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Legacy Document
Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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The Apple Media Tool and Apple Media Tool Programming Environment products have been discontinued. For more information check out: AMT/PE Discontinued. Q: What is the status of AMT/PE and QuickTime compatibility under Windows 95? A: Aside from some technical issues that are still being resolved (16-bit drivers for MoviePlayer, etc.), Apple and Microsoft are working together to meet the challenge of compatibility. We are currently finishing a 32-bit version of QuickTime for Windows that we expect to include in our next release. The current release of AMT/AMTPE generates titles that run under Win '95. The next release will include a 32-bit version of the runtime. If you want to add additional C code, you should probably upgrade to Microsoft Visual C++ 2.1 so you can compile it in the new "flat" model. |