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Determining volume size

Q: I have an application that needs to report a disk's size and total free space available. How do I ensure that I get the correct information on all systems?

A: The answer to getting the correct volume size depends on what version of the Mac OS you are running and what calls are implemented for finding the volume size.

If all you want is a call that "does the right thing" then look no further than MoreFiles' XGetVInfo function. If, however, you would like an explanation of what to do for all of the cases, then read on.

There are three ways of getting this information:

  • Call PBXGetVolInfo;
  • Walk the Volume Control Block (VCB) list; or
  • Call PBHGetVInfo.

You can determine the best method by calling Gestalt with the gestaltFSAttr selector, and checking the gestaltFSSupports4GBVols and gestaltFSSupports2TBVols bits.


If the gestaltFSSupports2TBVols bit is set, then you should call PBXGetVolInfo. PBXGetVolInfo is backwardly compatible with small volumes, and works for all volumes sizes currently supported by the Mac OS.

If you are writing PowerPC code, Q&A FL07 has the needed glue code to call PBXGetVolInfo from PowerPC code.

The PBXGetVolInfo call works almost exactly as PBHGetVInfo. However, it uses a XVolumeParam structure, rather than a HVolumeParam structure. The two structures are the same, except that the XVolumeParam structure has two additional fields to contain the extra information needed to return information about volumes larger than 2 GB, and it uses a previously unused field in the HVolumeParam structure. The filler2 field in HVolumeParam is the ioXVersion field in the XVolumeParam structure (make sure you set it to 0 for this version of PBXGetVolInfo). The extra fields in the XVolumeParam structure are:

UnsignedWide ioVTotalBytes; /* total number of bytes on volume */
UnsignedWide ioVFreeBytes; /* number of free bytes on volume */

If you care about the number of allocation blocks, you will have to calculate that value yourself because ioVNmAlBlks is still an unsigned short in the XVolumeParam structure. An HFS+ volume can have a many more than 65535 allocation blocks, so this value can be wrong. By using ioVTotalBytes and ioVAlBlkSiz you can calculate the correct number of allocation blocks (ioVTotalBytes/ioVAlBlkSiz = allocation block size).

Volume Control Blocks

If the gestaltFSSupports2TBVols bit is not set, but the gestaltFSSupports4GBVols bit is set, then you will want to walk the VCB list to get the correct information.

System 7.5 introduced support for volumes larger than 2 GB, up to a maximum of 4 GB. However, PBHGetVInfo does not report volume sizes larger than 2 GB. For compatibility reasons, the System 7.5 PBHGetVInfo call was changed to pin the number of allocation blocks and free allocation blocks reported so as to always be 2 GB or less. This change was made because a significant number of programs use signed math to determine the volume size and free space. They do not work if the real values are returned.

For example, if the allocation block size is 0xFE00 (the largest possible under System 7.5), the total number of allocation blocks and number of free allocation blocks is pinned to 0x8102.

The volume's VCB still contains the real values, so code that needs the real values can still get to them via the VCB directly.

See the DTS sample code MoreFiles for a routine (HGetVInfo) that shows how to access the VCB to get the actual number of allocation blocks.


The last option should be used only if you are running on a Macintosh where Gestalt returns that neither the gestaltFSSupports4GBVols bit nor the gestaltFSSupports2TBVols bit is set. In this case, call PBHGetVInfo to get the volume information. This is the most basic way of determining a volume size, and this method works on all Macintoshes with HFS support and on all volumes (though it does not return the correct information for volumes greater than 2 GB in size).

[Sep 14 1998]