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Inside Macintosh: Mac OS Runtime Architectures /
Appendix B - The RTLib.o and NuRTLib.o Libraries / Runtime Operations

kRTLoadSegbyNum and kRTLoadSegbyNumA5

This operation (available only for CFM-68K) allows you to explicitly load a segment by segment number. kRTLoadSegbyNum assumes the current A5 world, while kRTLoadSegbyNumA5 lets you specify one in the fA5 field of the RTPB structure (page B-2).

No user vectors are called while attempting to load the segment. If for any reason the segment cannot be loaded, the operation returns OSErr.

The fRTParams structure (page B-2) used with these operations is as follows:

struct RTLoadSegbyNumParam{
   short fSegNumber;
typedef struct RTLoadSegbyNumParam RTLoadSegbyNumParam;
The fSegNumber field holds the specified segment number. If there is insufficient memory to load the segment, the GetResource call returns a Memory Manager error. If fSegNumber is not a valid segment number, GetResource also returns an error.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
11 MARCH 1997