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Legacy Document
Important: This document is part of the Legacy section of the ADC Reference Library. This information should not be used for new development.
Current information on this Reference Library topic can be found here:
Q: I have a question relating to QuickDraw GX: I'm using the A: Unfortunately, there is no method to tell Type Reunion and other font-menu
extensions like it, to leave your menus alone. They were designed to affect all
applications, and they don't have options. You'll have to remove or turn off
Type Reunion and other font-menu extensions to prevent the types of problems
you're experiencing with your There are no notes or other documentation for the QuickDraw GX library code. This code is provided as "sample code" to help your development and learning processes. Notes relating to the GX libraries are on our list of things to do. However, we can point you towards some documentation on the SDK that may be of some help. There is a document called "QD GX Font HI Guidelines" in the "Documents" folder on the SDK that contains guidelines and ideas for creating GX font menus. |