Event Filter Function for Alert and Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-79.

Unless your event filter function handles the event in its own way and returns TRUE, ModalDialog handles the event inside the alert box as follows:

Responding to Events in Modal Dialog Boxes

Call the ModalDialog procedure immediately after displaying a modal dialog box.
This procedure repeatedly handles events inside the modal dialog box until an event involving an enabled item--such as a click in a radio button--occurs. If the event is a mouse-down event outside the content region of the dialog box, ModalDialog emits the system alert sound and gets the next event. After receiving an event involving an enabled item, ModalDialog returns the item number. Normally you then do whatever is appropriate in response to an event in that item. Your application should continue calling ModalDialog until the user selects the OK or Cancel button, at which point your application should close the dialog box.

For example, if the user clicks a radio button, your application should get the value
of that button, turn off any other selected radio button within its group, and call ModalDialog again to get the next event. If the user clicks the Cancel button, your application should restore the user's work to its state just before the user invoked the dialog box, and then your application should remove the dialog box from the screen.

Do not use ModalDialog for modeless or movable modal
dialog boxes.
The code that supports the modal dialog box shown in Figure 6-40 must respond to events in four controls: two checkboxes and two buttons.

Figure 6-40 Four items for which ModalDialog reports events

Listing 6-26 illustrates an application-defined routine, MySpellCheckDialog, that responds to events in these four controls.

Listing 6-26 Responding to events in a modal dialog box

FUNCTION MySpellCheckDialog: OSErr;
   docWindow:           WindowPtr;
   ignoreCapsCheck:     Boolean;
   ignoreSlangCheck:    Boolean;
   spellDialog:         DialogPtr;
   itemHit, itemType:   Integer;
   itemHandle:          Handle;
   itemRect:            Rect;
   capsVal:             Integer;
   slangVal:            Integer;
   event:               EventRecord;
   capsVal := 0;
   slangVal := 0;
   ignoreCapsCheck := FALSE;
   ignoreSlangCheck := FALSE;
   MySpellCheckDialog := kSuccess;{assume success}
   docWindow := FrontWindow;     {get front window}
   IF docWindow <> NIL THEN
      DoActivate(docWindow, FALSE, event);   {deactivate document window}
   spellDialog := GetNewDialog(kSpellCheckID, NIL, Pointer(-1));
   IF spellDialog = NIL THEN
      MySpellCheckDialog := kFailed;
   MyAdjustMenus;             {adjust menus as needed}
   GetDialogItem(spellDialog, kUserItem, itemType, itemHandle, itemRect);
   SetDialogItem(spellDialog, kUserItem, itemType,  
                 Handle(@MyDrawDefaultButtonOutline), itemRect);
   ShowWindow(spellDialog);   {show dialog box with default button outlined}
      ModalDialog(@MyEventFilter, itemHit);  {get events}
      IF itemHit = kAllCaps THEN    {user clicked Ignore Words in All Caps}
         {get the control handle to the checkbox}
         GetDialogItem(spellDialog, kAllCaps, itemType, itemHandle, 
         {get the last value of the checkbox}
         capsVal := GetControlValue(ControlHandle(itemHandle));
         {toggle the value of the checkbox}
         capsVal := 1 - capsVal;
         {set the checkbox to the new value}
         SetControlValue(ControlHandle(itemHandle), capsVal);
      IF itemHit = kSlang THEN   {user clicked Ignore Slang Terms}
         {get checkbox's handle, get its value, toggle it, then reset it}
         GetDialogItem(spellDialog, kSlang, itemType, itemHandle, itemRect);
         slangVal := GetControlValue(ControlHandle(itemHandle));
         slangVal := 1 - slangVal;
         SetControlValue(ControlHandle(itemHandle), slangVal);
   UNTIL ((itemHit = kSpellCheck) OR (itemHit = kCancel));
   DisposeDialog(spellDialog);      {close the dialog box}
   IF itemHit = kSpellCheck THEN    {user clicked Spell Check button}
      IF capsVal = 1 THEN           {user wants to ignore all caps}
         ignoreCapsCheck := TRUE;
      IF slangVal = 1 THEN          {user wants to ignore slang}
         ignoreSlangCheck := TRUE;

      {now start the spell check}
      SpellCheckMyDoc(ignoreCapsCheck, ignoreSlangcheck);
The MySpellCheckDialog routine calls ModalDialog immediately after using GetNewDialog to create and display the dialog box. The MySpellCheckDialog routine repeatedly responds to events in the two checkboxes until the user clicks either the Spell Check or the Cancel button. When the user clicks either of the checkboxes (which are the third and fourth items in the item list resource), MySpellCheckDialog uses the GetDialogItem procedure to get a handle to the checkbox. The MySpellCheckDialog routine coerces this handle to a control handle and passes
it to the Control Manager function GetControlValue to get the last value of the control (1 if the checkbox was selected or 0 if it was unselected). Subtracting this
value from 1, MySpellCheckDialog derives a new value for the control. Then MySpellCheckDialog passes this value to the Control Manager procedure SetControlValue to set the new value. The Control Manager responds by drawing
an X in the box if the value of the control is 1 or removing the X if the value of the
control is 0.

As soon as the user clicks the Spell Check or Cancel button (which are the first and second items in the item list resource), MySpellCheckDialog stops responding to events in the checkboxes. This routine uses the DisposeDialog procedure (which is explained in "Closing Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-93) to remove the dialog box. If the user clicks the Cancel button, MySpellCheckDialog does no further processing of the information in the dialog box. If, however, the user clicks the Spell Check button, MySpellCheckDialog calls another application-defined routine, SpellCheckMyDoc, to check the document for spelling errors according to the preferences that the user communicated in the checkboxes.

For events inside the dialog box, ModalDialog passes the event to an event filter function before handling the event. In this example, the application specifies a pointer to its own event filter function, MyEventFilter. As described in the next section, your application should provide an event filter function. You can use the same event filter function in most or all of your alert and modal dialog boxes.

Unless your event filter function handles the event and returns TRUE, ModalDialog handles the event as follows:

Writing an Event Filter Function for Alert and Modal Dialog Boxes

For alert and modal dialog boxes, the Dialog Manager provides a standard event filter function that checks whether the user has pressed the Enter or Return key and, if so, returns the item number of the default button. In early versions of Macintosh system software, when a single application controlled the computer, the standard event filter function for alert boxes and most modal dialog boxes was usually sufficient. However, because the standard event filter function does not permit background applications to receive or respond to update events, it is no longer sufficient.

Thus, your application should provide a simple event filter function that performs these functions and also allows inactive windows to receive update events. You can use the same event filter function in most or all of your alert and modal dialog boxes.

You can also use your event filter function to handle other events that ModalDialog doesn't handle--such as the Command-period key-down event, disk-inserted events, keyboard equivalents, and mouse-down events (if necessary) for application-defined items that you provide.

For example, the standard event filter function ignores key-down events for the Command key. When your application allows the user to access your menus after you display a dialog box, your event filter function should handle keyboard equivalents for menu commands and return TRUE.

At a minimum, your event filter function should perform the following tasks:

You can also use the event filter function to test for and respond to keyboard equivalents and more complex events--for instance, the user dragging the cursor in an application- defined item. For example, if you provide an application-defined item that requires you to measure how long the user holds down the mouse button or how far the user drags the cursor, use the event filter function to handle events inside that item.

If it seems that you will spend time replicating much of your primary event loop in this event filter function, you might consider handling all the events in your main event loop instead of using the Dialog Manager's Alert, NoteAlert, StopAlert, and CautionAlert functions or ModalDialog procedure.

Your own event filter function should have three parameters and return a Boolean value. For example, this is how to declare an event filter function named MyEventFilter:

FUNCTION MyEventFilter (theDialog: DialogPtr; 
                        VAR theEvent: EventRecord;
                        VAR itemHit: Integer): Boolean;
After receiving an event that it does not handle, your function should return FALSE. When your function returns FALSE, ModalDialog handles the event, which you pass
in the parameter theEvent. (Your function can also change the event to simulate a different event and return FALSE, which passes the altered event to the Dialog Manager for handling.) If your function does handle the event, your function should return TRUE as a function result and, in the itemHit parameter, the number of the item that it handled. The ModalDialog procedure and, in turn, the Alert, NoteAlert, StopAlert, and CautionAlert functions then return this item number in their own itemHit parameter.

Because ModalDialog calls the GetNextEvent function with a mask that excludes disk-inserted events, your event filter function can call the Event Manager procedure SetSystemEventMask to accept disk-inserted events. See the chapter "Event Manager" in this book for a discussion about handling disk-inserted events.

For alert and modal dialog boxes, the Dialog Manager provides a standard event filter function that checks whether the user has pressed the Enter or Return key and, if so, returns the item number of the default button. Your event filter function should always check whether the Return key or Enter key was pressed and, if so, return the item number of the default button in the itemHit parameter and a function result of TRUE. Your event filter function should also check whether the Esc key was pressed and, if so, return the item number for the Cancel button in the itemHit parameter and a function result of TRUE. Your event filter function should also respond to the Command-period key-down event as if the user had clicked the Cancel button.

To give visual feedback indicating which item has been selected, you should invert buttons that are activated by keyboard equivalents for all alert and dialog boxes. A
good rule of thumb is to invert a button for 8 ticks, long enough to be noticeable but
not so long as to be annoying. The Control Manager performs this action whenever
a user clicks a button, and your application should do this whenever a user presses the keyboard equivalent of a button click.

For modal dialog boxes that contain editable text items, your application should handle menu bar access to allow use of your Edit menu and its Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, and Undo commands, as explained in "Adjusting Menus for Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-61. Your event filter function should then test for and handle mouse-down events in the menu bar and key-down events for keyboard equivalents of Edit menu commands. Your application should respond to users' choices from the Edit menu by using the procedures DialogCut, DialogCopy, DialogPaste, and DialogDelete to support the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear commands.

Listing 6-27 shows MyEventFilter, which begins by handling update events in windows other than the alert or dialog box. (By responding to update events for your application's own inactive windows in this way, you allow ModalDialog to perform
a minor switch when necessary so that background applications can update their windows, too.)

Next, MyEventFilter handles activate events. This event filter function then handles key-down events for the Return and Enter keys as if the user had clicked the default button, and it handles key-down events for the Esc key as if the user had clicked the Cancel button. (See Inside Macintosh: Text for information about character codes for the Return, Enter, and Esc keys.) Your event filter function can then include tests for other events, such as disk-inserted events and keyboard equivalents.

Listing 6-27 A typical event filter function for alert and modal dialog boxes

FUNCTION MyEventFilter(theDialog: DialogPtr;
                        VAR theEvent: EventRecord;
                        VAR itemHit: Integer): Boolean;
   key:        Char;
   itemType:   Integer;
   itemHandle: Handle;
   itemRect:   Rect;
   finalTicks: LongInt;
   MyEventFilter := FALSE; {assume Dialog Mgr will handle it}
   IF (theEvent.what = updateEvt) AND
      (WindowPtr(theEvent.message) <> theDialog) THEN
      DoUpdate(WindowPtr(theEvent.message))  {update the window behind}
   ELSE IF (theEvent.what = activateEvt) AND (WindowPtr(theEvent.message)
            <> theDialog) THEN
                   (BAnd(theEvent.modifiers, activeFlag) <> 0), theEvent)
      CASE theEvent.what OF
         keyDown, autoKey:    {user pressed a key}
            key := Char(BAnd(theEvent.message, charCodeMask));
            IF (key = Char(kReturnKey)) OR (key = Char(kEnterKey)) THEN
            BEGIN    {respond as if user clicked Spell Check}
               GetDialogItem(theDialog, kSpellCheck, itemType, itemHandle, 
                     {invert the Spell Check button for user feedback}
               HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), inButton);
               Delay(kVisualDelay, finalTicks); {invert button for 8 ticks}
               HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), 0);
               myEventFilter := TRUE;  {event's being handled}
               itemHit := kSpellCheck; {return the default button}
            IF (key = Char(kEscapeKey)) OR   {user pressed Esc key}
               (Boolean(BAnd(theEvent.modifiers, cmdKey)) AND
               (key = Char(kPeriodKey))) THEN   {user pressed Cmd-pd}
            BEGIN    {handle as if user clicked Cancel}
               GetDialogItem(theDialog, kCancel, itemType, itemHandle, 
                     {invert the Cancel button for user feedback}
               HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), inButton);
               Delay(kVisualDelay, finalTicks); {invert button for 8 ticks}
               HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), 0);
               MyEventFilter := TRUE;  {event's being handled}
               itemHit := kCancel;  {return the Cancel button}
            END;  {of Cancel}
            {handle any other keyboard equivalents here}
         END;  {of keydown, autokey}
         {handle disk-inserted and other events here, as needed}
      END;  {of CASE}
To use this event filter function for an alert box, the application specifies a pointer to MyEventFilter when it calls one of the Alert functions, as shown in Listing 6-19 on page 6-59. To use this event filter function for a modal dialog box, the application specifies a pointer to MyEventFilter when it calls ModalDialog, as shown in
Listing 6-26 on page 6-76.

Responding to Mouse Events in Modeless and
Movable Modal Dialog Boxes

To handle events in modeless and movable modal dialog boxes, you can use the IsDialogEvent function to determine when events occur while a dialog box is the frontmost window. For such events, you can then use the DialogSelect function to handle key-down events in editable text items automatically, to handle update and activate events automatically, and to report the enabled items that the user clicks. You must also use additional Toolbox routines to handle other types of keyboard events and other events in the dialog box.

The IsDialogEvent and DialogSelect functions are unreliable when running in versions of system software previous to System 7.
Alternatively, and probably most efficiently, your application can respond to events in modeless and movable modal dialog boxes by first determining the type of event that occurred and then taking the appropriate action according to which type of window is
in front. If a modeless or movable modal dialog box is in front, you can provide code
that takes any actions specific to that dialog box. You can then use the DialogSelect function instead of the Control Manager functions FindControl and TrackControl to handle mouse events in your dialog boxes. The DialogSelect function also handles update events, activate events, and events in editable text items. (If your modeless or movable modal dialog box contains editable text items, you should call DialogSelect during null events to cause the text cursor to blink.)

If you choose to determine whether events involve movable modal or modeless dialog boxes without the aid of the IsDialogEvent function, your application should be prepared to handle the following mouse events:

Figure 6-41 shows a simple modeless dialog box with editable text items.

Listing 6-28 illustrates an application-defined procedure that handles mouse-down events for all windows, including the modeless dialog box shown in Figure 6-41.

Figure 6-41 A modeless dialog box for which DialogSelect reports events

Listing 6-28 Handling mouse-down events for all windows

PROCEDURE DoMouseDown (event: EventRecord);  
   part:             Integer;   
   thisWindow:       WindowPtr; 
   {find general location of the cursor at the time of mouse-down event}
   part := FindWindow(event.where, thisWindow);
   CASE part OF   {take action based on the cursor location}
   inMenuBar: ;   {cursor in menu bar; respond with Menu Manager routines}
   inSysWindow: ; {cursor in a DA; use SystemClick here}
   inContent:     {cursor in the content area of one of this app's windows}    
      IF thisWindow <> FrontWindow THEN 
      BEGIN {mouse-down in a window other than the front }
            { window--make the clicked window the front window, }
            { unless the front window is a movable modal dialog box}
         IF MyIsMovableModal(FrontWindow) THEN
            SysBeep(30)    {emit system alert sound}
      ELSE  {mouse-down in the content area of front window} 
         DoContentClick(thisWindow, event);
   inDrag:                 {handle mouse-down in drag area}    
      IF (thisWindow <> FrontWindow) AND (MyIsMovableModal(FrontWindow)) 
         SysBeep(30)    {emit system alert sound}
        DragWindow(thisWindow, event.where, GetGrayRgn^^.rgnBBox);
   inGrow: ;            {handle mouse-down in zoom box here}    
   inGoAway:            {handle mouse-down in close box here}
      IF TrackGoAway(thisWindow, event.where) THEN 
   inZoomIn, inZoomOut: ;  {handle zoom box region for standard windows}
   END;     {end of CASE}
END;  {of DoMouseDown}
The DoMouseDown routine first uses the Window Manager function FindWindow to determine approximately where the cursor is when the mouse button is pressed. When the user presses the mouse button while the cursor is in the content area of a window, DoMouseDown first checks whether the mouse-down event occurs in the currently active window by comparing the window pointer returned by FindWindow with that returned by the Window Manager function FrontWindow.

When the mouse-down event occurs in an inactive window, DoMouseDown uses another application-defined routine, MyIsMovableModal, to check whether the active window is a movable modal dialog box. If so, DoMouseDown plays the system alert sound. Otherwise, DoMouseDown uses the Window Manager procedure SelectWindow
to make the selected window active. (Although not illustrated in this book, the MyIsMovableModal routine uses the Window Manager function GetWVariant to determine whether the variation code for the front window is movableDBoxProc. If so, MyIsMovableModal returns TRUE.) See the chapter "Window Manager" in this book for more information about the SelectWindow and GetWVariant routines.

As in this example, you must ensure that the movable dialog box is modal within your application. That is, the user should not be able to switch to another of your application's windows while the movable modal dialog box is active. Instead, your application should emit the system alert sound. Notice as well that when the mouse-down event occurs in the drag region of any window, DoMouseDown checks whether the drag region belongs to an inactive window while a movable modal dialog box is active. If it does, DoMouseDown again plays the system alert sound. (However, by clicking other applica- tions' windows or by selecting other applications from the Application and Apple menus, users should be able to switch your application to the background when you display a movable modal dialog box--an action users cannot perform with fixed- position modal dialog boxes.)

If a user presses the mouse button while the cursor is in the content region of the active window, DoMouseDown calls another application-defined routine, DoContentClick,
to further handle mouse events. Listing 6-29 shows how this routine in turn uses the DialogSelect function to handle the mouse-down event after the application determines that it occurs in the modeless dialog box shown in Figure 6-41 on page 6-83.

Listing 6-29 Using the DialogSelect function for responding to mouse-down events

PROCEDURE DoContentClick (thisWindow: windowPtr; event: EventRecord);
   itemHit:    Integer;
   refCon:     Integer;
   windowType := MyGetWindowType(thisWindow);
   CASE windowType OF
      kMyDocWindow: ;
         {handle clicks in document window here; see the chapter "Control }
         { Manager" for sample code for this case}
      kGlobalChangesID:    {user clicked Global Changes dialog box}
            IF DialogSelect(event, DialogPtr(thisWindow), itemHit) THEN
               IF itemHit = kChange THEN     {user clicked Change}
                  ;  {use GetDialogItem and GetDialogItemText to get }
                     { the text strings and replace one string with the }
                     { other here}
               IF itemHit = kStop THEN    {user clicked Stop}
                  ;  {stop making changes here}
         END; {of CASE for kGlobalChangesID}
      {handle other window types here}
   END;  {of CASE}
In this example, when the user clicks the Change button, DialogSelect returns its item number. Within the user's document, the application then performs a global search and replace. (Listing 6-12 on page 6-49 illustrates how an application can use the GetDialogItem and GetDialogItemText procedures for this purpose.) Generally, only controls should be enabled in a dialog box; therefore, your application normally responds only when DialogSelect returns TRUE after the user clicks an enabled control. For example, if the event is an activate or update event for a dialog box, DialogSelect activates or updates it and returns FALSE, so your application does not need to respond to the event.

At this point, you may also want to check for and respond to any special events that you do not wish to pass to DialogSelect or that require special processing before you pass them to DialogSelect. You would need to do this, for example, if the dialog box needs to respond to disk-inserted events.

When DialogSelect calls TrackControl, it does not allow you to specify any action procedures necessary for a more complex control--
for example, a control that measures how long the user holds down
the mouse button or one that measures how far the user has moved
an indicator. For instances like this, you can create a picture or an application-defined item that draws a control-like object; you must then test for and respond to those events yourself before passing events to DialogSelect. Or, you can use the Control Manager functions FindControl and TrackControl to process the mouse events inside the controls of your dialog box.
Listing 6-28 on page 6-84 calls one of its application-defined routines, DoCloseCmd, whenever the user clicks the close box of the active window. If the active window is a modeless dialog box, you might find it more efficient to hide the window rather than remove its data structures. Listing 6-30 shows how you can use the Window Manager routine HideWindow to hide the Global Changes modeless dialog box when the user clicks its close box. The next time the user chooses the Global Changes command, the dialog box is already available, in the same location and with the same text selected as when it was last used. (Listing 6-20 on page 6-60 illustrates how first to create and later redisplay this modeless dialog box.)

Listing 6-30 Hiding a modeless dialog box in response to a Close command

   myWindow: WindowPtr;
   myData: MyDocRecHnd;
   windowType: Integer;
   myWindow := FrontWindow;
   windowType := MyGetWindowType(myWindow);
   CASE windowType OF
            myData := MyDocRecHnd(GetWRefCon(myWindow));
         END;  {of kMyDocWindow case}
   END; {of CASE}

Responding to Keyboard Events in Modeless and
Movable Modal Dialog Boxes

If you adopt the previously described strategy of determining--without the aid of the IsDialogEvent function--whether events involve movable modal or modeless dialog boxes, your application should be prepared to handle the following keyboard events:

Listing 6-31 illustrates how an application can check for keyboard equivalents whenever it receives key-down events. If the user holds down the Command key while pressing another key, the application calls another of its application-defined procedures, DoMenuCommand, which handles keyboard equivalents for menu commands. See the chapter "Menu Manager" in this book for an example of a DoMenuCommand procedure. Remember that when a movable modal dialog box or a modeless dialog box is active, your application should adjust the menus appropriately, and use the procedures DialogCut, DialogCopy, DialogPaste, and DialogDelete to support the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear commands in editable text items.

Listing 6-31 Checking for key-down events involving the Command key

PROCEDURE DoKeyDown (event: EventRecord);
   key:  Char;
   key := CHR(BAnd(event.message, charCodeMask));
   IF BAnd(event.modifiers, cmdKey) <> 0 THEN
   BEGIN                      {Command key down}
      IF event.what = keyDown THEN
         MyAdjustMenus;             {adjust the menus as needed}
         DoMenuCommand(MenuKey(key));  {handle the menu command}
After determining that a key-down event does not involve a keyboard equivalent, Listing 6-31 calls another of its own routines, MyHandleKeyDown, which is shown
in Listing 6-32.

Listing 6-32 Checking for key-down events in a modeless dialog box

PROCEDURE MyHandleKeyDown (event: EventRecord);
   window:        WindowPtr;
   windowType:    Integer;
   window := FrontWindow;
   {determine the type of window--document, modeless, etc.}

   windowType := MyGetWindowType(window);
   IF windowType = kMyDocWindow THEN   {key-down in doc window}
   BEGIN    {handle keystrokes in document window here}
   ELSE     {key-down in modeless dialog box}
      MyHandleKeyDownInModeless(event, windowType);
The MyHandleKeyDown routine determines what type of window is active when
the user presses a key. If a modeless dialog box is the frontmost window, MyHandleKeyDown automatically calls another application-defined routine, MyHandleKeyDownInModeless, to respond to key-down events in modeless dialog boxes. The MyHandleKeyDownInModeless routine is shown in Listing 6-33.

Listing 6-33 Responding to key-down events in a modeless dialog box

PROCEDURE MyHandleKeyDownInModeless(event: EventRecord; windowType: Integer);
   key:        Char;
   itemType:   Integer;
   itemHandle: Handle;
   itemRect:   Rect;
   finalTicks: LongInt;
   handled:    Boolean;
   item:       Integer;
   theDialog:  DialogPtr;
   handled := FALSE;
   theDialog := FrontWindow;
   CASE windowType OF
      kGlobalChangesID:    {key-down in Global Changes dialog box}
         key := Char(BAnd(event.message, charCodeMask));
         IF (key = Char(kReturnKey)) OR (key = Char(kEnterKey)) THEN
         BEGIN    {respond as if user clicked Change}
            GetDialogItem(theDialog, kChange, itemType, itemHandle, 
                  {invert the Change button for 8 ticks for user feedback}
            HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), inButton);
            Delay(kVisualDelay, finalTicks);
            HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), 0);
               {use GetDialogItem and GetDialogItemText to get the text }
               { strings and replace one string with the other here}
            handled := TRUE;  {event's been handled}
         IF (key = Char(kEscapeKey)) OR   {user pressed Esc key}
            (Boolean(BAnd(event.modifiers, cmdKey)) AND
               (key = Char(kPeriodKey))) THEN   {user typed Cmd-pd}
         BEGIN    {handle as if user clicked Stop}
            GetDialogItem(theDialog, kStop, itemType, itemHandle, 
                  {invert the Stop button for 8 ticks for user feedback}
            HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), inButton);
            Delay(kVisualDelay, finalTicks);
            HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), 0);
               {cancel the current operation here}
            handled := TRUE;  {event's been handled}
         IF NOT handled THEN  {let DialogSelect handle keydown events in }
                              { editable text items}
            handled := DialogSelect(event, theDialog, item);
      END;  {of case kGlobalChangesID}
   {handle other modeless and movable modal dialog boxes here}
   END;  {of CASE}
When MyHandleKeyDownInModeless determines that the front window is the Global Changes modeless dialog box, it checks whether the user pressed Return or Enter. If so, MyHandleKeyDownInModeless responds as if the user had clicked the default button: Change. The MyHandleKeyDownInModeless routine uses the Control Manager procedure HiliteControl to highlight the Change button for 8 ticks. (Listing 6-27 on page 6-81 illustrates how to use HiliteControl to highlight the button from within a modal dialog box's event filter function.)

When the user presses Esc or Command-period, MyHandleKeyDownInModeless responds as if the user had clicked the Cancel button.

Finally, MyHandleKeyDownInModeless uses the DialogSelect function, which in turn calls TextEdit to handle keystrokes within editable text items.

Responding to Activate and Update Events in Modeless and Movable Modal Dialog Boxes

If you adopt the previously described strategy of determining--without the aid of the IsDialogEvent function--whether events involve movable modal or modeless dialog boxes, your application should be prepared to handle activate and update events for both movable modal and modeless dialog boxes. You can use DialogSelect to assist you in handling activate and update events. For faster performance, you may instead want to use the UpdateDialog function when handling update events. Both DialogSelect and UpdateDialog use the QuickDraw procedure SetPort to make the dialog box the current graphics port before redrawing or updating it.

You should use the Control Manager procedure HiliteControl to make the buttons and other controls inactive in a modeless or movable modal dialog box when you deactivate it. The HiliteControl procedure dims inactive buttons, radio buttons, checkboxes, and pop-up menus to indicate to the user that clicking these items has no effect while the dialog box is in the background. When you activate a modeless or movable modal dialog box again, you should use HiliteControl to make the controls active again.

The application-defined DoActivateGlobalChangesDialog routine shown in Listing 6-34 illustrates how to use HiliteControl to make the Change button active when activating a modeless dialog box and how to make the Change and Stop buttons inactive when deactivating the dialog box.

Listing 6-34 Activating a modeless dialog box

PROCEDURE DoActivateGlobalChangesDialog (window: WindowPtr;
                                         event: EventRecord);
   activate:   Boolean;
   handled:    Boolean;
   item:       Integer;
   itemType:   Integer;
   itemHandle: Handle;
   itemRect:   Rect;
   MyCheckEvent(event); {get a valid event record to pass to DialogSelect}
   activate := (BAnd(event.modifiers, activeFlag) <> 0);
   IF activate THEN     {activate the modeless dialog box}
      {highlight editable text}
      SelectDialogItemText(window, kFindText, 0, 32767);
      {make the Change button active (make the Stop button active }
      { only during a change operation)}
      GetDialogItem(DialogPtr(window), kChange, itemType, itemHandle,
      HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), 0); {make Change active}
      {draw a bold outline around the newly activated Change button}
      MyDrawDefaultButtonOutline(DialogPtr(window), kChange);
   ELSE     {dim the Change and Stop buttons for a deactivate dialog box}
      GetDialogItem(DialogPtr(window), kChange, itemType, itemHandle,
      HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), 255);  {dim Change button}
      {draw a gray outline around the newly dimmed Change button}
      MyDrawDefaultButtonOutline(DialogPtr(window), kChange);
      GetDialogItem(DialogPtr(window), kStop, itemType, itemHandle,
      HiliteControl(ControlHandle(itemHandle), 255);  {dim Stop button}
   {let Dialog Manager handle activate events}
   handled := DialogSelect(event, window, item);
   MyAdjustMenus;    {adjust the menus appropriately}
The DoActivateGlobalChangesDialog routine uses DialogSelect to handle activate events in the modeless dialog box. In response to an activate event, DialogSelect handles the event and returns FALSE. The DialogSelect function sets the current graphics port to the modeless dialog box whenever the user makes it active.

Because DialogSelect expects three parameters, one of which must be an event record, DoActivateGlobalChangesDialog uses the application-defined routine MyCheckEvent to verify that the event is a valid event. If it's not, MyCheckEvent creates and returns a valid event record for an activate event.

Because DialogSelect doesn't call any draw procedures for items in response to activate events, DoActivateGlobalChangesDialog calls the application-defined draw routine MyDrawDefaultButtonOutline to draw either a black outline around the default button when activating the dialog box or a gray outline when deactivating it. The MyDrawDefaultButtonOutline routine is shown in Listing 6-17 on page 6-59.

Because users can switch out of your application when you display a movable modal dialog box, your application must handle activate events for it, too.

You can also use DialogSelect to handle update events. In response to an update event, DialogSelect calls the Window Manager procedure BeginUpdate, the Dialog Manager procedure DrawDialog to redraw the entire dialog box, and then the Window Manager procedure EndUpdate. However, a faster way to update the dialog box is to use the UpdateDialog procedure, which redraws only the update region of a dialog box. As shown in Listing 6-35, you should call BeginUpdate before using UpdateDialog, and then call EndUpdate.

Listing 6-35 Updating a modeless dialog box

PROCEDURE DoUpdate (window: WindowPtr);
      windowType: Integer;
   windowType := MyGetWindowType(window);
   CASE windowType OF
         ;  {update document windows here}
            UpdateDialog(window, window^.visRgn);
      {handle cases for other window types here}
   END; {of CASE}

Closing Dialog Boxes

When you no longer need a dialog box, you can dispose of it by using either the CloseDialog procedure if you allocated the memory for the dialog box or the DisposeDialog procedure if you did not. Or, you can merely make it invisible by using the Window Manager procedure HideWindow.

Generally, your application should not allocate memory for modal dialog boxes or movable modal dialog boxes, but it should allocate memory for modeless dialog boxes. Under these circumstances, your application should use DisposeDialog to dispose
of either a fixed or movable modal dialog box when the user clicks the OK or Cancel button, and it should use CloseDialog to dispose of a modeless dialog box when the user clicks the close box or chooses Close from the File menu.

You do not close alert boxes; the Dialog Manager does that for you automatically by calling the DisposeDialog procedure after the user responds to the alert box by clicking any enabled button.

The CloseDialog procedure removes a dialog box from the screen and deletes it from the window list. It also releases the memory occupied by

The CloseDialog procedure does not dispose of the dialog record or the item list resource. Unlike GetNewDialog, NewDialog does not use a copy of the item list resource. So, if you create a dialog box with NewDialog, you may want to use CloseDialog to keep the item list resource in memory even if you didn't supply a pointer to the memory.

The DisposeDialog procedure calls CloseDialog and, in addition, releases the memory occupied by the dialog's item list resource and the dialog record. If you passed NIL as a parameter to GetNewDialog or NewDialog to let the Dialog Manager allocate memory in the heap, call DisposeDialog when you're done with a dialog box.

For modeless and movable modal dialog boxes, you might find it more efficient to hide the dialog box rather than remove its data structures. Listing 6-30 on page 6-87 uses the Window Manager routine HideWindow to hide the Global Changes modeless dialog box

when the user clicks its close box. The next time the user invokes the Global Changes command, the dialog box is already available, in the same location and with the same text selected as when it was last used.

If you adjust the menus when you display a dialog box, be sure to return them to an appropriate state when you close the dialog box, as described in "Adjusting Menus for Modal Dialog Boxes" beginning on page 6-68 and "Adjusting Menus for Movable Modal and Modeless Dialog Boxes" on page 6-73.

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11 JUL 1996