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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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Q: I'm using
The source profile is a typical monitor profile, and the destination profile
(for the gamut check) has the data-color space of CMY and the Do you have any idea what would cause this problem? Also, does the leftmost bit of byte 0 contain the gamut for the first pixel of the source image? Please elaborate on the format of the result image? A: It could be that you are incorrectly allocating the bitmaps or misinterpreting the result bitmap. You are correct that the high-bit of byte 0 of the bitmap-image data contains the gamut for the first pixel of the source image, because the pixelSize of the result bitmap is 1.
If neither of the above are causing the problem, there may be something strange
about your profile's gamut tags. To confirm this, try using the |