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Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
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Q: Does the Macintosh provide support for synchronous SCSI operation? A: The term "Synchronous SCSI" is often confused with invoking the SCSI Manager
synchronously. "Invoking the SCSI Manager asynchronously" is a reference to how
the SCSI manager and MacOS interact. If you set the The framers of the SCSI specification intended that synchronous mode be used to improve performance over long cables. In synchronous mode, the sending device is permitted to send the next byte without receiving acknowledgment that the receiving device actually received the last byte. The acknowledgment has to come back at some point, but the sender doesn't have to wait for it. This mode is commonly used for highly buffered disk controllers. Before deciding whether to use synchronous SCSI, there are a few things you should know: