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Legacy Document
Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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The Apple Media Tool and Apple Media Tool Programming Environment products have been discontinued. For more information check out: AMT/PE Discontinued. Q: I'm working on a project that requires the user to make selections on Screen1, then travel to Screen2. But I need AMTPE to "remember" the selections the user made on Screen1. Upon returning to Screen1 from Screen2, the selections initially made on Screen1 must show, for example, that the user moved an object from the default coordinates(100,100) to (150,150). How do I store the new Object Coordinates and have the Object recall the new coordinates instead of the default coordinates when you return to this screen? Screen1 code looks like this:
When I leave Screen1, then return the object, A: After you use